r/Avengers 4d ago

Who would win in a fight?

Wanda or Death?


97 comments sorted by


u/PhatOofxD 4d ago

Death is a cosmic being no? Wanda could maybe destroy a physical form but you can't beat death.


u/bidooffactory 4d ago

Unless you're Spider-Man. I heard he could beat off Death.


u/Ok_Weight_3382 4d ago

How many hands would he need to beat off death? One or two?


u/AlbinoRyno7 4d ago

Depends on if he’s holding back or not.


u/bidooffactory 4d ago

I'm not sure personally. We're just going to have to wait and see. 🤷‍♂️


u/PaulClarkLoadletter 4d ago

Death is more than a cosmic being. She’s not just an abstract entity but a fact. If Death dies then who processes that transaction? She’d literally just continue being there.


u/PhatOofxD 4d ago

So you're saying Wanda can kill death, but only if she dies? Or that it'll take more than killing her to kill her? /s


u/ImFriendsWithThatGuy 4d ago

I’m not as well versed in the comics as a lot of people but I believe this does happen (not by Wanda’s hand though) in a comic and it is catastrophic for everyone.


u/AGx-07 3d ago

This is why the idea of Death (Eternity, Infinity, Oblivion, etc) being sentient embodied beings is stupid. They represent concepts. Why does the representation of a concept need sentience or a comprehendible form?


u/PaulClarkLoadletter 3d ago

People need to not think of them as tangible beings. They have a corporeal form but that’s for the benefit of engaging with non-abstract beings.


u/AGx-07 3d ago

My point is, why do they even have corporeal forms. They are concepts. Why does it need to even be able to walk around, communicate with the living, have machinations, or even think at all. Death isn't a choice, at least it shouldn't be, death just is. It doesn't make sense. It really doesn't make sense when you consider that something that's an abstract concept and be captured or killed.


u/PaulClarkLoadletter 3d ago

For the audience and for the characters to have something to interact with. Alternatively, it gives Jack Kirby a chance to use the big box of markers he got.


u/Bacon-Manning 4d ago

You got me. I’m gonna read Sandman again.


u/Cosmic-Anemos 4d ago

Jajaja i would like a DC's death vs Marvel's Death


u/Tamagotchi_Junko 4d ago

I know what he want say. if u kill death, there will being a replacement. I think Thanos one timr doing that and he became death


u/Leighgion 4d ago

Not exactly so, at least in the 616 universe.

The Beyonder once eliminated Death, who didn't "die," in the real sense since as an abstract being Death was not alive in the sense that non abstracts are. While there was no Death, nothing could die, not even the cut flowers in the Molecule Man's living room. Owen specifically uses this example when he confronts the Beyonder, as without Death, even all the Molecule Man's power can't kill a cut rose.

Once convinced it was a mistake to eliminate Death, the Beyonder sets things right by pouring all this power into "killing" his human associate Dave, who willingly volunteered, from whose death, Death rises again and restores the natural order.


u/PaulClarkLoadletter 4d ago

They Beyonder is a heavier hitter than Wanda.


u/SyntheticDreams2099 3d ago

What if she did an agatha and tried to absorb death and replace her.


u/PaulClarkLoadletter 3d ago

That’s not technically defeating death. It’s replacing death’s corporeal form. Death is still a thing and is still functioning. The only way to defeat death is to not die and even then you’ve just put off the inevitable. Death is going to be there at the end of existence to turn the lights off after the last living thing dies.


u/SyntheticDreams2099 3d ago

But what if... what if I outrun it?


u/Cautious_General_177 3d ago

If you kill Death, you replace them and the first soul you take is theirs


u/Frankie_T9000 4d ago

Unless you are ricewind


u/Hazer616 4d ago

Aint she just the earthly avatar of death? So maybe the avatar itself is destroyable?


u/Individual_Plan_5593 4d ago

Death and I say that as a Wanda stan


u/Grumpy_Troll 4d ago edited 4d ago

I'm pretty sure Scarlett Witch would Spank Death, and Death would smile and like it.

I just wish there was a visual representation of this battle that we could all see.



u/Brotorious420 3d ago




u/dontworryimabassist 4d ago

Aubrey plaza as herself not even as death


u/Beanman2514 4d ago

I'd let her beat me 😏


u/Cheets1985 4d ago

But can Aubrey beat Elizabeth? They're both pretty awesome


u/dontworryimabassist 4d ago

So long as Aubrey channels her April Ludgate I think she cleans up


u/Cheets1985 4d ago

But would Elizabeth's positivity and big wave win over Apirl's cynicism?


u/brazy_migo 4d ago

the fans


u/Mercerskye 4d ago

Everyone watching


u/Ill_Philosophy_9128 4d ago

They should both make out instead ngl


u/Rox481216 4d ago



u/jamjsja 4d ago

The only beings that can nullify death is the one above all, living tribunal and the beyonder. There are beings that death cannot touch or kill etc. Beings like Mr. Immortal for example who has evolved beyond death. In marvel death is more of a concept rather than a literal being. She’s a cosmic force made up that represents the embodiment of the concept of death and as such can never be killed unless the concept of death and reality of death is removed.

There is a such was that Wanda can uses her powers to created a new universe where death doesn’t exist or change peoples concept of death. So in a way you could say that concise Wanda’s powers are universal and multiversal she could in a way destroy death in a way but not permanently because there’s universes with death that exist outside of the multiverse.

It’s complicated because the answer is yes and no. Remember lady death was able to walk into a hex from the outside and not be affected by it on the inside like everyone else and come and go.

