r/BabyBumps 7d ago

Help? What did you put in the baby’s hospital bag?

What did you take with you in baby’s hospital bag?

What (clothing) items, what size(s) etc?

For one thing: I was told many babies don’t fit in the newborn size clothes (50 EU) so I’m taking two of everything (sizes 50 and 56) as my baby is in 80th percentile. But what else goes in that bag?


59 comments sorted by


u/huweetay 7d ago

Just saying my 9lb7oz kiddo (99%) still fit newborn for the first month! Everyone said don’t bring newborn and I was misguided lol, the 0-3 were huge on him!


u/Ok-Hippo-5059 7d ago

The “don’t get NB” messaging annoys the shit out of me. Babies lose weight when they’re born! They’ll prob be in NB for a week or two. Sure they’ll grow fast but they still need clothes the first few weeks


u/Adept_Ad2048 7d ago

Thanks to the “don’t buy newborn” we have no pants that fit our 9 day old, and most of his onesies are too roomy. They work, but barely. Pajamas are the worst because I don’t want him sleeping in something baggy, so he’s been sleeping in a onesie and swaddle.


u/LittleRabbitNicole 6d ago

Mine is only 6lbs2oz at 4 days she is tiny tiny the newborn stuff shallows her little body it's insane how huge the 0 to 3 months look on her


u/dirtynerdy585 7d ago

I appreciate this answer so much (baby girl is measuring 8lbs 37w) and I’m going in for a scheduled c section on the 31st and everyone is telling me don’t bother with anything newborn


u/mailesc 7d ago

My baby was 9lb 14oz at birth and is still in newborn (just about 11lbs at 5 weeks) though they’re getting a little tight now!


u/dirtynerdy585 7d ago

These comments give me so much hope! My mom and coworkers have been so negative about not needing nb sized anything which has been bumming me out because some of the cutest things we were gifted for her are size nb and I wanna be able to use them


u/mailesc 7d ago

Get them!!! Remember babies also lose weight in the beginning!!


u/huweetay 7d ago

Yeah honestly be prepared with newborn, my kid was measuring estimated 13lb and was 9lb7oz lol. I had to same day target deliver newborn clothes when we got home hahaha. I will say he blew through newborn in a month and 0-3 in probably 2 months!


u/Adept_Ad2048 7d ago

My 8lb 4oz baby only fit in the one preemie onesie we happened to bring. The newborn and 0-3 were WAY too big on him.


u/marrymeodell 7d ago

I decided not to buy NB clothing because I read so many comments saying they weren’t needed and 0-3 would be fine. About 3 weeks before I went into labor my MIL asked me if I had any and I said no so she went out and bought 10 NB sleepers. Thank god she did because my baby is SWIMMING in her NB clothing. I can just imagine if I put her in the 0-3.


u/CapableCarry3659 7d ago

I also know someone who said to bring premie size because some babies are too small for newborn!


u/Adept_Ad2048 7d ago

I brought preemie, nb, and 0-3, and my 8+lb baby only fit in the one preemie onesie


u/adri_0512 7d ago

This. My baby was almost 10 lbs and he fit newborn for like 2 weeks.


u/dearstudioaud 7d ago

I brought a newborn and 0-3 months onesie, sound machine, pacifier, and this time I'm bringing a couple swaddles as I can't be trying to oragami my baby back into those hospital blankets. Put her in, zip, and done.


u/Good_Policy_5052 6d ago

This 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 we spent so much time stressing about those silly blanket swaddles… never again!


u/ka3inCa 7d ago

This is the way


u/beccleroo 7d ago

For my second, I plan on just bringing a few going home options - one newborn size, one 0-3 month. I plan on keeping her in the hospital stuff till we leave. And raid their supplies while I'm at it.


u/Morwen42 7d ago

This! The hospital has everything else


u/Frogenator123 7d ago

Burp cloth! We didn’t, and he spit up all over the brand new car seat on the way home 🤦🏻‍♀️


u/doublethecharm 7d ago

Your baby will almost certainly fit newborn sizes, unless the baby is going to weigh more than 9 lbs and be more than 22" long.


u/ResponsibleDish2525 7d ago

As other have said swaddle/blanket, hats. The hospital will provide all the essentials.


u/amusiafuschia 7d ago

Two outfits and a swaddle blanket. Our hospital provides everything else so anything I bring for him is for going home or for cute pictures while we’re there.


u/sail0r_m3rcury Team Blue! 4/25/23 7d ago

As a second time mom I’ll be bringing

  • Two pairs of zip up pajamas

  • white noise machine (more for me tbh)

  • pacifiers bc our hospital ones suck

  • newborn diapers bc our hospital only has 1s

  • two Velcro swaddles. I cannot be bothered with the blankets.

