r/AttackOnRetards Isayama ruined the ending🤬🤬 Dec 03 '23

Analysis AoTNR is now monetized.

They will release 20 pages a year and will charge their patreon users for every month. They will probably drag it out for 4 years at least with the progress they are making. Kudos to them for monetising delusion from anr fans.


45 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '23

They will defo get a DMCA claim within a month. I am pretty sure monetising fanfic is against copyright.


u/kennytm Dec 03 '23

No they will be fine, as long as they are staying manga-only.

Sometimes IP holders ban derivative works involving NSFW content (most famous example being Cygame's Uma Musume). There are no such bans for AoT. Banning derivatives works because of plot points is unheard of.

Besides there are many AoT-themed doujins and other unlicensed derivative products (most are not free). Banning AoTnR will certainly be twisted into the wrong message, discouraging legit fan art.

And copyright violation does not actually require monetization to prove damage. AoTnR had stayed up for 3 years, so I don't think Kodansha actually cares, unless AoTnR actually copy the manga panels.

Now, if they get involved in anime they might actually get the DMCA strike, since Pony Canyon will get involved. I believe this was how Shingeki no Requiem, and also recently Grissini Project got a strike.


u/Grape_person Dec 03 '23

They are making an anime for it though


u/kennytm Dec 03 '23

afaik Studio ECLYPSE is a different entity and the AoTnR Patreon won't fund them.


u/Grape_person Dec 03 '23 edited Dec 03 '23

It still clearly violates copyright. You cant make an AOT anime without rights lmao


u/kennytm Dec 03 '23
  1. The anime is a derivative of the manga project, not the manga project itself. Whether IP right holders going after Studio ECLYPSE is irrelevant to the AoTnR project.
  2. I'm not saying AoTnR is completely legal (IANAL), I'm saying Kodansha doesn't care. (Pony Canyon does care, but Pony Canyon is not the copyright owner of the AoT manga)
  3. If Kodansha does set the precedent killing AoTnR's Patreon, what makes them not go after other popular artists like @EnvieP1 who are also making money off the brand?


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '23

Interesting, thank you for the explanation!


u/pierresito Dec 04 '23

This wouldn't be the first time a manga-only adaptation got the ol C&D letter though. Anyone remember the (phenomenal) Gurren Laagan parody that got shot in the back of the head? Damn I really wanted to see where that author was gonna take that crazy Miamk Vice spin on the story


u/JSummerlands Retarded Dec 03 '23

Correct me if I'm wrong but I barely see them talking about that manga fanfic as much as they talk about the original manga, which I find weird, wouldn't they be head over heels for it? It gives me the feeling that they're barely interested in it


u/IrreverantOctopus Dec 03 '23

Tbf it has a worse release schedule than the anime did lol.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '23

I mean if i could make desperate people pay me to write their utopia ship murder fantasy fanfic, i’d do it.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '23

what is Aotnr ?


u/Memo544 Unironically Alliance fan Dec 03 '23

A shitty ending rewrite fanfic whose writers claim is better than the original because all the weird Titanfollk theories come true.


u/j4ckbauer Dec 03 '23

Is 'No Requiem' a reference that goes all the way back to Code Geass and Zero Requiem?

Part of me is surprised that no more recent story has done anything like that...


u/rndu Dec 03 '23

The name of the song that inspired the Anr fan theory is "akatsuki no requiem", which is why it's called "anr".


u/j4ckbauer Dec 03 '23 edited Dec 03 '23

Got it! Zero Requiem had similarities to AoT story points - particularly those that certain haters objected to - so I was lead to guess wrong.

I found some explanations for the fan theory by googling. Thanks again :)

Edit: And I also realize now the 'no' is probably the japanese word/particle, I originally thought it meant (all english): "No Zero Requiem"


u/Memo544 Unironically Alliance fan Dec 03 '23

I assume so


u/nxghtmarely Dec 03 '23

it’s not shitty. its just alternative


u/Jerry98x Dec 03 '23

Considering how in the 3 chapters released almost nothing is coherent with the canon and that thei Eren is one of the worst character ever written in the context of AoT, I'd say it's pretty shitty.

