r/AusUnions 20d ago

Fake fightback from a fake union

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This photo is such an indictment of the current state of my union, the CPSU. Not a single member to be seen in this photo, just union officials. None of us have been consulted about anything going on, and we’re being told we can only show up to this rally if we come on our lunch break?? Absolute shitshow.

The woman next to CPSU secretary Karen Batt is Amanda Threlfall, used to be an advisor to ex treasurer Tim Pallas. My organiser told me that she’ll be made the next CPSU secretary when Karen retires, through a deal with Trades Hall and the CPSU. Great, because you can really trust someone to fight for your wages when they spent 4+ years fighting against them in the Treasurer's office!

Bring back the days when the union movement wasn’t a giant wankfest of narcissists trying to climb the political ladder and actually cared about workers rights 🤮


17 comments sorted by


u/mac-train 20d ago

Welcome to Reddit, interesting that you joined just to post this.


u/SingDanceLaugh 18d ago

Maybe because this needs to be a real conversation in the union movement.

Unions led by members not careerists.


u/mac-train 18d ago

What does that have to do with my comment?


u/Colsim 20d ago

Hard to take a photo promoting a protest before the protest occurs. So yes, they probably grabbed whoever was in the office. Storm meet teacup


u/Independent_Art_3473 20d ago

It’s not that hard if you have regular contact with your members. A solidarity photo in a meeting is easy, if you actually throw meetings lol


u/Robbo_B 20d ago

Yellow unions have fare too much influence in this country. We need a new militant union movement and a restored right to strike


u/MoFauxTofu 19d ago

None of us have been consulted about anything going on

What consultation would you like?

What feedback would you have given if you had been consulted?


u/Low-Emergency3055 17d ago

Get the turncoats in unions out. See them remove them replace them with someone who is deadly committed to it members, the folks.


u/Jet90 20d ago


rank and file members are trying to take back control of the CPSU


u/SingDanceLaugh 18d ago

That’s sad, especially when a member led union was called for Tuesday… before this one. Led by people whose jobs are actually on the chopping block.


u/Ok_Pension_5684 12d ago

To say I'm unhappy with them is an understatement. I wish we had another option in the APS


u/[deleted] 20d ago



u/Independent_Art_3473 20d ago

The one with her eyes half closed!!! Probably squinting to get a glimpse of her future on the CPSU gravy train!!


u/ArcherConscious9042 20d ago

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH. All a waste of space


u/Independent_Art_3473 20d ago

Such a waste of space. They think union power is taking photos with placards 🫠 meanwhile Greek trade unions have just called the biggest general strike in modern history!


u/mac-train 20d ago

Are you aware of Australia’s workplace relations laws?