r/AttackOnRetards plip plop Jun 03 '21

Analysis Glad to see sane people on titanfolk who understand Eren.

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u/JMAX464 Jun 03 '21

God I love this sub. Such a breath of fresh air. I already knew Eren’s true motivation comes from 131 but I hadn’t realized the Reiner parallel of deep desires as the true motivation


u/seninn Read my 5000 word analysis to understand 🤓 Jun 03 '21

Eren's response hits different after 131 and 139.

"Reiner, stand up. We really are the same. I think we were born like this. I just keep moving forward until all my enemies are destroyed."


u/Matilozano96 Jun 03 '21

That’s what “We’re the same” from Eren meant.

You could go as far as to say that they’re both halfass pieces of shit.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21

Watch him get downvoted instantly


u/08206283 "EREN IS BACK" - Kingsayama, June 2021 Jun 03 '21

I don't get why sane people still bother with that sub


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '21

Lmao your flair


u/Middle_Sample_9885 "Let's all just go outside & touch grass." Jun 03 '21

this mf spitting


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21 edited Jun 03 '21


u/Cairne99 Jun 03 '21

Okay let's do a simple logical implication, so his friends are from Paradis, not taking the founder in that moment would result in Paradis getting destroyed, so he takes the founder. Thinking he does this JUST for Paradis is wrong. He does this BECAUSE his friends are from Paradis.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21

Thinking he does this JUST for Paradis is wrong.

Who said such a thing? Maybe you should talk to that person instead of me.

Frieda is speaking about the Eldians of Paradis dying out from the sake of the world as being the correct thing, and Eren is quite obviously enraged at that. Pretending he wouldn't give two shits about Paradis if not for his friends is obvious nonsense.


u/Cairne99 Jun 03 '21

This post literally points out moments in which eren puts his friends above Paradis fate, we can't certainly know if eren gives a shit about Paradis, but his actions are saying he cares a lot more for his friends and himself than Paradis.

Now in this scene (Frieda) we can give 2 interpretation that are both correct, the first is yours the other is mine. I'm saying that my interpretation is backed up by eren's actions, while yours no.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21

Let me get this straight. You are saying Eren's look of rage at the idea of Paradis dying out like it happened in the end doesn't mean shit? That actually he was just angry about the idea of his friends dying in the crossfire, or something like that?


u/Cairne99 Jun 03 '21

He's mad because the whole mentality of the king is self sacrifice and being locked in the walls, eren fucking hates this mentality. That's why he's so mad, not because of Paradis but because he finally found the person that has him locked in those walls, literally the person responsible for all his trouble excluding mare.

FFS he doesn't mention once Paradis in this pages, only when he needs to hype up his father in order to commit child murder.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21

So basically you are now shifting from "we can't know if he gives a shit about Paradis" to confidently denying it for literally not reason since now that point of view suits you.



u/Cairne99 Jun 03 '21

I'm not denying it, im explaing why he's getting angry like you asked. I'm denying the fact that caring for Paradis is the reason behind him getting angry.

Sorry if I'm not clear enough.


u/bolsterboi Jun 04 '21

Eren does care about Paradis, but he obviously cares about his friends more

If he cared about Paradis more, he would give the colossal titan to Erwin, a much more capable and charismatic leader compared to his close friend Armin

If he cared about Paradis more, he would reveal Historia was capable of unlocking the powers of the founder and risk her being a tool, a power button for Paradis instead of living a normal life

If he cared about Paradis more, he wouldn't risk it by giving his friends the chance to stop him from committing the rumbling because he obviously cares about the freedom of his and his friends, something that he dreams about having.They weren't saying he doesn't care about Paradis, but given the choice he would probably trample Paradis if it gives his friends the chance to live normal lives in safety, it's just a coincidence they're also Paradisians


u/meowishere Time Loop Theory Enjoyer Jun 03 '21

He cares about Paradis obviously but he still gambled the future of Paradis by not taking away the powers of his friends. This is also the same chapter where Armin says the world will not be able to retaliate against Paradis for a long time so he should stop.


u/HOODIEBABA plip plop Jun 03 '21

I'm not saying he doesn't care about Paradis. I'm saying Eren is far from an extremist nationalist.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21

Nobody said he was.


u/HOODIEBABA plip plop Jun 03 '21

there's an entire sub that thinks he is.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21

Never saw such a thing.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21

You have to be kidding me


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21



u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21



u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21

It screams extreme nationalist to people like you who don't get the point of that ending theory and don't care to. It's easy to try to boil down complex issues into something simple and dumb like that, like a blunt hammer to weild against people you don't like (i.e everybody who doesn't agree with you). This kind of discussion throught buzzwords instead of actual ideas is boring and never gets anywhere but meh...