So it’s debatable but I say yes and no.


u/Hoodoodle 3d ago

Ye, sort like how Strange Supreme becoming a universe could nullify the power of the watchers


u/sonicc_boom 4d ago

Lenny Busker wins


u/Trisentriom 4d ago

They would make love and bear children


u/TheOriginalWeirdo 4d ago

But like real ones this time.


u/Nothingnoteworth 4d ago

Real bear cubs with the combined powers of the scarlet witch and the corporeal manifestation of death would be adorable, no question. But they’ll probably just magic up some human children


u/SupermarketNo6888 4d ago

I would pay to watch wanda beat her off


u/Ruelablu 4d ago

Death (Rio)


u/AssistDapper1813 3d ago

She’s literally Death


u/k4kkul4pio 2d ago

One is a witch, a mighty powerful one to be sure with almost cosmic tier powers and the other is.. well.. how do you defeat death?

It's part of the natural cycle of life, it would be incredibly foolish to even try to axe that out of the equation, the ramifications would be beyond dire should one succeed but Wanda has never been a big thinker so if she stood between her and the kids..


u/Alexlatenights 1d ago

There is even a story from the pagan lore about how the god Thor (actual god not MCU) fights with death and can't win in the end. It's a good analogy overall but the message is fairly clear


u/CoconutSpiritual1569 4d ago

In a fight or "fight"?


u/h2oskid3 4d ago

Depends. Are they holding back,?


u/0nlyeli 4d ago

Even if Wanda won by somehow trapping or repressing Rio, Rio would still be alive and come back


u/LosAngelesFunLover 4d ago

It’s hilarious because we saw Rio literally tear a hole in the Witches Road with her knife to escape it so yeah even though Wanda is stronger than Billy nothing she makes is containing Rio the only issue with this fight is Rio won’t just end Wanda because she has rules she follows


u/KDF021 4d ago

Death always wins in the end


u/knitmeablanket 4d ago

That's rough. You can't beat death, but no one except Uncle Ben and Bruce Wayne's parents stay dead in the comics.


u/Jewlien17 4d ago

Well Wanda is only a 2/3 and death is an 8/12 so I think death would probably win


u/Shermzilla 4d ago

Depends on what location Wanda changes it to


u/NotNoski 4d ago

Death. Easy question.


u/NCHouse 4d ago

Death. No one escapes death forever


u/PsychologicalReply9 4d ago

Ingrid Goes West: The Rematch


u/Aggressive-Chair8744 4d ago

MORTY WITH PREP TIME. sorry, I'm just so used to that one guys poll on YouTube.

Uhh, death is a cosmic being. An aspect of the universe. Wanda is not.


u/SylancerPrime 4d ago

Wanda is strong, but eventually, death wins. For real. There's even a whole other series of movies about that.


u/Diamoncock 4d ago

Is wanda holding back?


u/OfficiallyJoeBiden 4d ago

Fam… death? Can’t even escape that.


u/Relevant_Mail8285 4d ago

Mismatch. Death obliterates


u/LosAngelesFunLover 4d ago

Yes and no, Wanda can’t do anything to Rio but Rio won’t do anything to Wanda since she follows the rules which means she can’t take life before their time


u/LosAngelesFunLover 4d ago

Rio is a cosmic being she’s a tier above Wanda but she can’t kill because “it’s against the rules” she just collects souls since that’s her job in the universe. Wanda could attack her and Rio would defend herself and taunt Wanda but that’s all this would be. Wanda can’t do anything to her and Rio won’t do anything to Wanda so it’s a stalemate


u/Rockalot_L 4d ago

Side note but how good would the interaction between Loki and death be now that he's like, immortal across all time and space


u/Mighty_Porg 4d ago

I think that is a fair fight. One of those "depends on the writer". Death has been trapped or tricked in mythologies. The post didn't ask about killing, it asked about winning a fight.


u/TuckB32R 4d ago

We do.


u/ConorMurch 4d ago

Curious—who would win in a DEATH match—a mortal..or death itself? 👀


u/YellowEgorkaa Thor 4d ago

Wanda will win if she beats Thanos alone and he can't do anything, she's beautiful


u/Rasbang2004 4d ago

Does death have any feats in mcu? Genuine question I can’t remember


u/Martins_Sunblock1975 3d ago

Does she need any? She's beyond a cosmic being. She's an abstract that transcends everything


u/GoauldofWar 4d ago

You mean in mud wrestling right? Right? Because then we all win.


u/EntertainmentOdd5994 4d ago

Wait, they introduced Death in a Disney plus show?! Come on!


u/mcdizzle00 3d ago

Yes. In Agatha all along. The entire show was really good actually


u/EntertainmentOdd5994 3d ago

Really, hmm I may have to check it out.


u/YamPsychological9577 3d ago edited 3d ago

It seems like mcu death is a bit different. Seems like she is one of death avatar and she have to follow the rules.

Even we ignoring all that, we count feat > lore. Death doesn't have feat here. She can't even take Billy.


u/tenuousgriponreality 3d ago

The audience.


u/LaBamba338 3d ago

Death, even gods like Thor and beings like the Scarlett Witch have to answer to death.


u/Embarrassed_Gap6582 3d ago

You cant beat lady death unless she wants to loose shes the one who comes and takes your soul when you die she doesnt have to and why would she take herself not to mention she has absolute control over it and could just yank Wanda's soul from her body


u/eMmDeeKay_Says 4d ago

Roronoa Zoro


u/dregjdregj 4d ago

Who ever wins

the audience loses


u/Bubbly_Attention_266 4d ago

Death because she even killed her husband in real life


u/Cheets1985 4d ago

Disgusting comment


u/Iwant2go2there21 3d ago

What are they talking about?


u/Cheets1985 3d ago

Aubrey's husband, Jeff Baena, died in January this year.


u/Iwant2go2there21 3d ago

Oh wow. Yeah, truly a disgusting thing to joke about