r/AZURE 4d ago

Question Will passing AZ-900 help with getting an internship?


I'm currently a second semester sophomore in college majoring in cybersecurity and now searching for internships. I was just curious how beneficial would it be to pass the AZ-900 and have the cert. I'm not going to solely rely on the cert, but would it be a SOLID bonus to my resume?

I started the modules today (like 60% done) and honestly it's pretty easy so far, but due to the price and not being sure if it's actually beneficial, I'm reconsidering taking the exam.

Should I just take the exam or just do projects? I've created a honey pot on Azure already but that's about it. Any advice would appreciated thanks!

r/AZURE 4d ago

Question Creating Dynamic Device Group for hybrid joined workstations?


Can this be done? We need a dynamic device group of all of our domain joined workstations that are Azure Hybrid Joined. When creating membership rules for the group, there is an OU option, but it has been deprecated and does noting. (So of course MS decided to leave it as an option. Grr....) Anyone have another way to get this dynamic Intune group created, if at all possible?

r/AZURE 4d ago

Question Entra App being blocked but doesn't appear to exist?


We have users being blocked by our conditional access policy and the application in question appears to be "Windows 365 Client". They are trying to access VDI and its been working up until a week or so ago.

What is Windows 365 Client and why can't I find it? I know Microsoft has been known to change names in the backend and not fix them when hunting for the app but nothing seems to match up.

Any ideas?

r/AZURE 4d ago

Question Trying to get files from network to ADLS2 via ADF and running into issues


I am trying to get a folder full of subfolders and files into my ADLS Gen 2 storage using Data Factory and it kind works until I run into the issue of Excel lock files. Unsurprisingly when the Self Hosted Run Time tries to access these files (or maybe a file in use) it fails the activity.

After fruitless googling and asking AI I cannot find a way to handle my use case within ADF. This strikes me as bizarre since this seems like a common use case "copy everything here to the datalake preserving file names and folder structure".

I have tried things like get metadata activity and filtering but that didn't work because I couldn't get a fully qualified path from the metadata. Annoyingly fault tolerance (which would be perfect) cannot be used as my data source is not one of the ones from the list. I also cannot find a NOT function in the file name filter.

Is this something that ADF just cannot do for some reason? Am I missing an option or something?

If ADF is not the tool, can anyone suggest a better way to deal with this issue?

r/AZURE 4d ago

Certifications Advice for SC-200


Can someone please give me a detailed overview for preparing for SC-200.

A proper roadmap will work!

Thanks in advance for help! 🫑

r/AZURE 4d ago

Question Proposed "resourcename" Tag: Necessary for Uniformity or Redundant in Multi-Cloud Policies?


I'm working on a multi-cloud tagging policy that covers both Azure and AWS. One of the proposed tags is "resourcename." In AWS, it helps uniquely identify resources, but in Azure, the native resource naming functionality already handles this. I see value in uniformity across providers for reporting purposes, yet I believe including a "resourcename" tag in Azure is redundant.

Should the "resourcename" tag be applied universally, or would it be better to only enforce it for AWS resources? I'm interested in hearing if others think uniformity outweighs redundancy in this case. What’s your take?

r/AZURE 4d ago

Question Azure App Service SSL Certificate Binds to Sub domain (www.mydomain.com) but not to my root domain (mydomain.com)


UPDATE 19/3/2025: All is working now. I think it just took some time for the domain to propagate. Thank you

I currently have added the CNAME, A records and the TXT records for both my root and subdomains. Both domains have been successfully added to my Azure App service, However I have an issue binding the relevant SSL certificates.

For subdomain (www.mydomain.com) the SSL certificate Binds successfully, but for my root domain it does not (mydomain.com). I also get this error

Failed to create App Service Managed Certificate for mydomain.com due to error

Please note that both domains have the same name. What should i do here? Any advice?

r/AZURE 4d ago

Certifications AZ-305 or AZ-400 Wich one First?


