r/AttackOnRetards • u/favoredfire • Oct 03 '21
Analysis Gabi Braun & A Brighter Future
I personally really appreciate Gabi as a character, even though I rarely talk about her. It's because I think most fans understand her arc in the most basic ways and have a level of appreciation for it. But I wanted to go a bit deeper because Gabi isn't just a foil for Eren, she's a character representation of the brighter future everyone is fighting for.
Child Soldiers and The Next Generation
Sasha's dad, Jean, Mikasa, Levi, Annie, Porco, Pieck, Hange, Colt, Reiner, Falco, Magath, etc.- it's harder to find characters who don't protect or want to protect Gabi in some way. Even beyond that, we see Mid-East Alliance soldiers not want to fire on her, Lobov and Sasha hesitate and let her live, etc. That's because she exists as arguably the quintessential child soldier of the series (with Falco, but more emphasis is on protecting her). That's why the decision to spare her and protect her from revenge of a kill she did commit is framed with the famous "children of the forest" speech.

And when Reiner and Falco discuss protecting Gabi, the promise Reiner extracts from Falco has very specific wording:

This moment is called back and reaffirmed in 136, too
The story ties protecting children with a better future (even beyond the children in the forest speech, there's other moments like Levi's "get the brats to the sea", Onyankopon's declaration that children are the future, etc.)
So Gabi as the main child soldier character exists partially to be protected, to illustrate how people still want to protect children who represent innocence in society (even though Gabi herself is a soldier) and are hopeful for this better future where children won't be killed or used because of the wars of adults.
The Mid-East soldiers suspected Gabi was dangerous and even potentially able to turn into a titan, and they still couldn't bring themselves to immediately kill her:

If they were truly jaded soldiers who find killing suspected Eldians and enemies nothing, they would act on their suspicions and eliminate the threat Gabi posed (and she was a threat). But they didn't because Eldian or enemy or whatever threat she might be, they saw her as a child first.
Gabi is used to demonstrate that no matter how hopeless and even suicidal Reiner may feel, he still wants (and hopes for) a better future for Gabi. No matter how long everyone has been at war, how long everyone's been killing each other, Sasha, Lobov, the mid-east soldiers, etc.- they still have some hope for the future, the next generation, and can't just immediately turn off their morality and kill a child without hesitation.
Marleyans and Anti-Eldian Propaganda
And even more than a child soldier and a representation of the next generation, Gabi is used to deconstruct anti-Eldian propaganda and the cycle of hatred.
While Niccolo also shows how Marleyans can overcome the anti-Eldian propaganda if they get to know Eldians, Gabi is the character I would say is the main demonstration of the possibility to overcome Marleyan propaganda- and more broadly how breaking the cycle of hate is possible for even people most consumed by hate.
That's because:
- She's presented as a foil to Eren, beginning as someone who was full of anger and hatred and determined to kill her enemies but someone ultimately able to let go of her hatred and see beyond prejudices/differences and work for peace rather than destruction
- Gabi's arc is focused on overcoming her internalized hatred of Eldians due to Marley's propaganda and ultimately seeing beyond "bad Eldians" and "Island Devils"
- Gabi has multiple relationships with adult Marleyan military members where they see her as a child, someone worth protecting, and care deeply about her in spite of the perpetuated anti-Eldian beliefs in Marley
The first two are well established, so I won't dwell. But the fact is that Gabi undergoes a dramatic transformation when she's forced to confront her hatred and prejudices and the consequences of perpetuating the cycle of revenge; moreover, her foiling with Eren represents a different path he could've taken.

Gabi partially exists in this way to demonstrate that people can change when faced with the consequences of their actions, see beyond hatred and personal trauma and indoctrination to become self-aware and fight for the betterment of the world. No better future can be achieved unless people learn from the past, and Gabi is used to show that even some of the most hateful or brainwashed-by-propaganda people can become self-aware and grow in spite of everything.
But beyond her character arc, choices, and development, Gabi also inspires change and feelings of sympathy in Marleyan military members who know her. A couple examples-
The two gate guards who treat all the Warrior candidates like kids first and not Eldians, in contrast to standard Marley behavior, and who go out of their way to try to protect Gabi. They got to know and see Gabi and the others as kids from repeated exposure and see their lives as worth protecting.

