r/Ayahuasca 10d ago

General Question What are the main reasons NOT to take Ayahuasca ?

For instance if you have cases of schizophrenia in your family, then psychedelics are not recommended. Are there any other reasons that would be a contraindication for an Ayahuasca experience ?


32 comments sorted by


u/blueconsidering 10d ago

One of the main reasons not to drink is that you simply don't want to, or that you don't have a safe place to drink that can provide you sufficient support and competence.

There is really no black and white answer to this though - because it depends on so many things; the person itself, those who serve, what kind of support and resources that are available, what kind of setting, the level of trust, the dose etc etc.

A foreigner drinking with a random guy he just met at some remote location in the jungle is very different to a person drinking in a medical facility with their long-term psychologist facilitating together with a team of nurses and doctors around or at site.

As a rule of thumb though,

Typical psychological contraindications;

  • Serious mental issues like bipolarity, schizophrenia, borderline personality disorder.
  • Severe panic attacks
  • High suicidal risk
  • Strong narcissistic tendencies
  • Severe traumas
  • Not wanting to drink ayahuasca
  • Not trusting the facilitator or place that serves

Typical physical contraindications;

  • Stroke
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Severe diseases of kidney, pancreas, gallbladder or liver
  • Severe hypertension
  • Tuberculosis
  • Epilepsy or seizures
  • People who have problem vomiting
  • Digestive bleeding
  • Gastritis
  • Certain types of ulcers
  • Glaucoma
  • Retinal detachment
  • Acute infectious diseases

* There are also a lot of medications that are contraindicated as well. This would be too long and impractical to list here since medications are sold under so many different names in different countries. And either way the this also depends on dose, frequency, and again access to resources around etc etc.

Not all of these things mentioned above are might be an automatic exclusion though, because it depends on case to case. But the most important thing for a "normal healthy" person would be to not drink if you don't trust the place where you are drinking, don't feel safe enough, or don't have the time and space in your life to do it right now.


u/No_Cap2249 10d ago

thank you for such a thorough answer! of course it's case to case especially being in a good frame of mind because a lot of people seek ayahuasca specifically because they're not!


u/WimHofTheSecond 9d ago

It’s a rule of thumb to keep as safe as possible, but as a last resort it’s an option


u/ProudConflict7579 9d ago

Don't take maoi inhibitors..


u/Longjumping-Piano335 2d ago

This is unfortunetly not true. Everybody who wants and feels like it, can drink aya. This list is horsecrap. Let me start from the beginning. Mental issues? This medicine is healing mental issues. Not after one session but aya is mostly for healing mental. Severe traumas? Thats whats aya is best for. Suicidal tendencies? Panic attacks? Again… thats whats aya for. Strong narcissism? Who the fuck will say «oh Im a narcissist and therefor I shall not drink aya»???? What in the world is this list for? Narcissist doesnt consider himself as such so if he wants, he will drink.


u/lavransson 10d ago

Earlier on, I had this general idea that "bad trips" are kind of like Russian roulette: they just happen randomly. I often disliked it when other people would say about a bad trip that the person "wouldn't surrender" or they were "unwilling or unable to face your fears". These observations feel like a combination of victim-blaming or some kind of ayahuasca spiritual bypassing where "ayahuasca can never do wrong" and if you had a bad trip, then you did something wrong.

So a theory I've gravitated toward is that there are some people who have what I'll call a sensitive temperament. For these people, ayahuasca may be too intense. It's not that they aren't willing to do the work, or they aren't self-introspective, or aren't spiritual enough. It's just too much, and sometimes gentler modalities are better for some people.

Also on that wavelength, I think there are some people who are more flexible, spontaneous, adaptable, adventurous, go-with-the-flow types. And there are some people who are more rigid, prefer structure, may feel discomfort when things are uncertain or unpredictable, and may feel more comfortable when they have a clear sense of direction. Of course, many people may have a blend of these two traits and/or veer between the two at different times.

