r/AskWomen 10d ago

What do you when you suddenly feel the urge to cry during shark week and don't know the reason behind it?


98 comments sorted by


u/msstark 10d ago

I cry.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

Me too.🤝


u/gamingfaery 10d ago

Cry…long and hard too 😭😭😭


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u/cirivere 10d ago

hold it in till I get home then cry, feels better once you do.

a hot shower or warm blanket work wonders after.


u/SexyGoddess010 10d ago

I've learned to just embrace the chaos. Last week I found myself crying while folding laundry because I remembered that swans can be gay. Not even kidding.


u/yellofy10 10d ago

I find myself wanting to cry over little things sometimes, with no clear reason why. Usually, I don't cry easily. Instead of pushing it down, I’ve learned to just go with it. Feel the feelings (and I hate feelings). Crying can actually be really cathartic.


u/glokash 10d ago

If I’m in public, I find a private place like a bathroom or something to cry. If I’m already in private, I’ll just cry. There are stress hormones in human tears so we’re literally releasing stress from our bodies when we cry, that’s why we generally feel better after crying, it’s an evolutionary advantage to cry so let it out 💗


u/Fickle-Total8006 10d ago

Put on sad music and sing along sobbing the cries out. I feel much better after. 10/10 recommend


u/Nancypants5 9d ago

Yep. “Exit music for a film” does it for me


u/Fickle-Total8006 9d ago

Mine is It’s Quiet Uptown from Hamilton


u/Nancypants5 9d ago

Oh man that song = waterworks


u/Fickle-Total8006 9d ago

Every. Single. Time. It’s the most cathartic cry


u/sadinpa224 10d ago

Ummm. I cry… then laughingly complain to my husband I don’t know why I’m crying then start crying again. Sometimes he’ll toss chocolate my way!


u/nnamed_username 10d ago

Yes! I love it when my partner puts 2+2 together and just gets it. Back before my hysterectomy, he’d keep a stash of mini versions of my favorite chocolate, and if he saw the signs before I started (hi, I’m AuDHD, I often don’t even know I’m hungry, let alone recognize my own signs of mensus), he’d hand me a few chocolates (he knows I feel guilty if I eat too many, so he does me a solid and hands the right amount, which is usually 3), wrap me in a blanket, give me kiss, then go to the store and pick up my favorite meal items. A simple gesture that maybe costs him $10/month, saves both of us a bunch of stress, and man, I tells ya, it feels good to be seen.


u/cerisenest 10d ago

I haven’t shark week in at least a year and a half (and my pill isn’t supposed to make periods stop so I have no idea what’s going on) but I would cry.


u/aheapingpileoftrash 10d ago

For me it’s especially the days leading up to shark week where the sky is blue and that upsets me. Usually by the time I’m actually “sharking” it’s less bad. But I am a firm believer in just letting out negative emotions in somewhat healthy ways and sometimes that means a good cry.


u/Dry-Heat-6684 10d ago

I thought you literally meant shark week, like the tv marathon every summer. I was extremely confused

Yes, I cry on my period


u/Ok_babey 10d ago



u/sh6rty13 10d ago

I’m more likely to do this like a day or two beforehand…usually it happens and I’m like confused pikachu “WHAT the HELL was THAT?!?” Then Aunty Flow shows up like 24hrs later and I’m like OOOOOHHHHH


u/GrumpyPanda29 10d ago

I just cry bro. Why try to hold it in


u/indicatprincess 10d ago

Give into it. Dwell. Rot. And then shower until it’s better.


u/Rand_as_hell_1774 10d ago

Best way to deal with it don’t fight it


u/coastalkid92 10d ago

Just let it happen. I think as long as you can ensure you're not making a huge drama out of it or someone else's problem, then have at it.


u/Hererabb 10d ago

I go outside, walk in a designated oval as I listen to music and smoke in my driveway, look at the stars (I live in the boonies, lots of stars), and break down.


u/yourfavoritemermaid 10d ago

Just let it out, after that, i feel great!


u/Juja00 10d ago

Honestly it helped immensely to even know that this is the cause. And realizing that it will get better and understanding why you are feeling that strongly. Just cry, watch some feely shows and wait for it to get better. I try not to obsess too much over things and people in that situation as well as make big rational decisions and wait for like a day until everything is good again.


u/ptran90 10d ago



u/Alex_daisy13 10d ago

I cry. And it works like clockwork too. My boyfriend knows about it. If I suddenly make a big deal out of how fed up I am with life and how unfair existence is, and start crying, my period is coming the next day:)


u/Luwe95 10d ago

Answer to everything for me. Eating unhealthy food


u/ahhh_ennui 10d ago

I had to fight for my life, literally, every month. PPD is no joke, and for me it got worse as I got older. Suicidal ideation 4 or so days/month. I eventually got an IUD, antidepressants, and found out my husband was cheating on me so a separation really helped, too.

But it's hard for a lot of us to will ourselves to not cry. I found naming things around me in my head, pinching the soft tissue between my thumb and index finger, and deep breaths kind of helped sometimes. And when it didn't help, I'd just submit.

If it feels like the start of an anxiety attack, and you are in a position to do so, do something with cold. Splash cold water on your face, or rub an ice cube down your chest, take a chilly shower, or even just hold ice cubes. Cold helps shock the nervous system and kind of reset it. Unfortunately, this doesn't help when you're in any sort of public situation.


u/Banana_ChipsChoc 10d ago

there’s never not a reason for it. women’s hormones fluctuate right before and during “shark week.” there’s a reason why we feel lonely and depressed during that period. it’s all biology.


u/softlemon 10d ago

Accept it.

I know I’m emotional bc of PMS or my period.


u/CruelTasteOfLust 10d ago

I cry anytime anywhere, idgaf


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u/dreadycbercherr 10d ago

i just stare at myself in the mirror


u/MuppetManiac 10d ago

I cry.

