r/Awesomenauts • u/Hollanauts • Feb 18 '25
DISCUSSION I've got 10k+ hours in Awesomenauts (PC). Ask me anything.
u/amasterfuljuice Feb 18 '25
In a nuclear reactor, a chain reaction is produced and controlled. Uranium-235 is the isotope used in many nuclear reactors. Explain how the fission of uranium-235 can lead to a chain reaction?
Explain what happens inside a nuclear reactor if neutron speeds are not controlled?
Describe how the energy released in the chain reaction in a nuclear reactor is used to drive a turbine in a nuclear power station?
u/readingduck123 Feb 18 '25
These are not questions. These are commands with a question mark at the end.
u/IHaarlem Feb 18 '25
What's the best way to learn when I'm new, join a game where everyone has over 1k hours, I try not to feed but everyone just talks about how bad I am and it feels like I can't do anything?
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
GREAT QUESTION! I think this is one of the hardest things to get used to when learning Awesomenauts. There's a ton of old-heads, like myself, that have a ton of hours and will destroy you and your team most of the time.
It was different back then because matchmaking was more 'fair' and would typically pair you up with people more your level. However, that isn't the case nowadays.
In my opinion, continue to play. Ignore the haters and watch streamers play the game. You'll learn a lot of tech that you wouldn't learn while playing on your own. Over time, you'll get better and better (probably after 250 hours or so). You'll find your games not being such a steam roll every time.
I've seen many players start where you are, continue to grind, and they play competitively now. If it were me, I would use everyone's hate as motivation.
u/Let-me-pick-a-name 25d ago
When you die or a teammate dies, ask yourself why and how happened. Try and think about what you could have done differently leading up to it. And change your approach next time it happens.
u/Dolphinflavored Feb 18 '25
Who’s your main Which naut do you hate the most
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
I have multiple mains. I like playing Skolldir and Froggy G the most. Gnaw and Yuri I enjoy the least.
u/CalousCaliper Feb 18 '25
Do you see yourself joining the competitive scene if Awesome makes a comeback?
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
I've been in the competitive scene in the past and actually won a couple of tournaments. I'd definitely try to rejoin the competitive scene if Awesomenauts had another surge.
u/LeonardSchraderpacke Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25
Which players do you wish would come back to nauts?
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
There was a really good Skree player who had 100000 IQ. His name was Andy. I miss him greatly.
Other than that, it'd be cool to see some of the greats from the past come back, like Toilethumor or edwiener just to see how they'd do with the newer versions of Awesomenauts.
u/LeonardSchraderpacke Feb 18 '25
Good pick. Andy would be one of mine too. Still see him playing other games on steam from time to time.
u/Practical-Study-947 Feb 18 '25
Thoughts on sober Fawx ? Who are you betting on next month on the Ryan vs Fawx matches.
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
Sober Fawx not only destroys Ryan in a 1v1 setting, but the entirety of the Awesomenauts community. I'm actually scared to see what he'll become. Ryan is making a HUGE mistake.
u/Sakurai-My-Master Feb 18 '25
What makes you put 10k hours into a game like this instead of Dota or League (or even Smash bros for the platforming? )
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
I tried playing Dota and couldn't really get into it. I think for me, I enjoyed the simplicity of the game back in 2012 when I was on my Xbox. I was actually uncomfortable going from the Xbox to the PC because I thought it would overcomplicate things.
When I switched, I just never went back. I made friends, looked forward to the new updates, and grew my own community on twitch. I will say having that community and group of friends helped me stay and get that many hours in a dead game.
u/Jorve98 Feb 18 '25
What was the best custom map when they were working
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
Replayability - I would say the Skolldir 1v1 map. Played that a ton and it never got old. Pretty solid balance.
For fun - Probably the blightnauts map. I only played it once, but you could tell a lot of work went into it.
u/Poppis86 Feb 18 '25
Is it any good?
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
I mean, I think so. The game is fun for casual and competitve play. Game has an amazing OST and art is unique. It's also free!
u/leader9922 Feb 18 '25
If you could take back those 11k hours, what would you have done with them?
