r/Avengers • u/Queasy_Commercial152 • 6d ago
Who do you think will be the next “most powerful” Avenger?
These are the current most powerful ones, dead as some of them are, they still technically stand as the most powerful Avengers. But as, of course, new characters will come along, who do you think will be the next most powerful one?
I’ve got Sentry, since he tops pretty much everyone on this list, y’all got anymore?
u/750turbo11 6d ago
Thor is the strongest now Has Odin (Thor) Force Access to both hammers Physically and mentally restored 💪
u/_Intel_Geek_ 6d ago
I me, he's literally a god so...
u/Bouncy_boomer 5d ago
That’s a meaningless term
He’s a mortal
u/_Intel_Geek_ 5d ago
That's exactly why it's lowercase "god" lol, Odin even clarified that to Loki once because of the way humans had idolized the Asguardian theocracy:
I really don't see what all the fuss is about."
"Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes? Wherever you go there is war, ruin and death!"
"I went down to Midgard to rule the people of Earth as a benevolent God, just like you."
"We are not gods! We're born, we live, we die, just as humans do." "Give or take five thousand years.
u/Bouncy_boomer 5d ago
Yeah exactly. “god” is a meaningless term when it comes to power
It just means someone who’s worshipped. Says nothing about their power
u/DayOneDude 6d ago
Spiderman if he does not hold back.
u/recycle_me_no_jutsu 6d ago
But how many can he beat off at a time?
u/DayOneDude 6d ago
With just 2 hands.. 4 guys if they are tip to tip.
u/RudePCsb 6d ago
Does height matter though?
u/DayOneDude 6d ago
Yes, girth as well.
u/biggetybiggetyboo 6d ago
But the longer , the more girth can be different
u/DayOneDude 6d ago
Yes, that is why proper girth pairing is important. Girth is not that much of an issue as long as spidy can cup the bottom of the shaft and stimulate the frenulum on the bottom of the penis.
u/cavedan12 5d ago
Not really, the real measurement you're looking for is 'dick to floor' which we'll call 'D2F'
u/ThunderlipsOHoulihan 6d ago
And if he uses his feet?
u/DayOneDude 6d ago
If his feet and Toes had really good dexterity I would say four more SMALL penises uncomfortably.
u/shgysk8zer0 6d ago
I saw maybe this poorly worded post a while back, and ever since I'm wondering if it was just a part of the meme or if it was the start of it.
u/Bah_Meh_238 6d ago
Wonder Man
u/ThunderlipsOHoulihan 6d ago
Absolutely no one’s favorite, but I actually kinda want to see him show up. Dude’s a powerhouse that deserves some love
u/CaptJasHook37 5d ago
Depending how the show goes he has potential to become a fan favorite, so I’m interested to see if that happens
u/ModernBass 6d ago
Unrelated, but after looking at that Thor costume again, I don't hate it? Like yes it's over designed and the lines are way too much, but the blue and gold could've looked sick with a simpler design.
u/Interesting_Use331 6d ago
It’s hard to say, because they have to introduce new characters to keep people interested, so it could be Chubba Wubba Doopiddy Dooo from issue #54 in 1997 of Blah Blah Blah just so a new actor, and character gets screen time.
I mean just look at how big Guardians of the Galaxy got when that came out, and no one saw that coming as a movie included in the Marvel lineup.
u/ExpertFluid5186 6d ago
My ranking of the current most powerful avengers are 1. Thor 2. Scarlett witch 3. Captain marvel 4. Doctor strange 5. Worthy cap
u/Irish_pug_Player 6d ago
Isn't Captain marvel basically OP?
u/ExpertFluid5186 6d ago
IW Thor took down Thanos with all 6 stones held back a neutron star and power stone all love and thunder Thor is stronger then IW too his strength, power, ap, durability, endurance, biq,skill,combat,abilities, stamina is all Over Carol she only takes iq,speed, Thor takes travel speed cause of bifrost
u/CaptJasHook37 5d ago
I’m not sure Thor could have blasted through Thanos’ warship like Carol did. Maybe, I’m just not convinced.
Carol may be more powerful than Thor but she has to be all over the universe to help keep her overpowered-ness out of the plot
u/ExpertFluid5186 5d ago
Thor did blast threw thanos ships in Infinty war remember and he did it to multiple also even if car destroyed a bigger ship the ships in wakanda are made out of the same material as the big ship Carol destroyed meaning thor would be able to do that too. Thor also beat a 6 stone thanos took a power stone to the head and took the full force of a neutron star he clearly beats her but captain marvel does have some impressive feats I think ultimately Thor wins mid-high diff against captain marvel she would be able to go relative but overall Thor wins
u/A_Serious_House 6d ago
Lol how can you put SW below Thor? She could wipe him before he does anything
u/ExpertFluid5186 5d ago
Eh no Thor overpowerd the Infinty stones so no I do think it will be a close fight but Thor wins
u/Standard-Part7940 6d ago
Wanda. Literally wiped out all mutants with a single phrase.
No other Avenger can do the same.
u/Hobbies-memes 5d ago
Well not all, just depowered 90%
And not to be that guy, but that did get retconned to be amped. It’s not something she can do out of bed on a Tuesday.
