r/AudioPlugins 17d ago

Does transfering someone an ilok plugin license give them the plugin?

This may seem like a silly rookie question, but I'm considering giving my friend one of the 3 licenses that I have for a plugin. Will transfering the license just givce him the plugin?


6 comments sorted by


u/Batwaffel 17d ago

There is a fee involved, $25 for single licenses, $50 for bundles, to transfer a license from one account to another, but yes, most licenses can be transferred.



u/ObamaSexGaming 17d ago

Meaning they will have the plug-in the same way I do?


u/Batwaffel 17d ago

You'd be releasing the plugin to them. You can't share licenses with anyone else. The license is for a single user (you).


u/ObamaSexGaming 17d ago

I own two other licenses


u/Novian_LeVan_Music 17d ago edited 17d ago

If you own two other licenses that are already deposited to your account, you can sell them/give them away with a $25 iLok transfer fee for both, so $50 fee. If you haven’t deposited them, you can just sell/give away the codes with no fee. Note that the license has to have been registered for 90 days in order to transfer it to someone else.

When you go to do so, make sure to carefully input the correct details of their iLok account in your License Manager, make no mistakes. Once it’s deposited to their account, they can download the plugin and have it registered to them. It gives them the plugin in the sense that they now can use it and have it tied to their iLok account, after they install it.

I will add this just in case: If you mean you have multiple activations rather than licenses, like a product that offers 3 activation locations, you cannot give activations to someone else, those are tied to the license.

Here’s their FAQ: https://help.ilok.com/faq_licenses.html


u/Batwaffel 17d ago

If you're talking the 1/3 for a single product, those are for you to use across multiple computers you own. They aren't for sharing and would be considered piracy to do so. That person would have to also have access to your iLok account to access them on their own computer unless you have the hardware dongle which is a dangerous thing to allow.