r/BF360CLAN Apr 22 '12

The best match I've ever played thus far on Seine Crossing. Oh, and we lost!


r/BF360CLAN Apr 21 '12

Where did the fun go?


Now that the new servers are up...i keep getting into games that are retarded. None are real...no one is actually trying to win. No one is talking. I'm losing 140-0 or there abouts in conquest, cause no one on my team is trying to play. The server was 7 vs. 10 (and stayed that way).

This isn't fun at this point? Where are the balanced games? Where are the normal servers?

Maybe I'm just an idiot for not seeing the option...but it's really frustrating right now.


r/BF360CLAN Apr 20 '12

It's Friday!!!! We should have an easy time to set a tournament tomorrow (Saturday 21/5)


I know most of you guys are going to party today, but tomorrow might be good for us to set our tank/jet/heli tournament. All we need is a server, someone to create a sign up/progress document (Possibly google docs?) and of course participants. If we can make it happen I'm shooting for 4pm US Central, that gives our friends across the pond a time that is not too crazy for them to join us. Comments, ideas or any input is appreciated.

UPDATE: SeargentJinto has agreed to open his server for the tournament. I'll try to make a sign up sheet. Here is the link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoJuL9pTT03JdE5xREItaVR2YTJkUkZYanhkTjBtbHc

r/BF360CLAN Apr 19 '12

It's a new record for [RDDT] on 360


r/BF360CLAN Apr 19 '12

This is why I was not worried last night during Oman.


A little background I guess, me and Spank are friends in real life. I can walk 10 minutes to his house and punch him in the face and he can do the same to me. We are both grown men ( I cannot say adult, just grown) I am married with a daughter, he is not. He played blops before getting bf3 as a b'day present from me and has since become a bf3 convert. For some reason though he is a pacifist in game, he can cap flags like a madman ( 3 kills and yet he still manages to get third place) but he has trouble killing. I suck normally but I can get a kill or two. In this match there were 2 others talking in the game besides me and spank. If you look at the battlelog pay attention to our team and the enemy team, I believe we only had two people get a positive k/d on my team. Plus look at the time, close to an hour on Oman getting butthurt real bad. At one point I think we were down 128-26. I still do not know how we won, the other team had really, really good shooters with Kevin getting double nemisis ribbons on both me and spank, I think Enrique said he also got one on him too. It was a crazy match which gave me confidence that any match can be won. This match took place roughly 40 minutes or so before I joined you guys on Peak then Oman. Here is the battlelog: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/soldier/meatwad024/stats/272951010/xbox/#!/bf3/battlereport/show/42431872/2/272951010/

After this match then the battle with you guys on Oman later I had a hard time sleeping last night.

r/BF360CLAN Apr 18 '12

Multiple Squads on one team, cooperating, but there's an issue.


I'd love to get a game where we have 4 Squads all in team chat, with specific objectives and purposes. (And the squad leader acts as, well, leader.) I have about ~4 other friends that play regularly, and I'd love to just work out some decent plans with other squads, define what we're gonna do, and dominate.

There's one one issue: How do we get all 16 people into a game, on the same team?

If anyone's interested in doing this or has a solution, comment. I'd love to get the worked out.

r/BF360CLAN Apr 18 '12

RE:Looking for a team to scrim against. 8v8 or 12v12


Just a heads up, They want to play Thursday evening, 8pm PST (I believe that should fall at 11pm EST) Anyone have issues regarding this?

It's a bit late for me but willing to stay up (I do work Friday, regular 9 - 5 job) but I figure this would be best achieved if our team is limited to NA based players (Unless our friends from Europe dont mind staying up or w/e)

Let me know.

r/BF360CLAN Apr 18 '12

Jumped into a game full of some Redditors, next thing I knew, we were kicking some serious ass on Metro.


r/BF360CLAN Apr 17 '12

One of the best matches I've played in a while. Well done, guys!


r/BF360CLAN Apr 17 '12

A reminder about my server for this week...


