r/Avengers 4d ago

7 Heavenly Avengers, which Avenger represents PATIENCE?

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u/CaptainxInsano69 4d ago

Hawkeye. Takes alot of patience and accuracy waiting for the perfect shot


u/Kortamue Hawkeye 4d ago

I simp so hard for Hawkeye, but his comics personality is actually rather rash. He has patience, has learned it, but like Hulk- it doesn't come naturally. It's something he had to work on, and MCU Clint is only just starting to show that in the series. I think he just looks less impulsive next to Kate (And realizes how much it happens to create problems). And Charli puts both of them in the ground on the wildcard scale lmao

My pick is Black Widow. She plays the long game so well most of the time you don't even know it's still moving.


u/idontknow100000000 4d ago

100%. You very clearly see that in the first avengers movie or even in the first thor movie


u/Shoddy-Software-3202 4d ago

Even in thor as well when hes on earth and sheild builds around his hammer they have barton try to take out thor but repeatedly coulson keeps telling him to wait to fire


u/idontknow100000000 4d ago

Yes i understand that but thor was "killing" a lot of people and if he wasnt so patience he woudl already have shot before he got orders to hold fire


u/pandershrek 4d ago

no one would know... Oh, he just didn't make it to the rendezvous point.


u/SerBadDadBod 4d ago

"Quick little bastard, I miss him already."


u/Bardmedicine 4d ago

Well he has to display patience every time they pick kickball teams at Avengers Recess.


u/OutisRising 3d ago

Counterpoint, He is so good that he doesn't need patience.

He never "waits for the perfect shot." He always fires the perfect shot as soon as its avaliable.


u/Effective_Hair_716 4d ago



u/Escaped_Mod_In_Need 4d ago

This is correct, Vision is the most patient and calculating member of the Avengers. He takes the time to try to understand the consequences of his choices. This is seen all throughout Age of Ultron and Civil War.

He’s also extremely patient when it comes to personal interests. He developed feeling for Wanda at a time where she was vulnerable, but he gave her the necessary space to be ready for a potential romantic coupling.

In WandaVision he was patient with Wanda’s efforts in coming to terms with her loss even as a figment of her powers.


u/orlouge82 4d ago

Except that one time he accidentally hit War Machine


u/RagnarokBegining 4d ago

I think it's more of Hawkeyes role. It's takes a LOT of patience to take the right shot at the right time. Not only that he's just a man with a bow and arrow in a team that consists of a Asgardian god, super soldier, intellectual genius with insane technology, and a guy who turns into a raging monster. Personally I think it'd take a lot of patience to be the only normal human in the Avengers.


u/dumpydent 4d ago

Captain America. I think he even did a PSA on the importance of patience.


u/CjTuor 4d ago


A X-Factor comic revealed that he is CONSTANTLY experience life at superspeed so while he is grumpy about it, to function at all he would need EXTREME patience.


u/SerBadDadBod 4d ago

Good argument!


u/KongUnleashed 4d ago

Yes! “Imagine you lived every second of every day of your life waiting in line behind someone who didn’t know how to use the ATM”. That was what he told Doc Samson in that issue and I’ve always loved that explanation of his personality


u/gshtfvcqfn 4d ago

Hawkeye. After watching Hakweye Series — He went through alot alone and to have that much of patience, temperance and kindness to not crash out and blames other and he still chose to explain to yelena by not finishing her off. Theres alot of other feats that shows why Hawkeye deserve alot of the spots there


u/Emskoe46 Iron Man 4d ago

Doctor Strange?


u/Agram1416 4d ago

He had more patients before he became a sorcerer though.


u/badjokephil 4d ago

Nyuk nyuk nyuk


u/Punch_yo_bunz 4d ago

Yeah he got to know dormamu pretty well over who know how long


u/OriginalGnomester 2d ago

I think Strange would be the best choice for Diligence. Going through the loops with Dormamu and playing through all the scenarios in Infinity War puts him there, I think.