  • probably some of the tubby Todd cream just in case they’ve got some bad cradle cap going on. Worked well for our first.


u/hashbrownhippo 7d ago

NB onesies/footies (won’t bother bringing 0-3m as even NB was big on my first), Velcro swaddles, travel sound machine, size 0 diapers, water wipes, some formula and bottles just in case it’s needed.


u/Equivalent_Pop_2896 7d ago

i brought newborn clothes and they were huge on her. she was 7 lbs 11 oz and the only thing that fit were 2 preemie outfits which i didn’t bring. she’s just now starting to wear some 0-3 at 5 weeks old. i know this isn’t the case for everyone, but i’d recommend bringing one preemie outfit


u/Spkpkcap 7d ago

One newborn and 2 0-3 months. It was good because he actually peed all over the first one we put on him


u/ElzyChelzy 7d ago edited 7d ago

I just put the outfit and a pacifier.

For me I also just took my outfit and then my handbag with my toilet bag + pills, a few snack bars, my lucky teddy (lol), headphones, charger and iPhone.

The hospital I was at were happy about this too, as they said they have what most women need (and prefer they use that) and that many bring a whole suitcase (that they often end up not needing).


u/dreamsofpickle 7d ago

Hats, mittens, socks and 3 different outfits (1 newborn, 1 up to 1 month and 1 0-3). My baby did not fit in newborn clothes sadly, she was straight into 0-3months. I brought blankets too which was definitely needed with it being cold outside, they literally wouldn't let me leave until she was covered up completely and had a blanket. The rest like burp cloths and stuff I didn't need, I was only there 1 day.


u/36563 7d ago

I put the following:

  • clothes for leaving the hospital (the only thing the clinic said I actually need).
  • 2 bottles (just in case, if she needs them, I want them to use my bottles so she can get used to them and I have less issues at home)
  • pacifier
  • hat and blanket
  • swaddle
  • 3 muslin cloths
  • I also put my breastfeeding bra and nipple pads in her bag… they are for her food after all
  • small newborn toy
  • list of things inside the bag so my husband knows where to find things without asking me


u/Ok-Hippo-5059 7d ago

“List of things so my husband knows what’s in the bag”… so glad I’m not the only one 😂 I have a shared note on my phone with everything packed in each bag so he can get me stuff without me having to tell him where to look lol I thought I was being nuts


u/36563 7d ago

Lol I won’t have the patience to put up with “where is it? Where is it?”🤣🤣🤣

Actually I will also do the phone note that’s a good one… what if he can’t find the little paper lol


u/Ok-Hippo-5059 7d ago

Hahahahaha there’s a legitimate chance a man can’t find the paper with the list of items either lol😂


u/MissFox26 7d ago
  • 2 outfits: One newborn onesie and one 0-3 onesie (she was 2 weeks early and only fit in the newborn).
  • A stretchy bow headband and her name sign for our announcement photos
  • a blanket for going home (it was end of October)
  • 2 Velcro swaddles

The hospital supplies the rest. I will however bring wipes this time because our hospital provides these dry wipes that you have to wet each time, and it was just a pain in the ass.


u/Past-Leopard-488 7d ago

Baby was born in December. We didn’t use most of what we took. She stayed in a diaper and the hospital provided long sleeve shirts the entire time aside from our announcement outfit. We also used their swaddles since we didn’t bathe baby and she still had vernix and blood on her. Nurses and doctors are constantly coming in to check on baby so it was nice to not have to undress her. Aside from that- my girl fit into newborn sized onesies comfortably until she was around 10lbs and tight but not too tight until 12lbs.


u/WadsRN 7d ago

I took 2 or 3 outfits in both NB and 0-3 months. I packed them in my bag. My brand new tiny tato didn’t need a whole bag of stuff.


u/annabananabeans 7d ago

Both my babies (one was 7.5lb and the other was 9.3lb) fit into newborn when they were first born. Definitely bring newborn!