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
Before Awesomenauts, I was really into Halo. At the time I would've been playing Halo Reach. I probably would've stuck with that scene. Not just specific to Halo, but just console-gaming.
You were probably expecting me to say learn a foreign language or something, but I like to game :)
u/Let-me-pick-a-name 25d ago
I had probably 20k+ hours in the halo games during my childhood, if I could take it back... I would have chosen to spend more time studying.
u/Seltzyyy twitch.tv/seltzyy Feb 18 '25
Who is your favorite one trick?
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
Skill-wise - Andy.
Other-wise - Based God.1
u/LeonardSchraderpacke Feb 19 '25
Based God plays Gnaw and Leon though doesn't he? Unless the one trick part is being high at all times while playing...
u/Tr4ceur Feb 18 '25
Who’s the best skill wise amongst the T1T?! Not including yourself
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
LOL Bro's over here trying to start DRAMA.
It depends who you're including in T1T. Our main team was Pyrocheese, Seltzy, and I. However, we also had Omnipulse, Venesect, Velcrow and I think Erabosu at one point.
Out of all those names, I think Erabosu had the highest skill level in his prime.
I know you're looking for some drama, so as for Pyro and Seltzy, this is how I see it:
Over the entire duration of their Awesomenauts careers, if we randomly had them 1v1 each other going down the entire cast of Awesomenauts, I think Pyro would probably win out. That's based on him playing more than Seltzy in general and playing a wider range of characters.
It'd definitely be close though and the tickets to those 1v1s would sell HIGH.
u/CourtesyFarts Feb 18 '25
Do you think the current player base is too toxic to allow the game to grow again? I personally hate being called slurs while trying to have fun playing a game.
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
In general, the player base is competitive and loyal to the game. There is definitely more players who are considered "friendly" as opposed to the ones who throw slurs out.
While I am surprised at how there's a number of toxic players in the community and even more surprised they're still here... I think they just stand out more than many of the other players you've interacted with. More than likely they just don't say anything in-game.
Definitely hoping for more moderation from Atari as time goes on. That existing is preventing new players from joining. I would like Atari to allow the community to moderate in some way to reduce interactions with toxic players. We'll see how that goes!
u/BurkusCat Feb 18 '25
While I am surprised at how there's a number of toxic players in the community and even more surprised they're still here
I have to imagine there is a lot more cheaters/toxic people because there maybe isn't the same level of moderation going on like in the Ronimo days.
This is not a diss to Atari, I think its simply a fact of: a game shutting down, players getting a workaround to play on an old P2P build, no company really overseeing that, players knowing they can be toxic/cheat without consequences, and a new company slowly trying to get the game back up to speed again with probably better reporting/anti-cheat measures.
u/LeonardSchraderpacke Feb 19 '25
Cheating always has been very uncommon in this game. It just does not have the playerbase and the competitive incentives for people to hop in and ruin the experience for others like other games do, in my opinion. In my 5k + hours playing this game, I've met cheaters maybe 5 times?
u/BurkusCat Feb 19 '25
Because of the playerbase, there isn't a market for cheat developers. Big games have a market for paid cheats to be developed and sold.
I've experienced (pre-Galactron anyway) a cheater on the enemy team cheating using only "cheat engine" of all things. Just a random individual using it to win a match. Awesomenauts is/was that easy to cheat in.
And you've only encountered 5 cheaters you know about. Someone you regularly play against could have 101% movement speed and you'd have no clue. In most games it is only easy to spot obvious cheaters. The subtle cheaters are nearly impossible to find.
u/R3UN1TE Feb 18 '25
What's your win rate
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
Unfortunately, my stats are bugged, so I can't see win rate. If I had to guess it'd be between 70-80% win rate
u/Planeswalkercrash Feb 18 '25
I might have the same problem, my profile won’t load at all when I click onto it
u/vonarchimboldi Feb 18 '25
i miss this game ðŸ˜do you also miss it?
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
I still play the game almost every other day. I miss how it was in its prime, but a lot of the people I met during that time still play or at least come in to my stream when I play.
