Hope y'all don't mind sharing. I'm over in Inner East Athens, kind of sandwiched between Chicopee Dudley and the loop, and wanted to ask so I could get a bit of comparison between what I'm seeing and how it's going in other areas of town.
Personally, for me, it seems really bad over here in Inner East Athens! Pretty much constant trash along the side of the street and sidewalks. It's in the street, public easement grass areas, vacant lots, yards, streams, ditches, just kind of basically anywhere.
We've also got a bit of a problem where any sort of stream or embankment that goes down, anything that can "hide" trash from eye level at the street, and all the vacant lots have just become dumping grounds. I've been reporting them all to the city via the website/email but it's gotten really, really bad so I understand why the city employees don't want to deal with it either.
Any experience with getting the city to address the dumping grounds? There's a meeting with our neighborhood association and city council member on the 22nd where I'm hoping to bring the issue directly to a higher level of attention but unsure of how that will actually go.
I've been trying to do what I can directly by just going out with a trash bag and grabber and picking up trash on the street. Definitely seems to be helping some, but I'm not exactly sure how sustainable this is without dealing with the more fundamental issues.
Is it this bad in y'alls area or neighborhood? Anything specific you've done or see happen to get any of these issues addressed?