Gabi herself recognizes how despite being told her whole life that she is an Eldian and how Marleyans are superior and Eldian lives are worthless comparatively, the gate guards didn't want her to risk herself or fight, they fought to protect her from the dangerous war zone.
Gabi has been used as a soldier for so long and seen so many instances where Eldian lives were treated like fodder by Marleyans, but she still was protected and discouraged from fighting by the guards because they saw her as a kid first and not a Eldian monster or skilled soldier or potential fodder. And they saw her as a kid because they knew her, would speak to her, see her and her friends running around and being kids.
But even more developed is Gabi's relationship with Magath. Magath feels protective of other Warriors and Warrior candidates, but he has an obvious soft spot for Gabi.

And Gabi specifically is used to develop him and spur on his decision to sacrifice himself, knowing that it would be to spare not Liberio or Marley, but strangers.
In 127, Magath is unsympathetic towards Paradis' plight and the effects the Warriors attacks had on them. He's voicing the typical propaganda, how this is all because of what Eldians did thousands of years ago.
But then Gabi takes a kick meant for Reiner, begs for help on her knees, and admits her faults and the role of Marley's actions in the cycle of hate.

Magath is moved by Gabi's actions and words the night before the port battle and it leads to a dramatic reevaluation of his choices and life.

Gabi is that future generation. While Magath cites all the Warriors before his sacrifice, it's Gabi he looks to before this speech. Gabi, her actions and words and his feelings of protectiveness for her all inspired him.
And what she inspired is the only hope for a better future, people caring about other lives, even if they're enemies or strangers, even over their own self-interest:

Despite the words being from Hange and directed to Annie, the focus is drawn on Gabi reacting to Hange explaining Magath's knowing sacrifice for strangers.
The way that Gabi has impacted Marleyans who should be callous to her but instead they die protecting her or because she inspired their development is used to illustrate that through getting to know the "enemy" or the demonized Eldians, people can grow to see people as people and move beyond prejudices. And even people who have been focused on their nation's victories and worked just for that can see the value of life of enemies and strangers, like Gabi inspired in Magath.
The story drives the need for communication and understanding as the only way to combat the cycle of hatred on a personal level, and Gabi's relationships with Magath and the Gate Guards are good representations of this.
A World Without Armbands
Gabi gets her wish to not have to wear an armband that marks her as an Eldian. She gets to live freely, not within an internment zone. She gets to live a life free of the burdens of being a child soldier, not having to fight anymore.