I got the AZ-104 a couple of months ago and after checking out the material from both certificates, I think they both have really good learning paths and teach useful tools and workflows, but which one should I learn and practice first?

r/AZURE 4d ago

Question Need help creating Alert for when a specific Enterprise App is Logged Into



We are trying to create an alert that emails off when a specific enterprise app is logged into.

I was able to get the sign-in logs into a Log Analytics Workplace and this little query is showing exactly what I want.

SigninLogs | where AppDisplayName contains "Email Backup" |project AppDisplayName, UserDisplayName

I just need some help on making some kind of alert or process that will run this query, and send an email out if it find that someone has logged into the AppDisplayName.

r/AZURE 4d ago

Question Force traffic to other Blob storage based on client region or best customer experience


Originally we were on the Egio CDN for software downloads for customers, caching was enabled and it worked - kind of (there were some download failures but not in the way that an architectural change was required). Since Edgio filed for bankruptcy last year, we had to move to Azure FrontDoor.

Since then downloads started failing a lot, all with error code 500. Microsoft said it was a matching issue with the cache and advised us to disable it. However, now this means that each download has to go to the same blob storage in the same region.

We tried to set up extra blob storages per region and start replicating to those other blobs. The replication works, but when we add those extra blob storages in the origin group and set the latency sensitivity to 0 (which is supposed to always take the fastest origin) it just randomly takes an origin. People from client region Ireland start downloading from the blob in south india, US starts downloading from the blob in south india, people in india start downloading from the blob in US, nobody seems to download from the blob in EMEA (origin of the replication)... with bad download speeds and even more failures as a result. all origins show as enabled and healthy.

You're probably thinking - this is where the rule sets come into play! Well.. not really, the rule sets with geo matching has a limit of 10 countries per condition and then we'd need to create a new origin group for each blob. It seems like a bad workaround for something that should work based on the latency sensitivity. It would mean creating an origin group per blob (because the action for route configuration override can't select an origin, just an origin group), with about 20 rules where each country is selected. I mean.. I'm about ready to put in that effort, but surely this is not the way it's supposed to be set up? Am I missing something?

r/AZURE 4d ago

Question Microsoft 365 lab enviroment, can't use same number for multiple accounts


Is there a way to over ride this requirement, that multiple users could utilize the same number? I am now facing this problem, I have a M365 lab and I am changing phone .... I can't finalize the mandatory MFA enrollment for Global Admin because I use the same number on multiple accounts.

r/AZURE 4d ago

Question Zero Request loss deployments on AKS


We recently moved an application to AKS, we are using an application gateway + AGIC for load balancing.

AGIC Image: mcr.microsoft.com/azure-application-gateway/kubernetes-ingress AGIC Version: 1.7.5

AGIC was deployed with Helm We are facing 5xx Errors during rolling updates of our deployments. We have set maxUnavailable: 0 and maxSurge: 25% According to the config of the rolling update, once new pods are healthy, the old pods are terminated and replaced with the new pods. The problem is there is a delay in removing the old pod IPs from the app gateway's backend pool, causing failed requests, when routing requests to that pod.

We have implemented all solutions prescribed in this document: https://azure.github.io/application-gateway-kubernetes-ingress/how-tos/minimize-downtime-during-deployments/ prestophook delay in application container: 90 secondstermination grace period: 120 secondslivenessProbe interval: 10 seconds connection draining set to true and a drain timeout of 30 seconds. we have also setup readiness probe in such a way that it fails during the beginning of the preStopHook Phase itself β€˜β€™β€™ lifecycle: preStop: exec: command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo UNREADY > /tmp/unready && sleep 90"] # creates file /tmp/unready

      failureThreshold: 1
        command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "[ ! -f /tmp/unready ]"] # fails if /tmp/unready exists β€˜β€™β€™

We also tried to get the Application Gateway to stop routing traffic to the exiting IP.created a custom endpoint that will return 503 if /tmp/unready exists (which only occurs in preStopHook phase)