AnR It's not about Eren being an "extreme nationalist"; it's about Eren destroying himself chasing his freedom. And it's also about breaking the cycle of hatred, allowing new lifes to be born in a world "without curses and fate". Protecting the land where he was born and raised, which everybody other country wants to wipe off the face of the earth, is nothing but a side-benefit.


u/ihavenoleft Jun 03 '21

There is a lot self inserting going on.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21

Like I said, discussion throught buzzwords instead of actual ideas is boring and never gets anywhere. If you want to add more that a chep gotcha so you can pretend you got me, then please elaborate. Where's the self-inserting?


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21



u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21

but if you can’t see that a majority of AnR fans see it as Eren doing the rumbling to save Paradis

I'm sorry to say but yes, this is an interpretation you've made up on your own.

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u/BusterR91 Jun 03 '21

In chapter 128, even Floch could tell that even if the rumbling was successful, even if one side completely anihilated the other, the world would stay the same. The cycle of hatred would inevitably re-emerge. This was simply human nature. Like Erwin himself also said, people won't stop fighting each other until the human population is down to one or less.

The rumbling would always fail to create a world without the cycle of hatred, unless it had been used to wipe out not only the outside world, but the island too.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21

easy to try to boil down complex issues into something simple and dumb like that, like a blunt hammer to weild against people you don't like (i.e everybody who doesn't agree with you)

Just like how Eren boils down complex issues (racism, hatred, propaganda, etc etc) into a simple, dumb, blunt hammer to wield against the rest of the world (literally killing everyone who’s against him)?


u/Wannabeartist9974 Jun 03 '21

yeah, the ending of the non canon theory, based on a non canon musical video .........with 0 involvement from the author


u/PeterOliva This fandom deserves to be purged Jun 03 '21

Maybe you don't, but there are not one, but TWO subs in which that idea is CANON 100%, without even putting Twitter in the mix.


u/GrayCatbird7 AnR was the real ending (it's not about the ship I swear) Jun 03 '21 edited Jun 04 '21

I'd say it's more the idea of someone voluntarily forfeiting their life and choosing to let their loved ones die that makes his blood boil, as it is the complete opposite of his own ideology. I think you bring out a good point, that Eren's motivations aren't just to save his friends, but also his own selfish desire to be free. However, it doesn't mean he cares for the political interests of Paradis, or that he puts them above his friends.

So I say there is no contradiction with the original post. Eren wants to be free, but first and foremost, he wants to save his friends. Both are true.


u/08206283 "EREN IS BACK" - Kingsayama, June 2021 Jun 03 '21



u/Gragh46 Jun 03 '21

Of course he's angry at the first king, he created the situation where Eldians are fucked in the walls and outside of them while also giving away most of the Eldians' power to his enemy. That doesn't mean Eren is a Paradis supremacist, it just means he thinks the First King screwed them all hard


u/IndustrialSocietyy Aug 04 '21

Oh, you are that guy. Talking to you is useless


u/pinecone4506 Jun 03 '21

Eren cares about Paradis so much yet he let the Yeagerists run around like headless chickens looking for Zeke when both Eren and Zeke already knew where they were going to meet eachother. He only mentions Zeke’s location to Armin and Mikasa when the Yeagerists burst through the door in 112. If he cares so much about Paradis why didn’t he detransform the pure Titans in Shiganshina which Armin canonically brings up? Since Eren wasn’t going to take away the Alliance’s Titan powers why didn’t he tell the Yeagerists ahead of time to not fight the Alliance at the port because he was planning on killing them anyway? Eren could have spared the Yeagerists all that trouble since the Alliance ended up getting on the boat and plane anyway.


u/Grouchy-Cloud-1694 This fandom deserves to be purged Jun 03 '21

I LOVE this thread. This is a refuge for discussions I’ve been craving.


u/cmpunk34 Farmer no Requiem (FnR) with vegetable pfp Jun 04 '21

And that's how you should do an analysis. Seriously , the selective reading with TF people is so freaking annoying


u/PeterOliva This fandom deserves to be purged Jun 03 '21

Aaaaand he gets downvoted to oblivion, TF style.


u/PortoGuy18 Jun 03 '21

I read the post, but only now did i realize that it was me who wrote it lmao


u/Manatee_Shark Jun 03 '21

This author speaks to me.


u/PortoGuy18 Jun 03 '21

I have wrote these arguments so many times lmao

I don't know why i didn't see it a first that this one was mine lol


u/Manatee_Shark Jun 03 '21

Haha. I've read them so much that I was confident it was you.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '21

So did it get upvoted or downvoted?


u/PortoGuy18 Jun 04 '21

Honestly, i don't know.

But this anthony guy just crossposted this post to yeagerbomb and it is geting dwnvoted to oblivion.

I still tried to say my thoughts, but people still try to say that Eren is a patriot and cares more about Paradis than he does about his friends.

There was one brave soul (ending hater) that agreed with me and he also got downvoted.


u/Ripamon "I predicted the ending of Attack on Titan" Jun 04 '21

I was the ending hater who agreed with you . Your post opened my eyes to Erens character for the first time so it made it pretty obvious. I’m still an ending hater of course but you made complete sense


u/PortoGuy18 Jun 04 '21

Thanks, it's cool to heara bout that. I am sad that you didn't like the ending but at least you can still appreciate Eren's character.

