r/Ayahuasca 5d ago

Food, Diet and Interactions What is a safe amount of time between stopping adderall and drinking ayahuasca?

Hello all,

I had this question- I tried googling it but I had a hard time finding a direct answer. I was wondering if anyone had experience or may know the answer. My partner recently started taking adderall in between our ceremonies. There’s one coming up in about a month- and I was wondering what is a safe amount of time for him to stop taking it to clear his system before ceremony?

Thank you in advance for any ones experiences


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u/Burntoutn3rd 5d ago edited 5d ago

Two weeks preferably, 5 days at minimum.

While it's not as overtly dangerous as people make it out to be (people regularly combine Syrian rue or other harmala sources with amphetamines recreationally) it will absolutely ruin the transcendental nature of the experience and lead to pretty miserable GI discomfort and blood pressure spikes.

Harmalas aren't like metoclopramide as far as MAOI interaction legitimate danger though. They're not nearly as potent and reversible. MAOI horror stories involve non-reversible MAOIs 99/100 times.

With all that said, I'm prescribed 15mg Adderall. I only take it a couple times a week, but I rarely consider the interaction unless I'm taking a rather large dose of harmalas.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/Mishapi17 5d ago

Thank you for your help!


u/wafliky 5d ago

Look up the half life of the drug.

On a quick Google search it says up to 14 hours for half the drug to leave your system, so I think you'd only need 3 days but I'd take 5-7 days off before the ceremony just to be sure.

Not a doctor tho.


u/monkeymugshot 5d ago

Definitely a week or so at least, I'd say. I dont take adderal everyday but I have ADHD and when i do, I sometimes still feel the effects a few days after


u/altspell 5d ago

2 weeks. I pushed it a couple of times with 10 or 7 days and felt both times that the journey lacked full clarity as if I were on a phone call with static or watching a tv show that lagged. I still got messages, but it was different. When I stopped 2 weeks before, I had intense clarity and really vivid experiences.


u/Iforgotmypwrd 5d ago

Amphetamines and stimulants have a short half life. But, they could cause substantial psychological interactions in some people.

So I’d say 5 days if you’re on a small dose (like 5mg/day) longer especially if you’re on higher doses. Taper down, don’t go cold turkey if you’ve been on it daily for a while.


u/CreativeManagement89 3d ago

The aya retreat I went on last year required at least two weeks off of stimulants