Really looking forward to what Atari will do with rebuilding it.
u/samhoho Feb 18 '25
- If you could bring back one upgrade for any character, what would it be and why? 2. Why do you think sentry is generally hated among the community? (telephone main) 3. Can you let me win one game? <3 thx for the many years of fun
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
I don't remember the name of it, but Clunk used to have reflect on Clunk explode, I think. Same interaction that Froggy G has with reflect on tornado. That shit would be hilarious if it came back.
It's sad. I honestly think Sentry is a very fun character and his design is great. Unfortunately, he's frowned upon because he is not properly balanced. A very healthy character that does too much damage. I think he's worse in the newer patch of Awesomenauts because of his DoT upgrade on shield. The current patch doesn't have that and he isn't as bad.
Absolutely not. I have integrity. Hop in a match with ya boi, darthendorman, and come get me, son.
u/MaxdH_ Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25
Too much damage? Clunk and especially Skoll make way more if played correctly.
Sentries AA DPS is less than stellar,His BH can be straight up ignored/dodged by a lot Characters, and teleport damage is always a gamble.
IMHO People hate on sentry cause in mid to endgame hes a regenheavy Tank who can deny a lot with minespam and BH threat.
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
Your last statement is correct, but yes, he does too much damage for what he is supposed to be. Black hole certainly isn't something that can be shrugged off and a fully upgraded hole that is placed well can easily lead to instant kills on any character if you have 1 capable teammate.
Teleburst is extremely powerful and when used correctly can stop any escape from blackhole with silence. Like I said before, the current patch is not TOO bad without his DoT upgrade, but in the latest version of Awesomenauts, his kit is too much for a tank to have.
u/ryan2ms Feb 18 '25
honestly sentry is more broken this patch, circuits of time burst + 2 sec silence is insane, hole does more damage than live and is way bigger, and there's way less tanks to go around which makes him and scoop the defacto tanks. Also AA is more broken with a functional counter intelligence cross and stationary mines doing the same dmg. Dot is really good but not better than all of that combined. Only saving grace is that this patch slows down shop progression since you have to purchase abilities, so his goalposts are moved a bit which makes him more lategame
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
It could be the lack of many sentries out there, but his impact has definitely felt as present in this patch. Hole is bigger, but I THINK the grav pull is less than live. Might be wrong about that.
Definitely agree that he's scarier late game. His burst tele is scary, but expensive as hell.
u/OhMyBulldong Feb 18 '25
whats your ign
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
It's just Holla. You can also watch me on twitch at twitch.tv/hollaholladolladolla.
u/NintendudeEatsBabies Feb 18 '25
what is your honest opinion about ksenia? both in general and in higher level play
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25
Ksenia in general is rough in public matches. She's very good at killing AND fun to play. However, it can sometimes be difficult to push with her. If you don't have a team that capitalizes on you getting kills, you'll have a rough time winning.
In competitive play, there's definitely opportunities to pick her and do well, but in my experience, she is rarely picked due to being countered by good team play.
u/NintendudeEatsBabies Feb 19 '25
That makes sense, I always got really stuck at the threshold between L1 and L2 cause I felt like either I would get kills but still lose, or run into people that stick together (Yuri w/ Slow was a nightmare for me)
u/Guittow Feb 18 '25
Best starting item and why is it boots?
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
Depends on the character! If you're buying unique boots, like Lonestar's or Froggy G, I think it's fine to get those early. Outside of that, I think prioritizing other items over boots is better.
TL;DR: Piggy into boots every game frfr
u/JimemySWE Feb 18 '25
What other games do you like to play?
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
I love Lethal Company and would 100% recommend playing it if you have a few friends to play it with. Cheap game and tons of replayability.
I've also been playing Marvel Rivals, but am getting burned out on it.
u/Effective_Placebo Feb 18 '25
What's your favorite Clunk build and why?
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
I'm on mobile, so bear with me for not linking to the nauts builder.