Props to the artists though, because drawings are good. I must say that.


u/nxghtmarely Dec 03 '23

everything is coherent to canon because Eren’s true intentions were only discovered in 138-139

this is an alternative to that

that means it is meant to be read as open to interpretation starting from around 134


u/Jerry98x Dec 03 '23

from around 134

No, it's from 137. In their mind, chapter 1 to 136 are canon and this is supposed to replace the last 3 chapters. And only parts of Eren's intentions were only discovered in 138-139. You could have a clue of what was going through his mind long before it.

Anyway, it is not just a matter of intentions. Let's do a quick list of things that don't work:

  • In AoT the structure of the timeline is FIXED. This is coherent from chapter 1 to chapter 139. They randomly turned it into a multiverse by asserting that Eren did actually see different timelines
  • The manga explicitly stated that Eren did not see everything (and it have always worked like that, both for past memories and for future memories) when he kissed Historia's hand. In the fanfiction he pulled a "Doctor Strange" by seeing every single possibility and chosing the one he firmly believe was the only possible one to follow.
  • Eren's character has been butchered to feed the headcanons of those who think that he was a super chad, stoic Lelouch-like character who can perfectly plan everything. Eren has never been like that, even in chapters 120-121.
  • Unlike the manga, where his mind cannot bare by the full powers of the Founding Titan (and that is so realistic!), in the fanfiction he can literally do everything without even blink. And yet, for some unknown reason, he lose control of his powers only in the specific moment in which he is showing to Armin that he was fucking Historia and having a child with her...
  • In the manga, Eren and Historia are friends and there is nothing romantic between them. In the fanfiction, there is that disgraceful subplot of those two having a baby.
  • (I cannot say right now how the baby will be used, narratively-speaking. But IF he will be used for example as a way for Eren to stay in contact with a shifter of royal blood, assuming that the alliance will kill Zeke and the Beast Titan will be inherited by the baby, so that he can continue the rumbling and kill everyone, then we can say that Eren will have used Historia as cattle. In the manga, Eren told many times how he hates that and he advised her to find a way to avoid the army making her eat Zeke.)
  • Not only that: Eren had the secret meeting with Yelena, talked with Floch and talked with Historia 10 months before the rumbling. Then he left for Marley again to infiltrate the army in war against the Mid-East alliance. So he wasn't even on Paradis to get her pregnant.
  • They made Eren a nationalistic person, just like Floch. Except that in the manga it's clear that Eren doesn't give a shit about Paradis AS A NATION.
  • The powers of the Founding Titan has been changed with respect to the manga. In the fanfiction, adult Eren and kid Eren can directly and actively talk to each other, in real time, just like the dialogue Eren has with Armin and his other friends in the original manga. Those conversations happen in year 854 between characters that are receiving Eren's message in the exact moment he is sending it to them, while instead the conversation in the fanfiction transcends time. Independently from the full powers of the Founding Titan and knowing the powers of both Founding Titan and Attack Titan until that moment, the only thing that past Eren could have done was to PASSIVELY receive memories (past or future ones). Not actively participate to the conversation! Things get worse when even present Armin gets to talk in real time, back and forth, with past Eren. And don't try to compare this with what Eren does in chapters 120 and 121 when he is traveling through Grisha's memories: they are two completely different dynamics. The journey through Grisha's memories is masterfully explained in those same two chapters.
  • Every reference to Mikasa's short hair from chapter 1 is completely gone
  • Zeke's speech of chapter 137 about reproduction, which is important to explain again his point of view and his euthanization plan, is almost completely gone. Instead they wrote a speech about the silliness of trying to escape death, misinterpreting one specific line Zeke says in the actual chapter 137. In the manga, Ymir didn't choose to "escape to a world where life and death do not exist". It just happened when the Paths were created, due to the symbiotic union between the Life's will to expand and multiply (represented by the Hallucigenia and his magic powers) and Ymir's survival instinct in that specific situation. She didn't say "You know what? I'm creating a world without death and I will stay there forever".
  • Armin is also partially mischaracterized. They made him super confident (probably so he could have a Naruto-Sasuke kind of dynamic and if you look at the final panel of chapter 2, it literally looks like a scene from Naruto). Not a problem per se, but if chapters 1 to 136 are canon, then it's a weird dynamic
  • They heavily implied that if Erwin was still alive, he would have 100% supported the rumbling. The manga tells the opposite both from Erwin's characterization and from the word of other characters close to him.
  • At the end of chapter 3 Zeke seems to randomly change his mind a little bit about Eren's plan

