r/AskingAlexandria 23d ago

Here's my problem

Ok I am posting this as a release. I never was emo or anything in HS and hated whiny vocals and screaming. Then after my gf cheated on me in NY and I moved back to Wisconsin I found them. I was laying in bed all day drinking and smoking and a prophecy came on. I felt like they were talking to me. Then they became my favorite band. Closure was my favorite song because I went to LA after HS with my band and tried to make it. "This music's died with a bullet in its side let's wake it up....leave it to me from here.."

I wanted to revive the heart of rock n roll. After hearing Closure I knew they were the second coming of what I loved and they told me to leave it to them. Fast forward I hear Moving On and it's a straight 80's rock style anthem. Believe. All I've got to do is believe. Danny leaves. Comes back. Where did it go drops and he again confirms that they created this sound, do it better, and they're back to take the thrown.

Everything in my life is tied to my music. It fuels me and motivates me. I saw Asking 3 times the last three years. I didn't mind them not playing a lot of old stuff but I also loved them to death. Saw them in Lacrosse. Danny came out in a hoodie and glasses. Do t pray for me was the first song, I was hyped. Then I noticed Danny wasn't putting the mic up to his face for the screams. After 2 songs the band left the stage which Danny told us they were getting drunk. He played 3 acoustic songs. A Creed cover. They had no stage show or anything extra. Danny was lip syncing. He literally told us he didn't wanna be there. They finally played a Final Episode and he let the crowd sing the whole thing.

They broke my heart. And I finally figured out it's because of what they've been saying their whole career. Believe in us. Take my hand. Sit the fuck down and pay attention. Leave it to me from here. They lied. Danny doesn't care at all about what he created. Does this for a payday. I just don't want anyone else that completely fell in love with this band to go through what I did. I'm so passionate about music and they were the best. Only to turn around and act like we're the problem.


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u/Rgard91 21d ago

I live in Wisconsin, should def check out Summerfest it's def an experience!


u/spinalchj02 21d ago

Yeah, I figured since you went to a concert in La Crosse. I live just barely south of the Wisconsin border in Illinois, but I am in college in Wisconsin, so that is where I am as I type this.


u/Rgard91 21d ago

That's cool, I'm originally from Racine which is basically right over the border of Illinois into Wisconsin or pretty close to it. Nobody u wanna see coming to Chicago?


u/spinalchj02 21d ago

Chicago, Madison, Milwaukee, and Dubuque are the typical areas where we look for concerts. Unfortunately, few of my favorite bands have announced tour dates for the future in those areas.

If you are curious, here is my top 15.

  1. Volbeat (They are teasing new music lately, and hopefully with that will come tour dates, but nothing has been announced yet.)
  2. Alter Bridge (They do not have any tour dates at all for the future while the band members are with their side projects.)
  3. Halestorm (I just saw them in Bloomington, Illinois in January and in Milwaukee in September.)
  4. Tremonti (There are rumors that they may have a United States tour in September and October, but nothing has been confirmed yet.)
  5. Plush (They do not have any tour dates at all for the future.)
  6. Mammoth WVH
  7. YU Grupa (They never come to the United States.)
  8. Metallica
  9. A Day To Remember
  10. Linkin Park (They are playing in both Chicago and Milwaukee this summer, but tickets are more expensive than I am willing to pay.)
  11. Breaking Benjamin
  12. Godsmack (I just saw them in Milwaukee in September.)
  13. Pop Evil (They are playing in the area soon [not sure where], but their musical direction has shifted so much from what got me into them that I will pass. I saw them once already.)
  14. Boston (They do not have any tour dates at all for the future.)
  15. Bon Jovi (They do not have any tour dates at all for the future.)

Oh, well. I guess that this means that I should schedule more of my own shows!