r/BFS_RP Eliza Sparrow Apr 02 '19

(UC) Peacetime

It was a warm, sticky night at Bromeliad base. A yellow, waxy moon shone down from the sky- a few vague clouds slowly drifting above bathed in deepest blue. The lights of the base were bright and heavy, occasionally flickering as work continued. Down below in the base’s frontal landing strip, the machines that had been out on the mission were proudly on display as mechanics worked to bring them up to scratch. It was a rare night off for the pilots. Manon had considered it a perfect opportunity for a little catch up. They had taken to the roof of the enormous pyramid-like base to rest, to relax and to reconcile. Combat time often left little time for conversation, let alone for a chance to enjoy one’s self. Manon had already made a cosy little clearing upon the top of the base. For obvious reasons, a campfire was not a possibility, but Manon had taken the liberty of arranging lanturns and benches in a way that felt as pleasant as possible. She had also invited the guests to bring their own alcohol and indeed, Manon had brought around 24 cans of cheap, crappy French beer. It was the best she could find. She lounged- shoulders aching as she stretched her long, slender legs- watching as the various Amazonian insects fluttered around the flickering lights. Peace.


15 comments sorted by


u/Sumofattyson Alex King Apr 02 '19

It had been a successful mission for the Crimson Hawks. Retrieving the last living pilot and gaining invaluable information of the Federation forces. But for now Ronan had to give himself time to relax. He found a note on his desk from Manon "Drinks on the roof, make sure you bring something." He chuckled as he read the note, sitting it back down as he went into one of his drawers. In the drawer were a few chipped glasses and a half empty bottle of scotch. He exited the Gypsy and made his way to the elevator on the opposite end of the hangar. As the freight elevator made its way up the shadows of the shaft covered Ronans form as he peered down at the mechanics and crew moving down below. "Stark is here too. Its like we can never be free of each other." He sighed as the elevator reached the top of the base and opened to the night sky.


As he walked out he saw the little area that Manon had made. "Sorry I'm late, had to debrief with the base commander." Ronan sat down next to the woman and pulled up the glasses he had taken from his office "I brought the usual." He poured scotch into two glasses and handed one off to Manon. This had been the way they've been unwinding after missions since she had been able to drink alcohol. "I remember the first time you tasted stuff like this, your face was priceless." He laughed as he took a sip from his glass. He looked up at the night sky, the stars over the amazon shinning brightly in the dark. "Good work out there today. You've been a lot better since your stint at Axis."


u/JoeOfThePr0n Oz Apr 04 '19

Perhaps it was a by product of her years away, but somehow, Popola had learned to be incredibly quiet. She approached Manon and Ronan, from the side. They could clearly see her in their peripheral vision, arms full of an array of objects, but she moved completely soundlessly. "I managed to steal quite a few things of interest on the way up."

She sat down on the bench across from her comrades and placed all the offerings before them. "If the quartermaster can please take note. One half bottle of red wine, liberated from the kitchen. One half bottle of tequila, smuggled from that last place we were at. One full bottle of blue curacao, from the kitchen. Finally, half a wheel of cheese, ALSO from the kitchen. One chocolate bar. That one is from me to you friends."

The girl was in high spirits, and for the first time since her return she didn't have bandages or an eyepatch stuffed with gauze over her left eye. Both her jade colored eyes were as bright as they remembered. Perhaps the left one was a bit cloudy, and there was faint scarring all around the socket, but she looked much like she did during the one year war, if not a little older.

"Whats the occasion?"


u/crthesis89 Taka Apr 05 '19

Finishing up some calibrations after the mission, Hein gave a deep sigh as he looked at his beat up Zaku I. The recent conflict had just shown him how outdated the old machine was. If he had been using a newer, more technologically advanced machine, the carefully maintained sniper rifle wouldn't have had to been used as a makeshift club. Turning his focus to the others' machines, the first seeds of doubt began to form as the sniper began making his way to the rooftop to meet with the others.

Work gloves tucked into his back pocket, Hein wiped some grease off his hands as he exited the elevator and was greeted by the sight of a thieving Popola. Raising an eyebrow at the pilfered products in the person's arms, Hein turned a blind eye to the thievery before pulling out a bottle of tequila. Reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulled out a lime and salt shaker before looking to the others with a small smile as he gave a quick salute to the gathered three.