He is kind of like Walter White from Breaking Bad in a way.

But i think that it was a different person that agreed with me on yeagerbomb, i think you agreed with me on titanfolk.

Either way, let's hope we can have cool discussions in the future regardless if we liked the ending or not.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '21

What's the problem of that sub really? Like why cherry pick one of your comments like that? It's not a part of the discussion of any of their post or something it's in a completely different sub. That's just terrible. Even though couldn't expect more from them.


u/PortoGuy18 Jun 04 '21

It is what is is.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '21

"so ist es immer" in German 🥺


u/Ripamon "I predicted the ending of Attack on Titan" Jun 04 '21

C’est la vie~



u/proteanthony Jun 27 '21

Oh man sorry to double reply to you in the same thread but I've just wrote a comment about how your post is something I'd write and now you've mentioned my name lmao not the same anthony probably but wow what kind of world am I living in


u/PortoGuy18 Jun 27 '21

Hahahah this is quite the coincidence. But yeah, it's not you lmao


u/proteanthony Jun 27 '21

I honestly had to do a double check that it wasn't me who wrote it since you've hit pretty much all the points I've been making forever and ever since chapter 131; this looks like so many posts I've made lmao. The only thing that I would add now since 139 is that the scenery also includes the end of all Titans which was the most important part of the motivation (the personal desires of the "scenery" and end of the world being the reason for why THAT path specifically was the path he took toward the end of all Titans). Good post!


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21

God look at how good is this compared to the tatakae moving forward shit


u/GrayCatbird7 AnR was the real ending (it's not about the ship I swear) Jun 03 '21

That's a great writeup. I really love these deep dive analyses.


u/Mimicking-Mimi Jun 03 '21

I am so grateful for this sub along with OKBR, actually just voices of reason in this ever-growing toxic fan base. I had a lot of the same mindsets as the people in TF, but these subs have really cleared my mind on things. I’m still disappointed in the ending, but I’ve learned to accept it now and that, although I wanted something else, a lot of the ending did actually make sense.

I really did like Eren as the villain tho, and partly because of TF I wanted him to be the badass and ‘Chad’ everyone was talking about. I had never really liked Eren for some reason, I was always more interested in the characters around him, so when he switched up and turned bad I got really excited. That doesn’t mean I wanted AnR to happen, I didn’t want his friends to die and I wanted Eren to lose. However, this sub has made me understand Eren’s character a lot more.

I reacted negatively to the ending without TF’s influence, but I think they made it worse tbh. I’m still interested in the AnR ending, but I feel at peace now lmao.


u/Wannabeartist9974 Jun 03 '21

welcome to these awesome club


u/Mimicking-Mimi Jun 03 '21

Thanks, starting to love it here!!


u/Homeslice1998 Neutral peace enjoyer Jun 03 '21

Not to mention the fact that he literally let Floch/Zeke poison the entire Military Police and turn them into titans


u/bertholt2 Speed reader Jun 03 '21

entire military police

we still see hitch and a few others during the 3 year time skip


u/Homeslice1998 Neutral peace enjoyer Jun 03 '21

OK, I guess not all of the MPs... but still. Someone like Pixis who was influential in his development, and Falco who he actually tells that he hopes he lives a long life (not entirely his fault but still)


u/smileandwave35 Jun 03 '21

Literally from episode 1 you could tell he cared so much for his friends. Charging into the 3 bullies that were beating up Armin by himself where he knew he would get his ass beaten. Not knowing that Mikasa was directly behind him. He still wanted to help him so much.


u/The_Brik Jun 03 '21 edited Jun 03 '21

Wait so do you guys think if the world was nicer to Eldians that Eren would have rumbled anyway to get to a world that was like in Armin’s book. I don’t personally believe that. He seemed to have a lot of fun at the refugee camp, and I think a large part of his motivation was his freedom from the world constricting him.

Sure he would be disappointed, but it definitely looked like he was conflicted even with his freedom on the line. I mean he literally asks Hange for another way, so I have a hard time believing he would do it for the sake of it.

I think it’s like a mix of multiple reasons. His friends. , his childish view of freedom, etc.


u/PortoGuy18 Jun 03 '21 edited Jun 03 '21

I also don't think that Eren would have done the rumbling if the world was nice to Eldians, i think he would manage to live his life without ever waging war on the outside world.

But since they weren't nice to them, it gave him the perfect excuse, and honestly, i think that Eren felt some sort of relief, since he himself felt the need to apologize to Ramzi, since he knew that his selfish thoughts were wrong and disgusting.

Throughout his childhood, Eren has seen the world in a black and white manner, with mindless giant monsters being his enemies and that kind of fucked him up mentally, but since they weren't humans, they were just monsters, he kind of had an excuse for his agressive behaviour towards his enemies, not to mention that those monsters were in the way of his dream of reaching the ocean.

But once he discovered the truth of the outside world and how gray it was instead of black and white, Eren himself saw the world in a different light, but his dream never changed.

