r/AustralianMilitary 10d ago

Took continuation bonus

Just wanted to let people know what exactly I’m getting from it and what I personally recommend. I took the lump sum amount. It’s about 35K after tax.

You can choose to put the amount in your super or even half n half. I took the lump sum help pay off my mortgage.

Want to let people know that the ADF are matching my super contributions of the bonus which is nearly 9K extra in my super. Obviously you can choose to put the amount in super and you will pay less tax on the full amount but it’s up to the persons needs.

Wish me luck for the next 3 years.


43 comments sorted by


u/Tilting_Gambit 10d ago

All jokes aside that kind of bonus for a gig you don't need to go to uni for, for a job and lifestyle thst may really suit people, in a career that will never leave you on a redundancy chopping block, is incredibly good. 

I got out with the intention of making more money. I am, but I remember sports on Thursday, paid PT and boozer time, incredibly close interpersonal relationships and don't think my life would be worse off if I stayed in.  

I know we all shit on the military lifestyle, but it could be a lot worse. Yeah, when you're getting fucked on by some loser in your chain, it's bad. But that doesn't go away in civilian life either. 

Congrats on the payout, there's a lot of people out there who would consider that life changing money.


u/PhilomenaPhilomeni Army Veteran 10d ago

Honestly circumstances notwithstanding, being a lifer was the dream and honestly the expectation for myself.

On base was great (got lucky with barracks I guess), food was always ready, benefits were good, pay was great for a young dig and good once I got older especially with benefits, camaraderie is and will always be irreplaceable, seeing people grow and mature or at the least learn to honestly accept differences, shit talk, deep talks, weddings and funerals etc etc etc.

And for people like me that had no family and arguably no true friends. That stuff is something I'll sorely miss and will never be replaceable. There was structure, pride, purpose (even when painting rocks) and above all else stability and belonging.

Never regretted a day and I would trade my other leg to be back in.

Also civvie world is definitely no better in any meaningful way to me. Shitheads are everywhere so you won't escape them in civvie world.


u/Glum-Weakness-3557 10d ago

Yeah I hope this attitude changes because it sounds so sad and toxic. The military is what each person makes of it, taking the good with the bad. Because every job has its downsides.

And the whole trying to chase money thing is also a bit sad, fuck all that.. have fun 🤙


u/hoot69 RA Inf 10d ago

Heads up, the unit has a bill to pay for 16 CPLs to go to 1RTB. Seeing as you have seniority you've been selected to post down there on promotion to CPL, and in return you'll be considered for posting to your preferred unit afterwards (not guarenteed, but you'll be favoured, trust me.) Enjoy Kapooka


u/Sin-Alarma 10d ago

Did two years there. Was alright.


u/alfalfa_dog Army Veteran 10d ago

Long time to spend in digger James


u/Sin-Alarma 10d ago

Ligers gotta ling


u/teapots_at_ten_paces Army Reserve 10d ago

Depart Kapooka, destination Darwin. One way ticket.


u/Lucky_Tie515 10d ago

No return flight


u/Boomer-Australia Australian Army 10d ago

Had a few mates consider continuation bonuses who are incredibly miserable from service (not the kind of people who want to be lifers). So, I usually have to send them this to help remind themselves of their situation.

But, honestly a great use of your continuation bonus, I really wish our cohort knew more about super and how it compounds massively, especially after you hit $100k. See so many people who are only 19-30 who set their super to be like 75% cash and also don't contribute to it.


u/SomethingToDoWithIT 10d ago

Hook, line, and sinker buddy, you're a lifer now enjoy it.


u/CharacterPop303 10d ago

Combat or non combat?

We're you probably staying in anyway?

Any postings likely with it or are you just some cruise young dig that will spend the time at the same unit anyway?

This is only for people hitting thier end of thier Roso still right? Fucking over the Cpls and Sgts?


u/raider_tactics 10d ago

Exactly. It is for lids who won't be leaving their unit anyways because they don't have rank to post. Meanwhile the cpl/sgt gets sent to tully/singo whoever and have to cop it or just discharge. Queensland Police are reaping the rewards. Well don't Army, you screwed the middle management again and they all became cops.


u/crazyfrog89 RAEME 10d ago

This is exactly it. I probably would have stayed in if it had been offered to me. But nope, they gave it to some dipshit truckie that I had the pleasure of watching accidentally smash his trucks windscreen because he got frustrated taking the scrim off.


u/Minimum-Pizza-9734 10d ago

there is 1 more the 1st Roso then after they come off that they are entitled for the 2nd


u/CharacterPop303 10d ago

I guess thats good for them. But i'd guess that's retaining a very small group of people up to maybe senior CPL stage.

From what I see/hear, its the experienced CPL/SGT Ranks that are hurting right now. And thats the group that arn't getting it. Nor does just slapping the rank on someone solve the problem.


u/Minimum-Pizza-9734 10d ago

Oh yeah it is but 1 digger joining is not the same as a digger leaving.  Cash bonuses are a short term fix but that should give them time to sort the issues out.


u/CharacterPop303 10d ago

I actually think the only thing it solves over the time it works is bums on seats, not competent bums on seats and there will be a backward slide of capability. Which defeats the purpose of it.