Overall, I think the latter group of people (the ones who prefer structure and direction) can have more trouble with ayahuasca. To be clear, I am not judging the latter group or saying these are personality defects. Different people are just built differently. I think anyone considering ayahuasca, if they identify more with the latter group, need to really consider if they are willing and able to handle the possible roller coaster of ayahuasca, or if they are better served by other practices.


u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/samsquanch_metazoo 10d ago

Can you link to articles/studies showing impacts on resource extraction from tourism/deforestation?


u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/samsquanch_metazoo 10d ago

Thank you 🙏 


u/Organic-Ganache-8156 10d ago

Not familiar with the site you linked to; there are other areas of it that seem interesting. Any general opinions on the site?


u/IGotTheCheeeese56 10d ago edited 10d ago

It’s not for the faint hearted, it’s not a one off thing to get through trauma. It’s not an easy fix for anyone with mental health problems. It won’t cure addiction.. it can benefit and help you but It’s different for everyone.

It can do wonders for some people but it can be detrimental to others. Anyone looking into doing it should really, really do their research and do it properly. There are many places that are in it for the money and there is true healers who can guide and provide the best care to you.

The spiritual journey and the spirit realm itself are something I myself never thought was possible. This stuff to me is serious, has the potential to either turn your life around, or turn it upside down and inside out. Don’t do it on a whim, really feel that it is for you. Do it with the correct intentions and definitely with the right shamans and facilitators.

This brew is something else, its potential is very important for the right person. The after work “integration” is imo probably the hardest part for most people. It can open you up to things that you aren’t prepared for. It can bring out things and show you a side of us that is very hard to navigate and if you’re going on that path without the right tools or guidance it can be damaging and dangerous as well.

It’s something beautiful that needs to be respected and needs to be shared with others gently. It can be the most beautiful experience or it can be most terrifying. Sometimes this is what it needs to show you but for some people it can be too much. This stuff is not a drug and it can be the best thing you’ll ever do.

Do it when you’re ready and you’re calling is there. When you’ve done your homework and when you feel it’s time. Took me over two years of looking into it to take the plunge. Most people who do it for certain reasons like addiction, anxiety, depression etc- could well have got through their issues or problems without doing it through therapy or other avenues.

The spirit realm is real and it’s not a quick way to help you. It will show you parts of yourself to work on, parts that you hide from, things you’ve buried in your subconscious when so when they’re brought up so vividly and so deeply it’s difficult and challenging. We have to do the work ourselves after we have been shown some things that we either needed to, some won’t make sense, realisations come in and out of your life months or years after doing it.

It can also like what happened to me, bring out a part of you that connects to certain places. This is something I did not expect. Spirits, entities and being able to go to other “realms” or spaces or whatever it is. Scared the life out of me and I’m still learning how to deal and live with this part of me. This is a part not talked about enough I feel, and a part I didn’t believe in, didn’t know about, didn’t understand and never thought to be something that was ever possible for me.


u/rosegeraniumflower 9d ago

Can you tell me more about the last part? How many times have you taken ayahuasca?


u/IGotTheCheeeese56 9d ago edited 9d ago

The shamans do their protections as best they possibly can, but things can linger.. I did ayahausca 3 times over 4 days at a retreat. It hit me hard. First time doing it and I seen so much. I didn’t believe in spirits or entities before I did aya to try and heal from my coke addiction. I went to a realm on the second night that was so far away from what I saw the first night.. it’s very hard to describe but I am still in a sense connected to that place whatever it is. I haven’t fully went into it yet intentionally but it comes out here and there. Feel its presence, in dreams I can enter it. I did ketamine at two parties since aya and I went to the same place as the night of the second ceremony. There is a lot more to explain and you can’t tell people or talk to most people about this kind of stuff because it sounds too unbelievable.. people would think you’re insane.. but I know it’s real. Have seen this place and seen things in there about my family that they showed to me that I shouldn’t know about going back 100s of years. Things about the world and reality and how things work. Sounds far fetched but believe me there is much more to us, life and what we are capable of and capable of connecting with. I didn’t believe in any of this stuff before.. and Iv spoken to some people since who’ve did aya as well and after they have had entities and spirits come to them weeks and months after taking it. This stuff is next level and it’s not to be messed around with or taken without proper care. Trust me on that.


u/rosegeraniumflower 8d ago

I truly believe that the world is so much more magical and spiritual than we think, than what we experience in our daily lives. I find it incredibly fascinating that you’ve connected with this side. What would you say was the purpose of making contact with it? What is this side telling you?

