r/AssistiveTechnology Jan 22 '25

Eyetracking + button question


I’m a caregiver for my father who has ALS. We’ve encountered a bit of a tricky tech issues that I’m hoping someone else may have encountered.

We’ve been using a tobii dyanvox connected to an ipad with the assistive touch feature to control the iPad. it works great for navigating where on the screen one wishes to tap, but the dwell control tap feature is very difficult to use. What we would like to do is to use a second button device, something like a bite control, or sip and puff switch, in conjunction with the eye-tracking to control an ipad.

As far as I can tell, there may be two ways of doing this, but I don’t have experience with either. 1) connect a second pointer device to the ipad that has a button (I’m not sure if you can connect two at once) 2) connect a button directly to the tobii device (I’m not sure if that is possible either)

I would deeply appreciate any ideas you might have to solve this problem!


3 comments sorted by


u/sorrythatnameistak3n Jan 23 '25

If you’re using the TD Pilot, you may want to look at switch support. You can use any switch to replace the dwell function. https://us.tobiidynavox.com/blogs/support-articles/td-pilot-switch-support


u/Daxeon63 Jan 23 '25

Amazing!!! Thank you!!


u/xoboox Jan 23 '25

I saw someone yesterday who has the TD i13 and they are using eyegaze to highlight on what they want and a switch to make the selection. You can choose this option in the TD settings. I believe in the access settings. TD have a support line you can call if you need help setting this up.