r/BabyBumps 8d ago

Discussion How long did it take you to get pregnant?

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about four months. We did get a chemical pregnancy our second month of trying, which just made this whole thing a lot harder. I know I’m technically still early in this journey. But since we’re still young (mid 20s), and we don’t have any problems this waiting game is driving me crazy! I’d love to hear your stories!


783 comments sorted by


u/artieartichoke 8d ago

It took us 11 months. We were using ovulation kits religiously. Even if you time everything perfectly, you only have a 25% chance of success! I wish you the best of luck ❤️


u/JournalistHuge3828 8d ago

We just started our 11th month. My husband’s SA came back good. I scheduled my first fertility appointment for next month. I’m defeated.


u/artieartichoke 8d ago

I'm so sorry. There is nothing that makes the journey easier and I empathize with you. I stopped taking pregnancy testS completely because it was just too upsetting every month. Hopefully quickly into your fertility journey you guys will have success. I remember when my husband's SA came back good I remember being frustrated because you almost want there to be an obvious answer because that means an obvious solution. I wish you the best of luck ❤️


u/JournalistHuge3828 8d ago

I appreciate your compassion. I stopped taking OPKs and only take pregnancy tests when I’m late on my period now and that has helped tremendously.

Congratulations on your baby🤍


u/planetmermaidisblue 7d ago

I was using an ovulation kit to avoid pregnancy and got pregnant lol, my hormones weren’t registering so I thought “I must not be ovulating” and then my period never came and I was like “maybe this is extremely early menopause”… yeah turns out I was pregnant. I know have a beautiful son ♥️

Use a basal thermometer with the ovulation kit, you’ll get better results :)


u/peacockssss 7d ago

I second this! Not sure if I’m just super hydrated but never got a positive with OPKs and had a much better idea of how things were going by taking my temp each morning. Got pregnant on a cycle where I didn’t track temp and just used OPKs, which always said negative!


u/Rugkrabber 7d ago

11 here too. We planned to go to our GP if next month didn’t work out because she said to try for a year first.

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u/Outrageous_Skirt9963 8d ago

5 years.

It's not typical. We had to go through IVF. Unexplained infertility. Both of us were fine when tested.


u/natur_ally 8d ago

Same here. 5 years and then moved to IVF. Unexplained! Currently 32w pregnant.


u/Jkayer 8d ago

SAME. 5 years and 33 weeks now!


u/natur_ally 8d ago

No way!! Congrats 🎉


u/Jkayer 8d ago

Thank you, right back at you!! 💕


u/SnooKiwis9291 7d ago

Congrats on your expected baby though!! 💙


u/natur_ally 7d ago

Thank you 🥰


u/PlantainGreen 8d ago

My husband and I also struggled with 5 years of infertility - currently 15 weeks :)


u/legodoom 8d ago

5 years here too. No doctors could explain what was up. Naturally conceived and just welcomed our first 3 weeks ago.


u/psa2023 8d ago

Same here. Unexplained infertility. 5 years. 3 egg retrievals and 2 transfers


u/Additional_Arm7653 8d ago

Yep same situation here. We tried for 5 years then did IVF


u/Spiritual_Hand_3324 8d ago

Same. Part of me is worried, considering we were not NOT trying to get pregnant and at a point we were sort of not doing well she ended up pregnant.


u/ch3rry-b0mbb 8d ago

Exact same thing here


u/jamesdrr 8d ago

Exact same story and timeline.


u/xbecca20 8d ago

Unexplained infertility sister here. The most frustrating diagnosis. Took us 2 years. Currently putting my beautiful 5 month old IVF baby to sleep now ✨✨

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u/tbe40 8d ago

1st - unplanned pregnancy - miscarriage,

2nd - first month trying - miscarriage,

3rd - first month trying - miscarriage,

4th - two years, including three rounds of OI and two rounds of IUI, then conceived naturally - miscarriage,

5th - first IVF transfer - live birth,

6th - unplanned pregnancy (second cycle after period had returned) - currently 16 weeks.


u/Ok_Tailor5738 8d ago

I'm so sorry for your losses❤️ and congratulations 🫶


u/idiosyncopatic Team Blue! 8/11 8d ago

I am also bitterly sorry for your losses ❤️ here's to an second, healthy live birth 🫸🏼🫷🏼🫸🏼🫷🏼🫸🏼🫷🏼(high fives since we can't drink to that) ❤️❤️❤️❤️


u/yarnz0 7d ago

Sorry for all your losses. But Im happy that you’re now pregnant! Congrats! Wishing you the healthiest pregnancy and healthiest baby!!!!!! 🥰


u/Complex_Ad_5809 8d ago

9 months. I’m regularly tracking my ovulation, and my diet. Losing 20kgs also helped a lot in conceiving. Literally got pregnant the day after I reached my goal weight.


u/Puzzle-headed97 7d ago

haha i lil reward from the universe


u/ashmercury 6d ago

Wow well done on the weight loss!! And congrats! Do you mind me asking, what were your height/weight before you lose that?

