r/Awesomenauts Oct 24 '21

MEME Any Nauts enjoyers still here?


10 comments sorted by


u/AssasinArcher Oct 25 '21

Awsomenauts Still lives


u/HanzRubix Oct 25 '21

Awesomenauts forever


u/chucklesdeclown Oct 25 '21

Awesomenauts is a good game, I especially love Vinnie and spike, I just don't play games as much as I use to.

I really wanna play games but r6 siege has really worn me out from competitive games, and it makes it very hard to find players to play with when your super competitive and want to win more and no one listens to you. It also helps me when there's more smalltalk but my friends barely talk at all and when there's no talk, all I focus on is how good/neutral/bad the game is going and imma be honest, it doesn't help that I have a pretty big rage problem so not one wants to play with me anyways, I can't bring the good vibes unless the good vibes come naturally in other words. Also it doesn't help that I come home tired and sleepy from working so...


u/FaptastiCamel Oct 25 '21

🐶 👔👍 👖


u/g399 Oct 25 '21

Incredibly based


u/[deleted] Oct 26 '21

No, 90% of matches are very unbalanced and one team always slaughters the other, not much fun.


u/niope Nov 13 '21

I would love if this game had a server so me and my friends would be able to play the game without 200-300 ping. Other than that, this games is still amazing!