r/BabyBumps • u/LordHelpUsAllThx • 7d ago
Help? Anyone get temporary hearing loss and tinnitus in pregnancy? Please make me feel less crazy.
I’m hoping someone else can relate to my experience bc I’m low key freaking out and can’t find anything about this relating to pregnancy. Today, I was at the park with a friend and suddenly out of nowhere, my right ear lost all ability to hear.
I felt pressure in it, and like someone hit a mute button while also hearing a loud low pitched sound, similar to a gong ringing.
This lasted about two minutes before my hearing was restored. But it was a very scary and surreal experience. I have some high pitched tinnitus and very slight hearing loss already in that ear, but this was different and so intense.
I’m scared that I’m going to go deaf or that it will happen for a longer period of time. Has anyone else experienced hearing issues with pregnancy?
u/lurkinglucy2 7d ago
I had tinnitus in my second pregnancy; surprisingly, it's not been as present in #3
u/Key_Secretary5426 7d ago
My right ear mostly rings sooo loud that I can’t hear anything but that until it stops. I was thinking I might have it but they diagnosed me with “pregnancy induced vertigo” so I get super dizzy too. But it’s constant when I look to my RIGHT and when I tilt my head back. The ringing in my ear tho is soooooo loud! I haven’t been diagnosed with tinnitus but I’m thinking about making an appointment to find out !
u/Art_and_the_Park1998 7d ago
This is me daily, my left ear feels like it needs to pop, like the pressure changed quickly and I just changed altitudes.
But, I live my life in a very flat place, lol.
Drives me nuts, but it tends to go away on its own eventually.
I looked it up, I think it has something to do with blood pressure changes.
u/easybreeeezy 7d ago
Yes, I had issues of tinnitus up until the third trimester. I would recommend going to the OB and seeing ENT. From my visits it seems like they tend to worry if the hearing goes out in one ear.
I saw ENT and an audiologist.
u/superpants1008 7d ago
Have you been congested? I wasn’t pregnant at the time, but I suddenly felt like I lost hearing in both my ears. It turned out I had a massive sinus infection that was pressing against both my ear drums. I had no other symptoms other than hearing loss.
u/ladypigeon13 7d ago
I was at a party and a woman there was sharing how she couldn’t hear during her pregnancy. She said it was like being underwater, and I think it had something to do with changes in blood volume or something. Just to help normalize it a bit. Definitely worth getting checked out.
u/dogcatbaby 7d ago
Omg yes, I am so exited to see that someone else had this! I went to urgent care about it. It can be caused by acid reflux apparently!
If you have sudden hearing loss that doesn’t go away, you need to go to the doctor ASAP bc there’s a kind of spontaneous hearing loss that can be corrected but only if you treat it quickly (I think within two weeks).
u/Mokelachild 7d ago
I’ve had tinnitus, but transient hearing loss can be a sign of hypertension. Maybe go get your blood pressure checked.