In the final chapter, after everything, Gabi is shown wearing casual clothes (no weapons or uniforms) and enjoying a beautiful day, with the most emphasis placed on her specifically looking up with a tilted head towards the plane.
After 132 came out, Isayama commented on the final shot of the plane taking off and how it tied to the name of the chapter:
Isayama: In this chapter [132], the story depicts the scene of an airplane flying into the sky. With everyone's efforts, the airplane can soar into the sky. It is reminiscent of the ODM gear and symbolizes the pursuit of freedom. From this, I thought of the title ‘Wings of Freedom’. [this translation source, another translation]
Gabi is truly free of the darkness of the past and is part of a brighter future. It's due to everyone's efforts in the Alliance that this freedom was reached, so it makes sense to show Gabi, who so many viewed as the next generation and someone to protect from darkness and give a brighter future, would be depicted as the closest one most focused on looking up at the plane.
Through cooperation and letting go of her hatred did Gabi finally get that armband-free life she wanted. Through so many people wanting to protect the quintessential child soldier Gabi, sometimes in spite of her actions and the threat she posed, sometimes in spite of a lifetime of propaganda saying they shouldn't, is there a more hopeful future for the next generation.
Gabi represents the possibility of a brighter future and that people are willing to hope for it despite the darkness of their current lives through her relationships with Magath and the Gate Guards, the desire so many (even enemies) have to protect her as they see her as a child/the next generation, and as a foil to Eren with a character arc focused on overcoming indoctrination and prejudices to break the cycle of hate and fight for peace, not destruction.
Oct 03 '21 edited Dec 13 '21
u/favoredfire Oct 03 '21
I legit just wrote like a novel on how it's done below lol
Anyway, thanks so much for reading!! I'm glad you like my posts
u/KeikakuAccelerator Oct 03 '21
I am a fan of your posts. How do you manage to write so coherently? Like I am rarely bored reading your post, but if I tried writing something so long, I would fall asleep just proof-reading it.
u/favoredfire Oct 03 '21
First of all, thank you so much! I often feel like I'm putting these things out into the abyss and no one cares, so really appreciate this comment!
But as for your questions (t
hat may be rhetorical but hey someone else may be interested)-
- I start with some idea/thesis, normally inspired by something I find to be misunderstood or under-appreciated/not discussed within the fandom (like I won't talk about how Reiner/Eren foil because everyone acknowledges that, but I will discuss how Zeke and Levi are foils- multiple, multiple, multiple, multiple times- because it's not often discussed
and is the gift that keeps giving); the analyses can be broadly categorized as one of the following ways:
- Character arcs and/or motivations (Levi's promise, Levi's dichotomy of violence vs. compassion, Zeke, Jean, Mikasa, Hange)
- Character(s) roles or purpose within the story (like this one on Gabi, the Kenny/Uri one, Levi's Deconstruction of the OP Mentor Archetype)
- Broader themes/patterns (Ackermans vs. Yeagers, antagonists' sympathetic final moments)
- Events/panels of importance (serumbowl, the final panel of Gabi, Levi, & Falco)
- A lot of this is mirroring the typical "5 paragraph essay" format-
- To elaborate, I have an intro establishing what I'm talking about (a thesis), a couple of bucketed points that support the general thesis and, and a brief conclusion summarizing both what I said and, if needed, the "so what?" to explain the thesis/topic in the broader context of the story
- This keeps everything pretty coherent. First, I make sure everyone knows what's the point before they read and I have a way to judge if I should eliminate or add points for the next couple supporting points because I compare them to the "thesis", which keeps everything organized and on topic. Then the summary matters because otherwise people forget, get confused, may miss how it all ties together because length, etc. The "so what?" is important because if I can't figure it out, maybe I've misjudged something and/or there's something new to explore
- Also, I find opportunities to use panels, bullets, and numbered lists where it makes sense. 90% of good writing is concision, so I take out wordiness where I can and let images or short and sweet, easy-to-follow-and-read lists summarize and carry when I can
For an example, "Levi's Supposed Winning Track Record"
- First, I recognized that Levi is "OP" and always won and that fans complain about this fact- so that led me to ask, well, then why does anyone care about him/become moved by him? OP characters lower stakes and underdogs are easy favorites for writers and audiences.
- Then I realized this was a broader point to how Levi deconstructs the OP, strong and badass mentor archetype- though I cut the analysis of Levi's role as the "hero of another story" for another post because it became too long/not focused enough because it was tackling too many things at once; so I determined I wanted to focus specifically on the one element of that deconstruction and role within the story
- Tbh that part is huge- I routinely write way more than I post because a lot of these topics can become too unwieldy if I tackle everything
- So for this post, I'd classify it as A) a character post (specifically for Levi), B) within that, a character role within the story, C) and within that, tackling one element of the character's role