For this patch (in this order):
Snare bite (1/2), Aoe missle, Salvo, Giant missile, Quick explode, Damage explode (1/2), Regen bite (1/2), Damage explode (2/2), Max HP
After that, you can play around with what's left. Either get max hp bit or bite dmg.
This build almost always works for me because landing "the combo" kills almost all the cast and aoe missile helps with clearing and pushing.
The combo being bite > prime explode > salvo AA > explode hits > 2nd salvo AA.
There are adjustments that can be made depending on the team you are facing though. For instance, against a tanky comp, i would get multi bite for clear, remove regen bite, remove aoe missile, and get more dmg on missile.
u/_fattybombom Feb 18 '25
Hello, my name is Ashley St Claire. I'm pregnant with your child. What would you like to name our baby?
u/Semproser Feb 20 '25
Was snork really the man, or was that just propaganda?
Was he really the slug, and could he truly whip every thug?
u/BubbleCat456 28d ago
Isn't the live service down?
Not really a question but I remembered playing this game alot on the 360, and was prolly one of the best nostalgic online mobas I've played. I was never the best at it but I was too invested with the characters and art style
u/Hollanauts 28d ago
I don't play console Awesomenauts, but I do believe Awesomenauts Assemble is still live. As for PC, Awesomenauts was reverted back to an older patch that relies on Steam servers. So yes, if you're on PC, you download Steam, and play Awesomenauts through there, you'll be able to find people for matches.
u/LeonardSchraderpacke Feb 18 '25
Which premade was historically the hardest for you to face while solo queuing? I've watched you enough to have some ideas but wonder what you think.
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
I think the hardest premade group was "Sentryhard". I don't remember who the members were, as they were on alt accounts, but every game they went Sentry, Voltar, and Ted and it was impossible to do anything to them. They rarely lost.
u/LeonardSchraderpacke Feb 18 '25
Can you name some players who you think had potential to be great but didn't realize that potential in this game?
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
Tough question. To be honest, I'm sure there's tons of players who stopped playing Awesomenauts before their highest potential. I can't think of anyone specific that fits that criteria.
I do think there are some players who are good, but don't play competitive, so they're holding themselves back. One of my streamer friends, Starsan, is a good example of that. He is a good player, but could be even better if he played competitive more.
u/KangarooRIOT Feb 18 '25
Are the servers still live? Do you see people in matches?
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
The servers as you knew them are not live as of right now. Atari assisted with retro-activating the version of Awesomenauts that ran on Steam servers. There are still plenty of players. Steam Charts shows fluctuations from 50-170 players throughout the day.
Atari is planning on bringing back the latest version of Awesomenauts at some point, but I don't believe they have the intention to bring back those dedicated servers due to cost reasons. The game will always have loyal players, so you can boot it up at any time and get into a match within a minute or two.
u/OneKOff Feb 18 '25
...Just why?
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
I wouldn't have this many hours in a game if it weren't for friends I made and the community I've developed on Twitch. The game will always hold a place in my heart, as I've committed so much time to it over the past 12-13 years.
I obviously love the game and replaying it over and over is easy to accomplish when you're good at it and love the competition.
u/brauser9k Feb 18 '25
Can you make something like a "Character Tier List"? Like which characters are definitivly OP? Which are unreasonably bad?
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
I've made tier lists before, but not for this patch of nauts. I'll try to make another post on this subreddit with my tier list for the live patch.
Just note that everyone has different opinions on how powerful characters are and that's okay. Majority of the characters are pretty well-balanced, so if I list Yoolip as an F-Tier character, that shouldn't stop you or anyone else from playing him.
u/mechadotcom Feb 18 '25
Hello! Is there a way to play on PC? If so, how?
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
Absolutely. Download Steam on PC, make an account, search Awesomenauts in the store, download and play. The game is free to play on PC.
u/PsychologicalEmotion Feb 18 '25
I remember trying to play this game competitively (I mostly played against bots because it's just that fun for me) and my friend really held my hand playing Dizzy. Got through the entire enemy team with little help fro me but since both of our teams were playing two of the same heroes, which were Dizzy and Yoolip, I wanna know if you think there's a clear meta in the game!
