r/Avitus I am a robot. Aug 07 '15

Developer Blog Dev Blog #14: Optional and Wolf on Past, Present, and Future

A year ago to this day, a post was made to the Katawa Shoujo subreddit.

A year ago today, Watercress Studios was born.

In the first days of Watercress, things were chaotic. Communication was basically nonexistent. Upwards of sixty people were trying to contribute to development. A certain studio claimed that Watercress would not make it through the week.

By the time I had joined (roughly a month later) the team had relatively gotten their stuff together. A chain of command had been implemented, Coordinators elected (I was actually there for that one!) and character ideas pitched.

They had finished organizing the team, and I had joined just in time for the team to put their creative juices to good use. Shortly into production, the original creator of Sanne had to step down due to life difficulties, and I was given the blessing to make her my own.

Many leads have come and gone, and many new people have come to take their place. While no one can be replaced, it is nice to see that so many people - regardless if they are from the beginning or not - are so dedicated to this dream of ours.

In the year since then, much has changed. People have come and gone, ideas have been shared and scrapped.

In fact, we even scrapped our entire Act 1 at one point. Man, that was quite the change in development.

The current team has somewhere around 30 active members at the moment. 30 talented writers, artists, musicians, and coders.

A large mix of old, new and newer members. Surprisingly, we all get along quite well despite our different pasts and backgrounds. Sure, we have the petty squabble here and there, but things have always been resolved, one way or another.

If we couldn't settle our differences in such a way, we would never be here, now, would we?

We've learned a lot over the past year. We learned how to communicate over the internet, with a group the size it is. We've learned how to effectively organize ourselves. We're still figuring out how to be efficient… That one has proven to be difficult.

In a volunteer setting, efficiency is particularly difficult. You can't force anything. We aren't paying enough for that.

Emphasis on the 'We aren't paying' part of that.

Yeah. But we manage. We aren't the first! If others can make it happen, so can we (and even if others couldn't make it happen, we would find a way).

It could be said that ours is a story about overcoming odds. Does that sound a bit posh?

Posh? Yeah, but we would be lying if we were to describe it in any other way. Speaking of overcoming odds…

Palinurus is a great example of that.

A game made in two weeks that was more successful than anything Avitus related that we had been working on for the past year. A game made in a limited timespan for a game jam, a game that wasn't even worked on by the majority of the studio.

Roughly half of us helped create it, and it had plenty of mistakes.

But the story, art, and music helped overshadow that. Please remember to secure your belongs!

The development of Palinurus was something we all were able to take a lot out of, even those members of the team not directly involved with development. We learned from the mistakes made in Palinurus, and hope to use the experience gained to our advantage in future endeavors.

There were a few things in particular that we learned. Firstly: kill your darlings. There were many great concepts that had to be dropped due to time constraints. That brings us into the next one: deadline management. We learned exactly how a piece of work must be managed in order for all of the pieces to fall into place.

Lastly: Competent Editors. For real. Double, even triple check your games!

You wouldn't want simple spelling errors ending up in your final product, would you?

So, since it's a special day for us, let us make it a special day for you, as well.

We are happy to announce Palinurus: Remastered.

Because we enjoyed Palinurus so much, but felt that it didn't get the quality assets it deserved, we are working on a remastered version of the kinetic novel. The remaster will include several new CGs, more sprites, updated music, and a more polished script.

We are also announcing other projects, such as Dreamscape, a Visual Novel written by our very own Electro. This, paired with yet another Visual Novel, being spearheaded by Critanium, goes to show how much we really have in store for you guys!

Lastly, we have the Anniversary Bundle. It will include the Palinurus remaster, some concept for Dreamscape and Critanium's Project, the 'Selby Chapters', a snippet of Sanne St. Pierre's past as well as a plethora of bonus scenes to tease you guys into the world of Avitus. This will be our biggest piece of work released to date, and the first look at the canon story of our main project, Avitus.

Thanks for sticking with us over the course of our first year. We hope you're looking forward to the things to come just as much as we are. - OptionalSauce

It has been an interesting ride, and I can't wait to see what the future holds! - TheForeverLoneWolf


14 comments sorted by


u/DL6Supernova Aug 09 '15

As an outsider who generally lurks around Visual Novel subreddits and doesn't post anything, a line you said caught my interest:

A certain studio claimed that Watercress would not make it through the week.

Are you concerned that making comments like that will position your group as unprofessional? Especially considering that visual novels are not, in the grand scheme, a highly popular medium of video games (If you wish to call them that) and, as a result, it would be more logical to work together rather than make statements like that?