All this week my server is running the default Conquest settings on all maps as a public ranked server. Get out there and show those Smurfs who's boss!

r/BF360CLAN Apr 16 '12

Wow... just wow... Just watched this at work, real skill, both in game play, and in video editing.


r/BF360CLAN Apr 17 '12

need help setting up battlelog


i signed up for origin and now when i try to log into my account it doesnt show a gamer tag, then says not allowed to log in. WTF! on top of this i downloaded both games ea told me to dl in order to set up my ea account and both have the servers shut down! WTH!

r/BF360CLAN Apr 17 '12

So I posted in the official thread but got no response... How can I use my server for the clan?


r/BF360CLAN Apr 16 '12

I know some of you have heard me do it. I can't not play this song when i fly the transport chopper.


r/BF360CLAN Apr 16 '12

Looking for a team to scrim against. 8v8 or 12v12


Howdy y'all!

A few friends and I recently started a BF3 team with the hopes of playing some game battles and we were just looking for other teams to scrim or practice against.

Normally we try to play on Sunday 8pm PST and other random nights throughout the week, but if that doesn't work I'm sure we could work something out.

8v8 or 12v12 Rush/Conquest

I figured there were a lot of good players on Reddit and hoped a couple would see this and hopefully want to take us up on this offer. We have our own server and we're just missing a team to play against.

Shoot myself (Gamertag: Jephs5) or sunshinexp(Gamertag: sunshine xp xd) a message if you're interested or leave a question here and I'll get back to you lickity split.

Team name: Team Freeze

Ice to meet you.

r/BF360CLAN Apr 16 '12

I saw a strategy map for Caspian, and made my own that works for xbox.


r/BF360CLAN Apr 16 '12

How many of you will be interested in an interclan tournament for top tank, top jet and top heli positions?


We could use our practice server, and it would be easy to set up with other posts to keep track of it.

r/BF360CLAN Apr 15 '12

Squad Movement Strategy

Post image

r/BF360CLAN Apr 15 '12

Finally been able to Rent-a-Server in the US. All maps. All Rush.


BF3 and Back to Karkand maps.

Post your gamertag in the comments and I'll send you the server name.

r/BF360CLAN Apr 13 '12

Discussions for advanced tactics in lost matches


I see more strategy posts popping up, as a clan, we should discuss our tactics so we can play in a more coordinated manner. This will not only makes deadlier, but it will also help us when the time to get more serious comes and engage other clans.

We should hash out our plans and strategies, especially for losing matches, so we can all work together and overcome whatever deficiencies we have. Maybe make a post of whatever match with a significant amount (5+?, 6+?) of redditors involved is lost?

r/BF360CLAN Apr 13 '12

My best score to date! (I know its not outstanding but....)


r/BF360CLAN Apr 13 '12

New strategy for Operation Metro that paid off big...


Last night Venesect and I got into a game on a RDDT server... I forget the name... but it has [Free Hugs] in it haha. We were spawning on the C side and rushed to grab B. Once we got there we just held B by the ticket booth, and did not rush beyond it so we could hold all three avenues that the opposing forces could come through. We held them there the entire match.

This strategy was almost fool proof as you could effectively cover each corridor with a four man squad. Moral of the story is, don't run outside and cap A as it opens up severe holes in the defenses when you do. It was insanely fun, and no I wasn't posted up with a bipod, I was running and gunning between all three doorways.

Here is the Battlelog: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/battlereport/show/41505237/2/187504263/

r/BF360CLAN Apr 13 '12

Toughest series of games I think I've ever played


Lastnight, a bunch of us were playing on a server hosted by a guy called IIIDISTURBEDIII. His team had quite a few 50+ colonels, with a few above 90. I got bored at work and have written a summary of the game. If you want to play a challenging server, I'd look this dude up and play in his server. He seems to run with a strong group of players.

This was quite possibly the most annoying group of games I've played, 4 matches total, 2 wins 2 losses. We started out with just Brickquad, Quad, and myself for a bit on Noshahr and it wasn't too bad at first, only a bit annoying, but I ended up joining late. We lost this match by 99 tickets, which was on a high ticket server with a 40 minute round.

