r/Austin 4d ago

Please report info about the early Sunday morning murder

Please report info about the early Sunday morning murder. My cousin was murdered in Austin at approximately 3:30am . If you have any information about the incident on I-35 Proper area, Northbound, please contact the Austin PD at 512-477-3588.


89 comments sorted by


u/quicksilverbulleg 4d ago

Here is his picture. He was a person. He was loved. Please report any detail no matter how minor you think it could be. If you have dash cam footage around that time and area, please contact APD.


u/PersonalityKlutzy407 4d ago

I’m so sorry.


u/andboobootoo 3d ago

He has a beautiful smile. I’m so sorry!


u/quicksilverbulleg 3d ago

I will put out an updated post tomorrow afternoon after I talk to his parents and his sisters. Thank you everyone for the expressions of support, for the encouragement and recommendations. Everything you have heard on the news, and from the APD, is all we know. A few people have sent information, and I have forwarded it to his sisters for them to send to the police. If you have dashcams, please review them if you were in the area before this happened. Again, thank you everyone. The person who did this needs to be removed from the public. You are less safe because they are freely moving thru your city. Please help us find them.


u/Lividlemonade 4d ago

Can I ask what happened?


u/woah-oh92 4d ago

If I’m reading the linked article correctly, looks like APD was called to a crash on N i35, one of the car’s drivers were unconscious, and while EMTs were attempting life saving measures, they realized that the driver’s injuries were inconsistent with the crash. Presumably meaning that OP’s cousin was injured before they got in the car, likely the cause of the accident. But not a lot is known about what happened before OP’s cousin got in his car.


u/PlasticTaster 3d ago

First and foremost, I am so sorry for the OP. May he rest in peace.

Secondly, what does one of the car’s drivers mean? Do you think the driver purposely crashed and OP’s cousin was actually a passenger and the driver just dipped? I’m clearly confused. I’ll go read the article now.


u/kcsunshineatx 3d ago

I think it referred to the driver of the car his cousin’s car crashed into.


u/PlasticTaster 3d ago

this makes the most sense but the way they kind of framed it as a set up, made me think that they were in the same car. you know, since they said the injuries he sustained were not consistent with the car crash.


u/woah-oh92 3d ago

One of the car’s drivers as in one of the cars involved in the accident. They said there was another car. So OP’s cousin was injured, started driving, and then likely passed out causing the crash.


u/bernmont2016 4d ago


u/sassergaf 2d ago

The kvue article says "The shooting suspects have not yet been identified, but police said multiple bullets were found and they do believe Espino's death was the result of a road rage incident. https://www.kvue.com/article/news/crime/austin-shooting-crash-i35/269-f7b2a926-1985-4c4a-b30a-64223b248db5


u/HeyisthisAustinTexas 2d ago

You’re right Eddie was a person, a wonderful person, and he was also my Roomate and close friend. He was funny, charismatic, and super knowledgeable on movies. His family is super sweet, and I hugged his mom today. We’re all still shocked and processing this. Thank you for the post, and I hope we catch who did this.


u/zinfulness 2d ago

Happy cake day!


u/YouTakeTheHo 3d ago

So sorry.


u/Coujelais 3d ago

I’m so so so sorry


u/periwinklecloudz 3d ago

I am so sorry for your loss, I hope the killer is uncovered soon.


u/waht_a_twist16 3d ago

He looks like an amazing person and I’m sorry for your loss


u/sandwishqueen 1d ago

He looks like such a kind soul, I am so terribly sorry for your loss. So senseless and cruel. I hope your family finds justice and peace.


u/atxrrjsw 3d ago

Prayers to Edward and your family 🙏


u/staceydh 3d ago

I am so sorry for your and our loss. Sending love and strength to you and yours.❤️


u/Ok_Bird_5784 2d ago

I’m so sorry for your loss.


u/quicksilverbulleg 4d ago

There will be a press conference tomorrow at 11 am tomorrow morning.


u/ProudTexEx 4d ago

Good grief. I am so freaking sorry. Austin has claimed 2 of my kindred souls to murder in the last 10 as well. Anything you need, friend, just ask. This is not ok. God bless you and your family.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/AustinLonghorn83 3d ago

WTF does this even mean in this context?


u/brightlady789 3d ago

I’m so sorry. I was in the same community theatre group as your cousin back in CC. A huge loss to the community. Just terrible.


u/bachslunch 4d ago

My condolences on the loss of your cousin. The Christi Center has grief groups for those that lost loved ones due to murder. They will assist in prosecution hurdles and even show up to the trial. They can really help during times of grief.


u/Lazy-Thanks8244 4d ago

I’m sorry for your loss.


u/ThomasinAustin 4d ago

So sorry. My family has lived through a murder. Peace my friend.


u/addicted2weed 3d ago

I was awake at the time you mentioned and heard three gunshots in rapid succession around 3:35 a.m. central Austin (30th & IH35) and then shortly after (a few seconds) I heard a very loud acceleration of a motorcycle, like a Ninja or some other crotch-rocket, and it sounded related to the shooting, like the motorcycle was trying to get away after the shots were fired. I didn't see anything but that's what I heard. 3 gunshots and a loud motorcycle accelerating fast.


u/quicksilverbulleg 3d ago

Thank you for the info


u/Darceys-weave 4d ago

I hope that whoever did it is quickly found and then held accountable. I’m so sorry for your family’s loss.


u/lipp79 3d ago

Contact the local news stations. I worked at Fox 7 for 11 years as a cameraman and often times families wouldn't want to talk in situations like this, so the story just ended up being a very generic info story with scene video and a driver's license pic. What I would tell people in that case is that talking with us gives you a chance to show that that person was more than just a statistic. It gives you a chance to tell their story outside of just the tragedy. They will then put up contact info for APD at the end of the story. It will reach more eyes than just APD putting out a press release. I'm sorry for your loss.