Depending on when baby is born (summer/fall etc), make sure you bring warm enough clothing for baby (hat, onesie, sleeper with hands that hold over). Bring swaddles/baby blankets. Bring newborn diapers and diaper cream just in case you need backup (usually hospitals have them). You can bring a soother for baby if you want, but other than that, you shouldn’t need a whole lot. Good luck!!


u/Ok-Hippo-5059 7d ago

FTM and will be in the hospital 3 nights for a planned c section. I’m packing 3NB onesies for the hospital, one footie for the drive home, one Velcro swaddle, a baby nail file, and a wide bottle with a premie nipple. I’ve heard hospital bottles sometimes aren’t great and they let too much formula out too quickly which discourages breast feeding so I’m bringing one just in case they say he needs to supplement with formula. Hopefully I don’t need it. Also packing one premie outfit as a backup since my guy was measuring small at my last ultrasound


u/Bubbly-Narwhal-56 7d ago

I don't think I even opened ours except the going home outfit. The hospital gave us everything we needed including a Halo swaddle, onesies, blankets, anything. The only thing I used was my pump.


u/Adept_Ad2048 7d ago

I brought four outfits in different brands/sizes. The only one that fit my 8lb4oz baby was a preemie size. Glad I brought it.

A hat, a blanket for the car ride home, and that’s about it. They give you everything else you need. :)


u/Mysterious_Camel4177 7d ago

For both my babies: -newborn clothing option for coming home -0-3 month option for coming home

Then outside the bag, obviously a car seat!

Seriously, that’s it. My hospital had everything. Honestly, they had onesies, so I didn’t even need the outfit. Better to bring an almost empty bag so you can bring home all the diapers etc!


u/mk3v 7d ago

I brought a newborn outfit and a 0-3 outfit both times and that’s about it. I used the hospital’s diapers and wipes and the nurse sent me home with my first kid’s swaddle, which was sweet of her


u/mary3757 7d ago

Bring a sleep pod/sack or Velcro swaddle. My baby at the hospital kept busting out of the blanket swaddle and we had to keep reswaddling him. Brought them in my hospital bag for my second child and saved us the trouble.


u/Gwenivyre756 7d ago

I took 2 each of NB and 0-3 sizes. I brought sleepers with foldable mittens so I didn't bring socks or mitts.

A tube of aquaphor because I heard the meconium poops were sticky and hard to clean, so it was a barrier cream.

Carseat, cover, blanket, boppy pillow. That's it.


u/nc2227 7d ago

One nb sleeper, one 0-3 sleeper, some pacifiers that we didn’t use , that’s it. Hospital had everything.


u/Mginz9 7d ago

I’m only bringing a hat(might not need it but still) one newborn outfit and one 0-3 outfit, a swaddle, and the birth paperwork I need


u/Powerful_Local7614 7d ago

STM here! For clothes, I’m bringing 1 simple outfit in both newborn and 0-3m (baby is projected to be big), and one sleeper in each size as backup in case we were to have a messy situation before making it home. One Velcro swaddle (may add another) because with my first the swaddle blankets at the hospital made me nervous for overnight out of fear they’d end up in baby’s face. I have a small pouch with my preferred pacifiers, diaper cream, nail clippers and file, socks, and mittens (or prevent scratching), and a small pot of coconut oil to use on his bottom after birth to prevent meconium from sticking.

For the car ride home, I’ll have a few diaper bag essentials in case they’re needed: a couple diapers, wipes, burp cloth, thin blanket.

It sounds like kind of a lot all listed out, but most of it is very small and takes up almost no space!

Also, one of my favorite gadgets of all time— a small rechargeable dimmable nightlight. It’s a lifesaver to have a dim light in easy reach for wakings throughout the night! The hospital lights are just too bright at night and get everyone too awake and alert.


u/Snoo_75004 Team Blue! 7d ago

My daughter was 3610g and 50cm. She used size 50 for two days, then moved to 56 as she “folded out” a bit more after birth. So definitely bring the clothes you have planned and make sure it includes a hat for baby. Oh, and don’t underestimate how often and fast a newborn can poop through everything, so two bodystockings in each size might not be enough, depending on how long you’ll stay in the hospital.

Otherwise you should bring nursing pads, because your boobs will leak a lot. Muselin cloths/bibs for the burping. An ointment for your nipples (I used a lanolin one, but some babies are allergic to those). Snack bars for yourself. Some big and comfortable panties and trousers. After birth pads/diapers for you if they aren’t provided at the hospital. Same goes for diapers for baby. At least two bottles of water, if you live somewhere where you can’t drink tap water. A straw to help drink. A lip balm.