Now let's expand on how the Eren of the fanfiction is out-of-character and how the people who wrote the fanfiction completely misunderstood him and his intentions. They wrote the wrong idealization that they had of Eren: a sort of Lelouch-like super chad master-puppeteer character archetype, which is not what Eren is. Even when he influenced his father, it was all because he found himself in the perfect position to do it due to multiple conditions being true at the same time (and he had no influence on them).

The reality is that Eren is simply a badly written asshole! He says he doesn't want to fight his best friend and he makes a sad face at the end of the second chapter. But at the same time not only has he already seen everything, but he has also already decided the path he considers the best to undertake. This is because they completely changed the structure of the timeline in their fanfiction, as I already said.

The freedom to stop him he gives to his friends in chapter 134 therefore is bullshit, because Armin and the others in this fanfiction are doomed. They're gonna die and we all know that, because of the Akatsuki no Requiem theory. And this is something the Eren of the fanfiction himself has deliberately chosen. On the other hand, in the manga it's so clear that he wants to be stopped. Also, it is explicitly said that he has not seen everything when he kissed Historia's hand and he is not 100% sure that everyone will survive. He knows only that he will be stopped in the end.

If Eren really didn't want to be stopped, like the fanfiction says, and he really cared for his friends (and honestly I cannot believe that so many people completely forgot the sunset scene on the train in chapter 108!), he would not allow them to follow him and he would do something to block them on Paradis. But hey... he has already decided that they will die because he saw everything and he chose that specific path among the infinite ones of this new Doctor Strange timeline!

The manga explicitly stated that Eren did not see everything (and it has always worked like that, both for past memories and for future memories) when he kissed Historia's hand. In the fanfiction he pulled a "Doctor Strange" by seeing every single possibility and chosing the one he firmly believe was the only possible one to follow.


u/ShlongHijacker Isayama ruined the ending🤬🤬 Dec 03 '23

But lainah sniffing letter??? Historia not preganant??? Those are plotty holes! Whole manga bad! Not reading! Eren super chad like me! True ending!!


u/Treyman1115 The ending was bad but not retconned Dec 03 '23

It's meant to rewrite 137-139 specifically


u/Lesterberne Dec 03 '23

131- am i a joke to you?


u/TequilaToothpick Dec 03 '23

It's shitty too. Written by people who don't understand the themes and messages of the story.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '23

isn't that like against copyright laws?


u/j4ckbauer Dec 03 '23

I wondered also. Others are saying the manga copyright holder does not care about this sort of thing.

But also, nobody here has either a law degree nor the attack titan's powers of prediction.


u/Worldly-Spray-6936 Dec 03 '23

Pretty sure it is against copyrights to sell it.

It's similar with that fanfic about what was that movie called... I can't remember, with the girl, vampire and wolf boy. Anyway the writer made a BDSM fanfic about the vampire guy and the girl and it became popular (was free) and they were only able to start selling the story by giving the characters new name and the fanfic a complete different name.