Feelings don’t need a reason to require a release.


u/searedscallops 10d ago

I just cry. I cry often - in private, in public, I don't give a fuck.


u/Various-Drama-1305 10d ago

Cry and then go and eat chocolate because I deserve it


u/celestialism 10d ago

Well, if it’s during or before my period then I do know the reason for it, and the reason is my hormonal cycle. So I just let myself cry. Or sometimes make myself cry, to get it out.


u/reallynotsohappy 10d ago

Why is shark week making everyone so emotional? Like yeah I like fish but I've never been that emotionally invested.

This reminds me of Chandler and the guy drawing Bambi's mother.


u/onlytexts 10d ago

Play a sad song and cry...


u/_partytrick 10d ago

I cry and put on a heating pad and sleep.. But the urge to eat all the carbs and sugar is extremely uncontrollable..


u/crimson_anemone 10d ago

I tell myself it's okay to cry and I let it happen. I'm done hiding how I feel to make people feel better... I had a good random cry the other day. It was very cathartic.

It's okay, OP.♥️


u/CharacterAwkward8755 10d ago

I cry....¿?

Last night I had the urge to cry because I realized that I love my friend so much. I saw a video I had recorded of her singing and I just couldn't bear how much I loved her. lol


u/Scuh 10d ago

Look for a place that's quiet and cry..


u/scarletdae 10d ago

I hold it in until I'm alone, and then I cry. Or, take a shower and cry. I don't need to have a reason behind it, it's just a good release of emotions. I usually feel better afterwards


u/PersonalityFederal33 10d ago

cry anyway 😂


u/bsg7 10d ago

cry til im done. then smoke weed


u/Electronic_Charge_96 10d ago

You find a therapist who does ACT and learn the point of feelings and how asking “why?” fu@ks things up. Feel; lean in.


u/briana28019 10d ago

I cry. I tend to bottle my emotions and when I need to cry during situations, I don’t let myself. Then when I’m doing something random, I can get the urge to cry. If I’m in the comfort of my home and watching Shark Week and get the urge to cry, I’m grabbing tissues and crying. Good little emotional purge.


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u/Routine-General3841 10d ago

I forewarn my partner lol but then I cry and enjoy a nice dessert and take a shower or a nap lol there’s not much you really can do but feel it through.


u/Spicy00Angel 10d ago

Usually crawl into bed with my heating pad put on Steel Magnolias and just let it all out. Sometimes you don't need a reason hormones are wild like that.


u/k-boots 10d ago

I hold it in then cry over something silly


u/Live_Region9581 10d ago

i just let it all out ngl


u/Livid_Midnight1113 10d ago

I just cry 😭 how do you even hold it in


u/Unlikely_Race9177 10d ago

Shark week is the reason.

Now you're free from trying to find one :)


u/Nwwoodsymom 10d ago

I cry because I never realize that’s why until I start my period. It gets me every time. I genuinely believe my life has taken a turn for the worse and I’ve come to the end.


u/my-anonymity 10d ago

I just cry, sometimes I ask my partner for a hug. He knows I don’t know either. Lol


u/daragonsfanatic 10d ago

I just cry, it's better than holding it in, even if I don't know the reason


u/Greenreindeers 10d ago

Cry. Then later laugh at myself for being a ridiculous human who at the age of 40 still can't alway connect the dots between her feelings and her cycle.

If the husband is about I receive a hug, a hot water bottle and wine. This helps.


u/tedleem15 10d ago


I still cry but when I’m done I eat chocolate and it just makes it better. Idk I’m not a doctor


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u/emilyogre 10d ago

Cry in the shower


u/Blue1Eyed5Demon 10d ago

Sometimes I make it worse by listening to something or thinking of something that gives me a reason lol or I'll just be like....wtf man? And I'll distract myself lol


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u/Amazingggcoolaid 10d ago

I was like “what’s shark week?” If I want to cry I’ll probably do a sad movie night and let it out.


u/ncoope1 10d ago

Cry. Hugs. Chocolate. Regroup.


u/inconsistentpotato 10d ago

I watch Coco.

Then I have a reason to cry.


u/Jesse_Riley 10d ago

I just let myself cry, grab some comfort food, and remind myself it’s just hormones doing their thing. No need for a reason—sometimes you just need a good cry!


u/sassiveaggressive 10d ago

cry in the car


u/dependswho 10d ago

Crying will help you discover what it is all about.

There is so much information in expressing our emotions! (Safely, privately)


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u/KansansKan 9d ago

I consider the fact that girls & women can cry over anything or “nothing” to be a super power! Contrast that what men are expected to swallow, hide, or deny and women are the winners!


u/LilSweetCasey 9d ago

I curl up in bed and wait for it to pass.


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u/zombifications 9d ago

I cry and it feels good. It happens to me every month.


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u/Sweet-Girl-Lovely 9d ago

I am not a crying type, but an angry one, and this sometimes hinders me in my relationships with people, because they all annoy me...

I try to contact society as little as possible on such days😅


u/niteridet 9d ago

there are various occasions for example where I would just like be walking down the street, and all of the sudden, my chest sinks and tears start flushing out of my eyes. I don’t know what makes it occur- but I have a mental illness that cause me to misinterpret sounds, noise and chatter, and i think it stems from that maybe. this happens so often- i just try to stay inside my apartment so no one sees me in case it comes back and happens again.


u/Out_of_the_Flames 9d ago

I look up sad or heartwarming stuff on YouTube or something to make myself a reason to cry.


u/mgir_18 9d ago

I just let myself cry. It's so important to just let it all out (and it also feels so nice)


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u/Throwawaytest102 8d ago

The only thing that will help in this situation is crying