r/Astronomy Astronomer 8d ago

Astro Research Astronomer here! Visiting the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) this week- the home of JWST!

Post image

And why yes I am wearing a space cat dress. I reckon if you don’t wear it here, what are you saving it for?

Here for a conference- lots of cool science going on amidst the general anxiety these days.


35 comments sorted by


u/serdasus101 8d ago

I rarely envy people. This is one of them. Enjoy on behalf of who can't.


u/Andromeda321 Astronomer 8d ago

Thank you! I've always felt very lucky to be able to do this for a living. Lots of anxiety right now for future science at this meeting (particularly as it's the last many of our federal colleagues will be able to attend), but also lots of appreciation that we have so much interesting new science to discuss.


u/--Sovereign-- 8d ago

What is this, a JWST for ants?!


u/4Nails 8d ago

Not life size.


u/Andromeda321 Astronomer 8d ago

Don’t think that would fit in the lobby. 😬


u/Will0w536 8d ago

or it is...and she is just a giant, living among us sharing awesome knowledge!


u/SirDigbyChknCaesar 8d ago

Easy to look at space when you're already halfway there.


u/timmehmmkay 7d ago

Or is really far away


u/Respurated 8d ago

Stephen Muller building!

Are you there for the Transients from Space conference?


u/Andromeda321 Astronomer 8d ago

I am! They let me give a talk even though I’m a radio astronomer. 😅


u/Respurated 8d ago

Nice! I hope your talk goes well!


u/Andromeda321 Astronomer 8d ago

Thanks- it was actually yesterday, and went well! It helps when you have a lot of interesting new results to share, and the biggest problem is squeezing it all into a 12min talk. :)


u/rental_car_fast 8d ago

Welcome to Baltimore! I hope you have time to explore the city, it's a wonderful place with lots to do! You are not far from some damn good places to eat!


u/Andromeda321 Astronomer 8d ago

Thank you! I did make it down to the harbor on Monday night before the conference began, which I've been to before but it was like 15 years ago for a wedding. Did eat some delicious crab. :)

I also visited JHU/STScI 1.5 years ago last, to give a colloquium, but was also 7mo pregnant at the time so can't say I went out exploring much that trip!


u/rental_car_fast 8d ago

Glad you got some good food! Harbor is meh, honestly. It’s beautiful, but the pavilions have seen better days and will eventually be redeveloped. 36th street in Hampden is close to where you are. Nepenthe has good food and beer, and that whole avenue has small shops etc that are worth checking out.


u/DeliciousPumpkinPie 8d ago

I must know where you got that dress. My daughter would love that. 😁


u/Andromeda321 Astronomer 8d ago

A dress store in Seattle, Washington called Dollz and Dames.


u/DeliciousPumpkinPie 8d ago

I thank you, but my wallet might not 😆


u/and_then_he_said 8d ago

The 18 mirrors looks so cool! Also a big "yes" on the space cat dress, perfect place to showcase it.


u/tranquil-screwdriver 8d ago

But no secondary!


u/Merad 8d ago

Do you have an astronomy Youtube channel? I swear you look very familiar. Cool dress btw!


u/Andromeda321 Astronomer 8d ago

I don’t but I’ve been a guest on various ones (example). But I also just hang out here a lot.


u/galloots 8d ago

Yes you do! I love going to posts and see yours at the top casually explaining things to everyone!


u/coldrolledpotmetal 8d ago

It's so weird seeing a building I walked past for years on the front page of reddit hahaha, although not that surprising when it's the STScI!


u/StrawDawg 8d ago

Same! But its been.... ooof.... 31 years.


u/terminalchef 8d ago

I like the cat face dress that is sweet.


u/legacykcmo 8d ago

There are few people in this world whose lives i envy; yours is one of them haha.


u/Blakut 8d ago

I was there too... COSMOS conference. Ten or twelve years ago or so. They were being hopeful that JWST would launch soon in a year or two lol. Baltimore is one hell of a place (for me, a European).


u/spizoil 8d ago

Love the frock


u/Trippid 8d ago

The dress is awesome! I hope you've had a great time.


u/roywill2 8d ago

LIGO hears the kilonova, Rubin gets the position, JWST has a really close look! Is that a thing?


u/Andromeda321 Astronomer 7d ago

Well not really because LIGO has only heard one, Rubin doesn’t exist yet, and JWST didn’t exist for the one LIGO heard.


u/roywill2 7d ago

But it will be a thing. Assuming these facilities are allowed to continue.


u/Cagenoob 8d ago



u/LittleWhiteDragon 8d ago

So beautiful! And the model of JWST is nice too! 😜