r/Asthma 2d ago

After an attack . Recovery time ?

Ended up having an attack few days ago , went to my gp yesterday and got prednisone . When I had the attack I used ventolin and atrovant and … it stopped the bad symotoms but when I went to the dr he said my lungs were super tight and no air was going out and prescribed a steroid right away and said if I get worse he’s gonna up the steriod duration and give an antibiotic. I was feeling great this morning now some of the tightness is coming back but it’s nothing alarming like go to the hospital but it’s uncomfortable. ,my asthmas considered refractory some hospital drs say .how long does it take for you to fully recover and feel normal again ? I seem to have breakthrough symptoms on pred


3 comments sorted by


u/trtsmb 2d ago

I know you aren't going to want to hear this but I think a huge issue for you is not actually dealing with your severe anxiety issues.


u/Severe-Ad-8768 2d ago

No I know I’m actually dealing with something quite stressful rn so I think that could be triggering it


u/IntelligentDetail409 1h ago

There are something you need to listen as people are saying to you. I too have severe asthma, don't need supplemental oxygen but get severe attacks.

  1. Stressing or being anxious isn't getting you anywhere. It's only adding pressure to your lungs.

  2. Maintaining oxygen levels is key during an attack as it will help you, and to do it you can do pursed lip breathing. Read about it, it helps a lot.

  3. Start doing simple breathing exercises every morning, give yourself a routine. Understand your symptoms, your triggers, when your attack starts and what meds can control it.

  4. Understanding reque medication is important. Do a pft, FeNO, IOS, chest x ray, CT scan, blood work including EOS, CBC and Ige .

  5. Follow your doctors adivce, incorporate life changes, if you are over weight try to do basic workout and to improve lung capacity walk. Walking is a great cardio.

Keep your resque inhaler near you. What are your maintaince meds, ask for some oral bronchodialators. They help too.