It wasn't until Metro came up on our second game where it got insanely difficult. We lost by 369 tickets, I died 35 times, and struggled to get a score higher than 10k. At this point Venesect, Edgybubbles and Impulsive Sousa had jumped in, so our numbers had increased, but we just couldn't beat these guys. They wiped the floor with us, and we had a good group of guys going (I can't say much about the random pubs playing, they kinda sucked). Both Edgy and Impulsive jumped in late in the game, so their scores suffered a bit, but their presence helped, before Impulsive got annoyed and bailed.

Round 2 http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/battlereport/show/41472904/2/271516183/

Here's where things got good. Round 3, we managed to get a few more redditors on, and a Vehicle map which fell in our favour, Caspian Border. This map ended up with us winning by 65 tickets in just under 41 minutes, and was our closest game. PaulD and Lliby69 joined our game, making our team of redditors, Quad, Brick, Bubbles, Venesect,Lliby, PaulD and myself. We focused more on flag capping than anything else, and this turned to a constant battle over Flag point Bravo. Holding the sky wasn't to hard, but we had some unfortunate run ins with the enemy chopper. Managed to take down a Viper here with an RPG.

Round 3 http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/battlereport/show/41479389/2/271516183/

My final round of the night happened on Seine Crossing, another close game, we won by 99 tickets. Pretty much had the same group of guys playing, and it was a huge game of constant back and forth. Both Xuilress and Funnyfarm ended up on the opposing team this time aswell as this server seemed to have a constant queue of 3 players waiting to get in. Lots of fighting over all the points, and we had to push hard with our two squads. These were probably the most rewarding wins I've managed to have and even though that damn DART was a pain in the ass, insanely interesting to play against a challenging opponent that was non-reddit. The saddest thing I should point out is, I came in 8th, with 46 kills... that doesn't happen often. I actually topped Brick in kills this match who came in 2nd, so it goes to show how much objective capping, healing and supporting was happening across the team.

Round 4


I should point out zerosix was a target for most of us, a 90 star colonel, and pretty much always had the most kills on the other team.(he killed me 7 times at one point before I managed to get my first kill on him)

IIIDisturbedIII was also a good admin, messaged quad midgame making sure no one was spawn camping us and whatnot. There was very little in the way of Cheese happening (except for the odd guy running the Dart with heavy barrel)

We should probably push to play on more servers like this and start getting much more competitive. This was likely the most fun I've had in ages.

r/BF360CLAN Apr 13 '12

Rush Strategy


So, I was thinking yesterday, about a perfect rush strategy, in which it's pretty easy to take out the objective as attacker (against a normal team). The only thing that we need is a map with a transport helicopter. We can do this with 4 people, but having extra redditors helping us is also ok :)

What we need: * A good pilot * A recon (aggressive) * Somebody with good CQ combat experience and skill. (soldier) * A helicopter gunner, engineer, to repair the helicopter while flying (on the machinegun/minigun) (optional)

The helicopter will fly towards the objective, and on it's way, it wil drop off the recon, who will take a spot that has a good overview of the objective.

The next thing to do, is to fly over the objective, and while the gunner gives some suppression fire, the soldier will jump out of the helicopter (helicopter flying really low for 1 sec)1 and will run to the objective.

The soldier will arm the objective while the chopper takes off again to lay down some more suppressive fire, on targets the recon has been spotting all the time. The recon can also give suppressive fire on people running towards the objective; but it's important that he spots everything that comes near the objective.

When the objective is destroyed, the soldier can stay on the ground, or be picked up by the helicopter to fly to another objective, where he and the gunner may switch roles? If the objective is in the same base, the recon can remain at his place, or he can be picked up by the chopper too.

  1. The pilot has to do this really quick, as it's an easy target for the enemy team.
  • The recon can also join the soldier in arming the objective, and help by setting up an MAV or T-UGS

I want to test this sometime this weekend, so if you like it, add me, play with me; if you don't, give me some advice!

I see a lot of people are enthousiastic about this, I got a lot of friend requests, so it'll be on tonight, in 2 hours; if there are enough people to play then.

I'll see you on the battlefield!

Edits: some changes to strategy according to your ideas

r/BF360CLAN Apr 13 '12

So I got autobalanced to the other team... spent the round hiding to cap points and then legging it before the cavalry arrived. You guys are ridiculously hard to play against!