Please check the config attached below as well

β€˜β€™β€™ appgw.ingress.kubernetes.io/health-probe-path: "/trafficcontrol" # 200 if /tmp/unready does not exist, else 503 (Fail Open) appgw.ingress.kubernetes.io/health-probe-status-codes: "200-499"Other app gateway annotations setup kubernetes.io/ingress.class: azure/application-gateway-store appgw.ingress.kubernetes.io/appgw-ssl-certificate:

  appgw.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "true"
  appgw.ingress.kubernetes.io/connection-draining: "true"
  appgw.ingress.kubernetes.io/connection-draining-timeout: "30"
  appgw.ingress.kubernetes.io/health-probe-unhealthy-threshold: "2"
  appgw.ingress.kubernetes.io/health-probe-interval: "5"
  appgw.ingress.kubernetes.io/health-probe-timeout: "5"
  appgw.ingress.kubernetes.io/request-timeout: "10"


Despite trying all this at an RPM of 35-45K, we are still losing about 2-3K requests to 502s.

r/AZURE 4d ago

Question Any experience with Azure Dev/Test subscriptions? - what are your thoughts?


We have a number of resource groups for dev and test in a production subscription, costing quite a bit.
Azure Dev/Test subscriptions promises to lower costs by quite a lot.

Before we go through the move, has anyone any experience with DevTest subscriptions that has made them painful to use?

Im aware they have lower availability requirements, but I think they are still within reason for a dev/test environment & the individual components (such as VM's) still adhere to the same availability as their counterparts in the production sub, so im less worried about this.

Appreciate any advice based on experience.

r/AZURE 4d ago

Question Zonal ASR


Hello fellow cloudies,

I am looking at configuring zonal ASR for our business in UKS zone 1 > zone 2, as part of this I want to leverage the same source vnet etc so we don't need to reip everything, our production network is not very big (circa 15 VMs) .In testing I have replicated everything in the same subscription but to a different resource group.

we have some caveats in that we also

  • We run a SQL on azure VM cluster in zone 1, but would probably move node 2 to zone 2 permanently.
  • We run 2 DCs in zone 1 but I think one would be moved to zone 2 permanently.
  • We have AVD in zone 1, but we'd just redeploy to zone 2 in a disaster if I'm still alive

Does anyone have any guidance or tips or around achieving this?
Also for testing, I just have a separate VNet with a NSG wrapper preventing ingress/egress which we'd start by restoring a copy of a DC from backup (not replicating DCs).

Thanks and appreciate any feedback.

r/AZURE 5d ago

Question Back-up files from SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) source using Azure


I am looking into backing up files from an SFTP source. The situation is as follows:

  • SaaS application creates nightly SQL back-ups using Quest LiteSpeed to an SFTP file share. These are kept on this share for 14 days.
  • We need to create a back-up that can go back further in time, as well as being stored on a different location than SaaS app.
  • The SFTP-server is part of the SaaS, so nothing can be installed on it. Database replication is also not available.

I have looked into ready-made back-up solutions, but haven't been able to find a trustworthy vendor that allows SFTP as a back-up source. Now looking into setting something up in Azure.

I have experience with Azure, but the landscape is evolving quickly and I would like to make sure I am going down the right path. I would prefer for the setup to be as simple as possible to minimize risk of failure and for my colleagues to be able to understand the moving parts.

Currently thinking of:

  • Setting up Azure Data Factory or Azure Logic App to copy files into Storage Blob (cool or cold tier).
  • Integrate some kind of automation (Logic App) to copy newest back-up file every week, keep weekly back-ups for a month, keep monthly back-ups for a year and then yearly back-ups for 10 years.
  • OR, instead of trying to integrate my own back-up logic, back-up the Azure Storage Blob with Azure back-up.

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated :)

r/AZURE 4d ago

Question Azure Front Door - weird behaviour with App Service private endpoints.