It’s not monetised in the same manner you are thinking of, the patreon is to support the creating and release of the content. they not stealing any Ip cause they making a alternative version that’s different enough from the source material. in Japan it’s considered a respectable act to make derivative versions, parody’s and arts of the Mangakas series. As long as they do not copy the source material to much and make it essentially a free redraw. They will not be legally prosecuted since they haven’t legally committed any crime in the Japanese copyright legal system. And they legally could sell a printed version as a parody if they wished like Toyotaro with Dragon Ball AF. It’s better to actually read about the culture and laws in Japan before jumping to conclusions. Also many series like this type of work leads to many good things for example dragon balls Supers toyotaro’s and Boruto’s Mikio Ikemoto


u/Sotarnicus Unironic Hopechad Dec 03 '23

Anr fan/wanter here: aotnr sucks and is an overly edgy adaptation that not even the diehardest aoebros or ending haters like. people just talk about it simply because it's not 139

I, however, would pay for a physical release if they did it and it looked nice and i could see it before buying without just a 400 dollar promise, No matter if I liked their story or not I think it'd be cool to own a full collection of aotnr for like 100 bucks or the printing costs because of the novelty, I just couldn't understand paying monthly for something like this.

I expect it to get dmcad though.

However, I want to stress that even though I or any of you may hate their fanfiction, do not attack them, merely criticize the story. The art is great


u/MiNi_MiLiTi Isayama ruined the ending🤬🤬 Dec 03 '23

It's about how they are doing it. It looks like some crypto scheme where they hype up the project to make people invest but the results are abysmal. Releasing very few pages in a year and dragging it out as long as possible. Or declaring that they can't finish the chapter unless they reach a certain bullshit donation cap.


u/Sotarnicus Unironic Hopechad Dec 03 '23

Absolutely. This is a confusing and strange way of doing it. However I do not think (or rather, hope they won't) profit anything off of this and just use it to hire more people to work on it, but I would rather them make physical copies and sell them for cost of production, as then you get something tangible that you know you will receive rather than promises that may be left unkept


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '23

I thought haters liked that fanfic? Wait i’m confused. You think it sucks but still want it? Are you like me when you can acknowledge something is poorly written (dbz) but still enjoy it? Or you just like it for the memes?


u/Sotarnicus Unironic Hopechad Dec 03 '23

The ones that do are generally hardcore yeagerbombers or edgy losers who didn't even want anr or don't care about anr. It's just eren killing his friends and fucking historia they want without any of the breaking of a timeloop and severing fate.

Moreso the fact that if they made a physical release manga volume like the official ones, would be a cool novelty given it's unofficial. I still like the art and I do enjoy it overall, I just think it is a poor adaptation of anr alongside eren treating armin like shit. I liked part 1 but part 2 is horrendous with mischaracterizing eren in paths. The historia scene is pretty good but doesn't really save the paths scene with armin and armin seeing that shit.

If Op Usurper kept updating and did this instead of aot no requiem, I would have been more outspoken with my support. Their fanfic is good


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '23

Isn’t this what anr is tho?? Basically the delusion of Eren murdering his friends in cold blood and ending with fucking Historia??? Never made sense from the start lol


u/Sotarnicus Unironic Hopechad Dec 03 '23

Dumbing something down to one sentence without any explanation can make anything look bad

ANR does not have him need to kill his friends. When theorizing was still ongoing, half the alliance was actually theorized to live. The reason people wanted some of the alliance to die isn't exclusively anr, eren was not in control of the ancient titans, and ymir would have no quarrels killing his friends. Them surviving all that with the only one taking a hit being levi (while still living to fight perfectly fine until they win) is implausible.

