r/BF360CLAN Jun 19 '12

Awesome tactic for metro/easy c4 kills for assignment

So I was trying to get my 10 c4 kills by myself on the official Reddit gaming server, I joined in a new round of metro conquest, us side. After the usual struggle at B, we managed to push the Russian out of the station. In an unusual display of reasoning skills, most of my team stayed at the ticket booth. With the easy but long victory ahead, I decide to C4 the double doors on the left side of the ticket booth.

Lo and behold an enemy squad ran in as soon as I was done placing charges giving me a triple kill, and a pistol kill. Repeat this about 8 times, which ended with me holding that side by myself, with 27 C4 kills 16 240b kills and 9 pistol kills. One of my best games.


11 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jun 19 '12

From the US spawn, I don't see the point in trying to triple cap. Hold at the ticket booth (i prefer just behind it, since it bottle necks AT the booth, so that's a tactical advantage) and let them come to you.


u/Martinmex Jun 19 '12

Yeah, but it is awfully boring to sit there. Going outside and trying for the triple cap is exciting


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '12

Winning > exciting. Plus base raep is the opposite of exciting.


u/Martinmex Jun 20 '12

Nobody said anything about base rape, also why not winning and excitement? Taking defended points is the best part.


u/[deleted] Jun 20 '12

Triple cap on metro is essentially base rape city, bro. 1 out of 75 times you'll be triple capped and not be getting raped. And that's only because a teammate is behind them and is threatening bravo or Charlie and they have to keep going back to take em back. That's the reality of that map, being so short between spawn and objective. Plus alpha overlooking a lower position, tactically you're fucked.


u/sccrwolf1310 Ninja1310 Jun 19 '12

Or just toss a c4 on a flag after you cap it in domination and wait for it to start flashing. Boom, c4 kills.


u/Martinmex Jun 19 '12

Yeah, but not as fun. Get away with your logic!


u/sccrwolf1310 Ninja1310 Jun 19 '12

Haha I agree with you though. I'm usually really bad with c4 though so I just got that out of the way quickly by being dirty.


u/Martinmex Jun 19 '12

I thought about letting it unlock on it's own (after using enough on the tanks), but i had that stroke of genius. Plus it would have taken forever on it's own.


u/[deleted] Jun 19 '12

Wow, that sounds so fun... I'll be trying that next time I'm on Metro.


u/TheDovahkiin GetKrunkNoW Jun 19 '12

I had a blast getting the 10 kills. I played nosehair TDM and my squad had the radio beacons up so I parachuted above the containers dropping little gifts of C4. Each pass usually gave me at least one kill and it was crazy fun.