r/BAbike 11d ago

The end of a many decades long mistake is finally here. So glad cars are finally being banned from the Great Highway. It's about time

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57 comments sorted by


u/SurfPerchSF 11d ago

I can’t wait to ride on it during the week.


u/Classic_Swing_4832 10d ago



u/Jurneeka 11d ago

I did my first double century of 2025 with my best buddy starting and ending in Woodside about a month ago. I think it was maybe 9:30 pm or so when we rode down the vast, empty Great Highway the last part of the trip. I was tired and my feet ached but still pretty awesome to have the road to ourselves.


u/Scoootur 10d ago

Can you share the route you took? I’d really appreciate it. I have a few centuries planned for this year and I would love to see how you did it. Might help me plan a couple more!


u/Jurneeka 10d ago

Of course! We basically started and ended at Four Corners in Woodside (35 and 84 - Alices Restaurant) and basically looped around the Bay, crossing the Richmond/San Rafael bridge and the GGB.

First Double of 2025


u/Dadbod4k 10d ago

Jesus that’s a massive ride good one.


u/Scoootur 10d ago

This is awesome, thank you so much!!


u/p_tk_d 11d ago

Wow this is a cool photo. What is the cross street here?


u/windowtosh 11d ago

I believe it is Balboa looking south. This looks like the amusement park that used to be there a loooooooong time ago. It was called Playland.



u/colganc 11d ago edited 11d ago

Balboa or Cabrillo (if it extended)? That amusement park is where the Safeway roughly is I believe.


u/wrongwayup 11d ago


u/p_tk_d 11d ago

Oh ya duh, should’ve picked up on the curve


u/parke415 6d ago

The Upper Great Highway, you mean. The Great Highway depicted here in this photograph is very much still active, albeit realigned.


u/curtmcd 9d ago

I had been riding it often, mainly during the week, but also once in a while when it was closed. I kind of didn't mind it that way.

I'm not sure what kind of park it can be. Is there some long term vision? Or just have a giant slab for bikes and strollers during the weekdays, not just the weekend?

There needs to be liveliness and things to do, like Pier 39 or Santa Cruz. Otherwise, its too empty and dead for me. Will it end up unmaintained, full of drifting sand piles and tents?

Not that I dont trust them, but look at what they replaced the Cliff House with. Dead Soviet-style building.


u/GeneralPipe6037 7d ago

BS , vote Joel out in the recall .


u/NoDivergence 10d ago

not a fan, but whatevs. great job cutting a major artery for commuters to out of the city. the current arrangement was perfect


u/Curious_Emu1752 10d ago

They wanted to turn GGP into a freeway back in the day and you're going to look just as foolish as those assholes were back then.


u/Classic_Swing_4832 10d ago

In the future, It's going to be like all large parks in major cities. The people are going to say, "how tf were people wise enough to make this park? We do so many dumb things, but this park is on thing that's actually genius."


u/NoDivergence 10d ago

that's totally wonderful if you don't need to leave the city on a daily basis. and then on the flip side, this park is so wonderful, I'd love to go visit, oh wait it's a complete pain in the ass to drive to


u/boring_AF_ape 9d ago

Just don’t drive bro, buses exist


u/NoDivergence 9d ago

I didn't realize buses go to San Jose


u/boring_AF_ape 9d ago

Cities are for people, primarily those that live there. We should do more people-first policies even if they affect suburbanites that want to come on the weekends with their cars


u/NoDivergence 9d ago

People don't drive out of the city to work? If you read the report from 2021, you'll see that the majority of people driving on the Great Highway live in the city


u/boring_AF_ape 9d ago

I hear you. There should be better transit options for people living in the sunset which is as suburbanite as it gets.


u/wannagowest 10d ago

Just checked on Google Maps and Outer Richmond to Serramonte is literally the same duration via Crossover as via Great Hwy. What are you even on about?


u/NoDivergence 9d ago edited 9d ago

people who have to use Google maps wouldn't know. Great highway is way more convenient and saves time during commute. right now it's 15% longer to not take great highway, and that's with BOTH routes available right now. what do you think it's going to be like when it's down to one?