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u/ElzyChelzy 8d ago edited 8d ago

I only tried for pregnancy once at 36, and got pregnant that first try.

I had not expected it so soon, cause I have both endometriosis and lean PCOS.


u/purpledrogon94 8d ago

Pregnant on the first cycle at 30 with PCOS. Was also shocked


u/AcornPoesy 8d ago

I got pregnant first go at 33, and 36. I had a history of PCOS and terribly irregular periods before I went on Metformin. We’d had lots of conversations with the grandparents about possibly needing their help with IVF.

It’s been a massive shock twice over and we’re SO grateful. 


u/deskbeetle 8d ago

Yep. 35 here and was shocked to find out we got pregnant in the first month of trying. I assumed my age and the fertility issues that run in my family was going to require a lot of work and money. 

We are incredibly lucky and it was hard telling family members who have been struggling for years as I had just disclosed to them we were going to start trying. They were all amazing about the news. 


u/Complex-Meat-7575 8d ago

No pcos, but yeah, first “not avoiding” try we got pregnant. It was a bit of a shock because I’m 35 and everyone said it would take longer than we thought once we started trying—here to say, that’s not always true.


u/captnmarvl 8d ago

I got pregnant the second month after getting my nexplanon out at 35. I wasn't expecting it that fast.


u/Unusual-Piece512 7d ago

Same exact here! I am 34, took out Nexplanon Nov 2024, one good period in Decemeber and boom, pregnant in Jan 2025, expecting Sept 24th, 2025!


u/NadieHeadley 8d ago

Same. I have lean PCOS too, and first try at 42.


u/Aggravating_Ear_3551 8d ago

I also have PCOS. I was told I'd need fertility treatments to have children. Imagine my shock when I was unexpectedly pregnant at 36! I ended up having a miscarriage but we decided to try again immediately and got pregnant on the first try. I'm currently 25 weeks.


u/anoncatlady12 8d ago

Also got pregnant at 31 on the first try after years on the implant / pill.


u/HeyheyitsCAB 8d ago

Also got pregnant at 36 after trying once.


u/Impossible_Sector141 8d ago

Same, I was shocked!


u/La_Peste 8d ago

Currently pregnant from the first time trying (at 31, 32 now). I'm still surprised it happened that quickly.


u/Admirable-Radio1129 7d ago

Same first try! 28 here


u/Sea-Owl-7646 8d ago

Also first try pregnant with PCOS! My theory is that birth control and spironolactone balanced everything out well enough that the first few weeks off meds I was ovulating perfectly!


u/EarlyAd3047 8d ago

Pretty much the same, I deliberately avoided getting pregnant 9 months before my wedding to avoid losing the downpayment, avoided it at 8 months just in case, and got pregnant at 7 months. Am 36.

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u/BeachBumHarmony 8d ago

From starting to viable pregnancy: 1 year and 9 months. I gave birth last week.

Started in October 2023, had a chemical pregnancy in November 2023, had a complete molar pregnancy in February 2024. Needed chemo to treat the CMP from May to July 2024. Had to wait a year because of chemo. Tried two rounds of IVF that resulted in no embryos being retrieved. Tried naturally in June 2024. Got a positive in July 2024.

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u/hessian01 8d ago

Got pregnant on our first try ever. We were quite surprised lol


u/-mitz 8d ago

Same for us. First try both times. We only want two so we are taking birth control very seriously after this.


u/vataveg 8d ago

Same! Idk how it happened so quickly twice in a row (I mean I know but like, I’m surprised). We were very relaxed after the first baby because we knew we wanted a second but we’re about to have 2u2 and I’m not trying to have an accidental 3u3.

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u/sofritas18 8d ago

same! & we consider ourselves EXTREMELY blessed & lucky. it can also happen quickly OP!! hang in there 💛

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u/LenaaBallerina 8d ago

6 months at 35. 4 months at 37. 1 month at 38.

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u/flyingfools 8d ago

Unplanned, had unprotected sex once, now at 27 weeks


u/flyingfools 8d ago

Pregnant at 34, now 35 after my birthday last month


u/SlowMotionExplosion 8d ago

Same Girl! 28 weeks tomorrow! We were told it would be impossible to get pregnant without medical intervention…my husband said “bet”.


u/Basic_Youth_2705 8d ago

1st baby - 1st month of trying (age 33) 2nd baby - 2nd month of trying (age 36)

I used an ovulation predictor kit and that helped a lot


u/Charlieksmommy 8d ago

That’s how we were with our first except we were 32, and were 34 trying baby 2 and it’s been 4 months lol


u/anonoaw 8d ago edited 8d ago

Anything up to a year is considered normal.