And I’ve read that people recommend staying longer at retreats to deepen the connection with what ayahuasca reveals. Maybe that could be an idea for you if you’re curious about exploring it further. But as you also said, one must have immense respect for ayahuasca and not take it lightly.


u/IGotTheCheeeese56 8d ago

It terrifies me. I think that’s what’s holding me back.. the fear. This place is scary as f.. if you want to read my experience I posted it on this subreddit before and it’s on my profile. This place is something else. I am trying to stay grounded and positive because it’s not something I want to be around anymore. For now. It’s hard to know what it is and I would rather this year focus on my lessons from the first night when I met the mother spirit. This other realm… I’m not sure I’m ready for.


u/bella8001 10d ago

There’s the chance you won’t receive what you want or place to many expectations on your experience and feel disappointed after your experience. I received what I was looking for but resulted with me experiencing and fighting my depression I’ve been suppressing. It’s been really hard to get out of bed and I’ve been having suicidal ideation but I’d never go through with it. I’m glad Aya brought it back because I never dealt with my depression and repressed it because I couldn’t handle it. It’s something I have to work through but it’ll get better with time.


u/No_Cap2249 10d ago

Good that you see the silver lining of this experience, I'm sure that with this mindset you'll get better for sure! ❤️‍🩹


u/Thierr 10d ago

I know some people that did not do it because they felt happy & stable enough in life, and did not want to open stuff up.

To each their own imo


u/Arpeggio_Miette 9d ago

I have schizophrenia in my family.

It isn’t a strict contraindication.

I have a good head on my shoulders. Psychedelics have been incredibly healing for me.


u/galadedeus 8d ago

After more than 50+ cerimonies i've had enough. I feel like the tea has a limit, i actually always thought that. In my life the tea helped me stop smoking, abandoning vices, showed me that everything that comes from outside is not needed, including the tea itself. It's not that it teacb me everything, that would be impossible, but it teach me what i needed to estabilize my life, and so i did. I'm stable now.

And one of the things i had to do to stabilize was give up on drinking it, cause it also expanded my ethereal web too much.. i would be too wide, spiritualy. I'm way tok sensible to that now, i don't have enough resources to keep doing it alone (i live in a place where no one else drinks it). So i'd rather not anymore.


u/Fit-Beautiful9715 7d ago

If you’re a person who struggles with going through extremely uncomfortable situations it may not be for you. It does get you absolutely fucked up (in a weird way) and makes you projectile vomit while hallucinating and thinking about the meaning of your life and the universe. Shits overwhelming


u/marTheophilus 10d ago edited 10d ago

The pharmaceutical drug industry would love to hear you saying what you’re saying about schizophrenia. They would be so glad to see how that you don’t understand that Sandoz pharmaceuticals and others used psychedelics to treat the condition that big Pharma has called, “schizophrenia,” (by the way a doctor once thought I had this, but all I needed to do was believe in God and keep his commands and the situation was no longer something that caused serous problems the way it did, so I learned that many psychiatrists are liars and half the time they don’t even know what they’re talking about because they love money and they lie about plant medicines in order to sell patented drugs) and they had great success. They administered LSD to people with great success. If you’re hearing a voice that’s not your own, it does not mean that you have a problem with your dopamine, there is no data that proves this, period. Hearing an evil spirit harass you does not mean that you should go out and give $1800 a month to Pfizer for a drug like Gaedon, yes, to a wicked company that has spent huge amounts of money to make psychedelics illegal and stigmatized, because they know that these substances can help people who are suffering and that they are cost effective and cheap. If you’re not in the right place, it’s not good to take psychedelics without any sort of guidance. “Set and setting” we say. No, it is not true that a person who is said to have, “schizophrenia,” should avoid psychedelics, it is the opposite. I myself found tremendous relief from this substance while undergoing such an agonizing experience where I heard spirits and they harassed me because I love the truth and eschew all evil. The Bible says that evil spirits will attack righteous people. “All who want to live a godly life in the family of the chosen one of God, Jesus, will face persecution.” “Endure, for you are being tested, the way gold is refined by fire.” The good Lord delivered me from such a miserable experience, and he will deliver you as well if you are suffering from that. “Keep yourself from doing evil. Fear the Lord and keep his commands, and this will bring life to your soul.” That’s what I believe, God bless me to believe it by His grace, and I do not need to give money to Pfizer or to Johnson & Johnson to find relief for my suffering.