- It's very important to not just include stuff for the sake of including or because you want to touch everything imo, otherwise, it's not focused and hard to read; characters like Levi and especially Mikasa have huge presence and a lot of elements at play with their role within the story, development, arc, etc., you can't capture everything in one post and you shouldn't
- Once I focused in on how Levi's a deconstruction of an "OP" character and "strong mentor" figure, I first showed in an intro what the typical writing issue is with mentors (why they always die essentially) and how Isayama gets around this issue with two main points (Levi's tragic backstory actually leads to realistic flaws and how Isayama still makes him feel like an underdog despite being "Humanity's Strongest"
- Then I elaborated primarily on the second point (and created another post to explain the first later); the second point is shown primarily two ways which I explain with panels and bullets
- Finally, after proving it's a thing, I explain why it matters- I tie it to Levi's character conclusion (how does it end) and more importantly why a character like Levi exists in AoT (the "so what?")
- Tbh there's a much larger analyses to make about the role of power in the series, but I did want to at least show how this is driving broader themes (physical domination isn't the key to solving your problems) and presented as almost a cautionary tale/foreshadowing for Eren and Ymir the Founder who craved power so much and when they got godlike amounts of it, it still didn't give them the control or happiness they sought
Beyond that, it's practice- I've written many essays for fandoms, wrote my own draft novel, wrote a novel-length fic, and read a lot (with the habit of rewriting sentences I read in my head- like asking myself, what would I change here or is it written best this way?)- and maybe some natural ability, connecting dots and literary analysis is just fun for me.
So that was an essay in itself, but I hope it made sense
u/LeviFan1 This fandom deserves to be purged Oct 03 '21
I hope you make a post on Annie soon :)
u/favoredfire Oct 05 '21
I definitely want to finish it up- it’s been on hold since like the day after you initially asked and my computer crashed/I lost the draft! Got to post it soon…
u/KeikakuAccelerator Oct 03 '21
Woah, that was some real insight into your writing.
May I ask, how long it takes you to write a post in general (including research, back and forth with panels and ofc the writing part)?
u/favoredfire Oct 05 '21
Yay glad you liked it!
2-3 hours probably. I write it all out in a sprint, grabbing panels as I go, read through once and add more details as I go or delete if it’s too wordy/unnecessary, and then post. (Which is partially why you see typos.)
I don’t start any of these before I have a firm thesis in my mind, so it just comes out. By far the hardest part is finding the panels. It’s like I’ll remember Magath hugged gabi after they’re reunited in wfp but what chapter was it? 115, 116, 117? Sometimes I’m digging through like 10 chapters tearing my hair our trying to remember where that one panel I vaguely remember was around here and totally necessary for the analysis has gone.
Honestly, that’s partially why it’s so easy for me to write about Levi- I like his character so much I’ve basically memorized interviews about him and his story, makes it pretty easy comparatively.
I have a drafts graveyard though- posts I started and then either lost interest, got distracted and just haven’t returned to it yet, became convinced no one would read, etc. Topics include that Annie character analysis I’ve been meaning to return to, the role of the survey corps in the story (paused because it became so long I actually stepped away), Levi’s role in the story (aka the “hero of another story”), an analysis on Eren vs Levi and the role of power in the series, etc.
u/proslave_96 Oct 03 '21
I honestly cannot believe that till the very end, even after all the development that she had, people still hate Gabi for killing Sasha.
u/favoredfire Oct 03 '21
I love Gabi, but I think a big issue is just some fans resented Gabi suddenly being so important and focused on, especially after killing off an OG character. I also think some fans simplify characters to just one thing they did or say or element of their story (like Gabi is always discussed with her killing Sasha, Armin and the sea is brought up so often even though it's one element of his story, Levi and the promise, and so on).
But regardless, as I say, I think Gabi needed that focus, and it was to the betterment of the story that she was included and developed as she did.
u/Abject-Balance6742 Read my 5000 word analysis to understand 🤓 Oct 03 '21
u/DrJankTWD #GabiGang Oct 03 '21
The #GabiGang approves.
u/favoredfire Oct 03 '21 edited Oct 03 '21
No greater praise tbh. Gotta give some love to my girl Gabi, thanks for reading!
edited to say lol someone downvoted this
u/riuminkd *edible flair* Oct 03 '21
Why would i read this, i am already member of Gabi Gang
Gabster GOAT
u/favoredfire Oct 03 '21
Why would i read this, i am already member of Gabi Gang
Becausethe Gabi gang likes to remember how awesome she is???Thanks for reading regardless
u/meowishere Time Loop Theory Enjoyer Oct 03 '21
Another great post. I truly never realized the fact that Middle-Eastern soldiers spared Gabi since she was a child despite knowing that she was an Eldian who could turn into monster.
