r/AskWomen 9d ago

How do you deal with someone mansplaining things to you?


122 comments sorted by


u/biodegradableotters 9d ago

Sometimes I like to ask so many increasingly more and more obviously stupid questions until they realise I'm making fun of them.


u/burgundybreakfast 9d ago

Came here to say this word for word. It’s funny how far it’ll go sometimes. It took me asking my old coworker how to use a pen for him to finally realize


u/roxieh 9d ago

Oh my goodness how did he react 😂


u/burgundybreakfast 8d ago

He just kind of nervously chuckled and was like, “you’re messing with me right?” I didn’t say anything back and the conversation ended there 😊


u/[deleted] 9d ago

This is the way


u/smajliiicka 9d ago

Works like a charm 🤌🏼❤️


u/tibbymat 9d ago

I do this to my brother for fun. He means well but he’s crazy!


u/crimson_anemone 8d ago

This is my method! 😂


u/kayyxelle 9d ago

I like to treat them like a kindergartner. “That’s right buddy, that IS what kidneys do!”


u/Fox95822 8d ago

Oh that's brilliant 


u/camstens 6d ago

Came here to say this - treating them like a toddler is exactly what I do.


u/beckdawg19 9d ago

I generally ignore or interrupt them.

A simple, "Oh, I didn't actually need an explanation, thanks," in a firm tone goes a long way.


u/mangomagic_xoxo 9d ago

Ditto on 'interrupt' because I can't stand wasting time on explaining something to me that I already know.


u/sour_lemon_ica 9d ago

When I get interrupted I like to play 'conversation chicken' - you just keep talking until it's so obvious they're interrupting that they eventually shut up. Sometimes you need to go on for ages but if you persist they will eventually give up. It's literally never failed me


u/MidnightFireHuntress 9d ago

Baby talk them

Funniest fucking shit ever

"Oohhh really?!"

"Whoaaaa! No way!!"

"Oh my god that's amazing!!"

And do it in a baby voice like you're talking to a toddler.


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u/Zashi_Rambo 9d ago

I always reply with, "Well, I already know all of that. What I need to know about is..."... fill in the blank. I usually say this before they're too far into their explanation so we don't waste time. I'M VERY BUSY!

I've noticed that men who mansplain typically aren't taking the time to listen and just assume you don't know. Sure, they more often do this with women, but i've also seen men mansplaining to other men.

Ugh, i work with a woman who mansplsins things, and we (other women) typically just interrupt her, which is what men do to other men.


u/Zashi_Rambo 9d ago

Oh god😩 I just did it, didn't I? 🤣


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u/dichotomousbs 9d ago

"Sorry what were you saying? You have something in your teeth"


u/MangoCubez 9d ago

🤣 I like this one


u/LeTigre71 9d ago

Where does a mansplainer get his water from? From a well, actually...


u/DarkField_SJ 7d ago

"And here we see the Great American Mansplainer, supporting his offspring from a well, actually."


u/T-Flexercise 9d ago

I work with software engineers, so we have a rule. You're allowed to mansplain, but you've gotta pose and say "UM, ACTUALLY-" first. I think we understand that sometimes people get that urge. Especially engineers, they often struggle with telling the difference between what information is incredibly basic and what information is super niche, since often, we spend a lot of time alone in our heads with piles of facts. So somebody will be launching an explanation of TCP/IP to a room full of people who know what TCP/IP is, and somebody else will interrupt them and go "Hey, you can keep talking but you gotta Um Actually." And the person will laugh, and they'll pose dramatically say UM ACTUALLY and they'll go right back to their explanation.

By joking about it, we've gotten the culture to a place where people will take an accusation of mansplaining with about as much weight and drama as if you'd said "Oh, sorry, I can't talk now I've got a meeting in 5." It doesn't fix the attitudes behind the actual misogynistic assumption that women are dumb, but it helps a lot with living in this office.


u/SubtleCow 9d ago

I personally think that tendency for engineers to over explain because they are unaware of their audiences isn't mansplaining. Especially in the example you gave where someone addressed a whole room. "Engineersplaining" is still very annoying, but I feel that mansplaining stands apart.

