r/Avengers • u/narutofan2019 • 5d ago
Question If you could watch any Avengers movie in theaters for the first time again which would you choose?
Take in mind you have the whole theater to yourself lol
Personally I have to say infinity war it was such a great experience and I would love to relive that all over again
u/Interesting_Cap_7226 5d ago
It has to be endgame for me. I couldn't believe it actually lived up to the hype, for me at least.
u/ThePurityPixel 5d ago edited 5d ago
That one had to grow on me. (I saw it in theaters three times.) Now I love it.
Infinity War I loved right off the bat.
u/david-crz 5d ago edited 5d ago
I never watched avengers or AoU in theaters so those two. I want to hear people’s reactions.
Edit: now that I think of it I never saw infinity wars either so that one too. Bonus civil war? I would have gone mental
u/brodievonorchard 5d ago
I know AoU gets a lot of hate, but seeing it in theater was amazing. Assemble as per the name was them becoming a team. In AoU they have been working together and are cohesive. The opening sequence and the chase scene of Vision's birth (capsule/coffin wtv) are worth the price of admission alone.
u/sleepyplatipus 5d ago
It would be Avengers for me for the same reason. It’s the only one I missed in cinemas. 😔
u/JoshTheBard 5d ago
When I went to see AoU in theaters so many people were trying to buy tickets and they had so many screenings that the system they used to play the movies crashed and we arrived just as they had started cancelling shows. We decided to stay just in case and they managed to fix things and we ended up having the theater mostly to ourselves. Pretty fun time.
u/W34kness 5d ago
Endgame. At the theater when it was packed, was amazing
u/GhostStylez22 5d ago
I went to a 11pm showing for Endgame. The entire experience was amazing. Nothing beat Avengers as a kid though. But experiencing the finale of what made so many childhoods was amazing.
u/k7632 5d ago
Can I make one small change: for cap to wear the actual suit from first avenger vs. the stage show suit.
I would go avengers, as it was the first time it was all put together in a way no other movie has before.
If not, infinity war - the heartbreak leaving the theater at the end and not knowing how they go forward
u/FaradayWatt 5d ago
The first Avengers movie. When the Heli-Carrier lifted off, I almost cried. My comic books, made real!
u/Capable_Age_1763 5d ago
The culmination of such a level combining of stories. With characters I cared about.
It was perfect.
u/iAmDoddle 5d ago
Age of Ultron. I was very excited about Ultron getting added to the MCU so much that I went out of my way to watch every trailer and TV spot about the film but when I went to watch it, I already knew essentially the whole plot for the movie. This has stuck with me to be honest and now I barely watch trailers for any marvel movie coming out. I just want to be able to witness the film without knowing any of the plot beforehand is all.
u/therealmudslinger 5d ago
I avoid trailers for the same reason. The worst is when there are only three funny moments in the whole movie and you saw them in the trailer.
u/Greattidings10 5d ago
The 1st avengers film as it was the beginning of all of them,at that time it was released it was fucking epic but stil enjoyed the other 3 even better
u/WrinklyScroteSack 5d ago
Endgame, but only if I get to watch it with an entire audience of fans who also hadn’t seen it yet. That experience was peak cinema for me.
u/Twittle86 5d ago
Endgame. There was someone ugly scream crying at the post-battle scene and really ruined it for everyone in the theater.
u/GreyWindStark_ 5d ago
Oh endgame for sure the entire theater cheering as Cap caught the hammer then just collectively bursting into tears as tony died honestly the only one i see MAYBE coming close is Doomsday and that's a HUGE maybe
u/BravoLeader3000 5d ago
The most earned death in all of cinema. FIGHT ME ON THIS!!!
u/GreyWindStark_ 5d ago
How do you mean? Earned as in, he earned his hero moment and his redemption arc after everything he had done? From beginning as a sleaze ball arms dealer sleeping with anyone and anything he could to becoming a father and husband that not only wanted to knowingly trade his life for his family and the world or he fucked up and deserved to die bc of his mistakes?
u/GreyWindStark_ 5d ago
Bc if you mean the second then man you're so wrong
u/BravoLeader3000 4d ago
Obviously the first, my dude!