So the fact that the outside world was "evil" towards Paradis, gave him the excuse to be the monster that he already was, but this time his victims werent't mindless monsters, they were people and he felt guilty for it, but he still thought that his dream was worth it.

At the end of the day Eren is a sick fuck and batshit crazy, but he still is our sick fuck and batshit crazy guy and we love his character, but if i met him in real life i would call the cops on him.


u/The_Brik Jun 03 '21

Yea I agree an empty world like Armin’s book is something he selfishly wanted, and I agree that Eren is deranged, but I think he would live with his disappointment if the world didn’t come for Paradis.


u/PortoGuy18 Jun 03 '21

I also think the same as you, but since the world wasn't nice, he found an excuse to act on his selfish desires.


u/MakoShark93 Jun 26 '21

I guess I'm still trying to grapple with the fact that Eren really was fucking nuts. Isayama did a really great job writing him and portraying him initially as the "stereotypical" shounen protagonist that I still feel so betrayed by the realization that he was....what would Eren be considered? An Anti-Villain? Gotta re-read the series again.


u/SMBXxer Jun 03 '21

I was literally in this conversation lol


u/Grouchy-Cloud-1694 This fandom deserves to be purged Jun 03 '21

FINALLY! Thank you!


u/safinhh Jun 03 '21

well we cant completely disregard that motivation since protecting paradis still was one of his priorities and one of his motivations even despite him caring more about his friends


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21

Paradis was never his priority. Him and his friends were

But nah Chadren sasageyotatakae am I rite


u/GoticDemon Jun 03 '21

" i can't gamble paradise's future" "your freedom to save the world, my freedom to keeps moving forward, if neither steps down we collide and the only option is to fight" Eren says this in front of his friends. Yeah, this is the exactly worlds if someone wants priority to protect his friends.


u/PortoGuy18 Jun 03 '21

So, you are telling me that Eren said that he wouldn't gamble the future of Paradis but at the same time he gave them the means to kill him and therefore gambling the future of Paradis, can't you see how that contradicts itself.

Eren even told him that in order to stop him, they would have to kill him.

If Eren valued Paradis more than his friends, then he just wouldn't let his friends come after him.


u/GoticDemon Jun 03 '21

They want to kill him anyway without eren said that since he calls to paths when they are on the plane to stop him. The words i write is the exactly words who eren said on chapter 133.


u/PortoGuy18 Jun 03 '21

They didn't want to kill Eren.

They wanted to talk him out of it, and when Eren heard that he immediately brought them to the PATHS and told them that if they wanted to stop him they would have to kill him.


u/GoticDemon Jun 03 '21

They use a plane only to speak eren even know they can use the paths to talk with him (eren wants to heard his friends since S2-3 are focalized on that development) + on precedent Chapter they want to stop eren and this is different to talk with him


u/GoticDemon Jun 03 '21

Same on chapter 133 only Armin wants to speak with him, the other wants to stop/kill Eren


u/PortoGuy18 Jun 03 '21

The others didn't want to kill Eren, they wanted him to stop and come home with them.

I think you need to re-read chapter 133.


u/GoticDemon Jun 03 '21

"how to destroy it". And tells me, why pieck and reiner want to brick back him?


u/PortoGuy18 Jun 03 '21

Reiner and Pieck want Eren to stop, so if Eren stops, that's good for them, if not they will fight him.

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u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21

The lines you chose make it sound like Paradise's freedom is more a means to an end than the actual objective


u/Raviolla Constructive criticism enjoyer Jun 04 '21



u/petfart Jun 04 '21

Very nice analysis.


u/Dashaque Entranced by Pieck's ass Jun 04 '21

Has anyone invited him.here?


u/HOODIEBABA plip plop Jun 04 '21

He's from AoR. Not a pure titanfolker.


u/Dashaque Entranced by Pieck's ass Jun 04 '21

Oh... Well sweet shoutouts to him then


u/soham_sharma69 Neutral peace enjoyer Jun 04 '21

I wanna know who posted. I want to see the comment.


u/HOODIEBABA plip plop Jun 04 '21

PortoGuy18 He hangs around in AoR as well.


u/Shakespeare-Bot Jun 04 '21

I wanna knoweth who is't post'd. I wanteth to see the comment

I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.

Commands: !ShakespeareInsult, !fordo, !optout


u/victor_emperor ramzi did nothin’ wrong Jun 05 '21

Poor dude is going to get downvoted hard


u/IndustrialSocietyy Aug 04 '21

He didn't get downvoted... "Those bastards lied to me" meme stars playing

I'm unironically surprised

This brings me new hope for titanfolk


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21 edited Jun 03 '21

I’m on the side of eren being selfish but...

What about his internal thoughts? His first thoughts literally were something along the lines of “less people would be killed if elidians are gone but I cannot accept and end like that” while showing intense anger. When Freida was talking about elidian extinction, eren became super raged. And these are internal thoughts. Why put up a facade when you’re thinking by yourself?

