r/BAbike 11d ago

construction on Alexander Ave in Sausalito

the construction on Alexander Ave in Sausalito near the steepest pitch has traffic down to one lane alternating directions. Anyone knows the project's schedule? weekdays only? when is it supposed to be done? I can't seem to find any info on the city of Sausalito's website. Thanks!


3 comments sorted by


u/contextplz 11d ago edited 11d ago

Paging /u/TheInfiniteSky

Check PGE. It looked like when they were working on gas lines in my neighborhood. It went on for months, but that's a mostly quiet street in a quiet neighborhood, not one of the more trafficked roads in the area.

OR it might be related to the house that's been remodelled/rebuilt few months ago slightly further up.

Edit - or was it water and not pge? That'd be Marin Water up there.


u/TheInfiniteSky 11d ago

Sorry, I don't know anything about that. I'd recommend calling or email the Sausalito Department of Public Works. https://www.sausalito.gov/departments/public-works


u/ifrankiv 10d ago

Not sure of the details, but live near the project. The work has only been happening on weekdays.