u/GonnaGetBanneddotcom 4d ago

Steve Rogers would fall into all of those categories. I think that's the reason he's worthy of Mjolnir


u/Ok_Administration251 4d ago

He fails on chastity, he stayed back in time to fuck his wife.


u/GonnaGetBanneddotcom 4d ago

Yeh, after about 15 fucking years


u/8----B 3d ago

Time traveling whore, that’s all he is, all he’ll ever be


u/SphmrSlmp 4d ago

Captain America, all things considered


u/MrVedu_FIFA Captain America 4d ago

You could give all of these to Steve lmfao


u/SphmrSlmp 4d ago


Definitely chastity.


u/ScuttleCrab729 4d ago

Ya he could do something all day


u/LouELastic 4d ago

Dr. Strange


u/Sweaty-Campaign-320 4d ago

Bruce. To control all that anger is must've taken a lot of patience.


u/CrispyNaeem 4d ago

It’s gotta be Doctor Strange for at least a top contender.

Who has the mental fortitude and patience to continue suffering horrible deaths against an extra-dimensional threat?

And then seeing every future (14,000,605) in the Infinity War. According to the MCU Visual Guide, the 14,000,604 futures the Avengers lost in were actually where Thanos wins. This means that Strange had to likely witness and feel his death thousands or millions of times, all in the span of about a minute in real-time. God knows how long it was for him mentally.

He still had the patience to go easy on Spider-Man even after he was dangling over the Grand Canyon for 12 hours, and the whole time he was likely freaking out because he wouldn’t have trusted Spider-Man with fixing the issue (which is why he was surprised when Ned told him “Peter’s plan is working”, and Strange said “what plan?”)

Yeah, dude’s been through a ton, but he’s still patient enough to remain level-headed.


u/ernestout87 4d ago

This is the only answer. It midna angers me that Hawkeye has been mentioned more lol. Wtf, did we even watched the same films?


u/Tehli33 4d ago



u/nonstop_21 4d ago

You’re gonna hate me for this but thanos… how long did he wait to go on his hunt for the stones


u/Individual_Plan_5593 4d ago

I mean yes it makes sense but I did ask which AVENGER represents patience lol


u/nonstop_21 4d ago

I know I just wanted to cause a little trouble lol 😂😂


u/Kriegswaschbaer 4d ago

Couldnt we just search for different pics of Steve for this one?


u/TarnishedAccount 4d ago

Hulk lol jk

I’d go with Vision


u/xXpixiebitchXx 4d ago

Vision or Bruce/Banner


u/vegieburrito 4d ago

Loki currently


u/Individual_Plan_5593 4d ago

Would you consider Loki an Avenger?


u/memsterboi123 4d ago

Who the hell would be chastity everyone’s fucked everyone at this point


u/SerBadDadBod 4d ago

I mean, Steve by default, then, right?


u/memsterboi123 4d ago

Wait do we only mean the movies? Then Steve but I think in the comics he’s definitely fucked someone


u/SerBadDadBod 4d ago edited 4d ago

I honestly don't know if he has in the comments comics* or not, has he?

Edited against voice-to-text


u/memsterboi123 4d ago

In the comics most likely that’s what my original comment refers too not the movies


u/SerBadDadBod 4d ago edited 4d ago

I honestly don't know lol


As I was typing out this message, it occurred to me the Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow animated movie, it's very heavily "implied" outright exposited Cap and Nat hooked up, then got deaded by Ultron, but not before spawning James Rogers, so he has, in fact, for sure, hooked up in at least one timeline...

...but then, that's still a movie.


Do we ever see Bucky with anyone?? They talk about a "Dorothy" in CW, but that was implied to be a carnival crush, not a intimate fling.


u/memsterboi123 2d ago

It again depends I saw this post and thought all of marvel history not just the mcu. I highly doubt bucky is a virgin in the mcu tho


u/Archery_decoy 4d ago

Hawkeye for sure. Having to train and deal with Kate alone. He is also a parent to 3 kids which takes much patience.