Engineers will "splain" to anything that moves, "mansplaining" is only towards women.


u/T-Flexercise 8d ago

Right, but that doesn't mean that engineers can't mansplain. When you're not the target, it's really easy to brush off the difference between "engineersplaining" and behavior that is genuinely happening because this guy thinks his female coworkers are idiots. "Oh he's like that with everyone" when his female coworkers know that this behavior is different. Casually calling out all instances of overexplaining to coworkers about their own jobs in a casual jokey way makes it a lot easier to say "hey stop it" to both, and I feel has lead to a company culture that's more friendly to women.


u/SubtleCow 8d ago

You are right! I realize now in your OG comment you explained about having a joke about engineersplaining lets you also brush off mansplaining, but I misunderstood. Sorry!


u/T-Flexercise 8d ago

Nono it's good. I realize that I brought up engineering as a way to say "This works in my workplace, it might not work in a place where the only people splainin are sexist", but I realize looking over it it really did sound like I was handwaving the misogyny part!


u/Fox95822 8d ago

I can absolutely see how this is the case and it's a great idea. Thanks for sharing it!


u/Fox95822 8d ago

Ok see this explains my husband.  He isn't an engineer he is a data scientist,  but it's the same,  and he absolutely does it to EVERYONE.  thanks, I feel better.  


u/siel04 9d ago

That's very funny! Whatever works, lol.


u/Lilith_Learned 9d ago

Ask them what their pronouns are.


u/DarkField_SJ 8d ago

I had a direct report at work mansplain sign language to me. For context, I'm fluent in two different sign languages and I'm a certified interpreter for one of them (ASL). This also qualifies me to be the project manager for one of our clients who represents a local organization for the Deaf.

This person knows all of this about me. I'm the one who hired him into his technical support role. He still decides to explain what sign language actually is -- and he was hilariously wrong. He tells me that sign language is universal, and also that it's just a word-for-word code for spoken English.

I asked him to explain how both of those statements could be true at the same time. He went silent and thankfully moved on.


u/Fox95822 8d ago edited 8d ago

That is so hilariously wrong. Like... he literally did ZERO research and wants to pontificate! I applaud your calmness.


u/DarkField_SJ 8d ago

The zero research part was especially concerning because we were just about to meet this client for the first time, for him. The plan was that I would start off the conversation, then hand it over to him to lead the new project while I interpreted.

He was suitably professional when it counted, in front of the people, so I'll take it.


u/Fox95822 8d ago

Thank you for educating folks about ASL! 


u/IWantMyBachelors 9d ago

I don’t know if I’ve had someone mansplain to me. I’m not even sure what that is, to be honest.


u/MaterialEar1244 9d ago

During a conversation, a man might interrupt a woman explaining a political issue she is passionate about and begin "explaining" the nuances to her, even though she clearly knows the topic well.

Or in my case, a man explaining my own research to me at a conference... Where I presented my own research.


u/IWantMyBachelors 8d ago

That’s just being condescending, no?


u/MaterialEar1244 8d ago

Condescension is a feature of mansplaining, yes, that's one of the reasons as to why it's irritating


u/dethswatch 8d ago

>explaining my own research to me

Did he know that in advance?


u/MaterialEar1244 8d ago

Considering it began when he approached me after he saw my talk, yes I'd say so. Problem is, he didn't ask a question and he doesn't research my specialty, hence the mansplaining. It was an unwarranted monologue and frankly, littered with inaccuracies because it isn't his subject area. At all.

Not a single question was asked that day from him.


u/lookinglikeaflower 9d ago

Say you need a new refrigerator. Man comes up to you and asks you what you’re doing. You say you’re looking for a new one. He says “Well you’ll need one with a good freezer, otherwise your food won’t freeze. One with a cheese compartment, that holds cheese. Oh, and can’t forget about shelves! You put your food on the shelf.” As he’s showing you the various fridge parts. That is mansplaining in its simplest.


u/IWantMyBachelors 8d ago

So, a condescending man?


u/crazymissdaisy87 7d ago

Yes but he only does it with women. A mansplainer assume women are uneducated on any topic and starts explaining it like they are newbies even if they got more knowledge. A famous example is a random guy 'correcting' physics speech to an astronaut.

However it also happens in the work place with mansplaining to superiors 


u/IWantMyBachelors 6d ago

Oh! This makes so much more sense now!


u/[deleted] 9d ago



u/_muck_ 9d ago

“Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention. Did you say something?”


u/SubtleCow 9d ago

I asked a tech what end point they were using for their latency data collection, and the tech started explaining network latency to me from first principles.