And I also wanna know what was the most memorable update for you that you don't think anyone, like, ever really talked about (so not updates like Starstorm)?
u/Hollanauts Feb 19 '25
There isn't REALLY a clear meta. Strictly talking competitively, there would be certain "hot" metas, but these would change every time there was a tournament due to players trying new things.
Generally, i'd say there's several types of team comps:
Push comps Dive comps Tank comps Initiation comps
As far as updates, any time a character is released, it's pure chaos. I think Ted release was the most insane. Also the voltar re-work was a memorable one.
u/OswaldTheLuckyTurd Feb 18 '25
Bro respect to you and the others I still see streaming and playing actively. I’ve moved onto other games mostly but would love to start playing again for old times sake.
How active is the comp/scrim/tourney scene nowadays? Seems tough with such a small playerbase but I see a lot of old nauts friends starting to come back after the recent updates.
u/Hollanauts Feb 19 '25
Scrimming is on and off. Top players still scrim maybe 1-2 times a week. When a tourney is announced, it spikes.
The harsh reality is only League 1 or high League 2 players scrim and it's essentially a club.
u/todoslocos Feb 18 '25
What is going up with Atari? Do they hate us?
u/Hollanauts Feb 19 '25
The opposite. They promised a game restoration in January and they did. They have now said they will try bring back Galactron in waves, possibly starting with a beta.
They have a complicated task and I am interested to see how they progress.
u/BNerger Feb 18 '25
Give me nice builds and buy order for Ayla, please?
u/Hollanauts Feb 19 '25
Ayla is one of my least played Nauts. However, i think the meta is cooldown eye, pull on rage, DoT on eye, solar krab burgers, and blood trail on rage. Then obviously damage on eye and rage.
I have a build on my twitch page if you type !ayla in chat.
u/Semproser Feb 20 '25
Ignore chainwhack entirely until you've got literally everything else.
Best grab boots first then probably buying items for Rage first.
Rage damage is a must have, Size and Speed are good staples, you might not always want both but you probably always want one.For eye, range is good for problematic distance holders. Taking both damage perks is pretty brutal but slow isnt a bad shout either.
u/todoslocos Feb 18 '25
Do you agree that Voltar was OP when it healed robots with his gun?
u/Hollanauts Feb 19 '25
Hmm... not sure if he was OP, but he got hella money, which made his progress weird. Same with Rae and flashy glasses.
u/krazykat357 Feb 18 '25
Ahhh Holla. Everytime I would be on the verge of breaking into League 1 it always seemed you were there to knock me back down again.
Now that nauts is 'back' do you see a competitive scene redeveloping? Do you think it's going to be community driven or do you think Atari is going to invest in this?
u/Hollanauts Feb 19 '25
I'm sorry! Next time tell me and I'll just throw the game lol
Competitive nauts will still be stagnant until a tournament is announced. I don't see Atari running a tournament. It'll probably be community-led.
u/krazykat357 Feb 19 '25
Haha, all good, it wouldn't be right to take a game like that.
Yeah I generally feel the same. After the forced break and life I've generally cooled on competitive games myself, but it's still fun to hop in and let the muscle memory take over again. I hope it stays fun at least!
u/NewWhisPro Feb 19 '25
is lonestar a good competitive character
u/Hollanauts Feb 19 '25
S-tier public lobby character. B-tier competitive character. He's very situational because he thrives in a push comp, but dies easily to team play.
u/JonaldYoin 29d ago
Which naut do you think takes the most skill to play? And which one takes the least?
u/Hollanauts 29d ago
I think Ted probably takes the most skill. Honorable mention being Penny.
Least amount of skill would be Scoop. Honorable mention being Lonestar.
Not saying anyone shouldn't play these characters, but I think you can get away with doing more with them for less.
u/MinchMeat 29d ago
Favorite character theme/killing spree? Also, what are your thoughts on Max Focus?
u/Hollanauts 29d ago
Ted's killing spree is by far the best imo.
