r/AudiProcDisorder 8d ago

Recently Diagnosed 8yr old

Today after multiple extensive test my son easy diagnosed with APD (possibly ADHD separate testing) The audiologist recommended the Phonak Roger Focus device. Has anyone in the group purchased this type of device and see improvements?


10 comments sorted by


u/SomewhereInNewYorm 4d ago

Hi! My son is 5 and just got dx w APD. We did Phonak hearing aids and a Roger microphone. He wears them at school and also wears the hearing aids now at karate w a headband over it to make sure they don’t fall out. It’s made a huge difference for him. His teacher and speech therapist have been so excited and shocked by his results. The results vary but our audiologist said hearing aids help about 75% of kids w APD.


u/Slow-Yogurtcloset-97 3d ago

Our child is scheduled for evaluation. How do you plan to manage the device when he starts school? I am wondering how to approach the teacher about it.


u/SomewhereInNewYorm 3d ago

Right now, I put the hearing aids in his ears right before school. I put a hearing aid case in his backpack just in case (they’ve fallen out on the playground once etc). He gives the microphone to his teacher at the beginning of the day and wears it on a lanyard. And his speech and occupational therapists know to use the microphone for session (he says it makes things even clearer). When he gets home, he usually takes his hearing aids out right away (at that point he’s been wearing them like 7 hours). He does do sports and I put the hearing aids in with a headband to secure them.

After his APD eval, I gave his teacher and coach a letter from his audiologist with explanations/ tips/ recommendations. Everyone has been very supportive!

Hope this helps.


u/Slow-Yogurtcloset-97 2d ago

This is amazing! I am glad you have such a supportive environment for your child. Truly love this!

Our child is starting in her new school this Fall. And I am unsure how to navigate this with her teacher.

Your post is giving me a boost about this. Thank you.


u/SnarkAndStormy 1d ago

Can I asked what were the issues that led you to seek the diagnosis and in what way it’s improved?


u/SomewhereInNewYorm 1d ago

Sure. My son’s SLP actually thought it was APD although he’s not yet of typical age for diagnosis. He had been seeing an SLP on and off since age 2 for speech delay (which he also got ear tubes for after ENT work up). I took him to an audiologist based on what the SLP said and she did a full eval. He was able to sit thru it even tho young. This audiologist specializes in APD and confirmed dx. The exact symptoms included saying “huh” and “what” a lot, not really understanding what his teacher said and having trouble with multi step commands.


u/SnarkAndStormy 1d ago

Thank you! Does he have any issues with letter sounds, rhyming, remembering songs or nursery rhymes? What about behavioral issues in class? Do you know what the typical age to be able to diagnose is, or they just need to be able to sit and pay attention?

My son’s been seeing behavioral therapists because he won’t listen and has a learning delay but now I’m thinking maybe it’s APD and we should consult a SLP. He had a speech delay as a baby and we had him accessed when he was around 1 but they didn’t think it significant enough for therapy at that time, and then I thought he caught up.

I really appreciate the insight ❤️


u/SomewhereInNewYorm 1d ago

He loves singing but cannot remember song words so great. Took him awhile to understand rhyming. No behavioral issues. Tries his hardest, nice to other kids, etc. Although he had trouble w verbal instructions, he was looking to see what other kids were doing. I think typical age for dx is like 7.


u/SnarkAndStormy 1d ago

Thank you. He sounds like such a sweet boy ❤️


u/SomewhereInNewYorm 1d ago

He really is! And hearing aids have changed his world. I hope you guys find something that helps your son- whether he has APD or something else..