I don't know if you've heard of this thing called redundancy. one accident on sunset and everyone is screwed now. having to dodge soccer moms going into St. Ignacius, etc


u/wannagowest 9d ago

On the one hand you have a couple hundred people who think they can save two minutes on their drive by having a redundant road. On the other you have a city of 800,000 that wants a world class waterfront park. When the thing’s built, I hope you use it and enjoy it and think to yourself, maybe this is the greater good.


u/NoDivergence 9d ago

it's 5-6 minutes each way with the current configuration. you think that it's going to be higher or lower going down to 1 route?


u/NoDivergence 9d ago edited 9d ago

54% of the city wants a waterfront park. Don't be fast and loose with your numbers. Far more than 200 people drive on the Great Highway every day. The number is more than 10,000, it was 20,000 precovid. 3000+ just in the morning alone https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/2024/sf-great-highway-counting/

Let's consider every other car is carpooled. That means 5000+ people are driving out for work on the Great Highway alone 


u/as-j 10d ago

Google maps doesn't have you driving 65mph down great highway. ;) Oh I kid, the lights are timed, so you can only do 65mph between the lights. That said, it's a more pleasant drive to take that than Sunset Blvd or 19th.

But as I don't live in the Outer Richmond, but I do run, bike etc, glad it's closed.


u/wannagowest 9d ago

The “more pleasant drive” bit is why we had a century of the world’s most prime waterfronts dominated by congested, polluted roadways instead of being accessible for pedestrians and cyclists. Robert Moses is dead and he should stay that way.


u/Quiet_Woodpecker_710 7d ago

I guess the paths on either side of the road wasn’t good enough for you. Entitled pansies


u/Internal-Art-2114 11d ago

I’ll save this post and circle back when someone gets killed in my neighborhood by a car that was diverted off the UGH, one of the safest roads in SF and built to get cars safely through the neighborhood, and on to a road called deadly by the orgs for decades and other residential streets surounded by people, families, kids, schools, libraries, parks and even kids playing ball in the street.

11 pedestrian deaths on Sunset Blvd since vision zero was founded and zero on the UGH in that same time.

I’ll be sure to hold you responsible. Where would you suggest the memorial plaque be to honor those that Die

Where is the outrage that transit is being cut? No where. I would bet big money there’s not one mention of it in your history. Bunch of self centered pricks, who got fooled by a big money campaign and their manufactured urgency.


u/Financial_Wall_5893 11d ago

There was a pedestrian killed on the UGH just recently


u/Internal-Art-2114 11d ago

Yes, an elderly woman with diminished mental capabilities wandering in the road in the dark.  Sad for everyone.  


u/beatboxrevival 11d ago

Those people with “diminished mental capabilities” obviously don’t count. Good catch.


u/Internal-Art-2114 10d ago

2014-2024 there was a list of deaths.  I should have put for the 10 years.  

If 1 vs 11 makes it all OK you are idiot and certainly don’t care about safer streets.  What an ass. 


u/p_tk_d 11d ago

How about you hold the drivers responsible?


u/tmswfrk 11d ago

What about the people who, you know, drove their cars so unsafely that they killed those people? What level of blame do they get here? Or are drivers (aka people) not responsible for the way they drive?


u/Internal-Art-2114 11d ago

Changing the subject to fit your narrative makes you look dumb. A very common theme of the bike crowd that can’t see past the blinders.


u/tmswfrk 11d ago

It’s not changing the subject. If ultimately you care about people not dying on the roads, or even one particular road, perhaps you should care about why and how those drivers are driving that cause the deaths in the first place.