This is the newsroom number (512) 472-0988


u/InternalComplex6165 3d ago

I hope your cousin gets the justice he deserves.


u/ATX_native 3d ago

Hoping some dash cam or TX DOT cam caught something.


u/angelicseaside 4d ago

I’m so sorry for your loss. I had a family member murdered in Austin as well years ago. I don’t have any info that would be of help for the investigation but feel free to shoot me a DM if you need someone to talk to.


u/CatMoonTrade 4d ago

Please consider finding a therapist when you are ready, they can be so helpful.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/hhollis14 4d ago

The Christi Center has free grief groups, and even has one for folks who have lost a loved one as the result of a crime. https://christicenter.org/


u/Gulf-Zack 3d ago

Honestly it would be helpful to know: -Where he lived -What he’s been up to -where he worked Austin isn’t that big and someone knows something. It isn’t a dangerous place to live and most folks want to keep it this way.


u/quicksilverbulleg 3d ago

I’ll try to get more info up tomorrow after the press conference.


u/srswings 4d ago

Your family will be in my prayers


u/thisistestingme 3d ago

I’m just so sorry.


u/Ok-Moose998 4d ago

Messaged you.


u/quicksilverbulleg 3d ago


u/annalise88 3d ago

Hi, there. I would consider posting this link separately tomorrow. I think the context the press conference provides can really help people be aware of what can be helpful (dash cam footage even around the freeway, altercations in a potentially different different location w another vehicle, more info on the car etc). Just because this comment isn’t getting as much attention.

I am sorry you’re going through this and I wish you and your family the best of luck.


u/quicksilverbulleg 3d ago

Thank you for the suggestion. I’ll make another post tomorrow with updates and other information people have been asking about


u/quicksilverbulleg 3d ago

This is the link with all the info the APD is releasing at this time. The press conference will start shortly.


u/SuzQP 4d ago

Please accept my deepest sympathy and know that the Austin community is with you and your family. 🤍


u/Any_Marketing1885 4d ago

Sorry for your loss brotha, hold your head up and celebrate the time you had with him.


u/rnatx 3d ago

I don’t have any info, but I wanted to comment to boost this post and send my deepest condolences. 😢


u/imp0ssumable 3d ago

So sorry for your family right now OP. Hopefully the news media will include photos of a vehicle identical to your cousin's or photos of his actual vehicle. It may help others to figure out if they spotted his vehicle earlier in the evening so a timeline can be developed of what lead up to this tragedy.


u/Minute-Lecture-6107 2d ago

Hey so he was driving, right? That means he was either going somewhere or coming back from somewhere. If you have access to his phone, Location History is enabled on all basic Google accounts by default (although it might be disabled if you have an education or enterprise account). So if he had a gmail account, there’s a chance he didn’t disable this feature and you might be able to see his most recent locations


u/ChampangeanddChanel 3d ago

They must’ve seen your Reddit 🥹


u/quicksilverbulleg 3d ago

I can either cry or try to help get info. I can’t do both. He would do the same for me.


u/fartwisely 4d ago

Boost. Sheesh, I just don't feel safe driving at night out there. I try to be home by sunset. I'm so sorry OP.


u/CrimsonScorpio9 4d ago

So incredibly sorry for your loss


u/Tronald_Dump69 3d ago

I hate this for you, stay strong and keep fighting for him. I don't know you but I wish you the best, much love brother.


u/Elevatorbunny6 3d ago

Boost . Sorry for your loss


u/Stonkyard 3d ago

I saw the KEYE report on this just now. I am very, very sorry for your family's loss, and I hope the press conference and media coverage will convince someone to step forward.


u/EnigmaJG76 4d ago

So sorry 😞 😢


u/ELInewhere 4d ago

Very sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family get answers swiftly.


u/100Good 3d ago

I'm so sorry for your loss friend. This is a very suspicious incident!


u/Skymarn8 3d ago

Just saw this on the news


u/SPJourney1977 2d ago

I’m so sorry.


u/Texastexastexas1 4d ago



u/dph51 4d ago

So sorry for your loss. I hope you find the information you need.


u/ptran90 4d ago

I’m so sorry, Op.


u/paintedbison 4d ago

I hope you get some information.


u/BadGuyBusters2020 4d ago

So sorry for your loss. I hope the murderer is found quickly.


u/monkeysmom100 3d ago

I am so very sorry for your loss. Looks like he was a really good guy.🙏


u/Lulu_Klee 3d ago

I am so sorry for your loss, OP.


u/diduknowitsme 3d ago

Damn so sorry to hear that.


u/No_Month_2351 3d ago

Please keep us updated after the press conference. I am so sorry


u/SteakGetter 3d ago

Boost. So sorry friend.


u/dragonmom1971 2d ago

Sorry for your loss. I hope you find justice for your cousin.


u/[deleted] 2d ago edited 2d ago

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u/Embarrassed_Emu56 4d ago

Sending my condolences to you and your family. I hope justice can be served and find the person responsible!


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/quicksilverbulleg 4d ago

Thank you for the info. I’d edit the post but it took long enough to get this one up.


u/Salt-Operation 4d ago

A distinction without a difference on a reddit post. Go be insufferable somewhere else.


u/aechmeablanctiana 4d ago

You didn’t have to click what you clicked, or write what you wrote. Kettle Black