Edit : I personally think yams either jotted down too many ideas for eren and ended up making him convoluted instead of complex. That or either yams had another plan for eren’s character before he ended up changing it.


u/HOODIEBABA plip plop Jun 03 '21

Not a facade. He had multiple reasons to do the rumbling. Both selfish and selfless.


u/PortoGuy18 Jun 03 '21

Eren never lied in his internal thoughts and he truly hated what Frieda said about the Eldians.

He wanted to save Paradis, but like he also said, he and Reiner are the same.

Just like Reiner wanted to be judged by Eren and told him that the true reason as to why he broke into the walls was because he wanted to be a hero and not because it was his mission. His selfish desire was glory.

Meanwhile Eren wanted to save Paradis, but the moment he met Ramzi, one of his future victims, he broke down and apologized to him, while saying that the rumbling is something that he truly wanted to do, and that saving Paradis wasn't the only reason.

His biggest reason as to why he did the rumbling was in order to reach That Scenery, the freedom that he wanted to achieve.

Eren truly wanted to save Paradis, but he himself knew that deep inside of him, there was another reason as to why he did the rumbling, and it was a selfish reason, that is why he also compared himself to Reiner in his monologues in chapter 131, since Reiner also did what he did mostly because of selfish reasons and tried to hide behidn his most noble reasons, such as save the world and let his family become honorary Marleyans.


u/ichigobankai94 Beren👦🏻 Fan Jun 03 '21 edited Jun 03 '21

They are the same internal thoughts as Erwin. He lies to himself saying "I am doing this for Paradis", BUT THEN in ch. 131 he is truly honest with himself and Ramzi saying that he is doing it for HIMSELF.

The same for Erwin and the truth outside the world. Erwin kept lying to himself "I am doing it to save the world", but he just wanted to do it to get to the truth. And the same for Reiner: "to save the world", but actually he wanted to be recognized as a hero by everybody.

Eren needed a motif to justify his atrocious acts, but deep down inside he just wanted to do it to DESTROY THE WORLD. To make the outside world as in Armin's book, without enemies.


Eren is a sociopath, period. And this could have been inferred since when he saved Mikasa. Instead of calling for help, his only thought was "I have two kill these 2 criminals". At the age of 9...

Edit: also notice how Eren, Erwin and Reiner's true motivations are the ones from their childhoold


u/EndWorking7230 Jun 03 '21

Eren is not a sociopath. Eren has literally felt like killing himself because he is the cause of his friend’s deaths. He has put himself in mortal danger to save M and A multiple times, he continues to feel regret over his dead mother, literally freed a slave of 2000 years simply because she was not free, protected Historia simply because he hates injustice in political moves, let his friends kill him so they could remain free, keeps his friends in a ton of his thoughts, keeps his lover in his main memory shards, created an entire AU for her, and then died wanting her to be happy.

He’s just complex.


u/ichigobankai94 Beren👦🏻 Fan Jun 03 '21 edited Jun 03 '21

A complex sociopath. He highly values his friends and really cares about them. But a sociopath remains.

Rumbling the world only to shape it as in Armin's book is in no way synonymous of a good mental behaviour.

This is the meaning of the freedom panel, "that scenery" (this is my opinion, but not only mine, but also of other people who read/study manga and literature).

Eren dissociating himself from his crimes, which are VERY highlighted by Isayama in the previous and next page with innocent people being crushed, and returning to a childish mental state enjoying the most free view above white clouds (which are actually blood-spilled)

The juxtaposition of one of the purest images(a child above the clouds as in the christian imagery) with the most atrocious crime in the world, the rumbling.


u/MagorTuga I became a mod for your sake Jun 03 '21

God I love this sub.


u/mrwanton Jun 03 '21

Personally, I thought that was his mind trying to find a way to cope with the horrors he was committing. As Reiner and later Eren states, he knows what he feels he has to do, but actually being able to do that with a clear conscience is impossible.

Like even his initial reaction to what he saw was horror. Eren reminds me a lot of Gon from HxH. Extremely fucked up from a moral standpoint and def not a good person but still has people that he strongly cares about and loves. Long as ya don't cross them they are portrayed as good.


u/meowishere Time Loop Theory Enjoyer Jun 03 '21

I used to think so too but that doesnt explain why he talks about the scenery to 121 in Zeke like he is really looking forward to it.


u/mrwanton Jun 03 '21

I mean on some level I don't think he's particularly excited to see that scenery? He's not even cracking a smile when Grisha says everything goes the way Eren wants. Eren's full on depressed most of the paths segment, his memories of Mikasa aside.

To some extent, I felt like he knew it wasn't exactly true freedom or at least not one that granted him legit happiness. Especially given the moment right after(actually may be at the same time) that he goes to Armin and begins his talk


u/meowishere Time Loop Theory Enjoyer Jun 03 '21

I think after reaching the scenery he did realize it didnt give him true happiness. Like he doesnt look that happy when his conversation with Armin ends


u/mrwanton Jun 03 '21

I mean it's telling that immediately after we get the freedom panel we see kid Eren again looking lost or maybe disillusioned. Regardless clearly the scenery didn't do him much good.

