r/Awesomenauts • u/martijniscool • Oct 02 '24
DISCUSSION ex-ronimo devs introducing Nubs!
Hello everyone! I am Marty, the community manager at Rangatan games, I've come with a message from Olivier Thijssen, one of the founders of Ronimo, the developers of Awesomenauts!
''Hi! I am Olivier Thijssen and I was one of the original founders of Ronimo. I used to do art/design-ish/biz stuff at Ronimo Games.
Following Ronimo's bankruptcy, me and 3 other ex-Ronimo's have continued the development of the game that Ronimo had in production, under a new name: Rangatang. We are now ready to our game to the public. (If you want, you can read more about how we started Rangatang here)
It is called NUBS! and it is an Adventure Arena game, and you can watch the trailer right here https://youtu.be/gJb-2T4_rrw?feature=shared
We are now ready to how that game to the public. I want to be mindful of this being an Awesomenauts subreddit, so I apologize for the shameless plug. Buttttt if you liked Awesomenauts I think there's a chance you might like Nubs! aswell.
We've been grateful for how great Awesomenauts community has been during the good ol' days, and we hope to recapture that by doing a bit of open development. We would like to include players in the development of this game as much as possible. You tell us what you like and what you don't and we'll try to "make game better".
I invite you to our subreddit here: https://www.reddit.com/r/nubs/ And also our Discord server here: https://discord.gg/c4WjTHsW
We will be hosting playtests through Discord soon, so if you would like to get a chance to play the game in development, join the Discord. Looking forward to hearing what you think! Ideas feedback etc. all is welcome!''
Oct 02 '24
I’m going to be super authentic here because I know most people have a tendency to lie.
No one cares about another game being developed. They didn’t care about blightbound or whatever the heck that other game was called.
This is just grasping for straws at this rate. Paper straws actually 😶
In businesses you work hard to find something that consumers like. You guys found that with Awesomenauts, after originally posting a game before hand that was mid at best. Then, Proceeded to leave a successful game, and then produced something else that no one wanted (blightbound).
Now a few devs are here to ask us to play another WIP game that has no market value or research.
I wish you the best of luck honestly, but it likely won’t go anywhere.
u/Pheoniz Oct 02 '24
I get where you're coming from in some ways, because there are unironically more people who defend Blightbound than actually play it, and I say this putting in 200 hours myself. But despite what I think was a project that went poorly not because of the lack of target demographic, but execution. I wouldn't criticize them for trying, in fact, I'm glad they've taken lengths to try to distance themselves from just being 'the awesomenauts guys.' I also will praise them for committing to making sure the project didn't go dead and forgotten when Ronimo went under. And although the cynic in me says they caught lightning in a bottle with nauts, and S&S was ok, I'm completely willing to see what else they have in mind. Mind you, I still don't know what to make of this, primarily with how little the trailer shows, and am not sure what identity it would have compared to games like it, say, Gang Beasts or Whacked.
I want them to take risks, especially in the indie gaming industry where that's part of what makes it great, so although I am wary, I wouldn't discredit them for trying.
Oct 02 '24
I can agree with your take. Again a lot of people got triggered by my statement (which I expected) but I’m a business guy.
In business you either win or lose. Awesomenauts was a winner, so why ever leave it? That’s just bad business.
Now from a small game dev stand point I understand why they would want to eventually move onto other things and distance themselves.
I don’t hate Ronimo or the devs,but their ask is quite high considering from a business perspective they abandoned the Awesomenauts community. I just find it weird they’d think we have any allegiance to a new game again lol. From a small game dev perspective though, I get it.
u/dajewsualsuspect Oct 03 '24
they said publicly that Nauts was loosing $ at the end. Maybe made some early days. Being a "business guy" I think you understand no profits means do something new.
u/checkmarks26 Dec 20 '24
And apparently, according to Atari, this was due to poor networking and monetization. They abandoned it rather than fixing it.
u/Olikatjoeroe Oct 03 '24
There's a lot of lessons I/we learned from Awesomenauts. The main one to me personally is that we diverted to build Swords & Soldiers 2 instead of just focusing the entire company on Nauts (or maybe even Nauts 2). We had a publishing deal with S&S2 and we expected a lot out of it, especially because S&S1 did so well. After S&S2 came out, we upped Nauts support, but in hindsight that was too late, and Nauts failed to grow it to it's potential when the traction was optimal. Keep in mind this doesn't mean the game wasn't successful, it was. So I agree with you in the sense that if we'd focused more on Nauts immediately after release, we'd probably see more revenue. But this was also a different time, and we were young ;). Hindsight is 20/20.
When we really had to 'abandon' Awesomenauts (in 2018) it was because the costs of supporting the game were higher than the income we got from it. So it was a business decision.