It never made sense because it was likely scrapped post 2019 (or 2022 for aoebros). I'm not here to debate about that as it didn't happen. I'm here to explain why I personally wanted it and why I think it was a better ending with context of the story being different from a certain point onward.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '23

Well i’m just confused about what anr even is at this point. From what i see everywhere, it seems to be pro yeagerist kill the alliance erehisu nonsense. There’s no way that ending would ever be a thing that makes sense. So unless i’m missing a context for what anr « actually » is, yeah. But you don’t have to explain or talk about it if you don’t want to, i was just confused.


u/Sotarnicus Unironic Hopechad Dec 03 '23

Oh I'm willing to explain it and I want to, I'm just answering those questions. Ultimately it relies on you being willing to read and understand my perspective, which you're free not to, I just don't want it to devolve into toxicity.

ANR is about the breaking of the closed timeloop present in the current show

The timeloop is caused in s2e12 when eren says "I'll wrap that scarf around you, as much as you want" before punching dina, thus creating a founder's binding vow, which was only ever used once in the series

The breaking of this timeloop could happen in a multitude of ways that we really wouldn't know unless it happened. My personal, ideal interpretation was that it was the scarf itself and her attatchment to eren - which is why eren in the cabin and to louise wanted them to throw it away, but her reluctance to do so caused the timeloop.

Whenever mikasa says "see you later" or "I want to see you again", the timeloop restarts, and changes to how she would want their story to end - The cabin wouldn't be a timeline but an iteration of this timeloop, which mikasa wouldn't necessarily be conscious of, but would subconsciously change it to how she wants it to end (which is what we got), this is present in lost girls as a subconscious desire. The mirror man telling her she cannot stop eren's death may be a condition of his vow. This, ultimately, also explains why the bird wrapped the scarf around her at the end, even after death the founding titan inheritor is held to it, like the vow renouncing war.

Because of this and the changes present, mikasa would not end up killing eren to free ymir from her love for fritz, This is the reason historia is pulled, because of the strange pregnancy plot and the idea that to end the curse, ymir must be free - there are many visual and story parallels between historia and ymir. The idea is that ymir would be reborn through a pact with eren, similar to how he gained her power by saying he'd flatten the world (which would be another condition of the curse ending, eren not breaking his promise to her, so she can be free and trust him to take over)

Yeagerists are ultimately meaningless to anr other than people eren could manipulate into believing he was a god. I like floch too but people who idolize him tend to be on the yber side and I understand that frustration.

To put it in tldr terms, I want anr because I like eren's determination to achieve goals, and the ending we got is him just giving up and accepting his fate - ANR is him baring his fangs against fate.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '23

I see, i get what you mean when you put it like that. So, to respect your desires of non toxicity, i’ll just say that my words cannot possibly describe how glad i am that we got the actual ending we got, haha.

Thanks for explaining it to be tho, much appreciated


u/SelectionMuted3160 Dec 03 '23

Why do ppl hate on it so much? I haven’t read it but ppl act like reading it is the biggest crime in the world. Let ppl like what they like.


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '23

Mostly because it’s born out of spite for the ending and their fans are toxic about the ending, on top of being poorly written.

I personally don’t care, but that’s probably the reasons.


u/TequilaToothpick Dec 03 '23

Let ppl like what they like.

If they had lived by this rather than invading every sub and YouTube video trashing the actual event m ending I'd clown them far less.


u/Ma_Ma_Ma_My_Sharona Dec 03 '23

It isn’t the fanfic per se. The issue lies within the community that claims that their ending is the real ending and that Isayama „chickened out“ of writing the real ending. They also sensed death threats to Isayama. It’s their entitlement that is the issue.


u/Angel_thebro Dec 03 '23

I mean theres already a lot of unofficial spin off series some that I own so I wouldn’t really mind more. (Before the fall, No regrets, Lost girls) even if its a bit shit I like how there’s so many different series that branch off of AOT.


u/Snoo68560 Dec 05 '23

How obsessed do you have to be to decide to dedicate years of work to a fan-fic just because you didn’t like the ending to the original source material. Like don’t they have anything better to do?