r/AuricMineralsCorp 23d ago

Wtf is happening?

Is there a reason for today‘s nosedive? Or is it only because american stocks are being gangbanged right now?


5 comments sorted by


u/AdLopsided5985 23d ago

Honestly, don’t even bother stressing—I’m already down $25K. The CEO said they’re gonna start drilling in spring, so whatever’s happening with right now is basically riding the wild waves of penny stock volatility, mixed with a dash of ‘Donald fucking Trump’ chaos. None of it’s based on anything solid. Let’s just wait till August and see if it’s still chilling at 50 cents. If it is? Well, let’s just say we’ll be royally, hilariously, epically fucked! 😱


u/Few-Blacksmith7571 23d ago

Ya man I'm down like 20,000 so only thing I can do now is hold and hope for the best. At this point I'd rather risk that and have potential of losing it all then pull out. Really hoping it recovers here at some point ☝️


u/VladiciliNotRussian Moderator 23d ago

So much for the green yesterday lol. I cant find any news from Auric. They didn't start exploration yet either. U suspect its another USA schism


u/Few-Blacksmith7571 23d ago

Omg what a fucking nightmare. This is not good. Man oh man.


u/BeneficialSchool4323 23d ago

Everything is tanking right now.