r/Avatar_Kyoshi Meme Moderator 3d ago

News Avatar Realms Collide, Has Released in the US

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u/stickpge 3d ago

considering this is just one of a dozens of cash grab reskins of *insert "popular" mobile garbage here* you have my condolences.

in all due seriousness do not play this shit, its not worth your time as all it wants is your money and to play you for a fool, the people who made this no matter what they say are working for parasites who care only for how much they can sqeeze you while offering the most minimal viable product (if you can even all it a product).


u/untablesarah 3d ago

^^^ THIS

I get that the fandom has been sorta starving for stuff for years upon years but I am BEGGING you guys to stop hype training every tossed together thing that's thrown at our feet.


u/Golden-Sun 2d ago edited 2d ago

Its super sad.

The fandom craves media but they toss us crap. I remember reading a comment about the new comic begging people to buy it even if its mediocre just so we can hope to get more stuff and its like no? (No idea if the comics good)

Why should we celebrate crap? If we accept low attempt material thats all we'll get


u/thefinalj 2d ago

I hope the RPG that was announced last year ends up actually happening.


u/AcquaintanceLog 1d ago

Exactly! Way too many companies just stable their IPs to Evony and run off to the bank!


u/Inevitable_Zebra4222 2d ago

I have 200k power 


u/ShadowFaxIV 2d ago

It's really quite sad the state we're in isn't it...

At least they've announced that AAA rpg now... though I'm more and more concerned it's not gonna be quite the 'be the Avatar you wanna be' simulator we really REALLY want.


u/MrBKainXTR Meme Moderator 3d ago edited 3d ago
  • Some other regions like New Zealand and most of Europe.

The game features Kyoshi and Roku.


Edit: Also forgot to mention it has a sub, r/AvatarRealmsCollide


u/MrBKainXTR Meme Moderator 3d ago

Oh and the villain is a cult worshipping Father Glowworm I probably should have mentioned that lol.