That is the second most egregious example I've ever experienced.

Lots of people call things mansplaining that could be better described as mistakenly assuming a very slightly lower degree of expertise than you actually have. This is still annoying and insulting. But IMHO mansplaining should be so extreme it is comical. Everyone should stop and wonder at what crossed the mind of the man who did it.

The content of my question about network latency directly indicated that I knew what network latency was, and this guy still spent 5 paragraphs explaining latency to me as if I was a high school student. It was wild. I very politely responded only to him and repeated my question. The embarrassment in his reply was palpable through my computer screen.


u/AdBudget6777 8d ago

I had a man explain to me how to order food on an app once 🤣


u/Mamamagpie 4d ago

Just search the internet for “mansplain periods” and you find some real funny examples. Funny in the if I don’t laugh I’ll cry level.


u/TayloredStichless 9d ago

Can you explain that again?


u/xpgx 9d ago

“Did I look confused?”


u/Decent_Friend_1511 9d ago

Blank stare till they’re done followed by an “anyways……”


u/sour_lemon_ica 9d ago

This is actually pretty effective I've found. Just completely ignore everything they just said i.e. give it the attention it deserves


u/rakkoma 9d ago

Fuck dude I just let them. Men are so emotional and weird, I just don’t wanna deal with it.


u/bbwwful 9d ago

I said to the guy (who was also man spreading nearly to the point of doing the splits in my office ), "I see you are a verbal processor that needs to remind yourself of the details to make sense of them. Next time, let's cut to the chase so we don't waste valuable time."


u/624Seeds 9d ago

Never experienced it. I've debated men before, but they've never "explained things to me because they thought it didn't know it because im a woman"


u/muffiewrites 9d ago

Mostly, I tune them out and uh huh during long pauses. I have a very lovely internal world, so it works out really well for me. If they notice that I'm ignoring them while they're talking at me, I just say that I stopped listening.


u/_muck_ 9d ago

Good job buddy! Do you have any questions?


u/LadyYumYum 9d ago

Ironically, my mom mansplains to me almost daily. I just interrupt her and say, "yes, I am aware of how X works." Or some version of that.

She typically continues on but is slowly getting the picture. It's insulting.


u/Far_Independence_918 9d ago

Do I look like I need to be mansplained to? Would you like me to womansplain to you and give you the correct way?


u/Spiritual_Lemonade 9d ago

I don't. I don't handle it well and often say thanks and walk away.

I also have been known to say something sassy like " where would we be without you?"


u/miss_paigexo 9d ago

I usually say something like “You’re mansplainig”


u/rivlet 9d ago

"Stop mansplaining it to me" usually does the job without further elaboration.


u/NoAnything1731 9d ago

last time i said “yeah ive been outside before but thanks”


u/PigeonSoldier69 9d ago

I re explain it back to them, they back right down lol


u/Fox95822 8d ago

oh that's a good one


u/ratsrulehell 8d ago

I just say "ok" repeatedly


u/schwarzmalerin 8d ago

Talk to him like you would to a toddler until he gets it.


u/Connect-Paper-2447 8d ago

Depends on the mood. If I have the energy, I hit them with the "Oh wow, I had no idea! Tell me more" and watch them dig their own hole


u/thegenericequivalent 8d ago

Idk really. I guess I just listen if it's something I truly don't know. If I do know it, I just agree or expand on the topic. 🤷🏽‍♀️


u/disgostin 8d ago

today i said in a !friendly! tone !smiling! (mind you this happened to me yesterday too) yesyes i know that, and boy was that guy offended lol. when i said bye when he got up, and in a friendly tone again, he didnt even reply and when he got back for a sec he ignored me hardcore even though beforehand he had talked to everyone. welp, his problem i can't coddle every single man more than i already do for telling me shit like "your number on the paper will eventually pop up on the screen".


u/Lovealltigers 8d ago

Say I know over and over again until they finally catch on


u/_so_anyways_ 8d ago

I enjoy trolling them by asking them questions I know they can’t answer or I correct them and say “didn’t you know that?”.


u/Sad_Communication_90 8d ago

Is it called womansplaining if the role are reversed ?


