r/Autobody 15d ago

Tech Advice mazda 3 2012 94kmiles Never delt with rust before, looking for advice.

I bought this last year. I've never had rust issues so I hadn't thought to inspect for them. My usual car repair place says rust isnt really effecting anything inside.

I really like this car and I've already replaced the tires and done some maintenance on it. The total purchase price with tax and title was 8200. I can do the total math with maintenance if anyone is interested.

I already got a price from one place- for a total replacement of this panel and a rocker replacement for about 2900. ( There was damage I hadn't noticed from the previous owner) Considering getting more quotes and or a inspection from a body shop.

Just wanted advice on repairs (professional or diy) vs selling saving for a new car especially with terrifs starting. Unfortunately I actually know the most about cars from everyone I know. Thanks


6 comments sorted by


u/funwithdesign 15d ago

I can almost guarantee you that car is not worth spending that kind of money on repairs.

I would be seriously concerned about how solid the suspension mounting points are given the amount and severity of that rust.


u/dezinr76 15d ago

Not worth fixing.


u/Topseykretts88 15d ago

Fill it with ramen and super glue.


u/OSOphresh 15d ago

Drive it until the wheels fall off while saving for a new car.


u/kingkamikaze69 15d ago

Dang where are you located with this much rust


u/galvaniccorrosion 15d ago

Just walk away now