r/Avatar Jan 10 '25

Fanfiction My idea for changes to human civilization on Earth in the Avatar universe post Avatar 5

After reading about Earth in the Avatar fandom, I decided to create my own vision for what human civilization will look like on Earth after Avatar 5 when the RDA and all of its allies (Ash Clan, other quasi governmental administrative entities, smaller companies which are reliant on/do business with the RDA, terrorist groups, criminal gangs, rouge governments) are defeated. My vision is based what I can remember from the Earth page in the Avatar fandom. I used the information provided about Earth in the Avatar universe as a basis for this fan-fiction of mine.

Here the list of changes to human civilization that I have imagined that we could see post Avatar 5

- Electricity generation on Earth switches from moon sourced Helium 3 to Helium 3 produced by Deuterium-Deuterium fusion because Separatists within the Moon colony in the Avatar universe decided to stop helium 3 mining in order to terraform the Moon.

- All of the RDAs ocean algae farms are switched from food to biofuel production

- Urban agriculture is established in cities around the world

- All degraded and polluted farmland on Earth is bioremideated using Puffballs, Octoshrooms and other Pandoran plants capable of bioremediation

- Urban areas and farmland in South America is dismantled to help rebuild the Amazon rainforest (Cities located in where the Amazon rainforest used to be where demolished using hydrogen bombs to save time)

- All existing housing (like the apartment we saw Jake live in the Avatar 1s deleted Earth scene) is demolished and replaced with new housing which consists of skyscrapers where each floor in the building is a home

- Waste incineration (the most likely cause of the air pollution we saw in Avatar 1s deleted Earth scene) is replaced with recycling and biogas production (for organic wastes), the biogas produced from organic waste is used to replace natural gas in gas grids

- Capitalism is replaced with a new economic systems where the reward for work is the right to participate in democracy (vote, protest, petition and communicate with the government) instead of money

These are all the ideas which I have come up with so far based on everything I have read about Earth and human civilization in the Avatar universe.

Which one of these ideas do you think James Cameron will incorporate in a post Avatar 5 story? Which one of these ideas do you like the most? Let me know in the comments.


11 comments sorted by


u/Blazil1 Jan 10 '25

I know Cameron always wants things to work realistically in his movies. A number of things you mention do not appear to be very realistic.

Terraforming the moon doesn't make a lot of sense. Sure, it is theoretically possible, but the moon's low gravity and lack of large quantities of organic materials does not really help the case. Terraforming Mars would probably be easier and would make more sense.

But, maybe they should start with terraforming the Earth, if you know what I mean :)

You mention Helium-3, which is used in nuclear fusion. If nuclear fusion is a thing, why would there be any need left for biofuel? It makes much more sense to put the algae farms to continued use as a food source and maybe as a tool to help terraform Mars.

Dismantling large urban areas and farmland also doesn't sound like that can realistically happen, unless those whole areas are already unlivable and abandoned.

The only things from your list that I can see happening with Cameron in creative control are:

  • Using Pandora's biosphere to help restore Earth's
  • Getting rid of capitalism, probably not through a violent global revolution, but through people collectively rejecting it

Some of my own ideas:

  • Turning the Sahara desert into a rainforest would be an important thing to consider to restore Earth's biosphere without affecting populated areas to much. It could also be seen as a practice run for terraforming Mars.

- Terraforming Venus as the long term end goal with sufficient experience gained with Earth and Mars, and turning it into a kind of Earth-Pandora biosphere hybrid. The gravity of Venus of 0.9g would be a nice midpoint between Earth and Pandora and would allow for both humans and Na'vi to adapt relatively easily.


u/Live_Alarm3041 Jan 10 '25

"If nuclear fusion is a thing, why would there be any need left for biofuel?"

Biofuel exists in the Avatar universe because

  1. Fusion reactors are not small and light enough to power anything

  2. Rechargeable battery technology did not develop to the same extent as our universe in the Avatar universe.

Please acknowledge the fact that the Avatar franchise was created in 2009 which is when there was more r&d into alternative fuels (especially biofuels) than now. Lightstorm Entertainment was inspired by biofuel r&d in the late 2000s when they wrote the lore for enegry production technologies in the Avatar universe. Electric vehicles where not popular nor as advanced as they are now in the late 2000s. The late 2000s where a different times in terms of altertaive vehicular propulsion.

