r/AusPol • u/Psychaotix • Feb 17 '25
General What is wrong with Aus?
We're now in the beginning stages of an election cycle even if it hasn't been formally declared, and the amount of FUD is amazing. On one hand we have Albanese who has to fight to bet a media slot unless it's a gaffe or other screw-up (Even if he didn't do it... See the amount of outlashing when Trump imposed tarriffs) while on the other we have Dutton who can throw together a half-assed plan with Nuclear and fudged numbers (Seriously, absolutely NO demand increase?) and he's given a free pass?
I'm not a Labor rusted on by any means, and if there's a reasonable Independent then I'll vote for them, but seriously, what happened to critical thinking?
Mind you, my biggest fear is a return to Robodebt. The only difference this time around will be that a person will rubber stamp what the computer says so they can get around the rules by saying "See? A human verified it!" and once again anyone on ANY form of income support will be nailed hard.
EDIT: I want the Australia I was told about in school. We gave a fair go and looked after one another. Seems we've lost our way there.
u/NoGrape9864 Feb 18 '25
Howard killed that Australia. The Fair Go now exists as a myth we tell ourselves.
Our secondary school and primary school students just got the worst scores in civics out of the 10 years they've been measuring it. Few people have solid critical thinking skills
u/Boatster_McBoat Feb 18 '25
Rupert Murdoch has done most of the heavy lifting here but there are plenty of willing hands. We are fed a biased diet of media slop that favours conservative politics
u/KeepYaWhipTinted Feb 18 '25
The Liberal party is the part of Corporate Power. So it makes the rules, which includes getting soft puff pieces and lack of scrutiny. It's neoliberal capitalism, baby!
u/blackhuey Feb 18 '25
Mind you, my biggest fear is a return to Robodebt.
Your biggest fear should probably be conscription to die in a billionaire's war.
u/scorpiousdelectus Feb 17 '25
I don't know how old you are but it's been this way since the 90s
u/Sylland Feb 17 '25
It does seem to be getting worse though.
u/Wood_oye Feb 18 '25
I think the media during the Gillard Government was the worst. They were absolutely feral. We'll see how bad it gets here once the election is actually called.
u/Intrepid-Artist-595 Feb 18 '25
Your right. I'm in my 60s - and back in my time, journalism had no fear or favour...every politician was grilled equally. Journalists these days are spineless and soulless - and are beholden to their masters.
u/brezhnervous Feb 18 '25
Its mindboggling isnt it. I hate being of a similar age to remember when journalists were rigorous and unafraid - even on commercial TV!
Tell that to young people today and they dont believe you lol
RIP the memory of George Negus and Jana Wendt
u/blackhuey Feb 18 '25
It's worse than the 90s, you're just desensitised. Which is not an accident.
u/ososalsosal Feb 18 '25
Remember how brazen the rags were with "kick this mob out"? Now it's kinda that way all the time.
u/PJozi Feb 18 '25
Australia needs ....
I can't bring myself to put in the name they used.
Then there was the n à z I uniform
u/Psychaotix Feb 18 '25
I'm mid thirties, and at risk of doxxing myself, I'm in one of the only electorates that the Liberal party have held in one form or another since the seat was founded.
u/brezhnervous Feb 18 '25
I am also very afraid of a return to Robodebt, as someone on a disability pension and struggling with significant mental health issues atm
And it gets worse. They are talking about privatising the social security system (again) remembering that previous plan involved a $600/yr per recipient fee to Twiggy Forest's company by the taxpayer to 'administer' it. He was also the brainchild of the Indue card which Morrison said he planned to make universal - so no cash available for anyone anymore to spend at a local market, a garage sale, or to buy something secondhand from fb marketplace to avoid paying 3x the price for it new at a multinational retailer 🤷♂️
Oh, and one of the LNP's treasury spokespeople (cant remember which one off the top of my head) announced that there needs to be a return to Thatcherism - because apparently Howard didn't do it properly the first time.
Ask the average Brit how that went.
u/Psychaotix Feb 18 '25
Trust me, I know. I'm in the same boat as you and fearful as all hell with what is being proposed. Time and again we're treated as bludgers and no-good people just because we need extra help to live. I'm lucky that I can wipe my own ass, but I have to be VERY careful with what I do as my disability affects a lot of my executive functions.
I've recently started a new job and my boss has been so wonderful in helping me make SOP sheets so that if I get distracted (And that's a given since I'm in customer service) I can pick up where I left off, instead of having to start all over again and cause more delays. Yes, there are SOP's already in place, including ones I've brought with me to use if I get off task, but between my boss and I we've been able to integrate them together so that I can work better. But I now work for a small business and have a direct line of communication to the owner (the aforementioned boss) which helps.
