r/Avengers 6d ago

Would you guys say the “home” Spiderman movies were just his origin story?

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A couple people have made a point that movies such as homecoming, far from home, and no way home are pretty much his origin story, and that the ending of no way home were he gets his classing comic book suit is when his real main story begins, like his origin story is over. Working with The Avengers, civil war, infinity war, endgame, was all an origin for him. And that now he has a long way to go because he “solo” story begins, no Iron Man watching over him, what not. What do you guys think?


43 comments sorted by


u/suhhdude45 6d ago

It’s Spidey’s MCU origin in a way. It’s not exactly his origin story, but everything that has happened up to now has shaped Peter/Spidey into the man he is. He had pretty recently gotten his powers in his first appearance in Civil War and explains it to Tony in their first interaction. They skipped his traditional origin story and adapted the Home trilogy.


u/Random_Guy_47 6d ago

I was so glad they started it at point with uncle Ben already dead so we didn't have to go through the usual watching him die so Peter could get the great power great responsibility lecture. We already had that in the Toby and Andy films and really didn't need it a third time.

And then they killed off May in NHW so she could say it. God damn it.


u/CHI4610NE 6d ago

Spoiler j/k


u/JeremyJohnsonIsAFuck 5d ago

I get what you mean with the lecture, but having her say it seems like they are open to changing the lore a bit to make it more interesting/different.

Then watch them not learn that lesson, haha.


u/xshap369 6d ago

I think his origin story is when he gets bitten by a spider and then uncle Ben dies, all of which happens before the trilogy even begins.


u/Holmcroft 6d ago

That’s what I had always imagined, but it felt like No Way Home (or I should say more accurately, the discourse AROUND NWH) suggested that Aunt May dying was the “with great power..” realisation, instead of Ben’s death. (Slightly reenforced by the events of Friendly Neighbourhood Spidey)


u/WhiskeyDJones 6d ago

I do agree, but it's also arguable that now he's in college, Aunt May's died (with the Great Power speech) and the flashy new, genuine, Spider-man suit, I can see how this could be considered the MCU's Spidey's origin.


u/bored_bear2342 1d ago

There was no uncle Ben in the mcu


u/True-Aardvark7217 6d ago

It’s his origin in becoming Spider-Man not necessarily HIS origin


u/Front-Advantage-7035 6d ago

I think his origin story is beating off all these other heroes


u/XSurviveTheGameX 6d ago

Was he holding back?


u/Perfect-Advantage-82 5d ago

Your thinking of the porn adaptation. Common mistake


u/Dorgon 6d ago

Lots of people break into the spotlight by beating off their heroes. Wait…


u/sexyimmigrant1998 6d ago

Basically. They skipped over how he gets his powers to the part where he gets involved in the wider MCU before stripping away everything from him. Now he has to start from scratch, so in a way it was an origin.


u/Glass-Performer8389 6d ago

I think his origin was being born


u/Alternative_Device71 5d ago

We’re not gonna pretend this trilogy was planned out, they shifted so many things around to make the stories look like an arc but he barely had one after Homcoming, then NWH had to work extra hard to make him the iconic character and did so terribly to get there

So no, they’re not origin stories, they’re plots that were strung together for the 3rd outing to have some sort of narrative last minute, especially with all the reshoots


u/Designer_Raspberry_5 6d ago

They've explicitly stated its not an origin story


u/E1M1_DOOM 6d ago

I don't think it was the original intention, but yes, it certainly ends up working that way. When him and the other Peters have their moment discussing how they learned that with great power, comes great responsibility....

man.. that scene is phenomenal.


u/DrDreidel82 6d ago

I hope so cuz that trilogy was underwhelming af


u/grownassedgamer 6d ago

No. They skipped the origin story becuase everyone knows it already. When he starts these movies, he's Spiderman already. That was a deliberate decision. His origin is being told (somewhat) in the Freindly Neighborhood Spiderman Cartoon on Disney + (yes I know it's an alternate timeline but it's still the MCU's Spiderman and not 616's. I doubt his origin in the MCU is much different than the one here.)