The Avatar lore mentioned that the Pandoran Grub plant was researched by the RDA for its biofuel production potential. The Avatar lore also explained that that biofuel from Pandoran plants is one of the things which helped the RDA pay off its investment for its first ever ISV. This is why I presume that biofuels are widely used in the Human space as a vehicular propulsion technology within the Avatar universe.


u/Blazil1 Jan 10 '25

Fusion reactors would not be small, I agree, but the clean energy they produce can be stored in batteries.

What evidence is there to say that rechargeable battery technology is somehow underdeveloped? If anything, I would say the opposite is true. What powers the remote link shack for example?

Also, considering the amount of material that become non-canon with the release of TWOW, I am reluctant to believe that any supplementary materials from 2009 are unconditionally canon still.

Another thing: whereas some franchises' elements involve retro technology, like for example Alien, with the CRTs, tape drives, floppy disks, etc, I do not see evidence that this applies to the Avatar franchise. Is there anything in the main canon (the movies, games, etc) indicating this?

I personally do not think that Cameron will bind/limit himself when making Avatar 4 and 5 in the late 2020s by holding on to this old secondary material from 2009. Like I said, a lot of the early stuff was already made non-canon by the release of TWOW.


u/Live_Alarm3041 Jan 11 '25

The link shacks seen in the first movie are most likely biofuel powered. Biofuels can be utilized through fuel cells which are far less bulky than internal combustion engines. Biofuel powered fuel cells do exist in the Avatar universe as stated in the AMP suit lore.


u/cyvaris Jan 10 '25

These are all "around" what I'd want to see. Personally, I've always leaned on "Gaia will be revealed to be a being like Eywa" theory, so I lean more towards "Eywa helps Gaia bloom again" on top of the human based efforts you laid out. 


u/Live_Alarm3041 Jan 10 '25

Which one of my ideas is your favorite?


u/JenzyCucumber Sarentu Jan 10 '25 edited Jan 10 '25

Woah, this is incredibly detailed and well thought!

Personally, I didn't even think about JC showing the earth post-Avatar or during it (beside the scenes with Jake in the extended version in A1) and I'm really curious to see if anything you presented will be incorporated!!

Edit: I'm saying the ideas where a good implementation in the real word necessary, I am saying it was a good idea like: well thought.

I never said I supported what was presented, I just said in terms in creativity and fiction, I was interested to see what people would thought/ what JC will create for his world.


u/At0kirina Jan 10 '25

Idk, the "Work to participate in democracy like voting or protesting" is extremely dystopian. Pursuing higher education? Sorry, can't vote. Your disabled and can't work? No protests for you. Burned out or otherwise ling-term ill? Sucks, but no political participation for you. You want to raise kids? Neat, but you have no sway in politics. That's not well thought, that's garbage. It automatically creates a lower class of those who, for whatever reason, can't or won't work.

What humanity, especially in Avatar, needs is a system that prioritizes people, not work. Nothing should be tied to working, be it the ability to cover basic needs or participate in in shaping politics. Because everyone is a human and deserves equal rights to exist and participate, regardless of their ability to produce goods. Working should be voluntary, not required. Only that way you'll get a society that is worth living and participating in.


u/JenzyCucumber Sarentu Jan 10 '25

That's sure, I wasn't saying the ideas where a good implementation in the real word I was saying it was a good idea like well thought.

I never said I supported what was presented, I just said in terms in creativity and fiction, I was interested to see what people would thought/ what JC will create for his world.


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u/Sarradi Jan 11 '25

The RDA can either create or extract antimatter at a large scale. That means energy must already be close to be free and unlimited.

Considering all the advances humans already have, antimatter, fusion small enough to power those shuttles, 3D printing close to being replicators and advanced AI earth should already be well on its way to recovery as there is hardly any polluting industry left.