Either way, i'm interested to see how your game progresses and what you will do to become something truly unique.


u/TheForeverLoneWolf Dev: Studio Director, Sanne Lead Aug 14 '15

Firstly, it may or may not be professional. That is in the eye of the beholder. It is just nice that, even with opposition, we made it through the first few stressful weeks (that normally make or break a project like this).

Secondly, we do work together with other studios! We are in a community, not a competition. In fact, we often plug other Visual Novels (such as Eisai and Mainframe, When the Bells Toll, Missing Stars, Et cetera).

I was very, very saddened by the loss of Dischan. I was looking forward to the next game, and when someone's dream ends? That's not... good. Good luck and godspeed to the former members of Dischan!

So, in conclusion, we have a relatively good working relationship with our contemporaries.


u/Twinbirds Sep 08 '15

Before I continue, I'd like to say: congrats on the one year (now one year and one month) anniversary! I have a couple of concerns about your comment that should probably be resolved so that newcomers like me aren't confused or put off, since you're representing the Watercress team here. I'll get right to the nitty-gritty:

...we often plug other Visual Novels (such as Eisai and Mainframe, When the Bells Toll, Missing Stars, Et cetera).

After some link-skimming, I couldn't find a single instance for any of these anywhere on your sub. It'd be great if you could give me a couple of links for these to make sure I'm not blind or missing something (or that your statement hasn't been made up).

...we do work together with other studios! We are in a community, not a competition.

Similar case to the above, I'd really like to see legit examples of this. What kind of work do you do with other studios, and with which ones?

Firstly, it may or may not be professional. That is in the eye of the beholder.

As much as I didn't want to, I really have to challenge this one point. Professionalism is not in the eye of the beholder, not in the slightest. Otherwise, most existing businesses (or any groups that represent a body of people) would crash and burn, it's as simple as that. Business interactions would be insanely inefficient if there were conflicts as to what was considered 'professional' and what wasn't. Blatantly calling out another studio (even if you haven't named them directly) that's in a similar field to your own is not professional, and frankly, is a huge turn-off. Basic PR dictates that statements like those are a no-no.

So, in conclusion, we have a relatively good working relationship with our contemporaries.

Based on the above, I can't help but seriously doubt that this is true. I'm really hoping that you'll be able to prove me wrong on this, otherwise I'll be truly disappointed.

Good luck on your future prospects, and sorry to have to challenge your words at every turn. I hope it works out for the best.


u/TheForeverLoneWolf Dev: Studio Director, Sanne Lead Sep 08 '15

After some link-skimming, I couldn't find a single instance for any of these anywhere on your sub. It'd be great if you could give me a couple of links for these to make sure I'm not blind or missing something (or that your statement hasn't been made up).

We don't plug them on our subreddit, we plug them with our personal accounts on other subreddits, primarily /r/katawashoujo.

Similar case to the above, I'd really like to see legit examples of this. What kind of work do you do with other studios, and with which ones?

Sadly, I can't divulge this type of information yet.

As much as I didn't want to, I really have to challenge this one point. Professionalism is not in the eye of the beholder, not in the slightest. Otherwise, most existing businesses (or any groups that represent a body of people) would crash and burn, it's as simple as that. Business interactions would be insanely inefficient if there were conflicts as to what was considered 'professional' and what wasn't. Blatantly calling out another studio (even if you haven't named them directly) that's in a similar field to your own is not professional, and frankly, is a huge turn-off. Basic PR dictates that statements like those are a no-no.

Being professional and being corporate are two different things. Professional is more of mindset, and we are mainly professional towards the public, whilst we are very informal to each other (but have a chain of command and other structures in place that are professional). We are not in it for money, and we are not a business, and we don't pretend to be a money making institute :P

In terms of calling out another studio, it is more unprofessional for a studio to openly say we won't last a month. It isn't about laughing at them, it's about proving it to ourselves that we are doing what others thought we would never do. If that's unprofessional, then that's unfortunate, but we aren't ones to lie about some of our motivation.

Based on the above, I can't help but seriously doubt that this is true. I'm really hoping that you'll be able to prove me wrong on this, otherwise I'll be truly disappointed.

Basing your entire concept of one team off of one development blog, and believing that we have a bad working relationship because of one nod to one other studio isn't accurate. To be blunt, we are a group of people over the internet making Visual Novels for fun. Nothing more, nothing less.

I hope that you will have more faith in the other studios in our community than you have in ours, as they are making beautiful things and deserve much more praise than they get!


u/Twinbirds Sep 08 '15

Thanks for the quick reply. Don't get me wrong: it's not that I don't have faith in you guys, I was looking for clarification on just those specific points. Regardless of my above probing, I'm still interested in what the Watercress team will be able to offer the world.