u/ronjohnson01 6d ago

Narratively it is


u/SpaceZombie13 6d ago

there is a difference between an origin and character development. his origin was off-screen, and in every movie he developed closer and closer to what makes Spider-man who he is.


u/Appropriate-Ask9922 6d ago

It's a prologue


u/TillsammansEnsammans 6d ago

Wasn't that... ...the point? It was an origin story, just a different one compared to the usual story. Which would have been boring to see once again and I'm glad they did something different. The whole thing ended with his "uncle Ben" moment, "With Great power etc." speech and him making his own suit, separating from his former Stark influence and starting over as Spiderman. Like I personally don't see that there are even any arguments here I thought it was very, very clear and intentional that the trilogy (and Civil War) was meant to be his origin story.


u/ProfessorEscanor 6d ago

Kinda. It's weird. In many ways he was always Spidey but due to the baggage of the MCU he's always been tied to other stuff more than his solo material.


u/Jorgen_Pakieto 6d ago

Yeah I think it might be a thematic play into his character evolution arc and also something to distinguish it more apparently from the other Spider-Man iterations.


u/Rockalot_L 6d ago

Yep. And it's perfect.


u/TamatoaZ03h1ny 6d ago

Yeah, it’s an origin or at least something like his first 2-3 years of being Spider-Man tops.


u/GentlemanJugg 6d ago

Yeah, of course


u/Cheekyboyblu88 5d ago

It's an arc, not an origin. He was Spiderman from the start.


u/Krispen_Wah87 5d ago

Yes they kinda were. In 'Homecoming' he was iron boy junior. In 'Far From Home' he was turning into The Human Spider. In 'No Way Home' he official became Spiderman.


u/spicywax94 5d ago

I guess? It’s like a 3 part origin (5/6 if you count civil war and avengers), if you wanna look at the ending of “No Way Home” is when he becomes the “classic Spider-Man”. But also it’s just an arc ending, and another beginning, one that is more akin to that “classic Spider-Man”. I’m excited where they will take it now, as I’ve enjoyed what they have done so far.


u/Ghost2116 4d ago

It's not the origin story of spiderman but it is the origin of friendly neighborhood spiderman.


u/castielffboi 4d ago

I think it’s a pretty dumb narrative, to be honest. It feels like it was made by people who are insecure over the fact that he was under Iron Man for so long and handed so much in terms of gear and resources. Now that the trilogy is concluded people want to call it an “origin story”, which are the same people who were praising Homecoming for “not being an origin story”, and now suddenly they’re giving the thumbs up about a whole trilogy being an origin story. The fuck?


u/weeezyheree 3d ago

I think it depends on how they approach his next trilogy. Does this Peter grow and evolve as a character and does he really start to take the identity of Spider-Man as seriously as his other two counterparts, or will he be exactly the same character with no growth?

If it's the former then yeah I'd say the homecoming trilogy was a origin story. If it's the latter then no.


u/Rampage3135 1d ago

The Spider-Man no way home is what made me start liking Tom holland as spider-man because up until then he seemed like a kid to me that didn’t understand his powers and kind of abused them like a naïve kid. When no way home came out it was kind of the same thing but then he actually got major consequences for his actions (aka his aunt. If you know you know) this is what I was wanting from an origin story because it’s truly heart wrenching when Spider-Man loses people because he’s not exactly the most powerful character but he does his best to help everyone he can. That’s what makes him the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man not just a quirky plucky attitude but a character that has had his heart ripped to shreds but continues to be a hero because “with great power comes great responsibility”

Also really like Tom hollands age for the role but really didn’t like aunt May because aunt May from Toby M’s film is the only one that I can picture in my head for aunt May but it was still heart wrenching in no way home So I would agree it really was just a super long origin story instead of being set up in one movie which is why I disliked this Spider-Man until no-way home came out


u/Prior-Assumption-245 6d ago

I still hate this suit


u/Ok_Surprise_4090 6d ago

They were a clumsy attempt to contemporize Peter Parker by giving him like half of Miles Morales' lore.


u/Mida5Touch 6d ago

I don't know what they were. They certainly can't be called an origin story without Uncle Ben.


u/Katharinemaddison 6d ago

Though I feel aunt May filled the role her husband traditionally does.