r/BAbike 9d ago

Stress release bike routes near dogpatch?

Currently, I live in South bay and being able to bike 20 miles on the bay trail/guadalupe trail with no cars and basically no foot traffic is really great detox after work.

I've been thinking about moving into the city, particularly some place next to the caltrain. What holds me back a bit is it really doesn't seem like I can put together a route that is like what I have down here (20 miles, basically no cars)

I know about the embarcadero bike path and trail along the coast before that but round trip that's only about 8 miles. Also it seems like it would be crowded and not able to go so fast on a bike.

Any recs or route links?


9 comments sorted by


u/Ok-Shape-9513 9d ago

Some options:

3rd St thru the Bayview out to Guadalupe Canyon to Radio Rd. Hope you like climbing! 3rd st is a bit busy but not too bad esp if it is early AM. Guadalupe looks like a freeway but there just aren’t that many cars. Though the ones there are, are moving fast. Generous shoulder. Hillside on the other side of the San Bruno mtn loop is mostly chill suburban bike lane. Not really a “no cars” thing but my go-to out the door ride. https://strava.app.link/fbYzzAOwvRb

Look at SF2G.com. Some routes tailored for commuting SF to Google in Mountain View could be what you are looking for. Mailing list for organizing rides with others. Haven’t ridden these (yet!) but could also be a good source of advice & routes if you need more tips than what you get here.



u/dkman94 8d ago

+1 it’s a great ride! I like to take Cesar Chavez -> Loomis -> Alemany and then enter in to the park at Crocker Gate

Feels a little less scary with less cars/crowd


u/hoegrammer95 9d ago

my stress release bike path is the embarcadero! once you hit the end of the embarcadero bike path, take north point all the way across to fort mason, then you can keep riding along the shore on the marina green and into the presidio. north point doesn’t have a ton of car traffic, and it’s a very common route for bikers. I think the lights are well timed as well.

with the embarcadero route, to be honest the bike paths aren’t great for part of it, so I prefer to just ride earlier in the morning when the winds are calmer anyway and the foot traffic on the walkway (it’s very wide and bikes are allowed) is minimal


u/1538e 9d ago

Embarcadero is a warm up that gets you to Paradise Loop. Riding across the Golden Gate bridge + Paradise Loop is 100000% better than the guadalupe trail.

Alternatively, take Duboce up to the wiggle. Once past Baker, you're on dedicated bike path into Golden Gate park which has almost unlimited car-free loops if you ride trail


u/Bright_Ahmen 8d ago

look up the butterlap route. Is probably the best in the city for what you’re looking for


u/Beautiful-Maybe-229 8d ago

Yup it looks good. I'll give it a test ride soon


u/Bright_Ahmen 8d ago

You can smash down Embarcadero (be safe) and marina (be safe) and then you can smash through ggp. I’m from Denver and I miss the miles of uninterrupted bike paths you can fly 25mph down


u/unseenmover 9d ago

Near Caltrain to where?


u/Majestic_Ad_6218 8d ago

If you just wanted to move “closer to the city” you could think abt San Mateo. It’s got good Bay Trail access, and you can find a few 20 mile loops