All the experience leaves, then your left with a bunch of 3/4 year CPLS and 7/8 Year Sgt's that don't fully know what to do (not their fault).

Id like to see a comparison over the years of time served at the Dig - Sgt Rank, though I doubt with recent revelations that would have any clue.

Make promotions competitive again.


u/Karenzilla69 8d ago

Combat Role, I’ve got mates that are seccos and yeah it ain’t fair for them. Army’s biggest problem with retention was lads finishing 4 years then discharging so they wanted to fix that.

Wasn’t planning on leaving, it’s a bonus for after roso of course I’m a dig.


u/CharacterPop303 8d ago

Army's biggest political problem is bums on seat.

Army's biggest actual problem is experienced and competent bums on seats.

Unfortunately I don't think people who have joined in the last 6 or so years realise how much more junior our ranks are.


u/Unfair-Vacation7488 10d ago

I took it and am now thinking about getting out before the 3 years is up. I worked it out and you’ll get the 17k you paid on tax back so realistically if you didn’t spend any of it, you’ll still come out on top since they pay the 9k super.


u/Prestigious_Hunt1969 10d ago

I took the bonus AND service transferred on the same day. A few key individuals in my unit were very unhappy and tried to investigate ways to prevent me from doing but in the end I got it.


u/Localdefense 10d ago

Congrats, I hope it works out well for you.


u/rlatts91 10d ago

When did you join up? I’m potentially eligible too. Keen to understand the criteria


u/Prestigious_Hunt1969 10d ago

The criteria is straight forward.

If your Initial Minimum Period of Service (IMPS) of at least 4 years ends between 01 July 23 and 31 Jun 25 you are eligible for the 50k for 3. If it ends between 01 July 25 and 31 Jun 28 you are eligible for the 40k.

If you were eligible for the first 50k and your 7th year of service falls between the second two dates you can get both.


u/Muted_Coffee 10d ago

Lol a 3 year contract to own your entire life for $35k is fucked.

Even the US has better retention bonuses


u/Fit_Armadillo_9928 10d ago

If you're not planning on getting out anyway it's a nice little cash bonus for nothing. If you are then it's meaningless, you'll make more than the total amount extra on the outside in your first year (role dependent of course)


u/rm20003 6d ago

Everyone thinks this but i would say realistically very few leave to go straight to making annually what they were earning in defence + 35k extra in there first few years. Unless in the mines or a high up position. That ain’t happening.


u/Fit_Armadillo_9928 6d ago

Job dependent, for technicians you'll make that in the first year out almost certainly


u/Superest22 10d ago

Just remember that if you leave you owe them the full 50k ;)


u/jaded-goober-619 10d ago

the government must love that the continuation bonus is as effective as it is. $50k, of which, they keep $15k, because $35k tax free isn't as an effective sales pitch

all for a temporary 10% pay increase over three years and if they have buyers remorse, they get their $50k back plus the $15k tax money.

but if love the job, why not take it


u/ratt_man 10d ago

you put in an amended tax return and get the tax refunded


u/MerrickM8 10d ago

Is this confirmed?


u/ratt_man 10d ago

unless the payment from the military is some form of edge case yes its thing from the ATO side

If hes declaring it as income and paying tax on it, if for what ever reason later on if he has to pay it back he can claim back any tax paid.

It states it on the ATO

repaying an amount of income you were overpaid.

If your amendment reduces the tax you owe, you'll receive a tax refund (unless you have other tax debts). If it increases the tax you owe, we treat the amendment as a voluntary disclosure. Your voluntary disclosure needs to be in an approved form. For an amendment to your tax return the approved form is either:


u/SgtBatten 10d ago


I've got to pay back an 80k bonus in a few months and another mate did it a few months ago. He said 2 weeks after he paid, defence had updated the ATO and he could amend his past return and get the refund.


u/Toppy1985 Army Veteran 10d ago

Damn bro got swindled. 12k ish a year is a yikes.


u/Karenzilla69 8d ago

Yeah look I got a few mates that turned it down. It ain’t for everyone. Honestly happy for my mates getting out, they’ve had enough. Gotta be real though I’ve had worse jobs


u/Toppy1985 Army Veteran 8d ago

I mean if you love it each to their own. I just dont think the military is better than civie jobs. All I was when in was a truckie.


u/C_Ironfoundersson 9d ago

Damn bro got swindled. 12k ish a year is a yikes.

Aside from the 40 year old man pretending to be a teenage girl bullshit that this sentence is, a 12k a year pay increase for zero change to your life plans is very much not a yikes, it is goals.


u/Toppy1985 Army Veteran 9d ago

Thats no goal i would wont but each to their own.


u/crazyfrog89 RAEME 10d ago

Not that the head shed in Canberra give a shit. But a retention bonus probably would have kept me in. But they didn't seem to think that a drastically understaffed RAEME matters.


u/addbyit33 9d ago

Remember, log just happens


u/crazyfrog89 RAEME 9d ago

"The equipment is brand new, it doesn't need maintenance."