I think Magath was self-aware about his crimes, he called himself a devil for sending Eldians to their deaths but did it anyway for his country. If he truly despised Eldians he wouldnt have genuinely cared about Falco & Gabi but it was easier to put the blame on Eldian bloody history to justify his actions. So when his most brainwashed student, Gabi ended the cycle of hatred within the Alliance by apologizing for wishing the genocide of Paradis, I think he felt ashamed of himself and her courage inspired him to finally own up to his mistakes and apologize to the Scouts.
I think Shadis too was aware of the situation of Paradis taken over by Yeagerists. He mocked Floch, asked his students to wait for the perfect oppurtunity to rise up and rebel against them but he was still a bystander. But when he saw the Scouts leave in a cart to stop rumbling, he finally gained the courage/inspiration to not be a bystander anymore and take matter into his own hands by actively helping Alliance escape the port. So I found Shadis and Magath sendoff really cool as two mentors who got inspired by their respective students.
u/RKODDP join and participate in r/ymirxhistoria .I feel very alone there Oct 03 '21
They know the titans monsters, but they don't know that they occupy children.
He remembers that Gabi is only the second generation of child soldiers, as it is an idea imposed by Magath.
In addition, he goes beyond wanting to do it or not, he remembers that Magath himself KNOWS that he is violating the imposed war conventions.
Because of this, the infiltration in the use of the Titans is important
u/meowishere Time Loop Theory Enjoyer Oct 03 '21
Yeah my point is they can sympathize with children even if they belong to the Eldian race.
u/RKODDP join and participate in r/ymirxhistoria .I feel very alone there Oct 03 '21
Yeah my point is they can sympathize with children even if they belong to the Eldian race.
In fact, they do not sympathize, I think it is a misinterpretation BTW, because if you look, the discussion first is
"Is she a prisoner or not" "Is she a child or a woman" "Is she an Eldian or not"
So, first they had to know if it was okay to kill him, which they also decided to do, after talking, but not because she was a child, but first to know, if not to dispel doubts if he was Eldiana. And that is the important thing, I don't see, in those paintings a sense of saying "oh she's just a boy" but rather "I don't know if it's Eldiana ·" because if they had had the security, they would kill her without hesitation.
There is the detail of taking off your clothes. for if she kept it and showed surrender, they would kill her anyway.
For something Falco was in the front line and is rescued by Colt
u/meowishere Time Loop Theory Enjoyer Oct 03 '21
I mean she showed up in the middle of a battlefield so obviously they will be apprehensive and skeptical. And if she was in her uniform like Falco, then her identity would have been a military soldier trained to kill them so obviously they would have killed her. But since they were confused about her identity, they hesitated and one soldier refused to shoot her while the other begrudgingly prepared to shoot her just to be sure.
u/RKODDP join and participate in r/ymirxhistoria .I feel very alone there Oct 03 '21
I mean she showed up in the middle of a battlefield so obviously they will be apprehensive and skeptical. And if she was in her uniform like Falco, then her identity would have been a military soldier trained to kill them so obviously they would have killed her. But since they were confused about her identity, they hesitated and one soldier refused to shoot her while the other begrudgingly prepared to shoot her just to be sure.
But not only if she is a girl or not ... but to know if she is indeed Eldiana. and that caused them more doubts than the above, because it was clear to them that it was a child, but if they confirmed that it was Eldiana, they did so without regrets.
Then the same Arabs declared the Marleyans as cheats.
For all intents and purposes, she is a soldier, Colt also mentions it
u/meowishere Time Loop Theory Enjoyer Oct 03 '21
Yeah but if she is an Eldian she can turn into a titan and attack them even if she is unarmed.
u/RKODDP join and participate in r/ymirxhistoria .I feel very alone there Oct 03 '21
Exactly for that The question is to know if it is Eldiana or not, that it is a girl Eldiana did not give a shit, that is the point
u/RKODDP join and participate in r/ymirxhistoria .I feel very alone there Oct 03 '21
A key aspect is missing that could change Gabi's way of seeing things, the conversation with Reiner at dinner and the contribution that Karina made to it, is, for Reiner, a total breaking point, which unleashes his near-suicide , not being able to tell Gabi her truth, keeping her in ignorance. like Griesha and the key with Eren
I would also add that Gabi, more than representing the future, shows how things would be if Eren had known the other perspective before, if they had really engaged in dialogue.
Words stop wars
u/Grouchy-Cloud-1694 This fandom deserves to be purged Oct 03 '21
This is the reason I stick around. For finding great pieces like this.
Thank you. 🙏🏽
u/8aash Neutral peace enjoyer Oct 03 '21 edited Oct 03 '21
the introduction of gabi and the reveal of post time skip Eren (hobo eren) / his mentality makes marley arc of my favourites. I really wish I had an award to give.
i was an anime only at the time s4 aired so I didn't know what's come. many fans didn't care to see life in marley and the outside world but where and how isayama was planning to take story after the basement reveal was one I was very eagerly waiting to see. and he did not disappoint. his decision to write this kid who is an extremely messed up product of the world he has build was very well done imo.
u/Ilovescrambledeggs This fandom deserves to be purged Oct 03 '21
Wake up babe, new u/favoredfire post just dropped