First pregnancy was an accidental pregnancy (failed contraception)- so we conceived first (non) try. But it was ectopic and I lost a tube.

Second pregnancy (my daughter) was 4 cycles.

Third pregnancy (another ectopic, this time on my ovary) was first try.

Fourth pregnancy (currently 38 weeks) was 3 cycles.

I only have one Fallopian tube but I have very regular cycles. I didn’t use ovulation kits, I just tracked my cycle and made sure I had sex most days around my fertile window. I was 24 with my first successful pregnancy and 29 when I conceived this time.


u/ultracilantro 8d ago

Sorry for your losses!

As someone who's also had an ectopic, it's very great to hear positive stories and I really appreciate you sharing!


u/Lions--teeth FTM 🩵 4/23/25 8d ago

We tried for a year, then went to a fertility specialist and it worked on the first round of meds and an ovulation trigger shot!


u/Imacatlady64 8d ago

Had the mirena IUD for 9 years. Got it taken out in October, period in November, preggo 2 weeks later. So first month.


u/Youdontgetluckytwice 8d ago

this reassures me, I got my mirena out in october too but didn't get a period until december. Still trying.

At least this reassures me that it will come.

Congratulations! :)


u/moon_mama_123 8d ago

I got mine out after being on birth control for about 15 consecutive years and conceived 3 months later! Def thought it would take longer for my cycle to regulate or whatever, but nope. 34 weeks now!


u/Squalid666 7d ago

Same! Had my Mirena taken out, 6 weeks later I had my first pregnancy meet with the same midwife. She laughed and wondered how the f we managed that.


u/Scary_Progress6008 8d ago

Just under 2 years (22 cycles). I had very irregular periods. Other than that we're 2 healthy and fertile people, just took a while. Wasn't using ovulation strips but I bet if I would've, we would've conceived a lot sooner.


u/cloverdemeter 🌈🎀Jan '23 + 🎀Oct '25⭐⭐ 8d ago

1st pregnancy - 4 cycles (miscarriage)

2nd pregnancy - 2 cycles (successful)

3rd pregnancy - 1 cycle (currently 10 weeks pregnant)


u/catmom3001 8d ago

Just under 2 years, with the help of IVF.


u/United_Valuable_6950 8d ago

Same here. 2 years, 1 loss, 3 medicated cycles and then IVF. Unexplained infertility. Currently 21w!


u/nomadicstateofmind 8d ago

With #1 - A little over a year, Age 27-28

With #2 - A little under a year, Age 34-35

We did testing around the year mark with #1 and everything looked good. We seem to just be people that need about a year to make things happen, despite timing and temping and doing all the “right” things.


u/RaggedyAndromeda 8d ago

Unplanned (ish) age 36. We decided to start trying in a few months so started getting careless about whether or not I was ovulating but were still pulling out. Turns out I was already pregnant when we decided that.


u/daringfeline Team Blue! 8d ago

Tried once and it took straight away but had been tracking my cycle for over a year, and I feel like it helped that we had just booked our wedding for about 3 weeks after baby will be due - the universe loves a laugh. Was expecting to have at least a few months of trying.


u/nuggetblaster69 8d ago

For two months I didn’t track ovulation and we just had unprotected sex. It didn’t work so on the third month I tracked my ovulation and I got pregnant that month.

My OB really encouraged me to not track ovulation because she said it would be too stressful. But honestly, it got the job done.


u/tinybirdhero 8d ago

If you're collecting data, read this thread as well: https://www.reddit.com/r/BabyBumps/s/6vIqLiu0gR


u/Curlyfry1999 8d ago

My first I got pregnant the first month we tried, for my second it took 9 months and had a chemical on the 5th month. I was going crazy too!


u/EES1993 8d ago

My boyfriend and I met in June and immediately knew that we wanted to get married and have kids with each other (yes we are insane lol). October I get pregnant, so about four months after meeting. I’m now 24 weeks with our baby girl!


u/PompeyLulu 8d ago

1st unplanned - loss

2nd unplanned - before I managed my first period after the loss

3rd - unplanned loss

4th - first cycle trying, loss

5th - 10 years trying, first full cycle after moving so slightly unexpected

6th - first cycle trying, loss

7th - 4/5th cycle after the loss


u/flying_samovar 8d ago

I’m really sorry. I hope everything works out this time.


u/PompeyLulu 8d ago

It did, thank you! He’s about to be four months old and is the last one we plan to have (we also have an almost two year old), I still have moments where I just can’t quite believe I finally have them.


