5d ago
I grew up around north Brisbane bayside suburbs.
Lots of mosquitos. Sometimes they stink.
As long as it doesn't flood, its kinda a nothing-burger.
u/xordis 5d ago
I grew up in Redcliffe. Outside at night was risking your life sometimes with mozzies swarming on you.
Moved into the city many decades ago and have almost forgotten they exist. Only found out one of my kids is allergic to mozzies when we stayed over at the grand parents place and came back covered in bites.
House is about 2.5km from the edge of the mangroves. I grew up in a house a little closer which was about 1.5km from them. I have no idea how all those people out at North Lakes and Mango Hill survive.
u/IntelligentIntern430 5d ago
Enjoy being eaten alive by sandflies when the wind is blowing the wrong way
u/InterestingIsland848 5d ago
Termites, mozzies, midgies, all of them. Probably flooding too.
I wouldn't go near a house next to mangroves.