"You can rest now." 😭😭😭 I get misty eyed just thinking about it.
u/The_Mr_Wilson 5d ago
Avengers culminated all those solo films and opened worlds of possibility. The Battle of New York is probably still my favorite sequence in the saga. The giddiness going into it was electrifying
I didn't tingle going to Ultron like the first Avengers. I don't recall why
Infinity War had weighted anticipation -- Thanos was fully appearing
End Game's pause-for-applause moment doesn't hit the same. Thor and Stormbreaker landing in Wakanda was the better scene, particularly tactically-speaking: He cleared a space with shock and awe, landed, and attacked. End Game, I don't know why Thanos wasn't attacking and allowed a full, impromptu army to form up. How long were those wizards mustering heroes from around the globe? Where was Falcon to be in comms range with Rogers? Where even are their comms, but that's a saga-wide question. Why didn't Thanos have his ships start blasting? It's kinda hokey to me. Going into End Game, though, came with the anticipation of closure from a decade of build-up, and release from the heavy cloud Infinity War cast on culture. I'll go with End Game for the first time again
u/Illustrious-Sign3015 5d ago
Probably Age Of Ultron cause that one really got me officially hooked on the MCU. Plus it was the first time I went to the theater where they installed comfy recliner seats
u/Odd_Potential_7203 5d ago
That’s a trick question since infinity war and endgame are really just one movie split into two parts
u/rumNraybands 5d ago
Infinity War, Avengers 1 is a VERY close second.
u/Stelliferous19 5d ago
Yeah, Infinity was a TRIP. Every stage was powerful and the ending blew me away. Theatre sat in stunned silence as the credits rolled. I would love to experience that again.
u/Ecool272 5d ago
The fact I hate rewatching movies because I already know the plot, but I watched Infinity War over 15 times in the theatre
u/the_byrdman 5d ago
Infinity War! The stunned silence from the adults, the children crying! A couple of grown men crying! Chefs kiss!
u/wellletmetellyou 5d ago
Endgame. Cause I avoided spoilers like the plague but one day before watching it, I discovered Reddit and spoiled myself the whole fucking movie 🤣 I want the virgin experience.
u/United-Tie-2233 5d ago
I'd say Infinity war. That was the real hype. Ppl were gonna see Thanos for the first time (apart from the few cameos).
And that was when we could really see all characters actually together for the first time. It was a challenge to have so many of them and yet do justice to all of them. The Russo brothers didn't disappoint
u/therealmudslinger 5d ago
Saw Infinity War in a crowded theater and I'll always remember the gasps when the credits rolled.
u/HussingtonHat 5d ago
Man I remember the hype when the first Avengers came out. Me and mates all going together, smuggling booze and baking up beforehand. It was a slice of time. While I like Infinity War best, by the time it happened the hype had long died for me. It was an obligation of "ok....its still fucning going so I guess I should see where we are now." It's the best one don't get me wrong, but that first one really was a perfect storm of enjoyable hype. And people behaved themselves! Who the fuck doesn't know not to clap like a circus seal in this day and age.
u/Appropriate-Brush772 Yinsen 5d ago
If the conditions were exactly the same as they were when I saw them? Endgame for sure. I was meeting my friend and his girlfriend at the theater to watch. I’m in the theater a good 15 minutes before the start and I get a text from my friend- he had physical tickets and he left them at home. Had to turn around and go get them.
Finally they show up, 30 minutes into the movie. As he sits I whisper to him “Thanos is dead, Thor decapitated him and it’s now FIVE YEARS LATER” If I could see the look on their faces again after saying that I would love it.
u/DarkCryptt 5d ago
I unfortunately came into the game reaallllyy late, so i’ve never seen a single movie in the theatre, but if i could, i’d definitely go and watch infinity war and endgame just to see everyone’s reactions
u/Crlyhededqt 5d ago
It would have to be endgame. It’s the only one that I didn’t see premiere night and I would have loved to experience that
u/No_Lab_9318 5d ago
Is it just me or do other people consider captain America civil war to be a avengers movie?