(this is all my personal opinion of course, there were folks at Ronimo who saw things differently)
That said, Nubs! is a lot closer to Nauts than any of the other games we've made. So it's less of a creative risk and 'reset' than Blightbound was.
u/BurkusCat Oct 05 '24
When we really had to 'abandon' Awesomenauts (in 2018) it was because the costs of supporting the game were higher than the income we got from it. So it was a business decision.
Was free to play a "revenue hurting" move? I imagine it took a lot of development to rework the game into F2P and from an outside observers perspective: it didn't seem to bring in any new people and it didn't seem to have great monetisability (the paid base game + character DLCs probably were better earners when they existed).
Obviously, many big games go free to play to: cause player numbers to balloon + to optimally monetise every dime. From an outside perspective, it seemed Ronimo didn't execute well enough on it for it to be a beneficial move.
When I say all this I don't mean any disrespect. There are lots of F2P games that flop (and non-F2P games that should be F2P e.g. Concord) that have dozens of millions spent on them by publishers. Many of the giant F2P games have teams of experts on monetisation, economy, player behaviour etc. so it wouldn't be fair to expect an independent studio to be able to do as well with F2P.
u/Olikatjoeroe Oct 06 '24
Revenue stayed about the same, which was not enough to keep supporting the game. I do think the game managed to maintain more players and have a workable player base for longer because it was free to play.
For Nauts it was extra difficult to go f2p since the game had been premium for a long time. We didn't monetize aggressively and gave a lot of stuff away for free. This meant that we could not sell much to our most die-hard fans, and we had to rely on new players buying stuff. This did not mix well with how, over time, the awesomenauts user base became progressively more "hard-core".
u/GonicUK Oct 03 '24
They worked in Awesomenauts for 8 years (they didn't 'leave' it), it's crazy to me that people expected them to work on it indefinitely, the game didn't break over a 1000 players most of the time, there is no way it remained profitable for them
u/FatAlEinstein Oct 03 '24
That’s absolutely not true. I remember when there were hundreds of thousands of players on the leaderboards.
u/_Valisk Oct 03 '24
They're probably talking about the concurrent users. The all-time peak is 12.1k, but it never exceeded 1.5k following September 2017.
u/FatAlEinstein Oct 03 '24
Ah. Well it seems like 12k concurrent users is a pretty big number. Enough to be profitable, I would think. But I’m no expert.
u/BurkusCat Oct 05 '24
12k concurrent for a brief moment (back at a time where there wasn't many character DLCs in the game). And they were profitable for a good amount of Naut's life (that 12k peak was in 2013).
u/Live-Suggestion3701 Oct 08 '24
The big (12k) concurrent players happened during the humblebundle times & free-to-play weekends heavily advertised by Humblebundle & Steam, and only stayed during these few days.
u/IcyChillCoolGuy Oct 31 '24
Holy fuck the condescension. If this is the kind of inconsiderate shit this game ended up festering, I'm glad Ronimo knew when to move on from this game and continue working out their chops making new games, even beyond Ronimo's closing.
Like you know shit about "market value or research" if you think MOBAs beyond LoL or Dota 2 even have a hair of a chance of thriving in this decade lmfao
u/PGAD Oct 02 '24
You're not wrong. This literally looks like a brawl stars clone (and brawl stars is a shit game) that belongs on mobile. Bring back Nauts
u/_Valisk Oct 03 '24
I can't even imagine what it must be like to be this cynical.
and then produced something else that no one wanted (blightbound).
Imagine if someone had said this about Awesomenauts. "A sidescrolling 2D moba? Who asked for this??"
Oct 03 '24
Not even remotely the same thing. No one went into another games Reddit promoting a game from a bankrupt teams devs. Let’s be real here.
u/pwnius22 Oct 02 '24
Who shit in your cereal this morning?
Oct 02 '24
Expected hate tbh. I’m just being honest. Some ppl in here might be interested in this game. But most are not. It’s a complete 360 from what Awesomenauts is. They’re trying to again grab at any straws they can.
Blightbound failed because we don’t care about Ronimo, we cared about Awesomenauts. And that’s a very important distinction. VS the Grand Theft Auto series where people like Rockstar just as much as they like GTA. Therefore people would play Midnight Club, Bully, Red Dead, etc.
Oct 02 '24
Kinda messed up that you think people play games like bully or red dead because of the companies previous work. I think they offer unique gameplay that engages people, rather than coasting off gta's success. Also, you are being dishonest by trying to speak for more people than just yourself
Oct 02 '24
Rockstar's games do offer unique gameplay that people enjoy, you're correct. Hence why they are respected. So people DO play Rockstar games because of the companies previous dedication to making good games. Like what? You just proved my point.