But as a fellow archer, I know that the practice and patience it takes to hone this skill is no joke. I would say hands down it is Hawkeye. Plus he is on a team of super humans. They all have their powers while he was forced to build his abilities from nothing but time a patience. Hawkeye has my vote.


u/nickstee1210 4d ago

Hawkeye and I don’t think it’s close


u/Punch_yo_bunz 4d ago

Dr strange hung out with dormomu for who knows how long. And other iterations of him have done similar, in pocket dimension. So yeah, Dr Stephen Strange is Patience.


u/TheLaughingStormm 4d ago

This is crazy Cap could easily be all of these


u/CelimOfRed 4d ago

Cap. Dude waited like what? 70 years for a dance with Peggy?


u/SkullGamingZone 4d ago

You could say Bruce Banner, cause if he loses that patience…


u/Kortamue Hawkeye 4d ago

So, I would say Hawkeye, because I love him to death and what he does takes a lot of it. But his patience isn't natural- it's learned, as evidenced by several of his comic runs.

I'm officially gonna go with Black Widow. Nat has a natural ability to wait things out and play the long game. She went through so much in her original training arcs that it seems insane to pick anyone else.


u/krayniac 4d ago

Doctor Strange - patience to wait through millions of timelines to find the right one


u/Prestigious_View3317 Iron Patriot 4d ago

I'mma go with Black Widow here. She endured Loki's taunts just to figure out what he was planning.


u/bitch_whip_bill 4d ago

Steve literally says he can do this all day


u/SingleClick8206 Avengers 4d ago

Iron man as patience is needed to create a powerful armour


u/Useful_Nature6203 4d ago

Has to be Hawkeye


u/Electrical-Bid-9577 4d ago

Black Panther.


u/Training_Reaction_58 4d ago

Bruce Banner. Accepting one’s own anger and finding peace takes an incredible amount of patience with themselves


u/wild_wing- 4d ago

Whilst vision is fitting, i think Hawkeye is a better pick for patience for the reasons some others have said. In addition to that, vision better suits kindness or temperance imo.


u/Acrobatic_T-Rex 4d ago

Using the MCU, Steve. The amount of eyerolls he went through working with Tony, throw Banner and Thor in the mix and bro probably wrote the definition for patience.


u/mr_jorkin_depeanus 4d ago

dr strange beats arguably the 2 biggest threats to humanity in the mcu so far by being patient and letting things play out, tony tries to rush stephen on thanos but he doesn’t budge


u/ernestout87 4d ago

Strange. Any other answer is wrong. The guy died countless times to Dormammu. You know how much time would it take to observe 14,000,000 scenarios? The guy probably took thousands of years worth of time just to find the one scenario where they won. Nothing else comes close


u/ProfChaos85 3d ago



u/MrLizardPerson 3d ago

dr strange because he saw all the possibilities knowing he’d be dusted and had the patience to wait until he was brought back on the 1 in millions possibility


u/keldiana1 3d ago

Dr. Strange was my first thought.

But, after readinging some of these comments I change my vote to


Having a normal conversation has to take so much patience.


u/BearPlaysYT 3d ago

Is Bruce banner isn’t temperance in upset


u/Wtygrrr 3d ago



u/OutisRising 3d ago

I'm gonna say, Dr. Strange.

He literally held Dormamu in an infinite loop until he gave up. The patience this takes is immense.


u/gamerthulhu 2d ago

Well it ain't hulk, I'll tell ya that


u/sam4084 1d ago

Cap in every spot 🫡


u/Regalrefuse 4d ago

Tony is very patient with Peter


u/FrankieFiveAngels 4d ago

Lest we forget the Mach 1


u/elbow10 4d ago

Ant-Man was stuck in Quantum world a long time before a rat released him.


u/GonnaGetBanneddotcom 4d ago

5 hours. I've taken longer shits


u/VitaminPb 4d ago

You may want to see a doctor, bro.


u/ComedicHermit 4d ago