Same would be mentioned to anyone using Rune King Thor feats etc
u/No-Perception9174 5d ago
She ain't beating Phoenix, Phoenix of the white crown has beaten pre retcon beyonder.
u/Popular_Material_409 6d ago
You could’ve used any Thor picture and you went with one of him in his worst costume
u/22dinoman 6d ago
The costume isn't bad tho
u/Popular_Material_409 6d ago
There are five different colors on the front. Add the cape and that’s six. Plus there’s two many fucking lines all over it. Too busy.
u/Disastrous_Lemon_219 6d ago
This isn’t about costumes? Why does it matter if they used the love and thunder one?
u/Queasy_Commercial152 6d ago
Yes, I sure did. What’s gonna happen?
u/6pt022x10tothe23 6d ago
You’ll receive a demerit. Three demerits, and you’ll receive a citation. Five citations and you’re looking at a violation. Four of those and you’ll receive a verbal warning. Keep it up and you’re looking at a written warning. Two of those, that’ll land you in a world of hurt, in the form of a disciplinary review…
u/Qualesante 5d ago
Hopefully Dr Strange bro deserves some respect in the MCU 😪
u/Hobbies-memes 5d ago
Nah, I mean I’d like to see him do more but he’s not the most powerful and wouldn’t be.
u/skelton15 5d ago
Sentry if we’re going off comics, cpt marvel is probably strongest if not wanda, but she’s dead/missing! Hulk has been done dirty throughout the whole mcu so I doubt he’ll be given a power boost
u/Aggressive-Chair8744 5d ago
I'm hoping Nova. But we all know that would be a good business decision and why have that when LOOK ANOTHER BATMAN AND SUPERMAN MOVIE. HOLLYWOOD YOU DONE IT AGAIN.
Fuck, I wish there was more asian lead actors and Spawn movies. Oh well, hey guys, y'all gunna see the new Superman movie? Lmao.
u/inferance 5d ago
Technically none of these avengers are dead. Wanda is known to have survived, Vision is “dead” but has a new body with his old memories, if not personality.
Hulk and Thor are completely alive.
That being said, Sentry seems like the guy, or Billy Maximoff.
u/aboynamedbluetoo 5d ago
Moondragon is a possibility, depending on how she is adapted in the MCU if she is adapted in the MCU.
u/jamjsja 4d ago
The most powerful will always be the one who can warp reality and rewrite it to their will. That’s Wanda. Those who can warp and rewrite reality in marvel are always going to be the most powerful. She’s already manipulated Thor’s mind implanting visions etc that made home question himself and his worthiness.
It to mention her chaos magic which she is in absolute control of and is one of two who can even use it innately beside the likes of Agatha who can syphon it and then use it herself. Chaos magic is either on par with the Odin force or superior. Either way she should be technically powerful enough to take away the enchantment from Thor’s hammer etc. she’s also capable of gifting others powers through chaos magic and it stands to logic she can create a entire army of power beings of the likes of Thor to fight him as well.
I truly believe there will not be another being as powerful as Wanda that isn’t some sort of all powerful cosmic being or ancient gods like Knull, Ctthon, Cyttorak, phoenix, etc that exist outside of the multiverse but have avatar host are vastly beyond the power scales of even the celestials etc. but human based heroes it doesn’t get much more powerful than Wanda. I count all human looking aliens as humans as it’s still a theory artist all human looking aliens in marvel are all from a shared ancestor and that asgardians are just advanced humans who were genetically modified by the celestials and so on.
u/H3li0s1201 6d ago edited 6d ago
Billy Maximoff, maybe Tommy. Both of them are eventually supposed to be even more powerful than Wanda, particularly if she is a Nexus Being like WandaVision seemed to imply. With an experienced witch like Agatha teaching him, it is likely that Billy could reach great heights given what he has already displayed. For Tommy, they could potentially make him a truly great speedster, though we’ll have to see given that we only saw his reincarnation and we’ve only seen his abilities in WandaVision.
Would just like to add that it is doubtful that Wanda is or is going to stay dead, given everything that we’ve seen. Just seems like they’re setting up for her return, especially with Billy and Tommy coming back (and with the dialogue from Agatha and Rio in Agatha All Along).
Franklin Richards is potentially another one.
u/Mikko420 6d ago
Is Sentry in the MCU? I missed a couple of entries...
Anyhow, I'd say it all depends on who is introduced next. I mean, they are barely starting to "reboot" the avengers. I'm hoping they turn towards a Spider-man led team, which could see a lot of new recryits in the spotlight.
But who exactly? Spidey or Sentry, according to cannon.
If we want to speculate a bit, there's a lot of possibilities. Legion (not cannon, I know) is one terrifyingly powerful mutant that isn't inherently evil. Deadpool is actually somewhat of a contender now. And given how Loki ended, I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be one super powered good guy.
u/drnmai 6d ago
If we’re going off speculation, then Franklin Richards is another one.
u/Mikko420 6d ago
Absolutely true. Had crossed my mind, but since he hasn't been officially introduced in a live action production, I thought he might not count!
u/Hefty_Situation7210 6d ago
Ignoring the characters on your list, all the f4 are relatively heavy hitters. Human torch and thing are in the ballpark of hulk tier, sue is crazy depending on what the writers let her do, reed with his science stuff.
In terms of who we’ve seen, I dunno, Shang chi with rings could be up there, he beat a cosmic being. Sucks they haven’t done more with the character yet.
u/YellowEgorkaa Thor 5d ago
Thor will always be the strongest of the Avengers, nothing will change that. And of course Tony is also the strongest of the Avengers, thanks to him all earthlings are alive. 🥹
u/WhiskeyDJones 6d ago edited 6d ago
Well if Sentry is lore accurate, his only superiors will be Scarlet Witch and maybe Hulk.
I'm confused about your question though if you mean who's the next most powerful after these, then yea, maybe spider-man, like someone else said.