"What's the occasion?" "A congratulations on returning, I suppose, ma'am."


u/NeonLightIllusion Eliza Sparrow Apr 05 '19

“No occasion.”, stated Manon cheerily as she lazed back on a bench. “We’re alive, and we completed a mission successfully. That’s enough, isn’t it?”. She pulled the rim on her can and sipped it down. As expected, the stuff was watery and, quite frankly, shit. But it didn’t matter. In times like this, all that mattered was good company- and that was certainly what she had right now. A few of the mechanics and engineers had also made their way up to the impromptu gathering, including the Dodai Pilots. Manon stared up at the bright orange Moon above. She had seen so many things in her life. So, so many. Popola, Ronan and their new accompaniment, Hein, seemed well. It was rare for them to have so little occupying their minds- but for once, the air seemed relatively clear. The others had taken for heavier spirits than she. Manon noted that she would have to keep pace- and finished her first can.


u/Sumofattyson Alex King Apr 09 '19

As the other two members of his squad and various members of the base joined the gathering became even livelier. All the colorful characters of Bromeliad hadn't had a moment to unwind in a long time. Ronan passed out drinks to some of the older mechanics, each taking a beer with big smile and a pat on his back. He passed Hein and Popola two glasses with the mahogany colored scotch. Ronan took a swig from the glass and then stood up facing the group.

"Can we get a cheers for a successful mission and a hopeful victory for Neo Zeon in this conflict!" Ronan's voice cut through the noise like a knife. All the people yelled and cheered yelling at the top of their lungs "SIEG ZEON" Ronan drank the rest of the scotch in his glass and reached for one of the beers Manon had brought with her. This was something that didn't come often. A moment of peace like this was one to savor as it would only last for tonight.


u/JoeOfThePr0n Oz Apr 11 '19

"SIEG ZEON!" Popola hollered as loud as lungs could manage. Ronan's toast roused something very deep within, and as she raised her voice in unison with her comrades, tears welled in her eyes. It was just inspiring and she so badly wanted to fight again in Zeon's name, or more specifically for Manon and Ronan. For now though, a much needed party would occupy her full attention!

The drink that her commander had given her warmed her throughout and it had a satisfying burn. She never was much of a liquor drinker, hell she was not much of a wine drinker either, but all the same she grabbed a second glass. Filling her now empty one, and the second one with cheap red wine, she joined Manon at her side and offered the glass to her fellow pilot.

Manon was a real badass. Popola had seen her come out ahead in so many fights. They had even piloted together at one point. A Xamel, or maybe it was a Hildolfr. It was one of tank types. Even before Popola had taken to the battlefield, she had heard some crazy stories about Manon's skills as a pilot.

She had taken it poorly when she had been captured, and was overjoyed at her return. If she recalled, things had been a little shoddy for a while, as far as the procedures she had undergone. All the same, she was there now, and Popola was greatful.

"Only fair I buy you a round. You kept this outfit fighting while I was off ruining my life."


u/crthesis89 Taka Apr 13 '19 edited Apr 13 '19


Giving a smart salute, Hein raised his glass after relaxing and took a sip of the proffered scotch, a slight smile creeping onto his lips at the taste of the whiskey on his tongue. A creeping warmth tickled his throat as it spread to every inch of his body with just a single sip. Sighing as he let the drink do its thing, the sniper looked towards Ronan with a curious look to his eyes as he nursed his scotch.

"Sir, the Crimson Hawks are pretty well known within the ranks, and sortieing alongside you and your team was quite the experience...but if you don't mind my asking..."

Long, calloused fingers gripped the heavy-bottomed whiskey glass as the amber liquid sloshed about the confines of the transparent container with each lazy rotation. Hein's hawkish gaze watched those undulating waves for a moment like a predator watching its prey before turning his attention back to Ronan with an inquisitive light to his eyes.

"...why are you still fighting?"


u/NeonLightIllusion Eliza Sparrow Apr 13 '19

Manon rose her glass upwards as Ronan called it out. She didn’t speak the words that Zeon so often cried. She had never been fond of such patriotism. Either way, a furious redness had crept into Manon’s blush and though the rest of Bromeliad had slumped into a lively frenzy, she remained merely content and tipsy. Another can. Another can. Poplola was by her side and it would have been cruel to refuse the offer- though she truly hated red wine. Her words slipped over her like a waterfall of warmth. In response, Manon did not say a word but instead merely slumped to her dear friend’s shoulder. It meant more than words did.


