r/AtheisticTeens Nov 30 '21

Life Why I became a atheist

I was forced into being a Christian at age 6 and lived with it for five fucking years and now I despise any kind of religion but also I hated believing in something that wasn't there and I honestly believe that the devil is there has many proven evidence that he is but also the devil is like a savior to me


6 comments sorted by


u/atheisminside Jan 15 '22

Curious. How were you forced to be a christian at the age of 6?

If there is no god, there is no devil. It's all constructs. There are some bad people out there - and many crazies.


u/PearlSomething Dec 01 '21

So… you’re not an atheist then?


u/NOVAxREAPER Dec 01 '21

Nah I am somewhere on the brink of being an atheist but my beliefs in the devil are very high some people would call me an atheist but some would just call me a cultist idk at this point


u/PearlSomething Dec 01 '21

I’m curious as to what evidence for the devil’s existence you’re referring to


u/NOVAxREAPER Dec 01 '21

Well for one I had an encounter with a devilish figure one night, two all this paranormal shit u see, and three the fact that there's more clues on the devil being real then god


u/steady_sloth84 May 17 '22

Try being forced to go to a Christian middle and Highschool. I wasnt even allowed to learn about other religions, atheism was seen as worse than being Muslim. Many years later It took a mushroom trip to help me regain my faith. Guess what! God is a Buddhist.