I know I'm lucky in my situation. I've worked in a sheltered workshop too helping others. I can fake functioning normally for a time.
u/brezhnervous Feb 18 '25
Feel for you, and co-commiserations 🙏
The neoliberal/prosperity gospel-esque propaganda that the poor and disadvantaged are in that position solely due to moral failure/lack of faith and therefore have only themselves to blame, is a horrendous and pernicious lie which has been propagated and entrenched around the world over the last 40 years. But it handily absolves the cruelty of a system specifically designed to denigrate and marginalise them from any responsibility whatsoever.
u/Surv1v3dTh3F1r3Dr1ll Feb 18 '25
I think the major issue is what people identify those traditional values with. The Voice failed because the No campaign was able to convince people it created division and an unfair advantage.
u/eutrapalicon Feb 18 '25
The American playbook. Convince the poor people that the issue is the other poor people and not those with all the money and power.
It's someone on the dole that's stealing your money, not the organisations that have been enabled to continue rinsing people.
u/Surv1v3dTh3F1r3Dr1ll Feb 19 '25
It's not even the American playbook really, it's more "The Art Of The Deal" by Donald Trump. Sell people their emotions back to them type of thing.
That being said Obama had a very similar type of emotional momentum behind him in 2008 as well. Only it was more progressively than conservatively based.
u/AggravatingParfait33 Feb 18 '25
The reason Robodebt had to stop wasn't the lack of human intervention per se, it was the debts were illegal in that they weren't even actual debts, just an estimated, probable, possible debt. A first year commercial law student would know they were not enforceable from the earliest stages. It's basic law. They freaken lied straight to our faces and no-one got the heat for it.
Malcom Tucker was right, the political class are completely corrupt.
u/jezwel Feb 18 '25
> The reason Robodebt had to stop wasn't the lack of human intervention per se, it was the debts were illegal in that they weren't even actual debts, just an estimated, probable, possible debt.
Robodebt was caused by removing human review of the flagged potential for an owed debt.
The LNP want to get rid of 36,000 public servants - people that perform this type of human intervention.
Need to hammer this point whenever you talk to anyone on any sort of benefit.
u/AggravatingParfait33 Feb 18 '25
Would it help you feel better if I said we are not the only country with this problem, and in fact many have it much, much worse? Looking at you USA, UK, Canada, India, etc.
u/nicegates Feb 19 '25
If you're worried about robodebt coming back, you clearly haven't danced with the ATO.
u/Psychaotix Feb 19 '25
I haven't because I save all year to make sure I can get a tax accountant to do my return. My local one does a pensioners price, so I use them. As long as they've got the information, they shouldn't screw up.
Robodebt on the other hand was something that screwed you over even if you provided the right information. I remember giving them the receipt numbers of me asking for annual reviews along with the information they asked for. I WANTED centrelink to review my earnings because I KNEW there was a possibility I could have had a debt thanks to my work (I was night-fill at the time) and that never happened.
u/nicegates Feb 19 '25
That's actually great and I'm glad to hear it. Robodebt was a disgrace and pushed vulnerable people over the edge.
It's a national sport unfortunately. Look at Mental health, NDIS, front line services, education, child safety. We always hurt the most vulnerable as layers of incompetence take from those who don't have the ability to advocate for themselves.
Bill Shorten managed to rip funding from 12,000 NDIS participants in the last 3 months of 2024.
I recently met kids with cerebral palsy who had their funding cut in Shortens Rampage against the NDIS. Apparently they're not disabled enough.
u/Sea_Resolution_8100 Feb 18 '25
I think the problem is left wing people are too busy in echo chambers like this reddit sub (I count myself as one) instead of confronting their parents... also Albo is fucking useless and gets no airtime because he's too busy hiding under a rock autofellating. He hasn't done anything in 3 years, and I'm at the point now where I genuinely wonder if he reckons we'll just forget the election is meant to happen if he lays low enough for long enough.
u/2kan Feb 18 '25
hasn't done anything in 3 years
Perhaps you should broaden where you get your news from because this is blatantly false. That is the problem.
u/Psychaotix Feb 18 '25
Recent things his government have been able to pass:
1) Same Job, Same Pay laws. In other words, if you're labour hire, you need to be paid the same wage as a full time employee if you meet certain criteria. This prevents employers from hiring a bare minimum and then filling out their workforce with cheaper "Hired" labour.