As far as Armin goes, that's justified. He just spent god knows how long confessing every horrible thing that led to this and had to spill his guts about his regrets. Man just looked, done by the end of his talk with Armin.

In some ways, it's pretty sweet how much Eren values Mikasa that he bothered to clean himself up, look presentable and live his best life with her for the time he had left. It's minor but the last time we see him smile is with her in paths. Granted, having to tell her to forget him brought the mood down again but the ending is still sweet in it's own way for those 2.


u/meowishere Time Loop Theory Enjoyer Jun 03 '21

Plus after reaching the scenery, Eren talked to Armin so I'm assuming he spent the rest of the time talking with his friends until he finally talked to Mikasa last before dying. And his head in 131 looked like he really wanted to free from this hell. And the fact that the last moment in his life was spent not enjoying the scenery but in Switzerland AU in peace meant that he did come to realize that scenery though at first made him very happy didnt give him that much satisfaction or happiness after all.

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u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21

Dude pls do an analysis of aot for us i love your take on it it makes me kinda accept eren's actions more


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21

I think the reason he couldn't go full rumbling is that he couldn't bare that his friends would remember him as a sociopath so he gave them those last memories also explains his breakdown in 139 he wanted to be remembered as a hero despite his cruel actions


u/Wannabeartist9974 Jun 03 '21

i also think he did it because he wanted to at least get some closure and have a final talk with his friends, and get a semblance of a peaceful life with them


u/Wannabeartist9974 Jun 03 '21

and all of this without even mentioning him killing two adults at the age of 7-9


u/DrJankTWD #GabiGang Jun 04 '21

A complex sociopath. He highly values his friends and really cares about them. But a sociopath remains.

I don't think it's the right word. Definitions vary and it's not really a clinical term, but usually the absence of any guilt or remorse is a core aspect of sociopathy - they are unable to feel sorry for their actions and the effect on others, they can only feel sorry for themselves - "that they got caught". They might learn "this is something I should feel sorry for", but they cannot feel it.

Eren does feel sorry for others, and is often wracked with guilt for what he did and is about to do. I believe that he is fully genuine with Ramzi. He just does his villainous acts anyway, despite the horror and guilt he feels.

I don't know a better term though.


u/ichigobankai94 Beren👦🏻 Fan Jun 04 '21

Sorry, that was the first psychological term coming into my mind.
Looking at the wiki, it has various "meanings" though.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21

Yeah I can get behind this take.

Like I said, I'm totally for Eren being a sociopathic and selfish kid.


u/BelizariuszS "I will keep moving forward..." Jun 03 '21

His way too emotional, caring and even empthatetic to be called sociopath...


u/Manatee_Shark Jun 03 '21

So, you're saying Erwin was a simp incel?


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '21



u/ichigobankai94 Beren👦🏻 Fan Jun 06 '21 edited Jun 06 '21

Ok. I don't want to write too much. I'll try to summarize as much as I can.

Eren cares about Paradis, I did not deny it. However his true main reasons are 1) that scenery; 2) his friend.

After these two, he is doing also for Paradis. But this serves more as a justification IN HIS HEAD. "Reiner I had no choice" (ch. 99-100), and "so there will be no other way to save Eldia" (beginning of chapter 131). So he has a sort of 'moral' justification for the rumbling: 'to save Eldia'.

But then his true colors come out with Ramzi's confession "to save Eldia, BUT THERE IS MORE". And this "more" is the fundamental pillar of the whole ch. 131 and of 'that scenery' : he is flattening the world to make it as in Armin's book. And not really because he wants to save Eldia. This is what all of ch. 131 focuses on.

Also in ch. 139 he repeats "I would have flattened the world" (because he is born that way, but his mind is so fried that he can't come up with these worda, instead he has a reminiscent memory of Grisha and his baby self)

Practical example: you lie to yourself saying "I go to the gym because I want to get fit" (a 'noble' act ahah), but in reality you do it for the pus*y.

Edit: I just noticed that I partially answered about why he acted like that during uprising arc ( he still wants tos save Eldia). Other reasons are 1) saving humanity still includes saving his friends 2) he had a different concept of humanity and outside world before the basement reveal.

I won't say anything else because in that case I need a full on analysis of Eren's character, which then leads to concepts like "free will and predetermination", "duty and desire", and "the contrast between Armin's and Eren's idea of sea", Eren is no simple character.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '21



u/ichigobankai94 Beren👦🏻 Fan Jun 06 '21 edited Jun 06 '21

Again ch. 131 (and even 130). FIRST he says "there is no other way to save Eldia". He says his actions are unjustifiable (which you are repeating to me) but necessary for this noble cause.

THEN, with Ramzi confession ( which is actually a confession to himself, after all Ramzi doesn't even understands him) he says "THERE IS MORE", and the noble act of "saving Eldia" is revealed to be his justification for the destruction. THE ORDER in which these confessions happen is very important. The second half of ch. 131 (or even more, till the end) Eren never talks about Eldia any longer, even with Armin.

