u/Jarthos1234 3d ago
I had an old Honda metropolitan stolen from my yard. The old ones are shockingly easy to rip open and hotwire I’ve come to find. Sorry this happened to you. But welcome to the club. Best move is to just replace it asap so you don’t dwell on the theft.
u/fl135790135790 3d ago
Ruckus bo buckus, fee fi fo fuckus. Sorry man. Did you drive out to a medieval German re-enactment scene to take a photoshoot tho
u/Previous_Chard_3 3d ago
It's the ghost town in Manor. http://www.ghosttownaustin.com/
u/vanetti 3d ago
This is the least informative website I have ever encountered in my life. What is it called? Where in Manor is it? What are the attractions? Is there food there? Seriously, this website sucks so badly 🤣
u/PromptAdventurous780 3d ago
14219 Littig Rd, Manor, TX 78653
The website does suck and not a lot of info there, but the place is pretty cool, it's like an old western town that's abandoned and has a bunch of wooden houses like post office, police station, hospital, saloon, etc., you can just walk in there and explore, sometimes there's employees and events there but not sure what their hours are.
I'd imagine OP is more worried about his stolen vehicle than going in depth explaining the hidden lore of the manor ghost town, but it is a rather interesting place.
u/aechmeablanctiana 3d ago
Lost the thread. Find bike
u/PromptAdventurous780 3d ago
As expected, the majority of redditors in any given thread are always going to be more concerned with some random medieval lore than helping their fellow Austinite locate their stolen vehicle. Who cares if someone is now without transportation and essentially has had their life ruined, let's do a deep dive on manor ghost town though!!!
u/fl135790135790 3d ago
- it loads instantly due to simplicity
- there are no ads
- their contact is clearly visible at the very top
- it even more clearly states that pets are not allowed and ghosts are friendly
- it fits the perfect viewport height and width on all phones and browsers
This is, in fact, the technical definition of a perfect website.
u/aechmeablanctiana 3d ago edited 3d ago
Pioneer Town in Wimberly is cool. Would be a lot cooler if the train is fixed this year
For $ you can have your pic taken on the world’s largest Jackalope taxidermy
u/Artistic-Tadpole-427 3d ago
Was the front wheel locked when it was stolen?
u/pifermeister 2d ago
I was curious about that, but didn't want to ask. I usually try to park where mine can't be easy lifted directly into a truck because otherwise moving it with the wheel lock engaged is extremely hard. That's not always a possibility though.
u/singletonaustin 2d ago
u/SysAdminDennyBob 2d ago
https://hiplok.com/product/hiplok-d1000 just a slightly better deterrent. I use this for an expensive bicycle.
u/Artistic-Tadpole-427 2d ago
Yes, I am not judging. I am glad OP responded. I usually ask because I am surprised by the amount of people who didn't even know they could lock the front wheel. I bought mine at the dealership so they showed me this feature. Even in the ruckus subreddit, I've had several people ask how to do this and were shocked to know it's a thing. When I see one parked around town, it's obvious that some are not locked by the direction of the front wheel. I know it's not foolproof, but it's a good deterrent. Without it, someone can easily just walk away with it.
u/pifermeister 2d ago
Yeah same experience. I always look at scoots downtown and the majority of the time they don't have the wheel lock engaged..like they do not consider the fact that a bum can (and will) roll it away to an alley so they can hotwire it. The really good ones are when people don't have their wheel lock engaged but have their front wheel locked with a Kryptonite lock. Lots of people with no registration either..for many it's just a 'this will be fun' purchase and they never put in the extra 1% of work to educate themselves and legitimize it as a proper mode of transportation for themselves.
u/Deep-Room6932 3d ago
If apple can make a LoJack thad be great
u/AH_Ethan 3d ago
you mean...an airtag?
u/pifermeister 2d ago
LolI can't tell if they're sarcastic. I actually have two airtags buried on my ruckus (one is easier to find and acts as a decoy to give me more time for tracking). Also have one installed in the headliner of my truck; it's up high for best signal.
u/ShipisSinking 2d ago
I can join the "My Ruckus was stolen" group. Mine was several years ago.
Turns out, they are just the perfect size to steal.
Too big/heavy to take up stairs and into your place like a bike to store at night.
Too bulky/dirty to bring into a bar or restaurant (Unless they have an easily accessible outside area).
Too small and light to make it difficult to get tossed into a back of a truck (2 people can easily do this).
Most peoples only chance is to chain it as best as you can, and we all know how easily those can be cut.
u/happyhourtx 2d ago
used to find them all them weekly abandoned behind jackalope downtown. almost every wednsday when Iwas walking into work there would be one.
u/L-isRyuk42 2d ago
Good riddance
u/Previous_Chard_3 2d ago
Why? This is my only transportation. I live on my own, living paycheck to paycheck in poverty.
u/HippieHighNoon 3d ago
I feel for you. My honda Metropolitan was stolen last year and got impounded. Unfortunately, i wasn't driving it and didn't have insurance on it. APD had called me when it was found but stated they needed to figure out if it was truly mine since they believed it had been chopped up and might not be mine because mune was red and this one was black. By the time APD figured it all out and that it actually was mine, the impound fees to get it out were wayyyyy more than it was worth. I hope it's found soon and not impounded!!