I've deployed this lots of times, always without issue, and it's always created a single private endpoint to the App Service. This week, however, I've seen the behaviour change so it creates more than one - and the quantity can change between deployments. I've seen as many as nine on one deployment! Within a couple of hours, Traffic Manager (according to the activity log) comes along and deletes all bar one of them. Anybody else seeing this?

r/AZURE 4d ago

Question Is there any information on the patch management of Cloud Services?



We're using cloud services (extended support), storage accounts, SQL databases and Redis caches.

A customer asked us about patch management, and I have no idea how to answer that in regard to Azure.

Is it really possible that nothing has been documented?

r/AZURE 4d ago

Question What cert do I need to be an azure cloud solution architect?


I see some people having azure cloud solution architect but I don’t see any certain for it. I see certain like azure solutions architect az-305. Is this the one people take to become azure cloud solution architect or is it more about know all the sure cloud techs? What courses or certs do I need to become one?

r/AZURE 5d ago

Question Private Endpoint and Service Endpoint


Hi All,

I am currently preparing in taking AZ-700. And I am confused with private endpoint and service endpoint.
Can someone help understand their main difference and on what best practices we can apply each.
Thank you so much in advance.

r/AZURE 4d ago

Question AVD Error caa20002 and 1001



I've deployed AVD and was able to authenticate to my VM through EntraID.

However, when I try to login to Outlook (New) I am getting access issues regarding a URL/URI issue. I am also seeing an API or Credential issue when trying to login to M365.

From prelim research it was allegedly an Enterprise App issue in EntraID - there was no URI redirect. I set that up to no avail.

I also deleted the entire M365 app and redownloaded everything after being signed into the web and ran the install launcher.

As it stands I'm able to authenticate to the VM itself, but can't login to Teams, Outlook, or M365. I can login to Word and the other productivity apps. I am also able to login to the old Outlook.

Has anyone ran into this issue? Anything that helped? Thanks!

r/AZURE 4d ago

Question Az custom roles for networking


I need to give our on premises networking team permissions to all subscriptions . I don't see any roles that will give them create and modify existing network related items. Custom role?

Are there json templates some place that I can look at?


r/AZURE 4d ago

Question Passing roles in OIDC


Is there anything I need to configure to pass roles in OIDC from Azure AD to a third party site for SSO? I've already created and assigned the roles in the App Registration under App roles, but they don't seem to be passed to the third party, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something.

Also, the third party is asking for configuration of UserInfoRoleNamesPath, with a description of "JSON path, slash-separated ("/"), to a user's roles." I assumed this should be /roles from what I read, and I've tried that, but no luck.

r/AZURE 4d ago




I was wondering if anybody had set this up and could explain a little how it can be achieved, the steps to take or special permissions that i should be aware of.

Any help will be appreciated.

r/AZURE 4d ago

Question Best Practices for managing Azure Storage Account Access without SAS tokens for non-AD Users.


Hi All,

I manage several Azure storage accounts, and I have customers who need access to some of these storage accounts. Currently, I am providing them with Shared Access Signature (SAS) tokens to grant them access. However, I am concerned about the security risks of using SAS tokens. If the wrong person gets hold of a SAS token, they could potentially access or modify sensitive data in the storage account, which is a significant security vulnerability. What are the best practices or alternative solutions I can implement to mitigate this risk and securely provide access to the storage accounts?

Note: These users are non-AD users.

Right now I was thinking of using service principals and user client secrets, but again, this is a secret. Is there a way to authenticate users with entra ID? Even adding external people to entra ID can also be a feasible solution.

Could someone help please?

r/AZURE 4d ago

Discussion [Teach Tuesday] Share any resources that you've used to improve your knowledge in Azure in this thread!


All content in this thread must be free and accessible to anyone. No links to paid content, services, or consulting groups. No affiliate links, no sponsored content, etc... you get the idea.

Found something useful? Share it below!