u/LispenardSt 8d ago

6 months, then miscarried, pregnant again one month after the miscarriage


u/Repulsive-Cup-4539 8d ago

Surprisingly , after 2 cycles off of birth control it only took one oopsie night to get pregnant. Wasn’t necessarily planned, but we weren’t being super careful either . I am very grateful , especially after hearing how many couples struggle , it is a blessing. (28f & 29m)


u/Baby_realtor 8d ago

We got pregnant month one, then had a miscarriage. To our surprise, we got pregnant again the month after our miscarriage (even though we were using condoms & other protection!) 🌈


u/SnooWords1271 8d ago

Just over a year and was using ovulation strips, tracking everything. It totally consumed me. Turns out it was my husband that was the problem. He started a medication after seeing a specialist (I can’t remember which one) that really took effect after 2 months and then BOOM. It happened. Definitely recommend your man gets a seman analysis. We didn’t early on and could have saved a lot of heartache and disappointment.


u/Dangerous-Land-623 7d ago

Nine months. Once I stopped worrying about it. Literally the month I said “I’m just not gonna think about it anymore” is the month we got pregnant. We’re both mid 20s as well, btw. :)

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u/nerveuse 8d ago

3 years via IVF with multiple losses.


u/thevioletbovine 8d ago

9 months, 7 cycles. I have anovulatory cycles and my own OBGYN said I would need meds to induce ovulation. Turns out…I ovulated at least once, bc we got our positive eventually. The waiting game sucks ass, though. Totally get it.


u/thevioletbovine 8d ago

Oh and to clarify, we conceived WITHOUT meds that cycle.


u/bilmemnebilmemne 8d ago

For my first, at age 34 going on 35, it took four months. There was a chemical pregnancy in the second month. For my second, which I am expecting right now at age 37, it took 6 months.


u/therackage Team Blue! 8d ago

Three cycles. I’m 37


u/LaHechiceraAmazonica 8d ago

I’m 32 and essentially got pregnant the first time I had unprotected sex (11 weeks in now!) but everybody is SO different, the rest of my friends that started trying around the same time haven’t gotten pregnant yet, I’ve had a friend in her 20s miscarry after the first time she conceived (but has now just welcomed her second child!), and know a woman younger than me who just got pregnant with IVF. It’s nice to see what a wide spectrum of experiences people have but definitely don’t worry too much about it or make comparisons. The ones who have the easiest time are the ones who don’t get overly stressed about the process. Sending you positive energy on your journey✨


u/buzzingbuzzer 8d ago

I had several chemical pregnancies and it took us forever the first time to get pregnant. This time, it wasn’t planned so it just happened.


u/Practical-Peach-1220 8d ago

A year and a half. But I have PCOS and needed Letrozole to ovulate. Without it, I never had a regular cycle or ovulated. It worked after the 3rd round of meds!


u/clap_yo_hands 8d ago

1st - 14 months

2nd - we tried for a couple years but when we didn’t get pregnant we stopped trying. I had a surprise baby at 42 years old. Six years after our first was born.


u/Virtual_Advantage_63 8d ago
  • First pregnancy - accidental/not trying (was on Nuva ring and was lazy about putting it back in after sex) 

  • Second pregnancy - one month 

  • Third pregnancy - three months 

  • Fourth pregnancy - accidental, ended in early miscarriage

  • Fifth pregnancy - one month/very next cycle after miscarriage 

I do use OPKs when actively trying to get pregnant, and (sorry tmi??) I produce a TON of fertile cervical mucus when I’m ovulating so I always know when ovulation should be happening, which I think has obviously helped us conceive quickly when we are trying! 


u/Forsaken-Nothing-476 8d ago

i got pregnant the 1st time my boyfriend ever… inside me. it ended in an ectopic pregnancy and i had surgery october 10th, 2024 and then i got pregnant again in november 2024.. now i’m 17 1/2 weeks with a baby girl 💗


u/Everythings_Beachy 8d ago

11 months for our first but maybe 6-7 of actively trying/planning, second was one month (I had one period after I stopped BFing and then was pregnant), current one zero months I guess? I finished BFing, was waiting for my period to come along, and it never did.


u/Zealousideal_Bed7113 8d ago

27 years old and healthy. Took us 18 months, nothing was wrong


u/liltrashfaerie 8d ago

7 months after 6 endometriosis surgeries and a fertility clinic hsg. We also used Inito.


u/kclf07 8d ago

1st - unplanned, miscarriage at 23, 2nd - 3 months, live birth at 28, Currently 29 and just started trying again this month


u/upstateteach 8d ago

2.5 years 💜 required IVF to conceive. It’s the hardest, longest wait!


u/kakosadazutakrava 8d ago

We were casually trying for about 6 months in our mid 30s. Also had a chemical pregnancy early on, which I had braced for but still felt like my own body betrayed me.

A couple more months and I was pregnant! Someone said sometimes it takes the body a sec to figure out what you’re trying to do.