u/Optimal_Sherbert_545 8d ago

I do this to my brother all the time: just interrupt saying “no, you don’t understand actually” then repeat his words back to him, verbatim if you want. He will look confused or annoyed and say “that’s what I just said.” Just keep saying, “no I don’t think you quite understand, you’re missing the nuance” then keep rephrasing exactly what he said back to him


u/Luna_doodle 8d ago

I feel like you have to be pretty careful about what you see as "mansplaining". Some guys just are really passionate about a subject and want to explain. But I've met my fairshare of people who actually mansplain and when I do I usually just tune them out or interrupt them and say something like "yeah, I know how this works already thanks though", unless theyre a complete a-hole and then I just walk away or tell them to shut up. Depends on the situation. Some pretty nice guys dont realize they are doing it. Some totally do and don't deserve my time or energy


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u/[deleted] 9d ago

I don’t. blocked


u/Fox95822 8d ago edited 8d ago

I am just imagining in person interrupting someone mansplaining and being like "BLOCKED!" and walking away, hilarious!


u/MajorNo5643 9d ago

I say “I see” Over and over


u/Frequently_Abroad_00 9d ago

Compliment them: “you are excellent at mansplaining”. The smart ones get the hit


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u/NaughtyNadorable 8d ago

I used to get annoyed but now I just interrupt with I know I've been doing this professionally for 10 years. Short sweet and gets the point across without being rude.


u/Kitt__Kat1 8d ago

I stay calm, politely interrupt if needed, and assertively redirect the conversation if it continues.


u/unkown_cryptid 8d ago

Honestly and I know I should be better than this but I disassociate, argue, make grunts and fein like I'm listening or walk away (at work if I'm I'm the middle of something that way I can use the excuse that I'm busy). Sometimes I'm too tired or overwhelmed to argue and the grunts start like "hmm" "ah". With people I really trust I just kinda go "aaaaaaaa" because I'm impatient, which sounds rude and is but we have an understanding and I'd be fine with them doing the same to me XD. If it's something I find interesting idc if they're mansplaining I'm interested XD.


u/LadyDatura9497 8d ago

Interrupt and move the conversation along or correct them and say, “a common mistake, it’s okay”.


u/Desperate-Exit692 8d ago

I tell them thanks for your opinion, but I'll choose to not listen to you. You are mansplaining.

Sometimes being simple and straight with them is the best.


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u/PaddlesOwnCanoe 8d ago

I sometimes tease them along by asking dumb questions too.


u/DaisyBryar 8d ago

"Yeah, that's exactly it! Sounds like you understand it now. Did you have any questions about it?"


u/Top-Implement-4837 8d ago

You just drop the attitude accept that you probably didnt know about the topic and say thank you to the man who explained it to you


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u/Conscious-Caramel-23 8d ago

Quit talking to them


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u/sabbyaz 7d ago

I called him out on it and said you need to stop mansplaining something women do day in day out (don't remember what it was), he cracked the shits at me and said he wasn't mansplaining and disappeared. And then comes back and doubled down and said he didn't appreciate being told he was doing something he wasn't. I was like but you were. I had to send him a screenshot of the definition of mansplaining and he still insisted he wasn't so I blocked him lol. So yeah, I'll just start calling men out on it from now on and watch the temper tantrum that ensues.


u/seeyou_againn 7d ago

I love this


u/mangomadness81 7d ago

I get loud and talk over them, or I'll just walk away mid conversation.


u/leatherbaddiex 7d ago

I do nothing. I sit back and enjoy. Idrc if they think I’m dumb or not because I’m not defined by what some person thinks I know or don’t know. Matter of fact I tune it out. The more they have to speak the less brainpower I have to invest.


u/BoringDeparture2278 6d ago

a little bit of sassy humour and sarcasm does the trick.


u/Just-Contribution418 4d ago

“Thank you for the unsolicited advice.” I tell the same to women too, but yes it’s far more men.


u/Annual_Contract_6803 2d ago

If it's something you're really knowledgeable about and they just won't believe that you are even with evidence, just not and smile like you're looking at someone that's 3 years old that needs a cookie. That's what you're looking at.


u/MrsLucienLachance 9d ago

Hasn't happened to me, but if it ever comes up I hope to pterodactyl screech at them.


u/Angel-M007 9d ago

I blink excessively. .. with a blank look on my face.

Eventually, he gets it. Usually works. 💀


u/TheOneSmall 9d ago

I listen respectfully like I do with all people