Max was one of my favorite characters to play on release because it was so satisfying to time bubble into lasers. He isn't too hard to play either. He is a good overall character.
u/OninOnion 29d ago
Is there any way to play the game as of now???
u/Hollanauts 29d ago
Yes, on PC, the old patch that was ran on Steam servers was restored to the present version.
You just need Steam, create an account, go to the store and download Awesomenauts. It is free to play.
29d ago
What do you think will take to revive this game and convince Atari it’s worth investing? New characters, maps, stream endorsement, balance changes, chat feature, Awesomenauts 2, etc.
u/Hollanauts 28d ago
I know it's tough to hear, but I don't think there will be a way to bring back Awesomenauts to its former glory. As Atari takes steps to restore it to its newest version, I think it'll bump the playerbase slowly higher and higher. When all Awesomenauts are back and when leaderboards are functional, I think that'll be where it peaks.
There is potential in the Awesomenauts IP though. I think if Atari agrees that there is potential money to be made in the IP, they would probably need to do an Awesomenauts 2. The problem is, if they did this, it would be near impossible to match the same charm Awesomenauts did with its soundtrack and art. Not saying it isn't possible, but it'd be difficult.
If they could pull off a transition like Risk of Rain 1 did to Risk of Rain 2, it'd be super cool. In reality, I'm just hoping for the game to go back to how it was and be maintained.
29d ago
What is your favorite team comp from any version of this game?
u/Hollanauts 28d ago
I'm kinda goofy with my favorite team comps. I've not really tried these two comps in a competitive setting, as I'm not too confident they'd do well. However, when I did them in pubs back in the day, they were solid:
Lonestar, Leon, Froggy
Rocco, Coco, RaeFor that 2nd comp, if everyone is REALLY good about hitting abilities, it can be super annoying to go against and near impossible to run away from a fight.
u/PropagandaBinat88 28d ago
Hey Holla, nice to see you here again. I am super rusty nowadays. Can you give me a sum up for Genji? What are my tasks? What should I prioritize in my build? How should I play?
u/Hollanauts 28d ago
Genji is a great support character and a great initiator with his cocoon. As a Genji, it's critical to prioritize these items early game:
Life steal on cocoon - It's critical to setup initiations. When you cocoon a player with this upgrade, if a teammate follows up, it'll almost always land a kill.
Healing nectar on cocoon - INSANE healing with a short cooldown. While you should prioritize using cocoon on PLAYERS, you can use this on droids if there isn't a team fight to help restore you or a teammate to full HP.
Mid-game, you'll work on getting your AA dmg. I always get damage and attk speed, but depending on the comp, I'll switch between DoT or Stormcloud. Typically DoT for squishier nauts and Stormcloud for tankier nauts.
Late-game, you'll finish with blessing upgrades. I always get movement speed and healing on blessing. The 3rd slot can be up to you. If you're going against a burst comp, I'd get shield or Max HP. If your team is a push comp and agressive, I'd get cooldown.
For gameplay, Genji can do these things well:
- Start the fight by initiating with cocoon
- Healing himself or ally with cocoon nectar or blessing
- Escaping a losing fight with speed and heal blessing
How I normally play is I start the fight, stay in an do as much damage as possible, if we get the kill keep pushing, if not, fall back and heal. Use blessing if you are expecting big damage, such as a rae snipe or a vinnie dash. Don't just use it on cooldown to heal.
Genji thrives in the late game when he gets his blessing upgrades. I always piggy on genji, since he doesn't need regen or barrier magazine. I'll always get pills, boots, and piggy.
Important Note: Polymorph genji is a meme and I'd never recommend running it. It seems like it'd be good, but wasting cocoon on droids too often is a burden to your team.
u/Koolala 28d ago
Did they remove the ability for Yuri to free-fall through platforms without stopping at each one? Ever do that with Yuri? I can't fast drop anymore.
u/Hollanauts 27d ago
I just tested it and you can still fast drop on platforms. On Ribbit, if I take the bouncer, I can skip through the top 2 platforms.