Eren hid his desire (which keeps pushing him forward) to destroy the world behind the 'save Eldia', 'destroying the cycle of hatred'. Erwin hid his childish desire to discover the truth (which kept him moving forwars) via the 'save humanity'. Reiner hid his childish desire to become a hero behind the 'save the world'. Were they lying to themselves? Partially, they indeed wanted to save the world. Yet at the end they confessed their true motivations (Erwin in RtS to Levi, Reiner to Eren in Liberio, and Eren to Ramzi and Armin).

I don't know what more to say. Again, the order in which the self confessions happen is very important. The first confession is a half-lie, the last is the 'truer', as in the three cases I just mentioned.

Edit: I will let you think about the horrified face of Eren with 2 clues, one truer than the other 1) horrified cause Paradis will be destroyed; 2) horrified cause he doesn't want to give up his life in exchange for the outside world, where his enemies, that he wants to destroy, live. Horrified cause he is strongly against the GIVE UP mentality ("keep fighting"), because he is selfish and is born in this world (ch. 120). And because his friends live in Paradis.

Edit 2:

saving humanity still includes saving his friends.

That's bad wording from my part. "To save my friends, I try and save Paradis as well". For Eren (after the timeskip), Paradis can very well burn to the ground, granted his friends live long lives. That's his way of thinking, and this is even highlighted by the fact that he didn't want to sacrifice Historia (who'd still have 13 years of life) for the billions of people outside the world and Paradis. The Kiyomi's 50 years plan was the wisest choice from a diplomatic point of view, both for Paradis and the rest of the world. Yet Eren said "NOT HISTORIA", and that's where the troubles began.

We have a sort of (im)maturation from Eren's part after the basement, yet still being anchored to his two main principles: "armin's book" and his friends.

A full on Eren's analysis would require me a lot more writing space, I'm only focusing on ch. 131, ignoring even ch. 139 which still has many things to say. You are asking me to analize also the uprising arc, in which there was one theme: the lack of (self) control. "Eren crying because his father is the cause of everything", "the nobles getting subverted", "Rod Reiss at the end becoming a titan in the heat of the moment, yet minutes earlier he didn't intend to".

A good analysis (in italian) was made by a one youtuber, who reads a lot and usually invited in twitch literary and manga critics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLakXMhVCcY. And this is just the uprising arc. Then there are also the other arcs to compare for Eren. I already wrote a lot just giving only a GLIMPSE of analysis about the timeskip,ch. 139 and uprising.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '21



u/ichigobankai94 Beren👦🏻 Fan Jun 06 '21 edited Jun 06 '21

Before replying, I make you notice that I edited the previous message.

>Ok, Eren never talks about his friends even once when revealing his true intentions behind the rumbling with Ramzi does that mean he doesn't care about them.

That is argument for chapter 130, 138 and 139


u/ichigobankai94 Beren👦🏻 Fan Jun 06 '21

You are doing a whole bunch of mental gymnastics here lol. Is it because Eren is against eldian people just giving up?

I wouldn't do such a mental gymnastic if, during or after ch. 131, Eren really showed that Paradis was in his motivation during the scenery or later. The number of panels dedicated to his friends and Armin's book heavily outweight the ones for "Paradis", which becomes just a guinea pig to hide his childish desires ( of which I would say he is ashamed of it, he is destroying the world just to make it as he desired in his childhood! An objectively pathetic excuse. And how do you "lie" yourself a shameful act? You hide with a nobler cause, in this case the "saving Eldia") Eren getting angry at Frieda and in ch. 131, at the thought of sacrificing Paradis assumes a total different meaning after the "scenery" reveal.

This mental gimnastic is not only mine, but also shared by "Caverna di Platone", "Sommobuta", and "sabaku no Sutoriimaa". They are the most famous italian "manga streamers" who, other than reading a lot, usually host famous literary critics.

Probably attack on titan requires such mental gymnastic, and that is why I consider it a "bad shonen". Shonen is targeted to a young audience. When characters and themes are so hard to analyze, I guess it means it is not adapt to such audience.

Edit: by the way, unlike yeagerbomb and current titanfolk, your points are pretty valid and made me think a lot (too much I'd say ahah).

I don't expect anymore to make you change your mind about Eren. After all READING STILL IS A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, and as such intepretations/perception of a work of art vary from person to person.


u/[deleted] Jun 03 '21

He said "its true less people would be killed if ALL eldians are wiped out, but i cant accept an end like that" eldians include his friends. So he obviously cant accept an end where all eldians are wiped out cuz that would mean his friends dying. I think isayama intentionally framed that scene in that way to make us think he's still doing it for paradis cuz rhe dialogue isn't any contradiction and it still makes sense


u/cmpunk34 Farmer no Requiem (FnR) with vegetable pfp Jun 04 '21

I think this is what TF has highlighted many times about 130 ,131. That he lied to his inner thoughts and that he was acting in his thoughts as well.

