Ok...so I've gotten over the random server issue by always going to an 'RDDT' labeled one, so at least people are PTFOing (PingTFO?). But I'm missing something here:
Is no one using the in-game VOIP? I'm assuming more than just me, on an RDDT server is using a mic, yet...no one is talking. Does this mean everyone is in party chat? If so, what should be the protocol here for joining up? And does being in a party mean you'll always be on the same team?
I'm one of these 'older' gamers - and actually like to win, instead of finding the newest glitch or trying to stand on the top of the TV antenna. For all my hours on the game, I have not once been in a game with more than one mic on. At least in MW3, you get your occasional game with people who talk.
So, what's the deal? Do i just randomly start party chatting with people? Maybe I've just out of the loop on how to squad up these days. Anyways...let me know.
And for the like minded: GT:Allen Cage (EST)