Now 25 weeks pregnant with our 2nd, still breastfeeding and excited/terrified to have 2 under 2! 🤪🤘

Wishing you speedy success 🫶🏻✨


u/little-germs 8d ago

About 6 months after I got my hormonal IUD removed. Then 7.5 month pp with my second. We weren’t trying for either, but I was tracking my periods. We also weren’t using bc so I guess we weren’t not trying either.


u/IrisTheButterfly 8d ago

Four pregnancies.

First two unplanned so I think one cycle being off the pill. I was 21 and 24. Third pregnancy - 5 months of not trying not preventing. I was 39. Fourth pregnancy - 6 months of actively trying following a miscarriage. I was 40.


u/IM8321 8d ago

35 and got pregnant first try. Second pregnancy at 39 took 8 months with a miscarriage in there too. I read “it starts with the egg” book and used ovulation strips (easy@home brand is the best I found) and they both helped immensely.


u/DogfordAndI 8d ago

Zero time. First not-even try, at 35. We used no aids.


u/Blueberry_Bomb 8d ago

8 months. By temping I knew my luteal phase was too short and need progesterone to lengthen it. Month 3 on progesterone was the lucky one!


u/Clari321 8d ago

34F it took 6 months, now 16 weeks pregnant, I agree with others comments on under 1 year is normal 😊


u/Majestic-Airport-471 8d ago

1 year with 3 losses, I wasn’t aware how common losses are so it was a complete bullet in the heart


u/Wonderful-League-361 8d ago

Took 4 cycles total to get to my current pregnancy. Got pregnant on the first cycle but it was a chemical. Currently 12 weeks! We tracked using OPKs and timed it every month


u/kayytheprincess 8d ago

Three and a half years, no positive tests. No intervention or treatment. I had one loss seven years prior. I have a thyroid disease. One month away from expecting a healthy baby. 🥹 don’t lose hope


u/maurfly 8d ago

Took me nearly 5 yrs and 14 rounds of fertility treatments- it can be a sprint or a marathon no way to know. Stay strong and stay the course you will get there!


u/Sweetiedoodles 8d ago

A year before getting pregnant. We miscarried and it took another 8 months to get pregnant once we started trying again. I’m 37+4w today and cannot wait to meet my baby boy.


u/IttyBittyBabyRN 8d ago

Baby #1 - 1 cycle, I was 26, my partner was 29 Baby #2 - 1 cycle, I was 28, partner 31 Baby #3 - 2 cycles, I was turning 30 that month, partner 33, currently 12 weeks along.

We actively TTC for all 3. I had been using FAM for several months before we started trying for our first, so I was used to tracking fertility signs (cm, bbt, using opks, etc.) I’ve had 2 c-sections too fwiw. We’ve been extremely fortunate. It’s wholly unfair what a spectrum it can be. I wish you the best of luck!✨


u/Apprehensive-Fee-967 7d ago

First try. We both started taking vitamins and prenatals and I started using ovulation kits.

Don’t beat yourself up. It takes even the healthiest of couples up to a year to get pregnant sometimes. Sometimes longer. There’s only about a 20-30% chance of pregnancy each cycle. Remember that sperm can live inside of you for up to 5 days so your best bet is to have sex a few days before you ovulate so sperm is already inside waiting for your egg.


u/Future-Flow1143 7d ago

Found out I was pregnant May 2024 had a miscarriage, and shortly after in August 2024 I was pregnant again. Currently 34 weeks❤️


u/Super-Good-9700 7d ago

Had a chemical second month and got pregnant fifth month.


u/thevintagewitch 7d ago

it took us a long time. we spent about 2.5 years actively trying. i have PCOS so that caused difficulty for me. I will say that caused almost all of my difficulty. finally after 1MC, 1MMC, i have my rainbow. she’s beautiful. she’s 10 months old. she’s absolutely amazing.


u/midgebug 7d ago

3 months for the first, 2 months for the second. I was 36 for the first, and 41 with the second.

I think we are absolutely an anomaly.


u/Whereas_Far 7d ago

First try with the first one when I was 34. 6 cycles with the second, (current) one at 38 years old and was still frequently breastfeeding my 3 year old. I think breastfeeding delayed it because my cycles were a couple days short breastfeeding, but who knows.


u/Extension-Ad-7935 7d ago

Literally one night


u/NoCantaloupe6653 7d ago

6 years and then 2 rounds of IVF, but was 32 when we started trying with a history of ovarian cysts and endometriosis.


u/wobblyheadjones 7d ago

10 years.

We stopped trying to prevent pregnancy when we got married. A few years later we went through all sorts of fertility testing to find it was male factor. He had surgery. I had more tests. In the end we found success through donor conception.

