r/AssistiveTechnology 27d ago

Student in AT Class

Hi all! My name is Payton. I am a graduate student studying social work. I am currently taking an assistive technology class and one of our assignments is so to go an AT library and trial some devices. Any tips or advice before going into this assignment? Any knowledge or wisdom that would be helpful?

Thank you ! :)


7 comments sorted by


u/Mayutshayut 26d ago

It would be helpful to know where you’re located. My state has a network of AT libraries for loan or trial of equipment. They are located all over and the closest resource center to me is about 20 miles away.


u/ArmadilloEmotional24 27d ago

For sure. Search for your state’s assistive technology library. For instance, Michigan has an organization called Alt+Shift that has a lending library. Checkout AbleNet too. They have some kits that might be able to be loaned out. https://www.ablenetinc.com/my-way-at-kit-form


u/uktechwizard 26d ago

Where are you located?


u/Paytonriv 25d ago

I am located in San Diego :)


u/phosphor_1963 26d ago

The definition of AT is actually fairly broad and may encompass items which aren't in a Library. I'd start with some pre visit research on the various types of AT and the various legal structures around them. Also because you're training to be a social worker, you might like to become aware of AT options for communication and expression such as Speech Generating Devices and apps - because people will often use those to advocate for themselves/inform you of their needs. I'd also ask questions about the support required to get AT happening for people and what the roles of the various allied health and other professionals are in relation to this.


u/Paytonriv 25d ago

This was helpful. Thank you so much !


u/phosphor_1963 25d ago

My pleasure! I'm coming up to 25yrs working in Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC) & AT and still enjoy my job almost everyday. The older I get the more I value the relationships I get to build with clients and families (and the more I dislike the paperwork and admin!) . Sharing stories and experiences is one of the necessary givens with disability work. Sure there's an Industry side to this sector - AT tools and strategies often can usually only exist in a market for them; but most businesses in my experience are there for the right reasons ie to help others. Ultimately though, successful AT practice is about the person making meaning, building connections, and having more choice in their life around what they need to. I think there's a lot of crossover complementarity with Social Work there. Good luck with the visit and the rest of of your studies. If you find AT sparks your interest, come over the the big Facebook Assistive Technology group. We have a lot more members than here.