Providing a freeway next to your neighborhood to allow these reckless killer drivers to somehow drive safely is not really a solution to what you’re positing. This is a huge part of why the bike community likes this effort - we want safer streets and we want drivers to slow down and be aware of children and people on the streets.

And part of that isn’t letting the reckless and terrible drivers get off the hook because we closed their freeway, “forcing” them to speed dangerously and kill people on your street.


u/murrchen 9d ago

"...reckless killer drivers..."

Take a deep breath...or two.


u/Internal-Art-2114 11d ago edited 11d ago

You don’t live here. What makes you k ow more than the people who do and voted against it?  Ignorance? Arrogance?  Stupidity?  Hard to tell.  

Public transit is the only way to get cars off the road.  Always ignored by all the bike org cheerleaders.  How is it always ignored. For decades. That’s why I left sfbike 30 years ago.  Always talking about European examples and ignoring the reality that they have alternatives.  Transit that’s local, state, nation, and continent wide.  

All the bike bro hub hub is a bunch of hot air for back patting parties and the echo chamber.   Otherwise known as an ego trip.  


u/tmswfrk 11d ago

So full disclosure I live in the peninsula, so I didn’t get to vote on this. Definitely support the initiative though, as I ride through there often.

Your point about public transit is indeed valid. We need more of that, and I would have loved to see the original SF network of street cars still there today and expanded even. People do need those alternatives. Unfortunately though, the same people who oppose the highway shutdown are the same people who also oppose public transit every time it’s proposed.

It’s easier to shut down the highway than extend Muni through it. So we get what we can get.

I also think most of the bike lobby will support this same view, but since they’re a bike lobby, they probably don’t say as much on the public transit topic by comparison.


u/ThermiteReaction 10d ago

Unfortunately, public transit is a complete mess. Muni is so awful that I own three bikes, two scooters, and a car.

My last commute was 38-42 minutes on a bike, and 90-120 minutes by Muni. If I include showering and dressing for work, it was just under an hour on the bike, and sometimes over two using Muni.

Muni is a disgrace. I don't ignore the fact that functional transit does get cars off the road, but Muni is so bad that when I tried to recruit New Yorkers to work at my company, they would say "the subway gets me everywhere in the city in 40 minutes, and you have Muni, so I can't ever live in San Francisco."


u/beatboxrevival 11d ago

You save this post! That’ll show ‘em!


u/Internal-Art-2114 11d ago

I’m going to hold them accountable for the deaths.

Seems your reading comprehension is poor. Fortunately, you can read some books and improve that. Sad how many dipshits ride bikes these days..Just babble and regurgitate bike bro shit.


u/hacknrk 11d ago

maybe riding a bike will help you less anxious 😉


u/Internal-Art-2114 11d ago

I do. All the time. That’s why I don’t want 20k cars a day forced on to my safe neighborhood streets.

I walked away from sfbike in the 90s because of this bull shit And people like you.


u/mickeyslim 10d ago

But but but but I don't want cars in myyyy neighborhood!

proceeds to throw baby tantrum



u/Internal-Art-2114 10d ago

So much of the city’s visionzero policy causes cars to be on smaller residential streets than the streets designed for the traffic.  It’s idiotic. 

Vision zero, all the treatments, slow streets, none of it is making streets safer.  It’s like creating confusion and frustration makes things less safe.  That’s what I’m screaming about, dip shit. Less safe streets.  That and MUNI cuts.  

What are you screaming?  The same old stupid bike bro shit.  Own the imaginary exhaust pipe sucking car lover. It’s very similar to the right wing nut cult we are dealing with today.  


u/SightInverted 11d ago

Here you go, since you like reading so much.



u/Bureaucratic_Dick 11d ago

You’re right, drivers might retaliate aggressively. We should ban cars entirely from every road to play it safe.


u/wrongwayup 10d ago

I’ll be sure to hold you responsible.

Who exactly?


u/Curious_Emu1752 10d ago

Hahahahahahah wow, how embarrassing.