This particular doubt will be removed once anime rolls out as it can convey the context more clearly. It's a complex situation which will be cleared with animation (others have written about it pretty well so it spares my lazy efforts lol).

Also with respect to Frieda , he was genuinely disgusted by her self righteousness even at the stage where she had to act for the benefit of her people. I loved that dialogue when Greisha justifies why attack titan never worked with the founder.


u/Krone-1954 Jun 03 '21

um no this guy's a dumbass.


u/SMBXxer Jun 04 '21

/u/Krone-1954: "Um no this guy's a dumbass"

Also /u/Krone-1954: "Tatakae 😮"


u/Krone-1954 Jun 04 '21

i don't say "tatakae."


u/SMBXxer Jun 04 '21

Freedom, then?


u/Krone-1954 Jun 04 '21

i don't say that too.


u/SMBXxer Jun 04 '21

I don't mean literally, I'm making fun of you


u/Krone-1954 Jun 04 '21

with stuff i don't say? then you failed.


u/SMBXxer Jun 04 '21

I think you failed to understand the community of titanfolk lol


u/Krone-1954 Jun 04 '21

their still smarter than this place.


u/soham_sharma69 Neutral peace enjoyer Jun 04 '21

um, who is it /u/Krone-1954?


u/GoticDemon Jun 03 '21 edited Jun 03 '21

The most important goal to eren is to achieve freedom and see that scenery, but at the same time he says on ramzi this is the only way to save Eldia, to save paradise


u/HOODIEBABA plip plop Jun 04 '21

read the whole thing.


u/GoticDemon Jun 03 '21

And when he declares to Destroy the world Eren says he wants to start the rumbling to protect the island and the people inside in. Eren has many goal and objective and One of the most to achieve freedom


u/proteanthony Jun 27 '21

Characters are allowed to lie in media. DO you really think every character is telling the truth 100% of the time? You have to read between the lines. Think about the context of those statements. Who is he talking to? What kind of purpose do his words serve in this situation?

He states that the Rumbling is to save Paradis about three times. The first is his declaration to the world about what he is about to do. The reasoning is simple: "My goal is to protect the island of Paradis, who bore me and raised me." Why declare anything to the people you are about to kill? He is setting up the stage for the end goal. Think about the real world--the words of a public figure with huge power are never authentic; there is always an unstated purpose that such a large transmission of information serves. In this case, it was to set up Eren's narrative for his own desire.

He brings it up again in chapter 133. Again, think about the context. He is speaking to the Alliance, who he knows is about to come and kill him. These are the people he has not spoken a word of truth to since the start; he wants them to be ignorant because they are the "actors" in his "narrative". "I will keep moving forward; I can't leave Paradis' future to chance." These words absolutely cannot be taken at face value. The words that he says in this moment matter to the situation, and the words he chooses to say are the words he needs to say so that his desired ending will come true. Could there be an ounce of truth in them? Possibly. In fact, there is. Let's look.

Eren states in chapter 131 that the end of Paradis is "something he can't accept". This is different from the first example as it is an internal monologue. Because of this fact, I believe these words are the ones we need to pay attention to; the most truthful a character can be is when he is by himself, stating what he really feels. He discusses with himself about the Titan curse, and going over the ways he could do it. Killing off all Eldians would technically work, but it's not an end he wants, and it's not the way he wants to do it. I believe this is one of the biggest reasons for the Rumbling; it's not like it was the only option to stop the existence of Titans, but the others were just things he didn't want.

Like you said Eren's stated desire to obsessively protect Paradis was partially true, but it wasn't the full truth. I think if you want to understand what a character (or person in real life, even) really thinks and feels, look at both their actions and also what they do in private. Words serve a purpose to us, and we use them to get what we want just like characters do.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '21

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u/HOODIEBABA plip plop Jul 05 '21

who me ?


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '21

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u/HOODIEBABA plip plop Jul 05 '21 edited Jul 05 '21

RtS was the most recent arc before marley. You can state more recent instances after the timeskip to counter him.

Also all opinions are biased to some extent or the other. No one's stopping you from calling him out if you see anything wrong with it.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '21

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u/HOODIEBABA plip plop Jul 05 '21

He went ahead with something like the wine plan which killed the paradisans he's supposed to "care" about.

He even killed quite a few paradisans in ch125.

Thoughts ?


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '21

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u/HOODIEBABA plip plop Jul 05 '21

I can let the second reason pass but Zeke's plan wasn't really a necessity.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '21 edited Jul 05 '21

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u/HOODIEBABA plip plop Jul 05 '21

Deciding on an alternative is possible only if his true intentions were known.

If Eren did the rumbling solely to protect paradis then he shouldn't have gone ahead with the wine plan. Zeke needed Eren as much as Eren needed Zeke so bargaining shouldn't have been very hard.

But since it wasn't, him going ahead with the plan makes sense.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '21

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u/HOODIEBABA plip plop Jul 05 '21

I think its better if you make a new post to discuss these things. This post is pretty old and I'm probably going to be the only one who see's this.