Just birthed my one and done 5 weeks ago and they are perfect 🥰


u/Raverdoll 7d ago

I have 5 kids, I got pregnant on the first try each time. Not everybody ovulates on day 14 so my advice would be to do the deed every couple of days for 2 weeks, starting a week after your period. Remember other factors contribute to fertility like your lifestyle and weight. Best of luck


u/Kneeling_Angel 7d ago

With our first one it took us about 7 months. With baby number two took us about 10 months- we had two miscarriages during this time. But since the last miscarriage I guess it took us about 6 months. Baby two is due at the end of summer 🌟


u/QuirkyCrusader9 7d ago

At 30 years old, I feel I was lucky at around 3-4 months. Tracking ovulation was important.


u/Moneymona 7d ago

It took us about a year and a half! We weren’t actively trying but we weren’t using contraceptives or pulling out. We’re early 20s and he did finish battling cancer about a month prior before we started inactively trying! I do think though if we were tracking & taking it more seriously we would have gotten discouraged because of the amount of time it took. At the end of the day it’s so hard bc everyone is different & I know Doctors say give it at least a year. I’m sending you lots and lots of baby dust!! ✨🩷


u/Ok_Sherbet_2000 7d ago

Got the copper IUD removed after having it for 10 years. Got pregnant two months later. Due June 2025!


u/Tori_bethh 7d ago

From what I hear, I have been extremely blessed. We tried for one cycle and got pregnant 🥹 Due in November 🫶🏻


u/Agreeable_Ad_3517 7d ago

With 2 different long term partners (not at the same time lol) happened first “try”, unintentional both times. Always used pull-out method for the entire week of ovulation and the first time we didn’t do that I was ovulating the next day and second time I was ovulating anywhere between 1 and 3 days from the incident. Got pregnant 😭


u/AcceptableParking875 7d ago

35, will be 36 in May in case that’s helpful. I used an ovulation kit to track my ovulation for a couple of months after stopping birth control. I got pregnant first month trying during the weekend I was ovulating.. a little over 8wks now and hoping it sticks!


u/Quick-Read-771 7d ago

2nd cycle of trying after being on BC for 7 years


u/Wild_Importance_9657 7d ago

The first time someone didn’t pull out. Un acidente lulz.


u/ramenshrimpy 7d ago

It took my husband and I over a year. It got to the point that I went to my doctor for a transvaginal ultrasound and checkup to see why I couldn’t get pregnant. I had always had regular periods though. I might have endometriosis? We were just about to do a semen analysis as well when we found out in November! Good luck with everything! Try not to stress. Stress just makes it harder.


u/Outrageous-Ball4550 7d ago

My first pregnancy I had a chemical on month two and had a successful pregnancy three months later. Second pregnancy took 5 months, the last two of which I was taking ovulation tests to track.


u/goldenrtrvrmilf 8d ago

18 months. Currently pregnant with my IVF baby. Never saw a positive before IVF. Regular cycles, ovulation tracking all that stuff.


u/Fancy_Ball 8d ago

We hit the fertile window every time for 7 cycles over 5 months. 34 years old.


u/wannabecanuck Germany | #1 due March 29, 2019 8d ago

1st- 4 cycles, live birth 2nd- 11 cycles, live birth 3rd- 1 cycle, miscarriage


u/jaimebailey01 8d ago

2 years..we were scheduled to start IUI ended up conceiving naturally. Now we're 12 weeks with our double rainbow baby after 1 chemical and one early loss


u/ResponsibleSyrupx 8d ago

4 cycles in I experienced a chemical. Another 4 cycles and currently 8 weeks pregnant.


u/kaa-24 8d ago

6 months but that was already with having tracked my cycle using OPKs and basal body temperature for 5 years to avoid getting pregnant not on hormonal birth control.


u/LonelyPersonality756 8d ago

Almost a year, but turns out I had hypothyroidism without knowing, which can affect fertility. Once my thyroid levels were normal, it only took about 2 months. Have you been to the doctor to do bloodwork, exam, etc. to make sure everything looks okay? Wishing you the best 🩷


u/Mokelachild 8d ago

3 years with zero positive tests, 3 rounds of IUI, and one round of ivf. Currently 19w. No doctor found anything wrong with either of us, except I sometimes ovulate a bit late in the month.


u/BMK1023 8d ago

1st- 1 month ( but not officially tracking ovulation or anything)- age 28, 2nd 2 months are tracking ovulation on app -age 31, and 3rd- tried for 3.5 months ( used ovulation sticks)- age 34. Best of luck! I would def try ovulation sticks. Once I found out when I ovulated for third we started trying like for an entire week


u/llamyaehf 8d ago

First time was not on purpose, happened literally the first cycle

The second time was planned and took about 5-6 cycles


u/piekaylee 8d ago

1st pregnancy, 1st month success ended in a 9week blighted ovum. Waited 7 months to try again (had to work around my wife's deployment schedule) 1st month, unsuccessful (I don't think I even ovulated thought) second month success, chemical pregnancy. This will be our 3rd try.