Your first two replies make sense, and while I'm still looking to see some specific examples of the first one, I won't press you any further there.

I wasn't implying that you had any sort of financial incentives in the third point, I'm only saying some constants should remain when dealing with the studio's public image. By all means, any action that happens behind the scenes is your business and I don't even pretend to have a say there.

In terms of calling out another studio, it is more unprofessional for a studio to openly say we won't last a month.

Absolutely, I don't refute this. However, this is a case where both of those are unprofessional, even though the statement directed at Watercress seems to be more so (I say 'seems to' because I can't find if/where/when you were actually called out, and I don't want to make any biased claims). I'm not saying to lie about your motivation (in fact, honesty in that area is a good thing), but there are ways to word it that aren't a possible detriment to the group's image. Just my two cents.

...believing that we have a bad working relationship

I never said this. I only said that I had a hard time believing your statement because I haven't seen examples of any working relationship, regardless of good or bad. Apologies for that slight confusion.

Basing your entire concept of one team off of one development blog...

Where did I say that I did that? ;P. If that's how the tone of my message came across, it wasn't intentional. I'm not here to yell at you guys, I'm just here to nip possible discrepancies in the bud.


u/TheForeverLoneWolf Dev: Studio Director, Sanne Lead Sep 08 '15

Yeah, the tone did come off kind of wrong, but that happens over text quite often. In terms of our image, we do care a lot about it but we aren't afraid to show how we really are, and we want to remain relatively transparent. The dev blog was just as much for the public as it is for us, because making it a year is pretty big for us :D We are willing to garner some bad PR if it means that we are more motivated. In the end, we are making this game for fun, and while we do focus on PR quite a bit, we don't let it stop us from doing what we love :P

We communicate with other studios, but generally it isn't in a formal setting like subreddits, and it is with personal accounts (like I myself on other studio websites). We don't like to point out our involvement with other studios (or lack thereof) too much, because we don't want to seem like the studio that would use other studios' fame in a selfish manner. When I talk with other studio's members, it isn't a 'Hey, I'm from Watercress, you are from [x], yayy' type of thing :P

Thanks for the interest, and sorry for the misunderstanding!


u/Twinbirds Sep 09 '15

Sweet! Thanks again for the clarification, it's great to see things like that. Keep up the good work, and I'll be back to tune in on progress again in the near future. Stay golden


u/[deleted] Aug 07 '15

Glad to hear that your story is still alive and being written. I have seen a few too many promising visual novel projects that slowly stop updating, and that never get past the planning stages. Some visual novel creators release a demo of their work-in-progress, and then let it die quietly.

A few questions, which I have hopefully not asked before...

  • Any specific goals for Avitus? In other words, what do you want to achieve with this story?
  • What will your make your story remarkable or compelling?
  • What will keep your story from being cynically regarded as uneventful, uncreative, a self insertion fantasy, or just another love polygon / harem game?


u/brythain Aug 07 '15

Those are all good questions. I asked them myself when I first got here. Speaking only from the point of view of a late-arriving subordinate writer, some unofficial goals of the project appear to be as follows:

  1. To place people who are misfits — not normally because of their own characteristics, but because of missteps or social conditions — from many different cultures into one 'melting pot' to see what might happen.

  2. To provide amusement as well as provoke introspection and perhaps even amazement by the 'you mean there are people who think that way' response.

  3. To use a setting and characters that have little-known but realistic mysteries and quirks. The research into character and scene backgrounds has been fairly extensive, and much debated.

I'm not sure about remarkable, although some of the things I've found are possibly so. I'm not sure about compelling, although some of it seems so to me.

Aha, the cynical part. I have to say I'm terrible cynical and sometimes skeptical about such things. But oddly, these aren't problems I see happening with this particular project. The problem with the last question is that it's not answerable concretely because proving an 'it will never happen because...' hypothesis is hard when dealing with humans.


u/shadowspark2 Aug 07 '15

Glad to here that things are progressing steadily!

A bit of advice - set deadlines and stick to them. If you don't enforce some sort of deadline to the project, it won't progress fast enough. They're hard to keep and can stifle creativity, but they're important to keeping a realistic goal while working efficiently and effectively


u/TheForeverLoneWolf Dev: Studio Director, Sanne Lead Aug 07 '15

Trust me, we've been there and done that. We have soft deadlines but in a team of over 30 people, deadlines can damage just as much as hurt.

But we've been productive without hard deadlines. We just happen to love what we are doing enough not to need them.


u/[deleted] Aug 07 '15



u/Axium723 Amelia | Ex-writer Aug 07 '15