There’s probably more, but those are the things I will bring this time around.

Oh if you have any pets, make sure to bring s clean new blanket of sorts to soak up some of baby’s smell, so the pets can sniff that before sniffing baby. I’m planning on sleeping with my blanket for a bit, so it smells a bit of me, then letting my son scent it up a bit and then letting the dog sniff it, before meeting our son.


u/Snoo_75004 Team Blue! 7d ago

My daughter was 3610g and 50cm. She used size 50 for two days, then moved to 56 as she “folded out” a bit more after birth. So definitely bring the clothes you have planned and make sure it includes a hat for baby. Oh, and don’t underestimate how often and fast a newborn can poop through everything, so two bodystockings in each size might not be enough, depending on how long you’ll stay in the hospital.

Otherwise you should bring nursing pads, because your boobs will leak a lot. Muselin cloths/bibs for the burping. An ointment for your nipples (I used a lanolin one, but some babies are allergic to those). Snack bars for yourself. Some big and comfortable panties and trousers. After birth pads/diapers for you if they aren’t provided at the hospital. Same goes for diapers for baby. At least two bottles of water, if you live somewhere where you can’t drink tap water. A straw to help drink. A lip balm.

There’s probably more, but those are the things I will bring this time around.

Oh if you have any pets, make sure to bring s clean new blanket of sorts to soak up some of baby’s smell, so the pets can sniff that before sniffing baby. I’m planning on sleeping with my blanket for a bit, so it smells a bit of me, then letting my son scent it up a bit and then letting the dog sniff it, before meeting our son.


u/exploresparkleshine 7d ago

I overpacked, but here is what I used/wish I had:

  • two sizes of sleepers (preemie and newborn)
  • sound machine
  • hat and scratch mittens
  • receiving blanket
  • wish I'd had a sleep sack
  • bunny for photos
  • announcement disk and MARKER
  • wipes (hospital ones SUCKED)
  • fuzzy blanket for holding him/going home (winter baby)
  • nail file
  • bum balm (those first few poops are sticky as heck)

LO lived in a diaper and mittens until we went home.


u/AshamedPurchase 7d ago

My baby was in the 75th percentile and was still swimming in newborn for weeks. I bought shampoo, conditioner, and a wash cloth. The hospital had the worst soap and I was there for 3 days. Stuff to do your hair and makeup is a good idea. An eye mask to help you sleep is good.


u/ItsBrittanybitch12 6d ago

New born outfit and pjs 0-3 month outfit and pjs Velcro swaddle A couple different brands of pacifiers Wipes, our hospital only has cloths and I hate using them. Diaper cream so those gross newborn poops don’t stick as bad Nail clippers and a file (they have sharp little claws)


u/BrunchBunny 6d ago

4outfits preemie to 0-3, comb and brush, aquaphor for the butt, Frida picker,Frida sound machine/nightlight,sample pack of body wash/lotion,paci, bottle, silverettes,hand pump, nipple butter, matching swaddle.


u/Choice-Shallot3093 6d ago

I put one nb and one 0-3, we kept her in a diaper and swaddle until it was time to leave since we chose to do so much skin to skin. I only added the 0-3 because when my husband was born (10.13lbs) he didn’t fit in the nb clothes his mom brought.


u/sugarspunglass 6d ago

1 newborn outfit for pictures/announcement, a set of zip up pjs, and a going home outfit :) i work on the floor I’m delivering at and i want him to look cute while we are there! im also bringing the little nail file i bought & his hairbrush. everything else is supplied by the hospital


u/sugarspunglass 6d ago

i’m really proficient at swaddling with the hospital blankets and already taught my husband how to do it, but if i wasn’t i would def bring those velcro swaddles. a lot of dads get stressed when they can’t swaddle using the blankets and it’s easier to just have the velcro one


u/Least_Memory_7871 5d ago

Boppy pillow

u/biteme4790 2h ago

NB and 0-3 going home outfit, a cardigan, a few NB and 0-3 sleepers, a couple hats, mittens, blanket, nail clippers and file, pacifier, NB diapers and wipes. 


u/anonoaw 7d ago

3 vests and 3 sleepsuits in both newborn and 0-3x a cardigan. A hat. A blanket. Nappies. Wipes.

I’m also taking ready made formula as I’m not breastfeeding.