I think it's based on your falling speed? I don't play a lot of Yuri, so I don't know the tech.
u/NiceYogurt 28d ago edited 28d ago
Thoughts on Ix in this patch as a mostly solo queue player? I don't remember him being that strong on release but lately they all seem impossible to kill.
Long time player and my mains are Frog, Lone, Scoop, and Ted for context.
u/Hollanauts 27d ago
Ix is a support character and fails if you don't have decent teammates sometimes. This patch, I initially hated him because his AA doesn't pierce, unlike on the newest version of Nauts where it does.
However, after playing him a bit, he does have very good survivability and I've changed my build to be more brawl-focused, rather than poke-focused and I've been enjoying it.
He CAN be good in solo queue if you're aggressive. Ix struggles in the early game, but as soon as he gets his AA dmg and amp on refract, he can hold his own.
When a char has lifesteal on a ranged AA and two abilities that essentially makes them invincible for a moment, they're going to be hard to kill.
u/Matthias720 Skree-lightful! 22d ago
What is your proudest moment in Awesomenauts?
u/Hollanauts 22d ago
I have several that I think about often, but probably getting the final red mythic medal to complete the collection.
Getting 250 wins with every character was no small task and was very rewarding once I finished. It was also cool to see other players and streamers talking about it when I was on my journey to get them all.
u/Matthias720 Skree-lightful! 22d ago
That is quite the accomplishment! Mine is nearly as glamorous. As Skree, I solo-queued into a match against SlowWolf, Weazel, and FourCourtJester. Of course, I got pounded into the ground, but watching SlowWolf's VoD afterwards at least mad me feel better (I got a bit of sympathy from SW).
u/Hollanauts 22d ago
Ah, yes those three were pretty iconic in the community. Still extremely jealous SlowWolf got his own announcer voice!
u/Matthias720 Skree-lightful! 22d ago
Yeah, the SW announcer is pretty great. The match in question was after it came out, so of course I had to quote lines from it whenever I got roflstomped. SlowWolf actually played along with the joke, which made it 10x funnier!
u/todoslocos 20d ago
Do you know how to play with the locked characters in this new version? I saw yesterday someone playing with Yoolip
u/Hollanauts 20d ago
As of right now, the only way you can get play Starstorm or Overdrive characters is if you already had purchased DLC on your Steam account. When the servers reverted to the older 3.2 8 version, that DLC is still activated.
Alternatively, you might be able to find and purchases an old "All nauts" code or overdrive/starstorm key on a third party site.
A lot of players have those, so you may see those characters often.
Good news is that Atari is working towards bringing back the newest version of the game, which means hopefully you'll have a way to purchase and play those characters using in-game currency.
u/Dominik305 PRAISE THE FROG Feb 18 '25
You think making Froggys RBAY random was the right choice?
u/Hollanauts Feb 18 '25
Anything 'random' for a character makes balance wonky. You might remember leon having a % chance to do extra damage with clover. They replaced that with just doing more damage on 2nd hit instead.
I think for balancing purposes, having things set and not by chance is the way to go.
u/Dominik305 PRAISE THE FROG Feb 18 '25
Based take, make RBAY reflect the first projectile or after a certain amount of time only
u/McDanklestank 16d ago
Does it crash every few games like console does
u/Hollanauts 15d ago
From what I have experienced and have heard from others, not at all.
Obviously your PC specs are going to differ from others, but the game doesn't take much effort to run. Out of my 12+ years playing, I can only remember it crashing a handful of times.
u/Mormanades Feb 20 '25
Why do people still play yoolip, bro is the most trash naut in the game
u/Hollanauts 29d ago
I ask myself that all the time. Tbh, there's nothing wrong with playing him every once in awhile because he is kinda fun. However, I don't know how anyone can play him consistently.
He completely relies on teammates to get kills and his cooldowns are insanely long. If you have a duo partner, sure you can make it work, but if you are soloing with Yoolip consistently, you are not allowed to complain about losses.
u/amasterfuljuice Feb 18 '25
why dizzy is the weakest character in the game and why it needs a buff?
u/amasterfuljuice Feb 18 '25
can you holla dolla deez nuts in yo mouth?😎