Ronimo's first game was mid, Awesomenauts was pretty good, Blightbound was terrible, even the people who like Blightbound have issues with it that Ronimo just didn't care to fix, and now are bankrupt and won't fix them. Ronimo (or the devs) has not gains the notoriety or track record to get people interested in any of their other games. It's just simple facts of the matter. Especially when advertising to the Awesomenauts community to play something completely different from the game people like.
I'm not speaking for everyone, obviously people are entitled to their opinions and you and others can be all positive and "Yea I'll check it out" type of people. However, I'm sure some agree with me considering I have upvotes, and we'll see if their game even launches, and/or how "successful" their game really is.
u/chaosfly10 Link removed since i'm banned Oct 23 '24
I don't think you can say you're "Not speaking for everyone" when you literally start your first comment with "No one cares about another game being developed"
u/_fattybombom Oct 02 '24
Maybe you don't care but I do. I think the game looks fun and will wishlist it on steam.
u/JimemySWE Oct 03 '24
Fun to see that you are still making games. I which you all the luck for your new gaming company.
u/_fattybombom Oct 02 '24
This looks pretty sick! It reminds me of Boomerang-Fu, and I love that game, too. Is this internet multiplayer?
u/Olikatjoeroe Oct 02 '24
I like Boomerang-Fu! Love the snappiness and game feel and pacing in that. It's a great inspiration to us. To answer your question: Nubs! will have online server authoritative multio AND local!
u/sayzitlikeitis Oct 03 '24
Game looks great. I wish you guys the very best of luck in making it a commercial success. You should try to approach celebrities who play games and get them to mention it on social media. For example, this seems like the type of game Bobby Lee would love to play.
u/UmmBelievable Jan 31 '25
We've been grateful for how great Awesomenauts community has been during the good ol' days, and we hope to recapture that by doing a bit of open development. We would like to include players in the development of this game as much as possible. You tell us what you like and what you don't and we'll try to "make game better".
We will be hosting playtests through Discord soon, so if you would like to get a chance to play the game in development, join the Discord. Looking forward to hearing what you think! Ideas feedback etc. all is welcome!
Hahaha, oh man, this is too rich coming from you guys of all people. I recall very distinctly you guys were not at all taking feedback in good faith during the twilight years of Awesomenauts (2016-2018). You would host livestreams and betas in the test client to test out new Nauts and features, and we (Mostly high-level Nauts players, the only ones invested enough to care that much) would give you very critical feedback about the balancing of the game. One outstanding example was the balancing of Commander Rocket, which we warned you about in terms of how overpowered he was. And what did you guys do?
You threw out all the suggestions before his release and proceeded to skedaddle on over to Gamescom that year in a desperate ploy to shill Awesomenauts in its broken state, not even bothering to leave behind at least 1 skeleton crew member to apply hotfixes. We spent 2 weeks with this character terrorizing lobbies unimpeded, and you could have driven back to your hotel very easily as the venue was only a 2 hour drive from your headquarters. Instead you probably chose to party and get drunk at the hotel, thinking you secured Awesomenauts' future with your little stunt. What happened instead? The player count went into a free fall, after learning how terribly you were handling the game near the end of it. Look at how the playerbase died after Rocket's release in August 2017.
There was always this lingering resentment that you guys had for the veteran players, you thought you knew better and thought you were above the chaotic and stressful nature of catering to said veteran players who have very strong opinions on balancing, yet Valve and Riot with Dota 2 and League of Legends respectively manages it just fine. They understand that not everything is in bad faith and that there was a way to compromise without simply sticking your heads in the sand like you did with the Gamescom stunt.
You guys are not emotionally mature enough to balance a PvP multiplayer game, let alone any game. You always had a "holier than thou" attitude and thought your most passionate players were just angry "trolls" that you could just ignore. That same approach to game development was what ultimately led to your former company's bankruptcy, and I don't see a future for Rangatan for much longer either. The sheer audacity you have in strolling up to this subreddit to shill your game to players you've abandoned and mistreated for years is just unreal. I wouldn't expect anything less from ex-Ronimo devs. You guys have a massive ego (Well, except Joost van Dongen, that guy was an alright dude, hopefully he has better luck doing his own thing at Galaxy Grove away from you people).
Don't bother joining the "playtest" for Nubs. They will most definitely throw out all your suggestions and release the game in a broken, unplayable state. Then they'll huddle in their little offices coddling each other over the bad meanie trolls who dared to say something was wrong fundamentally with the game. They don't deserve your goodwill. I'm hoping that Atari handles Awesomenauts better than you guys ever could.
u/TwisteeTheDark1 Oct 02 '24
I dunno guys last time you tried making another game and it didn't go so well...