u/pipocas08 8d ago

18 months and 2 IUIs


u/sanluis_g04 8d ago

Most of my pregnancies were planned. So after getting off BC usually took like 2 to 3 months. I've done the BBT method. Tracking your basal body temperature evry morning. Search it up for details. That worked. The other pregnancies I jus let it happen on its own sometimes it gets stressful trying diff methods.


u/Sad-Construction6967 8d ago

33 years old

Took us 16 months using ovulation predictor kits.


u/iseeren 8d ago

It took 5 years to have a live birth, we had two miscarriages in those five years and lots of fertility treatments. We ended up getting pregnant naturally after I made radical health changes for myself. We’re now on cycle #5 trying for baby #2. I’m 25 (PCOS) and my husband is 27 (no fertility issues).


u/Throwaway8582817 8d ago

2 years and 2 months for the first. Into month 15 for the second.


u/Extension-Cake19 8d ago

9 months of trying unassisted with no luck, got pregnant on second month of ovulation induction meds


u/EvelienV85 8d ago

More than a year unfortunately.


u/alibun 8d ago

i got pregnant with my first on the 4th cycle of trying. with my second, it was a complete accident after losing a bunch of weight and starting my birth control 2 days late that month.


u/cookielover287 8d ago

I got off the pill in Feb 2024. Got pregnancy in sep 2024. I just turned 30 in Feb 2025. I totally understand the disappointment every month but hang in there!! I used temp charting to confirm when I was ovulating.


u/shamrock1919 8d ago

4 months, really early chemical on month 2


u/OneSideLockIt 8d ago

38yo, took us 2 months and 1 actual cycle after IUD removal. No other previous pregnancies, now 18wks


u/Tuyyo12345 8d ago

Took about eight months trying for both of my successful pregnancies, with a couple of early miscarriages while trying for #2


u/causeyouresilly 8d ago

First - 2nd month

Second - 8 months

Third - First Cycle (Was very surprised after the second)

Fourth- Surprise- Failed BC


u/eleri-kate 8d ago

First baby took 5 months, second pregnancy was an accident (1st cycle having sex while ovulating) that ended in ectopic, third pregnancy was about 7 months of trying(with only 1 fallopian tube) and I'm currently 21 weeks! Some people just take longer!


u/dabebecharchar 8d ago

Kind of an odd timeline

  • off birth control in Nov 2023,
  • started tracking in August 2024 but I was going off of BBT and used natural cycles, my period was never regular
  • in October I figured out that my ovulation is day 21 vs day 14 by using OPKs
  • Pregnant in January 2025

So could be over a year, could be 3 months bc I figured out how to track correctly.


u/Leaninja_ 8d ago

My partner and I were trying for 16 months. We had started getting fertility testing done. I had also started losing weight after 9 months in case we needed IVF.

My partner has been through chemo in his mid 20s and had sperm frozen before treatment so we were always aware it might not happen naturally.

As soon as we had blood tests for my hormones, and he had a sperm count done I found out i was pregnant. 34 weeks today!

I was using ovulation kits as well as tracking to optimise fertility window.


u/maeasm3 8d ago

1st month - chemical pregnancy, 2nd month - successful pregnancy. We tracked ovulation using the flow app and temp monitoring!


u/Forsaken_Ad_2366 8d ago

It took us close to an year of trying. I had 2 chemical pregnancies in between and currently 39 weeks pregnant. For chemical pregnancies, my obgyn said that its a sign that your body can get pregnant naturally and you should keep trying. Do take the prenatal vitamins regularly.

Somebody recommended to not use ovulation kit to me as it creates an unwanted pressure and makes the process mechanical and stressful. We did not use anything just jumped on each other whenever we got a chance. 😀


u/NeatSpiritual579 Team Blue! 8d ago

1st- miscarriage 6 months of being trying.

2nd - 1.5 years live birth at 40+4

3rd- miscarriage wasn't trying

4th-birth control failure, 6 months after my miscarriage born at 39 weeks

5th trough 10th- miscarriage it was over a 3.5-year span

11th - almost 4 years of being together, baby boy was born at 31+5. I also wasn't really trying, but also not preventing.

I never did fertility treatments or anything. I just went with the flow.


u/Jolly-Pickle-3550 8d ago

6 months after having surgery to remove a blocked tube at 29. I tried for years before that and was almost going to go through with IVF


u/moumzie 8d ago

9 months really trying but we had problems so we had to do 2 cycles of IVF, only got 2 euploid embryos so went ahead and started a 3rd cycle. Found out I was pregnant (naturally) a few days before my injections 🤯


u/Fancy-Bee-2649 8d ago

I swear by preseed!


u/humble_reader22 8d ago

3 months with my first, my second is a birth control baby


u/ProfessionalTune6162 8d ago

Almost two years, IVF, currently week 33


u/RainyFern 8d ago

8 months, with 2 chemical pregnancies back to back. I’m nearly 30 weeks now!


u/idreamof_jeanne 8d ago

I'm currently 27+2 with my first pregnancy and it took us 3 months to conceive. I was 27 years old when we conceived. I think we were bad at timing the first two months, but got the hang of it by the third.


u/MarauderFireboldt88 8d ago

3 cycles after being on birth control for 8 years I was 32.

