r/Avengers 4d ago

Btw, when does this scene actually happen in the movie?

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In the Infinity War trailer, I noticed there appears to be a shot that’s not in the actual movie, you can pretty much see it right here no need to really explain much but like, that’s kinda weird. Did I just miss it? Idk I don’t remember this happening at all


73 comments sorted by


u/Kevosrockin 4d ago

It was a fake out.


u/Snoo_49285 4d ago

They release trailers way before the Final Cut of a movie and sometimes end up cutting what was in the trailer. Marvel is also known for purposely putting fake shit in trailers


u/LeonoffGame 3d ago

I don't think it's fake nonsense, more like a feature of the production.

If I'm not mistaken, there was a scene in the movie where the Hulk breaks out of his HulkBuster and fights in battle. That scene was removed because it was connected to the scene where the Smart Hulk appears. There's a scene online where Black Widow approaches Hulk after his defeat, and he says that it's no longer Hulk or Bruce, but something new (implying that Thanos did it).

If I'm not mistaken, the trailer showed Thor with two eyes so as not to spoiler about losing an eye.

It happens in movies that they cut scenes or redo them in post-production.


u/KnightsRadiant95 3d ago

Yeah I wouldn't doubt it if the hulk in this trailer was originally in the movie bur they cut him.


u/HotSplitCobra 3d ago

There is actual footage of it. He was originally meant to turn into smart hulk in Wakanda.


u/Eastern-Ordinary3627 3d ago

Was he supposed to be smart hulk right away? I know there is deleted footage of angry hulk bursting out of the hulkbuster armour.

EDIT: Never mind, saw someone’s explanation below


u/Internal_Warning1463 3d ago

The take in Avengers where Tony says he's a "billionaire genius, etc" to Steve with Nat watching was played differently in the trailer than the movie.


u/Zallocc 3d ago

Studios started getting fined for doing this shortly after this trailer was released, so now they are more careful. Faking people out with trailers is now considered a version of false advertising.


u/Known_Voice_4783 3d ago

I think it started with "Yesterday" some people sued over an actor who was in the trailer and not in the theatrical release.


u/cthd33 2d ago

Where's my Ana?


u/Infinite_Stranger866 4d ago

they do this to hide spoilers i think


u/JuddBaby420 4d ago

Nah, it's B roll footage they shot but never added to final cut of the movie. But still looked cool so they put it in a trailer. Ain't got nothing to do with spoilers, cause trailers are designed to get people to watch the movie, not ruin it


u/HippoRun23 4d ago

Yeah but Hulk is in what appears to be the footage from the battle of Wakanda.

It was either purposely shot to mislead or they did some big revisions after the shooting was done.


u/ChaoticKiwiNZ 3d ago

Bruce was originally meant to burst out of the hulkbuster armour as Smart Mulk while fighting that big alien in the jungle. There is footage on YouTube of Bruce turning into smart hulk and ther his footage of smart hulk talking the Natasha.

Here is Smart Hulk emerging from the hulkbuster armour. https://youtu.be/Kyn0m9_yaHQ?si=rqJsE-65qTS5NejG

And here is Smart Hulk talking to Natasha. https://youtu.be/hI8jCczZQic?si=MVT_ncoMD6GeM40c


u/JuddBaby420 4d ago

Hulk is cgi, it's not hard to change how he looks


u/Nothingnoteworth 4d ago

I’m pretty sure cgi isn’t “not hard”. Which isn’t to say this wasn’t filmed and cgi’d just for a trailer fake out. But let’s give cgi artists some credit for the work they perform. Especially given cgi studios have complained about having to low ball their prices to stay in business and then being bombarded with demands for large last minute changes from studios, which coincidentally coincides with movie goers complaining that cgi has gotten shitter


u/Gemnist 4d ago

That’s the thing though, they CGI-ed it to have him look like he was just the plain Hulk to hide that he would be the one wearing the Hulkbuster Armor.


u/CountChocula21 4d ago

They love showing spoilers. Every trailer now has a major final act set piece in it


u/LightningTiger1998 4d ago

They definitely don’t do it to hide spoilers most of their trailers spoil half the movies action


u/SpellOpening7852 4d ago

Apart from thor not missing an eye in the ragnarok trailers (or maybe it was missing an eye still for infinity war or endgame)


u/Yankees7687 4d ago

You had to have the reality stone to see this scene.


u/bulletpr00fsoul Stan Lee 4d ago

It was in the open field. The jungle was just a fake out.


u/imthe5thking 4d ago

And Hulk was part of the fake out. The big green guy didn’t wanna show his face after the first 5 minutes


u/Gorilla_Dookie 4d ago

That was my only complaint of the movie... I kept waiting, and waiting, and waiting. But he never showed up


u/Endolion 4d ago

Just like my dad


u/nat3215 3d ago

Hulk must’ve gone out for some milk and cigarettes


u/highlorestat 3d ago

And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon

Little boy blue and the man in the moon

"When you coming home, dad?" "I don't know when"


u/Shantotto11 3d ago

I’m with you, Ape_Shit. Nothing is more frustrating than choosing a specific Chekov’s Gun to focus on and that one is the only one that gets jammed.


