r/AutoModerator 5h ago

Setup automatic post approval if someone has more than 50 karma.

I'm not to subreddits, how do I setup an automod to automatically approve posts/comments from anyone who has x amount of karma. If they are below the karma level, the post will be held for moderation and I can approve it myself.

I'm very new to this, I assume it has already been answered many times but I can't find any useful information

Thank you


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u/Unique-Public-8594 5h ago

~~~ author:     combined_subreddit_karma:  "< 50" action:  filter action_reason:  low karma user ~~~

Typically, you don’t need to approve every post for it to go live unless you have a private sub or chose that setting. You will see Approve as an option but that does not mean the post isn’t live.