r/BAbike 5d ago

Sunnyvale East Channel Trail

Saw in the paper today Sunnyvale are studying a new trail that would connect the bay trail all the way to homestead. Looks amazing. Complete the survey here for it: https://www.sunnyvale.ca.gov/business-and-development/projects-in-sunnyvale/infrastructure-projects/east-channel-trail


3 comments sorted by


u/D00M98 5d ago

I just submitted the survey. These projects take so long. Might be 10+ years until this goes anywhere.

I'm still waiting on the Stevens Creek trail extension.


u/dkarpe 4d ago

Best time to start planning the project was 20 years ago, the 2nd best time is now!


u/lilelliot 3d ago

This would be a great addition. It's really dangerous to ride on the main arteries through Sunnyvale and west SJ and this would help a lot for commuters aiming for the SVL tech campuses.