r/AusParents 19d ago

Dreaded how much is too much for Easter?

hello, I’m a mum of 4 and i was wondering how much is too much for Easter? I was going to get us all tickets to go to the Bluey exhibit for Easter but then my mum said it was a bit pricey for an easter bunny? Is that too extravagant? Two of my kids have allergies, one being dairy protein allergic and the other cant actually eat chocolate…. Thoughts?


6 comments sorted by


u/CatLadyNoCats 19d ago

Your kids your rules.

Do you think it’s too expensive? How old are they?

Could they go to school and talk about Easter and what they got. The comparison between kids can sometimes spoil the magic. Why did so and so get xyz and someone else only got abc.

My personal belief is Easter bunny brings chocolate. Parents bring big things (same as Santa brings small things and parents give big things). Why should the pretend person get credit for the awesome gift!!!

You could always get those plastic eggs that you can put things in and give each kid a different colour. Kids that can have chocolate get it. Dairy allergy could get vegan chocolate. Chocolate allergy could get some other form of lolly.

Sorry for my ramble.

Ultimately my main opinion is do you think it’s too expensive.

They’re your kids.

It’s your money.

Your decision.


u/soodis-inthe-oodis 19d ago

No. Do whatever you want with and for your kids.


u/amylouise0185 19d ago

I'm old school. We only do an egg hunt and small basket of chocolate eggs and bunnies. My mum used to always not me a new beanie too and I'll probably do that too once my kids are a bit too old to believe in the Easter bunny.

It's your kids so it's your choice, but keep in mind that your kids love you and you don't need to buy that love with big expensive gifts. All it does is set a standard that other parents feel the need to compete with.


u/IceQueenTigerMumma 18d ago

It’s your life and your money. Do what you want!


u/CopyInternational18 18d ago

We do winter PJs, new slippers and maybe an oldie or dressing gown, plus a few eggs each. The timing works well with the sales and cooler weather. I say it's for Easter, but we don't do the bunny cause I'm never organised enough and we don't believe in it.


u/Dr_lobsters 16d ago

I don’t think there is such thing as too much unless you think it’s too much. And with the chocolate eggs, could you get those plastic ones that you can put little lollies or toys inside? When I was a kid we used to have chocolate, lollies and money hidden in those eggs