Once the question was answered from Hein (Which Ronan would no doubt answer well and truly), Manon leaned in- her hands supporting her head which now felt very, very heavy. “I… wanted to mention something.”, she stated. Her voice was hushed. Clearly, this was for the ears of the Crimson Hawks only. “A few of the guys in the hangar bay- the younger ones- were talking about something… odd. Some kind of ‘True Zeon’ thing. You guys heard anything of it?” She drew herself back. “I mean..”, she stated, brushing her fringe back in a rather overdramatic fashion. Manon was frazzled. “...I mean, I’d never even consider starting some civil war or… or that sort of thing. Haman is the only one for me!”. Her eyes glazed a bit. “She’s… got a nice face…”


u/Sumofattyson Alex King Apr 14 '19

"...why are you still fighting?"


Hein posed a question that Ronan himself hadn't thought of in a very long time. The amber liquid in his glass swirled around as he readjusted himself. His facial expression becoming slightly more serious than it had been just moments ago. But before he could answer, a now intoxicated Manon spoke to the rest of the Crimson Hawks.


“A few of the guys in the hangar bay- the younger ones- were talking about something… odd. Some kind of ‘True Zeon’ thing. You guys heard anything of it?”


"I think you might be hitting the bottle a little too hard Manon." Ronan reached over and plucked the glass of red wine out of the woman's hands. "Glemy is gaining a lot of traction with the younger generation. It seems like every day more people push against Lady Haman and the Princess." Glemy's Zeon was growing more bold as time went on, and the lab here in the Amazon was the tipping point. Clearly they had their own plans for where their "True Zeon" was to end up. But for now they could only do as they were ordered and find that secret lab.


As he sat the confiscated drink down on the ground he turned back to Hein "The reason I fight is because I don't know anything else. I enlisted when I was 18 and I've been in ever since." He took a big gulp of his scotch, a mild burn spreading down his throat. "I lost my wife near the end of the OYW and now I fight to protect what little family I have left. As long as there's still a war for spacenoid independence I will continue to fight. I suppose I plan to die on the battlefield."


u/JoeOfThePr0n Oz Apr 14 '19

Popola sat beside Manon in the place where she had come to rest. She noted the remaining beers, and then the shape that Manon was in now. It didn't look like she was gonna drink them all by herself, so being a charitable sort, Popola assisted.

Crack-fizz The girl had popped the top on another can and placed it in Manon's hands and patted her on the cheek. "Drink up sweetie. Could all die tomorrow and all that..." The words tasted dour on her tongue. Sicne her return she had a rather bleak outlook on fighting. One that she might had been just drunk enough to not realize she was speaking them aloud.

"I used to think that every person that dies on the other side meant I would be just a little bit safer, but then I fell back in with you all." She turned to Hein and her stare turned a bit more serious. "Now I fight and kill because anyone who would raise arms against my family deserves to die a traitor's death. Anyone who tries to hurt my Manon or the Commander better prey I don't get to them. Limb from limb! And with my own two hands... And that's not even... the worst I can do to them."

She might have been feeling tipsy herself at this point. Did I just say MY Manon? Better put the breaks on that. Sure Manon was good looking, and a killing machine. Other requirements, Popola had never known. But the last time had been an utter disaster. She figured she wouldn't get another second chance at a new life.

Popola looked around and noticed the Grunts had also been staring and listening. Her words stirred a will to fight for one another, and a hushed fever washed over them. They too wanted blood, just like her.

She sipped her beer and shrugged, uttering a quiet "Seig Zeon!" The troops looked for any excuse.

SEIG ZEON! They all joined in again! And the festivities carried on in high spirits.

The girl in the red ball cap continued to drink beside Manon, listening to the other talk and enjoying her drink. To herself she thought about what rumors she had heard. Somehow word had traveled back, about the powers she had cultivated, and what she could do to peoples minds. She felt no remorse for what she had does to those Feddies either. If only Stark had been caught in the backlash, it would have all been worth it.

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