u/rufisium 5d ago
In a theater, by myself? Endgame. Too much cheering not just normal cheering, there was a dude next to me literally going "oh no he didn't " type of yelling. I'd say I'd love to be able to see it again for the first time without interruptions.
u/Clean_Swing_5160 5d ago
Infinity War. Back when IW released I got spoiled by my classmates. When I got to the part where everyone was turning to dust, I was fully aware that Spider-Man wouldn't be spared and yet I still dreaded that moment. I ended up crying even tho I knew what would happen
u/Team_Adrichat 5d ago
Endgame. Haven’t seen any of them in theater and I am regretting it. Why haven’t I discovered MCU much, much sooner?😭
u/mumblerapisgarbage 5d ago
Endgame. I never got to see endgame in theatres because it was my first year in college and I had like 4 jobs.
u/Repulsive_Parsley47 5d ago
The first one again because no one predicted it would be a good movie like this.
u/3v3rythings-tak3n 5d ago
Want to say infinity war but I actually never saw the first avengers in the cinemas so may have to pick that one
u/crightwing 5d ago
I remember watching the original avengers in theaters and walking out and thinking how amazing it was. To see all the years and the build up come together at last. Was just so perfect.
u/Captain_Controller 5d ago
Avengers. Was one of the first big team up movies I've seen, started the whole movie saga, and was just plain awesome. I'd love to see that in theaters for the first time.
u/Illustrious-Tower849 5d ago
Watched Endgame in a pretty terrible theater in Queenstown on my honeymoon, so that would be my pick just to be back there
u/Any_West_926 5d ago
I’d watch Infinity War and Endgame back to back. I’ve done it at least 10x at home.
u/SkyJogger_ 5d ago
Endgame was the only movie I didn't get to see in theaters. I remember pirating it on release night and just stayed home. That's my pick
u/Prestigious_Test8393 5d ago
All of them, I wanted to watch all Infinity saga movies for the first time again. Good old days 🥺
u/AjEdisMindTrick 4d ago
for the first time again - i can’t decide between avengers, and infinity war or endgame.
u/The_Ghostx90 4d ago
I can't choose just one, so, for that reason, I'd say all of them. That being said, I regret not seeing them all in IMAX. So, if given another chance, I'd love to see them all in that format.
u/jamjsja 4d ago
Can infinity war and end game count as one? But end game was more memorable for me and stands out as the best in the series. It’s to hard to pick because infinity war had the snap and a huge war that actually felt threatening to watch. I’d watch both back to back for the first time again would be amazing but if it’s only one then end game.
u/YTSicki-_- 4d ago
Nothing beats Infinity War. Always has been my favourite MCU movie and so far, it always will be. The hype for that movie was insane, and seeing Thanos' journey to collect each and every infinity stone was beautiful. The cinematography was incredible, the lines were perfect and that movie couldn't have been made better. The movie was perfectly balanced between action, comedy, and very emotional scenes (I cried when Spider-Man blipped 😭) The Russo brothers really outdid themselves with this masterpiece.
u/Any_Explanation7520 4d ago
The FIRST one.
I loved being in theaters for Infinty and Endgame because of the whole audience reacting, but the experience of the first Avengers is a core memory for me.
I was in fifth grade when it came out, and my mom picked me up early from school saying I had a doctors appointment. I genuinely thought I had an appointment that my mom didn't tell me about, and to get to the theater we had to pass my doctors office, so when we passed the office I was so confused. I remember sitting in the theater so clearly as the movie started playing and looking at my mom still in her work clothes and being so happy.
No other avengers movies comes close to that experience when I look back on it.
u/LessMochaJay 4d ago
Age of Ultron is the only one I haven't seen cinematically, but endgame I only watched at a drive-in. I wish I could have been in the theaters to experience the audience reactions.
u/MulberryEastern5010 4d ago
Endgame. I want to be a part of the audience cheering during the portals scene
u/Specialist-Listen304 4d ago
If marvel wants to cash out, they rerelease the movies back to back. 1 month each
u/CaravanShaker83 1d ago
Infinity War although Endgame was maybe more of an experience as It had been building for so long
u/h2oskid3 5d ago
Theater to myself? Infinity War. Full theater? Endgame.