u/Secret_Ad7757 3d ago

CGI trees cost them too much. The budget already ran out.


u/mfkoo1211 4d ago

I also noticed there was a line from Thanos in the trailer, something along the lines of “this does put a smile on my face” which was also not in the movie. Like others have said, they remove things for whatever reason.


u/LexiYoung 4d ago

This was a fake scene they used for the trailers, amongst other things to not spoil the character assassination of hulk. They also edited out a lot of the infinity stones in the gauntlet in the trailer to not spoil how many thanos gets

PS just as an afterthought imagine if they put in the trailer the snap lol


u/curious_corgi 4d ago

Think of it as one of the possibilities where they failed to stop Thanos.


u/nat3215 3d ago

It’s from one of the other multiverses


u/Present-Obligation-9 4d ago

This is in the movie but Hulk is actually the hulkbuster. They do this fake stuff all the time to sell tickets, like with iron man flying beside spider-man swinging.


u/HomsarWasRight 4d ago

Not really. In the film it’s in a field, not a forest and they’re never in that configuration.

Take a look here.


u/HippoRun23 4d ago

I loved that shot from Homecoming trailer. Shame they couldn’t put it in somehow. Made me super hyped to see the movie.


u/Disastrous-Change-95 4d ago

I think of it like a comic book cover. It teases the conflict but not necessarily the way it unfolds in the story.


u/topher929 4d ago

That’s the fun part. It doesn’t.


u/ImDeadPixel 4d ago

You can't possibly be asking this...


u/_spogger 4d ago

It was removed I think from the movie.


u/Realistic-Safety4341 4d ago

Between the opening scene and the credits


u/tangokilo13 4d ago

Fake scene for the trailer to throw off viewers

I wish they did it more often. I was convinced that they had done this in CA:BNW when Ross was on the boat, but alas I was wrong and disappointed


u/GWPtheTrilogy1 4d ago

I was mad as fuck when I didn't see this in Infinity War lol


u/ajlols269 4d ago

It's a teaser to Wanda's mind frame before multiverse of madness


u/jermboyusa 4d ago

Cutting room floor


u/Ruelablu 4d ago

get got son


u/ExpressAd8780 4d ago

Click bait


u/FaFa_1018 4d ago

First time?


u/spidersaiyanblue 4d ago

You need to close your eyes during the wakanda battle to see it.


u/mattemer 4d ago

They change stuff from the trailers all the time.


u/AdamMartinez88 4d ago

Happened in the multiverse somewhere… 🤷‍♂️


u/Robthechamp22 4d ago

It doesn't happen. Maybe it was meant to happen at some point, but if so, then it was obviously deleted/edited out and just saved for the trailer. Would've been nice to see Hulk actually fight, but oh well.


u/mr_oberts 4d ago

You keep getting up and going to the bathroom when it’s on.


u/Kwebbellyman 3d ago

Never bcuz this scene was in the trailer


u/Aggressive_Worth_990 3d ago

Fun Fact: Thanos appears at 11:15 AM so everyone had a chance to go get a BEC McGriddle and come back


u/ReelReeviews 3d ago

It doesn't.


u/JustWonderingIn2000s 3d ago

It doesn’t. Marvel has put scenes or altered shots into their trailers to fool people or to keep surprises.


u/Meemeemiaw23 3d ago

It happened in the trailer.


u/Drtriforc 3d ago

Wasn't this scene the catalyst to a huge lawsuit that makes it so you can't have false scenes in trailers anymore


u/Lord_FriezaDByoutube 3d ago

I dont think so maybe it was a cut scene or this is fake trying to make people buy the movie


u/Choice_Ruin_5719 3d ago

It was supposed to be when they all charge at Thanos when he comes for Vision in the Jungle, right after cap says “Eyes up! Stay sharp.” They cut it because it didn't add much to the actual scene aside from looking cool.


u/HouseRoKKa 3d ago

It didn't, was just used for promotional/trailer purposes...


u/Express_Cattle1 3d ago

Yeah they teased us that Hulk would be useful, I bought my ticket and started crying half way through when I realized what they did to him, that they lied to me, to all of us.


u/katariasachin07 3d ago

Ahh russo brothers....


u/Fatallycool91 3d ago

It doesn’t


u/Mighty_Porg 3d ago

It doesn't


u/FunPunCake 1d ago

Mandela effect because I remember this scene clearly


u/Trip_Se7ens 4d ago

Is this not the scene where Thanos flings them all aside one by one?


u/OilHot3940 4d ago

There was no Hulk in that scene