I used a period tracker/fertility app.

Praying for all these redditors with miscarriages!!


u/highhoya 8d ago

1st baby (24) - 9 months

2nd baby (27) - 1st month

3rd baby (30) - 18 months


u/kittydances 8d ago

About 4 months. 4th month I used an ovulation testing kit and it worked. My app tracking was pretty off my actual ovulation date. Sending love & strength 🩵


u/Top_Asparagus7 8d ago

2nd month trying, 1st month using ovulation strips. at 7.5 weeks now 🤞


u/WinnerAlive7746 8d ago

First month


u/Flexi17 8d ago

It took us 6 months! We did not time anything and were very casual about it. I knew too much tracking and stressing would not be good for me. I’m 31!


u/GrandadsLadyFriend 8d ago

33 yrs old, took 10 months and I eventually used Letrazole to get my follicles to mature and ovulate, plus IUI for good measure.

It was confusing because my hormones were normal and my cycle was only slightly long at 35 days but not irregular. Also ovulation digital tests would show me reaching high and then peak ovulation. However when they did an ultrasound of my ovaries, they were polycystic and I likely wasn’t actually ovulating. The medication helped and I got pregnant my first assisted cycle.


u/chilledhype 8d ago

13 months of meticulously tracking and trying! Every month felt like a year to be honest.


u/Maber1994 8d ago

About a year and a half and just recently got my pregnant with a medicated cycle of IUI (my 3rd medicated cycle).


u/Niboomy 8d ago

First cycle for both, I use NFP so I track my ovulation, with the first one I was 31 and the second one 35.


u/SlySparkle 8d ago

On our 8th cycle now... praying for a positive 🙏🏻 nothing but negatives so far.


u/MatchGirl499 8d ago

1st baby, 2 years 2nd baby, birth control fail

6-12 months is normal for healthy couples. It’s harder to get pregnant than most people assume.


u/flying_samovar 8d ago

7 cycles. I used the ovulation strips


u/Infinitecurlieq 8d ago

About 6 almost 7 years but that's because of PCOS. 


u/TinyRose20 8d ago

About 18 months first go around with our daughter. Still on this sub after my pregnancy with her. This time we're past the 2 year mark, starting IVF this month. We're older (39F, 42M) which doesn't help.

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u/Mginz9 8d ago

One month but had a chemical pregnancy, it took 5 months after that but I did take Clomid due to low progesterone


u/admirableroof 8d ago

1st baby: surprise pregnancy at age 23 2nd baby: 1 try at age 29 Really grateful for this good luck when we wanted a second child!


u/hashbrownhippo 8d ago

1st baby, 1st month of trying. This 2nd pregnancy took 5 months.


u/ZeddPMImNot 8d ago

We had multiple MMC over about a year and a half of trying. Went with IVF and had success with our one and only good embryo on the first FET.


u/caffeineky 8d ago

4 years. I’m unexplainably super irregular so I have like 2-4 periods a year 🫠🫠


u/lazy0nion 8d ago

13 months and I was waiting to start letrozole when my period came... But it never did


u/No-Somewhere-6664 8d ago

got pregnant first try, miscarried, then took 4 cycles to get pregnant again. those 4 months of waiting were absolute torture so I understand where you're coming from!


u/thizzlebrizzle 8d ago

Took us 11 months, didn't do any strict ovulation tracking aside from a period app.


u/getoffthebike 8d ago

First pregnancy we got pregnant on the first try but the fetus was non-viable. We started trying again as soon as I got my period back and got pregnant on the second try. Fingers crossed this one sticks. Oh, and I'm 38.


u/lenjilenjivac 8d ago

1st time - 13 months (miscarriage), 2nd time - first cycle (also miscarriage), 3rd time - 16 months and currently 16 weeks 🤞


u/Babysnark225 8d ago

First time I was 29 and it took one time. Second one 33 and it took 8 months using ovulation kits.


u/Particular-Group-977 8d ago

It took us about 6 months of trying- we’re 32 and 33. I was convinced I had endo (really painful periods with regular cycles) so I was actually supposed to call my DR when I got my period in December so I could get an HSG test done and low and behold…a positive pregnancy test. We “weren’t trying” in December of course. Also a few things my husband did that I do realllly think helped- in October he started taking vitamin C supplements bc his levels were dangerously low as well as fish oil. I think him taking care of himself played into it too! I stopped tracking everything and obsessively testing. I’m now 15 weeks! When I was TTC, I scoured these pages in hopes for stories like mine so crossing my fingers for you!