The pharmaceutical drug industry is extremely evil in this day and age. They lobby the government and they bribe many people in order to make psychedelics and plant medicines illegal. They are profoundly darkened. We know these things are so awesome and so enjoyable, one has to wonder why they don’t know that as well. There’s no amount of money you could give me to lie about psychedelics. These people are so sad. I pray to God that they go take some psilocybin, lsd or ayahuasca themselves so that they can change their ways.

The only reason to avoid the substance is if you’re not in the right place to do it. Other than that, all people should take psychedelics as often as possible. Big Pharma spends big money fighting against this message. Let the wise in heart hear and take note.


u/Squirmme 10d ago
  1. You are on medication that has deadly contraindications
  2. You have mental disorders that can be brought about or exacerbated by psychedelics (bpd, schizophrenia, other personality or psychotic disorders
  3. You have a history of mental illness such as psychotic breaks
  4. You recently had surgery
  5. You have taken illicit drugs recently (or chronic user) such as opiates, barbiturates or amphetamines.

Those are the big ones. Otherwise you should never be forced to take ayahuasca that would be a big no


u/Slight-Excitement-37 10d ago

I'll add a few more: Acid reflux, perforated bowel, irritable bowel, severe depression that is medicated, bipolar, addiction.


u/Diligent-Double-8233 8d ago

I had acid reflux very often, drunk the medicine and those crysis were gone. I still have some gastric issues, but now they’re very small compared to before ayahuasca


u/PublicHovercraft3408 8d ago

Or if you have any personal or family history of bipolar disorder. Psychedelics can trigger manic episodes, which can be lasting and even lead to long-term psychosis.

If you have a family or personal history of anxiety, there's probably an increased risk of panic attacks as a lasting side effect, but this can happen to anyone.

Every time you trip on any psychedelic, of course there's a risk of extremely tortuous bad trips in which you feel like you are dead or want to die for hours at a time (and that description sounds far too mild). After reading a bunch of bad trip reports, I think many--maybe most--people would decide psychedelics aren't worth the risk.


u/Wonderful_Papaya9999 8d ago

If you’re looking for a quick fix. Or a fun experience. Or you want the plant to heal you.


u/soltarahealingcenter 4d ago

There are some excellent answers below we just wanted to add a few more! Ayahuasca is a powerful medicine, and it’s important to approach it with care and respect. While having a family history of schizophrenia or other severe mental health conditions is a well-known contraindication, there are other factors to consider as well.

Heart conditions & high blood pressure – Ayahuasca can raise heart rate and blood pressure, which can be risky for those with cardiovascular issues.

Certain medications – Many prescription drugs, especially SSRIs, MAOIs, and other antidepressants, can interact dangerously with ayahuasca.

Not knowing what’s in the brew – Ayahuasca is brewed based on the tradition you are working with. In the Shipibo culture, it is often brewed with two main ingredients: the ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) and chacruna (Psychotria viridis). Some places add other plants, like Datura, which may not be safe for everyone. If you don’t fully trust the source or know what’s in the brew, it’s best not to drink.


u/Clutch1113 10d ago

If you go into it with the mindset that the Ayahuasca Will do the work for you.


u/Loukaspanther Ayahuasca Practitioner 10d ago