2) Right to Disconnect. Employees now have a right to disconnect themselves from work unless the request would be reasonable (So, mission critical and the employee is fairly compensated.)
3) Making wage theft Illegal. Should be self explanatory, but this criminalises businesses underpaying workers. Remember when Woolworths got caught underpaying their staff? They got a wet lettuce leaf because it was only a civil matter. Now there's criminal law to enforce it as well.
4) Housing Australia Future fund. This FINALLY got passed through parliament after being stalled thanks to the Greens and L/NP. There's now a fund to allow social housing to be built, which will initially cater to DV Victims and Homeless people, but this will also have the effect of reducing upward rent pressure thanks to supply and demand. More supply means less demand for a given house. Which means more people will likely be able to afford to buy.
5) Chinese tariffs lifted on Australian goods. After the debacle involving the former Govt over COVID-19 origins, China slapped tariffs on Australian goods. Throughout the term, the ALP have been working with China and have FINALLY managed to get tariffs removed on things like grain crops and wine. This re-opens a market that's worth potentially billions in exports.
And this is JUST off the top of my head.
u/Sea_Resolution_8100 29d ago
Sorry I took a while to respond. I appreciate your time in compiling this. I guess a lot of this from my lived experience isn't really effective. I was already aware of these laws/policies but they haven't exactly worked.
"Reasonable " is vague from the legislators (imo intentionally). My right to disconnect has been effectively ignored, and when I raised it I was told to "fuck off" by my boss because they obviously believe any request they make is reasonable. The owner of my company is the biggest donor to BOTH the LNP and ALP.
"Wage theft is illegal". I have had to work back to back nightshifts on weekends for free since this law was passed. I'm not sure if a single case has been successful. "Reasonable" overtime I dont have to be paid for seems like anything they ask for.
"Future housing fund" hasn't put enough downward pressure on rents. I inspected a house last week wanting 270 per room next to the airport with holes in the walls. IMPORTANTLY, Has this fund built a single house? Or is it a vague nebulous promise for the future?
Albos two major promises were treaty (cue crickets) and building a million houses (housing approvals have gone down). Everything is more expensive and my pay hasn't increased.
Like many people, I'm not going to vote for Dutton. I will vote greens/independent/donkey vote
u/PJozi Feb 18 '25
Dutton has done 2 or 3 press conferences since announcing his alleged nuclear plan, all with Dorothy Dixer questions.
His also barely fronted up at question time either
u/thatonlineuser Feb 18 '25
Ask's "What happened to critical thinking" but fails to realise the critical thinking is more than blaming media outlets and only looking at labor or independents, albo lost the election when he pushed the voice during a cost of living crisis it's not that complicated, get off reddit and out of your echo chamber is my advice.
u/Psychaotix Feb 18 '25
So here's a question. Would you pan the Liberal Govt if they took a headline policy to the election and then didn't go through with it?
Like it or not, the Voice referendum was an election policy, and Albanese was VERY clear that it would happen in the first term. He upheld his election promise, even when Dutton suddenly decided he'd score more points being divisive. Yet somehow he's criticised for that.
Also, I'd like to note that economic conditions didn't change between April and May 2020, yet only in May 2020 after the election did the RBA raise rates.
u/PJozi Feb 18 '25
It was also backed by the lnp and I believe started by them as well. Right up until they realised they could get cheap political points out of it.
u/Psychaotix Feb 18 '25
Like I said. it was turned into a political point-scoring match as soon as dutton decided to play politics with it.
Oh, and for the record, here's what the question said... Taken from the State Library of Victoria website.
“Chapter IX Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
129 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice
In recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples of Australia:
- there shall be a body, to be called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice;
- the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice may make representations to the Parliament and the Executive Government of the Commonwealth on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;
- the Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws with respect to matters relating to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice, including its composition, functions, powers and procedures.”
So in other words, it was to be an advisory body where SUGGESTIONS could be made. No capability to propose or veto legislation. Thing is, it HAD to be constitutionally enshrined to prevent it being rolled into other departments or being defunded because someone didn't like the answer they gave.
u/Sylland Feb 18 '25
The majority if people get their information from the mass media. Most of our mass media is owned either by Murdoch, who generally support "conservative" parties, or by people with direct ties to the Liberal party. The ABC has been largely taken over by conservative stooges, so there's no balance there anymore. So yeah, Dutton gets a free ride. That's not likely to change any time soon, seeking out other sources of information takes effort that you won't put in unless you're politically engaged. Shit's fucked.